Five Nights at Freddy’s: Sister Location Guide

Night 4 Guide for Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location

Night 4 Guide


Guide to help people through Night 4.

Night 4

Hey, noticed people have been struggling with Night 4. I just beat it after about five tries, so I figured I’d share my winning strategies here. Spoilers ahead, obviously, if you want to figure the night out for yourself.

1) You do NOT need to repeatedly click to wind the springlocks. Yep, you can just hold down the left mouse button and the springlocks will wind up much faster than if you try to rapid-fire click. Ideally, you want to keep the left mouse button pressed down the entire night, and simply MOUSE OVER each springlock you want wound. By far the easiest and fastest way to keep those suckers in check.

2) At start, get ALL the springlocks as close to FULLY WOUND as possible. Things get tougher as the night drags on, so having them at max from the get-go is a must-do. What I did was started at the springlock in the top right of the mask, then worked my way clockwise to each one in turn, trying to never lose my cool. Constantly working in a clockwise fashion after fully winding everything at the start should mean that you’re always working on the most unwound springlock at any given time.

3) The things crawling into the bottom-center of your mask CANNOT BE WIGGLED OFF! They are ONLY there to freak you out and make you unwind your springlocks by pointlessly wiggling. If you haven’t noticed, every wiggle does serious damage to ALL of your springlocks. Just let ’em crawl on inside. No harm done.

4) The things crawling UP the left and right sides of the mask go SUPER SLOW even later into the night. If you patiently work your way around winding up the springlocks in the clockwise fashion described above, you should ALWAYS be able to catch them before they climb all the way to the top. DO NOT waste time looking around in a panic — just keep up your winding and all will be well.

5) If you spot a side-climber while its still at the start of its ascent, DO NOT WIGGLE IMMEDIATELY. Yes you can, and eventually SHOULD wiggle side-climbers off, but odds are, another side-climber is about to start up on the opposite side, and you can save “wiggle damage” to the springlocks by wiggling off two at once. If you can see one having made it past the halfway point of the mask, and a quick glance reveals no side-climber on the opposite side, feel free to wiggle it off then.

6) WIGGLE EFFICIENTLY. Every wiggle substantially unwinds all of your springlocks. If they get too far unwound, you’re toast. Wiggle JUST ENOUGH to shake off any side-climbers, and not one wiggle more.

7) MOVE FAST! If you’re taking more than a split-second to move from springlock to springlock, you’re going too slow. ALL of my springlocks were flashing red by the end of the night, even with me moving as fast as possible and employing all the other strategies above. It may take a few tries, but your speed and accuracy will get there eventually.

Good luck!