This guide shows you how to enable SLI for Next Car Game: Wreckfest. (NVIDIA only)
1920×1080 (Full Screen)
& Vsync Off (primary only for checking if SLI works)
GPU Scaling:
Before: GPU1= 98% GPU2= 10%
After: GPU1= 98% GPU2= 98%
SLI compatibility bits:
0x03480005 (Ridge Racer Unbounded, Battlefield: Bad Company 2)
=> in this case/tutorial just for info…
0. Download [www.nvidia.com] & install the latest NVIDIA Driver
1. Download[www.guru3d.com] & open NVIDIA Inspector[/i]
(note: also extract “CustomSettingNames_en-EN.xml”)
1.1 Go to Driver Profile Settings
2. Under Profiles you choose => Ridge Racer Unbounded
2.1 & click Add application to current profile
2.2 here you select your Wreckfest.exe
(C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonBugbear Entertainment)
3. Hit Apply Changes
& enjoy Next Car Game: Wreckfest with SLI enabled.
(Test-) System Specs:
i5 2500K @4500MHz
GTX 460 SLI @840MHz / 2000MHz
16GB DDR3 @1600MHz
Win 8.1 Pro 64bit
Tested on the following NVIDIA Drivers:
- 337.50 Beta
- 337.88 WHQL
- 340.43 Beta (2nd monitor produced win8.1 bluescreen)
- 340.52 WHQL
- 344.11 WHQL
- 344.65 WHQL
Note: If you got only 1GB VRAM => set Texture Quality to “medium”, or you’ll get a 50%fps loss!
Attention (installing a new Nvidia Driver)
Unfortunately after installing a new Nvidia Driver, you might have to set your SLI Profile again!
(Even with the Express Installation…)
=> BUT you can “prevent” that by exporting all customized profiles & import them back after the new Nvidia Driver is installed!
Known Bugs
Attention No.2:
In the game launcher check the following:
- Ambient Occlusion
- Antialiasing
- Dynamic reflcections
- Enable vertical sync
=> otherwise you’ll notice massive flickering!
In some specific constellations, you’ll notice a “texture flickering” bug.
- Sneek Peek => fun-object surfaces flicker
- sometimes the car roofs flicker (rare)
- sometimes only the excavator, next the track – flickers
Maps without flickering:
- Race: Speedway Oval “bright day”
- Derby: Mudpit “bright day”
Another bug I noticed:
- A connection error (or very long lag) during an online race disables SLI somehow.
=> fixed as soon you’ve returned to the main menu…
As this is an EarlyAccess Game, the videocard driver, nor the game engine, haven’t been perfectly optimized, yet!
Comparison Screenshots
Before @45,4fps
After (SLI Fix) @89,5fps
Before @50,4fps
After (SLI Fix) @96,8fps
PLZ Rate if you like… 🙂
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