NieR:Automata™ Guide

NieR:Automata Complete Guide for NieR:Automata™

NieR:Automata Complete Guide

Emil’s Shop

Emil take varius paths. The most common one is near Dessert, there if you shoot him and speak to him he will sell you Plug-in Chips+3 . The second and not so common path he takes is near the factory, If you stop him there he is going to sell Mid-tier upgrade materials . And the third path he follows is near the Resistance Camp, there emil is a little wierd if you stop him after the waterfall near the entrance to the camp he is going to sell Plug-in Chips+6 BUT if you stop him near the waterfall he is selling High-tier upgrade materials/Weapons and Dress Module

How to change the path Emil’s Shop take

Oh boy, when i first start looking into this and read guides everybody just waste my time, its pretty simple, Go to Resistance Camp save and then load move out of the camp quickly and open map.
There are 4 scenarios

  • Emil is near Dessert
  • Emil is near Factory
  • Emil is near Resistance Camp
  • Emil is missing

If he is not in the path you want him just reload

(If emil is stuck at Desert path just go shoot him to force him stop speak to him 2 times and go back)



Dress Module • 10000G • Purhase from Emil (Path near Resistance Camp)

Alien Mask • 12000G • Purcase from Half-Wit Inventor (After finish his quest)


Heavy Amor A • Complete Route C

Heavy Amor B • Complete Route C

A2 Wig • Complete Route C

Camouflage Goggles • Complete Route C


Pink Ribbon • Complete Lost Girl quest

Blue Ribbon • Complete Lost Girl quest

Lunar Tear • Complete Emil’s Memories

Secret Location Accessories

Adam’s Glasses • On the first building you land on go to the bottom floor and search for a ladder, then go all the way up. There ou will find Adam and Eve’s table the glasses are on it

(Chapter 16-02: A2 and the Resource Unit

Emil’s Mask • Emil’s House

Emil’s Head • Emils House after the quest

Inside the pipe is Emil’s Entrace

2B Accessories display

Lunar tear

Camouflage Goggles

Alien Mask

Adam’s Glasses

Emil Mask

Emil’s Head

Blue Ribbon

Pink Ribbon

Heavy Armor A

Heavy Armor B

Dress Module

A2 Accessories display

A2 Wig

Alien Mask

Adam’s Glasses

Lunar Tear

Emil Mask

Emil’s Head

Blue Ribbon

Pink Ribbon

Dress Module

9S Accessories display

Camouflage Goggles

Alien Mask

Adam’s Glasses

Lunar Tear

Emil Mask

Emil’s Head

Blue Ribbon

Pink Ribbon

Dress Module

Dress Module just remove pants like Self-destruction

DLC Content and Items

New Ening

To get the new ending you have to finish all 3 arenas (Elevators.) When you do new quest will arive and ask you to go at amusment park. Just follow the quest instructions and you are good to go


There are 2 new records added to the game which are

  • Record: 3C3C1D119440927 To obtain this record you just simple have to get the new ending
  • Record:CEO


2B Outfit/Masks

Revealing Outfit

Sato Mask

Matsuda Mask

Masamune Mask

Sand Mask

A2 Outfit/Masks

Destroyer Outfit

Sato Mask

Matsuda Mask

Masamune Mask

Sand Mask

9S Outfit/Masks

Young Man’s Outfit

Sato Mask

Matsuda Mask

Masamune Mask

Sand Mask

Hair Dye


Light Purple Hair

Lime Green Hair

Light Blue Hair

Pastel Pink Hair

Golden Hair

Ash Grey Hair

Purple Hair

Green Hair

Blue Hair

Red Hair

Brown Hair

Black Hair

2B Comming soon

Special Bullets

CEO Bullets

Emil Bullets

Shops around the game

Shop for Rare/Mid-tier upgrade items

Copper Ore
Iron Ore
Silver Ore
Gold Ore
Black Pearl
Tree Seed
Plant Seed
Tree Sap
Torn Book
Tech Manual
Thick Dictionary
Tanning Agent
Natural Rubber
Machine Oil
Filler Metal

(The prices in the stores change when you are at Route C)

Secret Shop

In NieR:Automata you can “Buy” Achivments after you complete the 3rd Playthrough.
There is an NPC in Resistance Camp called Strange Resistance Woman.Select “Request unlocking you-know-what.
You can unlock from achivment 20 to 47 and the prices are 50.000G/100.000G/200.000G

Achivment 20
The Circle of Death
Achivment 21
Cherish Our Resources
Achivment 23
The Mercenary
Achivment 24
Information Master
Achivment 25
Destruction is My Job
Achivment 26
Chip Collector
Achivment 27
Weapons Maniac
Achivment 28
Tools of the Trade
Achivment 29
Inorganic Blade
Achivment 30
Supreme Support Weapons
Achivment 32
A Scanner’s Power
Achivment 33
Machines vs. Machines
Achivment 34
The Power of Hate
Achivment 35
Ruler of the Skies
Achivment 36
Havest King
Achivment 37
Pod Hunter
Achivment 38
Desire Without Emotion
Achivment 39
Animal Rider
Achivment 40
A Round by the Pond
Achivment 41
Wait! Don’t Kill Me!
Achivment 42
What Are You Doing?
Achivment 43
Not That I Mind…
Achivment 44
Come Take a Look!
Achivment 45
Naughty Children
Achivment 46
Transcendent Being
Achivment 47
Lunar Tear

If you know any of the unknown values please let me know

New DLC, locked elevators explained and new Outfits

There are 3 Locked Elevators in the game which are located in Dessert/Flooded City/Forrest. For now they are not accessible. They will be at 2/5/2017 when the new DLC comes out. (Name of DLC 3C3C1D119440927 The name propably mean something like 3Colosseums 3Costumes 1Dream and 11944-09-27 is a date. The DLC Take place about 1year before automata and because of that you will be able to access it even with 2B.)

DLC Content
  • Customes for 2B/A2/92
  • Records that add special music tracks to the players’ jukebox
  • Special bullets that change the appearance of enemy bullets
  • Masks with unique “on equip” effects
  • New equipment and cosmetic accessories such as hairspray that allows you to change the color of 2B and A2’s hair

2B Custome “Revealing outfit”

A2 Custome “Destroyer outfit”

9S Custome “Young Mans outfit”

Square Enix Video of the new DLC

All Achivments explained

Resuscitated Body
Stare into space from the Bunker.

Vestiges of Prosperity
Arrive at the city ruins.

It’s a Healthy Baby Boy!
Complete the desert area.

We Await Your Next Visit
Complete the amusement park ruins.

Creation and Insurrection
Complete the alien ship.

The Mechanical Kingdom
Complete the forest castle.

Ruler of the Deep
Complete the flooded city.

Those Who Love Humans
Complete the copied city.

Iron Soul
Complete the abandoned factory.

One Battle Ends
Achieve ending A.

A New Battle Begins
Achieve ending B.

Final Wish
Watch 2B die.

Treacherous Blade
Control A2 for the first time.

Farewell, Pascal
Grant Pascal’s final request.

Stop all resource recovery units.

Crime and Punishment
Watch the final moments of Devola and Popola.

Leaving for the New World
Achieve 9S’s ending.

Beautiful World
Achieve A2’s ending.

The Minds That Emerged
View the final credits.

The Circle of Death
Have your body collected.

Cherish Our Resources
Have 100 bodies collected.

First Errand
Complete your first quest.

The Mercenary
80% of all quests completed.

Information Master
80% of all archives found.

Destruction is My Job
80% of all unit data unlocked.

Chip Collector
80% of all plug-in chips collected.

Weapons Maniac
All Pod programs obtained.

Tools of the Trade
Any weapon upgraded to the highest level.

Inorganic Blade
All weapons upgraded to the highest level.

Supreme Support Weapons
All Pods upgraded to the highest level.

Fighting’s Not My Thing
Play your first hacking game.

A Scanner’s Power
100 machine lifeforms destroyed by hacking.

Machines vs. Machines
50 machine lifeforms destroyed by remote control.

The Power of Hate
50 machine lifeforms destroyed with berserk mode.

Ruler of the Skies
255 enemies destroyed using a flight unit.

Harvest King
Materials gathered at a hidden harvest point 10 times. (Using the scan from you Pod)

Pod Hunter
All Pods found.

Desire Without Emotion
At least 100,000 G in possession.

Animal Rider
Any animal ridden for 5 kilometers.

A Round by the Pond
20 different kinds of fish caught.

Wait! Don’t Kill Me!
10 friendly machine lifeforms destroyed.

What Are You Doing?
2B’s secret discovered 10 times. (Look at her panties 10 times)

Not That I Mind…
1 hour played with 9S in a certain state. (Self-destruct to be with only his boxers)

Come Take a Look!
Emil’s shop used for the first time.

Naughty Children
Emil destroyed.

Transcendent Being
All endings achieved.

Lunar Tear
The place of memories has been visited.[/b]

Pods and Upgrade Part 1

Pod A Gatling

Materials Required for Upgrade
2,500G + Tree Seed x10, Mushroom x10, Pure Water x10, Natural Rubber x10, Powerup Part S x1
5,000G + Plant Seed x5, Eagle Eggs x5, Tanning Agent x5, Filler Metal x5, Powerup Part M x1
10,000G + Tree Sap x3, Giant Egg x3, Dye x3, Machine Oil x3, Powerup Part L x1

Pod B Laser

Materials Required for Upgrade
2,500G + Tree Seed x10, Torn Book x10, Natural Rubber x10, Simple Gadget x10, Powerup Part S x1
5,000G + Plant Seed x5, Tech Manual x5, Filler Metal x5, Elaborate Gadget x5, Powerup Part M x1
10,000G + Tree Sap x3, Thick Dictionary x3, Machine Oil x3, Complex Gadget x3, Powerup Part L x1

Pod C Missile

Materials Required for Upgrade
2,500G + Mushroom x10, Torn Book x10, Pure Water x10, Simple Gadget x10, Powerup Part S x1
5,000G + Eagle Eggs x5, Tech Manual x5, Tanning Agent x5, Elaborate Gadget x5, Powerup Part M x1
10,000G + Giant Egg x3, Thick Dictionary x3, Dye x3, Complex Gadget x3, Powerup Part L x1

If anybody have trouble finding the place ill upload photos just let me know

Material location for upgrades

Pod A

Tree Seed
• Can be purchased from the machine in park ruins (After completing route C)
• Can be found in various locations around the world, typically at the base of trees(Inside Forrest Zone)

• Reward for completing Devola’s Request
• Can be found in Forest zone(Near Waterfall)

Pure Water
• Reward for completing Devola’s Request
• Collected in the Flooded City

Natural Rubber
• Can be purchased from the machine in park ruins (once zombified)
• Can be looted in the Desert Zone

Powerup Part S
• Reward for completing Anemone’s Past
• Reward for completing Robo Dojo–Red Belt
• Dropped by the Courageous Brother after defeating it and the two Gold Goliath Bipeds in the City Ruins

Plant Seed
• Can be purchased from the machine in park ruins (After completing route C)
• Overpass bridge in City Ruins

Eagle Eggs
• Picked up in the Forest Zone (this thing is everywhere dont worry)

Tanning Agent
• Can be purchased from the machine in park ruins (After completing route C)
• Reward for completing Amnesia

Filler Metal
• Can be purchased from the machine in park ruins (After completing route C)
• Near Hangar there are 3 harvest spots

Powerup Part M
Flooded City – Locked Chest: Located before the fourth lift inside the Soul Box recovery unit during the quest Obtain Keys (third playthrough)
Forest Zone – Locked Chest: Located in a deeper section of Forest Zone. From Forest: Center access point, follow the river down until a big drop. Find a ledge you can drop down onto, and continue going down the uneven slopes until you find the chest
Copied City – Locked Chest: From the Adam Boss fight, head straight down the path to a set of chests

Tree Sap
• Can be purchased from the machine in park ruins

Giant Egg
• Found at gathering points in the Forest Zone

• Can be purchased from the machine in park ruins (After completing route C)

Machine Oil
• Can be purchased from the machine in park ruins (After completing route C)
• Reward for completing Sorting Trouble 3

Powerup Part L
• The Tower, after the Boku-Shi boss fight
• The Amusement Park Rabbit at the main entrance of the Amusement Park can be farmed repeatedly
• Complete the Emil’s Determination quest, then return to Emil’s house to find the part in a chest

Pods and Upgrade Part 2

Pod B

Tree Seed
• Can be purchased from the machine in park ruins (After completing route C)
• Can be found in various locations around the world, typically at the base of trees(Inside Forrest Zone)

Torn Book
• Can be looted in the Desert Zone
• Can be purchased from the machine in park ruins (After completing route C)

Natural Rubber
• Can be purchased from the machine in park ruins (once zombified)
• Can be looted in the Desert Zone

Simple Gadget
• Reward for completing the quest Terminal Repairs
• Reward for completing the quest Anemone’s Past
Forest Zone: Royal Chamber. Treasure point in the cradle where the baby king was before
City Ruins: Near Factory. 4th floor of the building that you first come out on after the prologue

Can be found in hidden treasure spots when scanning. Known locations
• Forest Castle: Front . Right below the access point. Drop down in the direction of the castle
• Forest Castle: Front. First multi-tiered room inside the castle, bottom floor
• Bunker. Room of 9S
• Factory: Entrance. On the ground under the bridge leading to the city
• Resistance Camp. Right in front of the fence, on the way to the back of the camp
• City Ruins : Near the factory: Turn right and go to the tall building, take stair to go to the thrd floor, turn left and
• City Ruins: Near the Tower. Go to the commercial facility across the bridge, near the entrance to the lift
• City Ruins: Near the Tower. Just behind the wall with the moveable cube on the way to Pascal’s village
• Park Ruins: Attraction Sq. Next to the clown Shopkeeper Machine, in the right corner next to the gate
• Pascal’s Village. On the way to the gate that leads to the forest area
• Desert: Camp. Inside the small cave over by the Multi-Tier Types
• Desert: Housing Complex. In the alley leading to the area where you encountered the naked android

Powerup Part S
• Reward for completing Anemone’s Past
• Reward for completing Robo Dojo–Red Belt
• Dropped by the Courageous Brother after defeating it and the two Gold Goliath Bipeds in the City Ruins

Plant Seed
• Can be purchased from the machine in park ruins (After completing route C)
• Overpass bridge in City Ruins

Tech Manual
• Can be looted in the Desert Zone
• Can be purchased from the machine in park ruins (After completing route C)

Filler Metal
• Can be purchased from the machine in park ruins (After completing route C)
• Near Hangar there are 3 harvest spots

Elaborate Gadget
City ruins: near the tower (route C) climbing on the tower and then jumping down on the stone structure nearby
City Ruins: Near Factory. 4th floor of the building that you first come out on after the prologue.
• Royal Chamber. Beside the infant king
• Reward for completing Reconnaissance Squad
• Reward for completing Sorting Trouble 2

Powerup Part M
Flooded City – Locked Chest: Located before the fourth lift inside the Soul Box recovery unit during the quest Obtain Keys (third playthrough)
Forest Zone – Locked Chest: Located in a deeper section of Forest Zone. From Forest: Center access point, follow the river down until a big drop. Find a ledge you can drop down onto, and continue going down the uneven slopes until you find the chest
Copied City – Locked Chest: From the Adam Boss fight, head straight down the path to a set of chests

Tree Sap
• Can be purchased from the machine in park ruins

Thick Dictionary
• Dropped by Small Biped
• Random loot in desert
• Can be purchased from the machine in park ruins

Machine Oil
• Can be purchased from the machine in park ruins (After completing route C)
• Reward for completing Sorting Trouble 3

Complex Gadget
• Reward for completing Gathering Keepsakes
• Reward for completing Sorting Trouble 3
• Forest Zone: Royal Chamber. Treasure point in the cradle where the baby king was before
• These can be farmed in Ch. 02-01 by initiating the Weapon Shop quest, gathering the Complex Gadgets that spawn, then choosing NOT to turn the quest in (Only up to 4 so do this until you have 4)

Powerup Part L
• The Tower, after the Boku-Shi boss fight
• The Amusement Park Rabbit at the main entrance of the Amusement Park can be farmed repeatedly
• Complete the Emil’s Determination quest, then return to Emil’s house to find the part in a chest

Pods and Upgrade Part 3

Pod C

• Reward for completing Devola’s Request
• Can be found in Forest zone(Near Waterfall)

Torn Book
• Can be looted in the Desert Zone
• Can be purchased from the machine in park ruins (After completing route C)

Pure Water
• Reward for completing Devola’s Request
• Collected in the Flooded City

Simple Gadget
• Reward for completing the quest Terminal Repairs
• Reward for completing the quest Anemone’s Past
Forest Zone: Royal Chamber. Treasure point in the cradle where the baby king was before
City Ruins: Near Factory. 4th floor of the building that you first come out on after the prologue

Can be found in hidden treasure spots when scanning. Known locations
• Forest Castle: Front . Right below the access point. Drop down in the direction of the castle
• Forest Castle: Front. First multi-tiered room inside the castle, bottom floor
• Bunker. Room of 9S
• Factory: Entrance. On the ground under the bridge leading to the city
• Resistance Camp. Right in front of the fence, on the way to the back of the camp
• City Ruins : Near the factory: Turn right and go to the tall building, take stair to go to the thrd floor, turn left and
• City Ruins: Near the Tower. Go to the commercial facility across the bridge, near the entrance to the lift
• City Ruins: Near the Tower. Just behind the wall with the moveable cube on the way to Pascal’s village
• Park Ruins: Attraction Sq. Next to the clown Shopkeeper Machine, in the right corner next to the gate
• Pascal’s Village. On the way to the gate that leads to the forest area
• Desert: Camp. Inside the small cave over by the Multi-Tier Types
• Desert: Housing Complex. In the alley leading to the area where you encountered the naked android

Powerup Part S
• Reward for completing Anemone’s Past
• Reward for completing Robo Dojo–Red Belt
• Dropped by the Courageous Brother after defeating it and the two Gold Goliath Bipeds in the City Ruins

Eagle Eggs
• Picked up in the Forest Zone (this thing is everywhere dont worry)

Tech Manual
• Can be looted in the Desert Zone
• Can be purchased from the machine in park ruins (After completing route C)

Tanning Agent
• Can be purchased from the machine in park ruins (After completing route C)
• Reward for completing Amnesia

Elaborate Gadget
City ruins: near the tower (route C) climbing on the tower and then jumping down on the stone structure nearby
City Ruins: Near Factory. 4th floor of the building that you first come out on after the prologue.
• Royal Chamber. Beside the infant king
• Reward for completing Reconnaissance Squad
• Reward for completing Sorting Trouble 2

Powerup Part M
Flooded City – Locked Chest: Located before the fourth lift inside the Soul Box recovery unit during the quest Obtain Keys (third playthrough)
Forest Zone – Locked Chest: Located in a deeper section of Forest Zone. From Forest: Center access point, follow the river down until a big drop. Find a ledge you can drop down onto, and continue going down the uneven slopes until you find the chest
Copied City – Locked Chest: From the Adam Boss fight, head straight down the path to a set of chests

Giant Egg
• Found at gathering points in the Forest Zone

Thick Dictionary
• Dropped by Small Biped
• Random loot in desert
• Can be purchased from the machine in park ruins

• Can be purchased from the machine in park ruins (After completing route C)

Complex Gadget
• Reward for completing Gathering Keepsakes
• Reward for completing Sorting Trouble 3
• Forest Zone: Royal Chamber. Treasure point in the cradle where the baby king was before
• These can be farmed in Ch. 02-01 by initiating the Weapon Shop quest, gathering the Complex Gadgets that spawn, then choosing NOT to turn the quest in (Only up to 4 so do this until you have 4)

Powerup Part L
• The Tower, after the Boku-Shi boss fight
• The Amusement Park Rabbit at the main entrance of the Amusement Park can be farmed repeatedly
• Complete the Emil’s Determination quest, then return to Emil’s house to find the part in a chest

Intel: Novel 100%

To achive all Novels is pretty easy. There are 6 in total 3 of them is in the main playthrough which are : Memories of Songstress / 9S’s Memories / Devola & Popola Memories.
Now the rest 3 are all from Anemone go to chapter when you play as A2 for the first time
(12-01: A2 Awakens) and go speak to Anemone then you will gain access to the computer behind her, go to the computer and get the rest of the novels + some Archives


Long Jump

W-Space-Shift/W together-W-W

Petting pod

make with your mouse little circle movements

Infinete G farm

Here is how to gain infinete G


Anything else you want to know for the game let me know.

EXP/G Farm and some shops comming soon