There are many great Neurax Worm Mega Brutal strategies but this guide is slightly different. While very few of those strategies lead to a perfect score (for those who are trying to attempt a perfect score) this guide’s focus is not just a win (which is definitely guaranteed) but also a perfect score!(NOTE: This guide states a Guaranteed Win & Perfect Score and it does just that! A guaranteed win each and every time but due to genetic shifts, major events, and basically just random chance it may take 2-3 tries unless very unlucky but this guide will guarantee that perfect score. Good luck!)
Neurax Worm – Introduction
I’d like to answer the question as to why I am creating this guide as it’s difficult to lose even on Mega Brutal and the other strategies out there will definitely help those who do struggle. The reason I am writing this guide is because I can not only guarantee a win each and every time you use it but also a perfect score on your 1st or 2nd try (If it takes 3 or more you’ve been quite unlucky with Genetic Shifts and/or Major Random Events which just can’t be helped and no way around it) for those who are completionists and must have 5/5 score! I do know some of these guides eventually might lead to a win but no where near as often as this guide as I was unnecessarily thorough and tested these other strategies up to 10-12 times each with unreliable results (I mean no offense! I just wanted to do my best to perfect a guide that guaranteed it and with less hair pulling).
To earn the perfect score you must follow this guide exactly as it is written and use up that DNA immediately on the Transmission, Symptoms, and Abilities listed as soon as you can evolve them. Delays or any loss of DNA can easily lead to a failed attempt at a perfect score. I’ll be quite descriptive and hope this guide is easy to follow (otherwise let me know please).
Shall we begin?
Neurax Worm – Genetic Code
Slightly different than my usual but get’s the job done right!
- ATP Boost
- This gene will give us the DNA boost we need to build and keep the momentum going.
- Genetic Mimic
- A gene that makes it harder to cure disease.
- Teracyte
- With the Trojan Plane ability and speed we’re moving at we have no need for Air, Water, or Suppression to infect Countries. This gene however will help in the spread of the parasite quickly and efficiently while we allow our ability to handle the rest.
- Extremophile
- Here we’re looking for a little helping hand and this gene provides it by making our parasite a little more adaptable to all environments.
- Sympto-Stasis
- If were to manage the speed required to win as well as the cure progress % we’re going to require Symptoms that both guarantee our win, infect the population faster, and very importantly slow and revert progress on the cure.
Neurax Worm – Choose Starting Country
Once again was recommended to use India and other guides tended to lean towards it but as always (in my case) Saudi Arabia bore more fruit!
Neurax Worm – Transmission
I was somewhat perplexed at strategies that put too much into transmission which while guaranteeing a win made it harder to guarantee a perfect score so I kept it simple and just enough to build the momentum needed.
- Concertina Locomotion
- Undulatory Locomotion
- Air 1
- Water 1
- Air 2
- Water 2
- Air 3
- Of course the Eggs were tempting as was Water 3 but they kept delaying and using up DNA where the increased Infectivity wasn’t worth the risk and often led to failed attempts at a perfect score (never got one in fact when adding Water 3 and/or Eggs).
Neurax Worm – Abilities
The order and lack of Genetic Hardening or Genetic Shuffle is intentional and hope you’ll trust this guide and follow it exactly!
- Cold Resistance 1
- Heat Resistance 1
- Drug Resistance 1
- Cold Resistance 2
- Heat Resistance 2
- Drug Resistance 2
- Trojan Planes 1
- We skipped an important ability for Trojan Planes 1 for a good reason. As I said before momentum is vital to obtaining a perfect score and we want planes going out with our parasite immediately!
Let’s check the World Map and see what is clear of infection.
If not already red here is a list of Countries in order of importance when using Trojan Planes 1 ability.
- Greenland
- Iceland
- Any remaining Island Countries
- Sweden
A few more like Central Europe, Italy, and Monaco may also pose issues (but then we have Ukraine, some other European Countries and South American Countries that act up at times but none are as important as those listed above).
Time to click on the Trojan Plane ability bubble and move it to a priority Country to ship our parasite their way like shown below.
Once sent and with enough DNA it’s time to add in the final Ability
- Environmental Hardening
- May ask why not evolve this right after Drug Resistance 2 and I can only say that it makes a noticeable difference and explained under Trojan Planes 1 ability.
Neurax Worm – Symptoms
Scientists are scared and quickly setup a network around the globe to try and prevent the Neurax Worm from infecting their brightest minds before it’s too late!
First we swing left boosting infectivity while also capturing the hearts and minds of mankind in the end, Second we swing right and continue boosting infectivity but more importantly slowing progress on that damnable cure, and Lastly we mix it up with spending DNA smartly to boost infectivity and slow cure progress.
- Neural Breach
- Cerebral Tendrils
- Adrenergic Constriction
- Anxiolytic Infusion
- Psychosis
- Adoration
- Not only does this boost infectivity it more importantly leads to an ability we need to grab before any big genetic shifts (which I’d normally love to put off till later for end game but is usually costs us either the game and/or our perfect score).
- Devotion
- Transcendence
- Now with Transcendence as soon as we infect all of humanity we’re guaranteed a win. But as I said above we want to grab this ASAP as it becomes too costly if we put it off for later which in my case always cost me either the game and/or perfect score.
- Confusion
- Memory Loss
- Aneurysm
- Aphasia
- Coma
- Having hit Coma we’ve increased infectivity but also significantly hit cure progress. We will do more damage but want to balance it out with the DNA left us! But be sure to save DNA for Insanity & Apraxia making sure you evolve these before the game ends.
- Frontal Mesh
- Here we are able to branch off and increase infectivity but again remembering to save up for the following two symptoms before the big red VICTORY (At latest when you get the Message that your parasite has “Enslaved Humanity”
- Insanity
- Apraxia
- With these we’re likely to have the required stats for a perfect score but feel free to spend your remaining DNA on anything useful at your own discretion if you have the time and extra DNA.
Neurax Worm – Conclusion
We’ve infected all and this means ‘Transcendence’ will do it’s job and
Congratulations! Your hard work has led to a much deserved
While many believe the Neurax Worm an easy win, beating it with a perfect score is a significant challenge but with this guide you should have also obtained this and if not be sure to try once again as you now have a feel for it and require less pausing to think or check any lists you might have and the only way you could have missed a perfect score would be user error, bad luck with Genetic Shifts and/or Major Events, or a power outage! In other words you should see a scoreboard like the one below.
I want to thank everyone who has shown their interest and support for my guides and while many don’t care for their score so long as they won there are many who need their 5/5! I’ll be working on the Simian Flu next which looks like it might be a challenge (need to unlock dem genes) but if you have any questions, issues, etc with this Guide or any of my others which can be found under my discussion Guides for Mega Brutal & Perfect Scores please post and I’ll do my best to respond as quickly as I can!
For those that don’t follow my Weekly Contagion & Other Indies Stream & Giveaway I did one for Plague Inc: Evolved if you’d like to check it out!
Sorry but it does not let us embed a time-stamp. Plague Inc: Evolved portion starts at 5mins 10seconds.