Ravenfield Guide

[No Longer Updated] Secret Weapons and Items for Ravenfield

[No Longer Updated] Secret Weapons and Items


I no longer care about helping you, this guide is outdated and it won’t ever be updated, stop bothering me I am too lazy to commit to this

Heavy Machine Gun (HMG) (Old)

Was a thing, no longer is, available for the player and bots

Hydra (Old)

Was a thing, no longer is, available as a player weapon instead

Air Horn (Old)

Was a thing, no longer is, available for the player and bots

Automatico Akimbo (Old)

Was a thing, no longer is, available for the player to use

AA-AA (Custom Map) (Old)

Was a thing on Eclipse Fortress, no longer is, available for the player to use

Unknown, never existed

Speculated to be a thing on that Russian Revolution map, but it never was

Bundle O’ Buss (Old)

Was once a secret, now it’s just available like that

Railgun (Old)

You’re supposed to get this one from the UFO easter egg but I don’t think it’s a thing anymore you have to unlock, so go ahead and use it, I don’t care

The Tape (Old)

Was a thing, now it’s the default music of the menu, the walkman no longer exists

(Note: Minigun not included).

(Old Bonus) Patriot

While right now it’s not a secret anymore, I decided to add this on in here for historical purposes. In the old archipelago you could get it by grabing a plane and very carefully crashing it on the carrier control tower. Then you had to jump down a few floors and you would find it. Now there’s nothing there. Not even the pedestal.


No I will not add the new sword thing, go find another guide, I will not accept your comments either, let this die for god’s sake

if I cared I would show that, now go away
