NEKOPARA Vol. 0 Guide

Nekopara Vol.0 *nyan*cheivements for NEKOPARA Vol. 0

Nekopara Vol.0 *nyan*cheivements


So….the overwhelmingly positive rated Nekopara series has another entry on Steam,
but this one’s a prequel.

With 13 acheivements, they’re all pretty much easy to get,
since the achievement descriptions are pretty much self-explanatory…

This guide is merely here for those who want to see a guide. ( lol ) (*≧▽≦)

**This isn’t my first time making a Steam guide,
but it is my first time trying one with images & sections, so I hope it isn’t too bad.

If you think the images are too small, just click on it with the mouse, Steam should zoom on it.


Literally, just click the Game Start button at the main game menu.

The Game Start button beside the poster of all the catgirls & the imouto, mind you,
not the Play Now button through Steam.

*This nets you the 1st of 13 achievements, literally unavoidable.

Play in “x” language

In case it wasn’t obvious yet, TLDR, just pick one language from (English, Chinese, Japanese)
& start the game with it. This will net you the first language acheivement.

For the other 2 language achievements,
Go the the Config option,
and the thing you need to change is beside the box labelled Main Text, not the UI box on top.

*If you can read in all 3 languages,
have fun checking out the translation differences,
but if your main is only English,
remember to switch it back from Chinese or Japanese for your own convenience.


— Another user has also mentioned this

switching language during game DOES work, just as it did in Vol 1.

Not sure if it just doesn’t work via the config menu, seeing as I the keyboard bindings to switch languages.

E is for English, C for Chinese, and J for Japanese.

Hit any of those keys during the game to change to that language,
and the achievement will pop for playing in that language.

*These net you the 2nd, 3rd & 4th out of 13 acheivements.

Petting achievements

There is one minor (or big?) difference in Vol.0 compared to Vol.1

For a big majority of the game (sans time skip transitiion frames & event CGs),
you should notice what looks like a symbol of a hand, always on the top right of the game window.
Click that, and your mouse icon should now change to that of a hand.
At that moment feel free to click on any of the girls for some breaking-the-4th-wall kawaii-ness.
Apparently, the girls have different meow sounds for 3 different areas where you pet them,
and these are unique per character. Have fun experimenting.
I find this scene to be the easiest for petting since all 7 girls are in it at the same time.

*These net you the 5th until 11th out of 13 achievements


Finish your first playthrough of the game.

Any method should work, whether:
– you take your time to read,
– you speed read it,
– you do a youtube reading of this on your own youtube channel
– you just LeftCtrl all the way from start to finish

After your first playthrough, achievement will trigger.

*This nets you the 12th out of 13 achievements.

The Jiggle

If any of you have already played Vol.1 before this, then its quite easy to get this, its the exact same thing across both Vol.1 and Vol.0

If Vol.0 is your first try of the Nekopara series, then…
At any scene that is not a time transition or an event cg, hit your keyboard “P” button.
Specifically where the girls are 2.5D, not 2D.

This is where the effect of the Chest Bounciness setting in the Config shows its full glory.

Have fun abusing that option (^~^).

Minor note:

In Full Screen Mode, you can only jiggle vertically,
but in Window Mode, you can jiggle in 8 directions.

*This nets you the last of the 13 acheivements, congratulations, you’ve 100% the game.

Misc: When is Vol.2 coming?

EDIT: It’s out on Steam now.

Meanwhile, here’s some concept images that were previewed on Sayori’s Twitter.