Risk of Rain 2 Guide

Newt altar locations - 1.0 updated for Risk of Rain 2

Newt altar locations – 1.0 updated


Let’s find all those Newt altars!

Newt altars

New altars are blue/purple rocks that require a Lunar coin to be activated. After spending 1 coin at the altar, a blue orb appears around the teleporter, and after the boss fight a blue portal opens, which leads to the lunar shop.
There are many Newt altars, and they have a chance to spawn in certain locations. You need to activate 8 different altars to beat the “Newtist” challenge.

Titanic Plains

On top of the map, on the cliff

Behind a giant arch, near the edge of the map

Over one of the stone arches, on the highest point

Titanic Plains (alt.)

Facing the edge of the map, in the farthest part to the right

On the inner edge of the big stone ring in the middle of the map

On top of the middle giant arc

Under the bridge near the cliff

Distant Roost

On a rock, after falling in the hole

Behind ruins, in the cave (note: sometimes the door is closed)

Behind a big rock, in the upper part of the small island (the one connected with the long bridge)

Distant Roost (alt.)

In the middle of the map, lower part: it’s under a small bridge

In the small area behind the door (sometimes it’s closed), where you can spawn sometimes

Inside the caves, over a stone arch

Abandoned Aqueduct

On a cliff, near the door with the closed gate

On top of the map, inside the giant skull

On the wall under the broken bridge (I’ll try to get a better screenshot)

Wetland Aspect

Over a pillar

On top of the map, not far from the previous pillar

Under water, behind a grey wall

Rallypoint Delta

Near the edge of the map, behind a tree

On top of the map, over some containers

Near the mountain, behind the containers

Abyssal Depth

Over a hanging crystall

On an upper platform, inside a sort of small cave

Inside the big cave (sometimes it’s closed), under a crystall

Scorched Acres

Behind a tree, far from the circular platforms

Behind the big crystal, under the platform

In the upper island that is not connected to the rest of the map

Siren’s Call

On the hanging crate, near the shipwreck

Near the edge of the map, far from the caves and next to the fountain

Inside the cave where there’s a “bridge” made with 2 spikes (it’s deep inside)

Sky Meadow

In an upper part of the map, under a big rock

Over the part of the map with the portal machine

Near the hole that leads to the portal machine

Near the stone “monument” made with stacked rocks

Over the raised platform, near the hole where you enter through a jump-pad


If you know more locations, feel free to post them 🙂
