PixelJunk™ Nom Nom Galaxy Guide

Nom Nom Galaxy Planets & Maps for Nom Nom Galaxy

Nom Nom Galaxy Planets & Maps


A full list of maps for every planet in Corporate Conquest mode, showing terrain, matter, power crystals, creature spawn locations and some ingredient locations.


The fllowing page lists all of the maps for Nom Nom Galaxy, along with their name, mission title & description, along with the text that is displayed to you on Day 1 and Day 2 of the mission as tips from your Robo-advisor.

Click on the maps to zoom in

If the map is still too small, open this guide in your browser and use Right Click → Open Image in New Tab.

The maps show:

  • The terrain of the map
  • Locations of matter/floppys
  • Locations of power crystals
  • The player’s spawn locations (sometimes multiple will be listed, but the game always seems to pick a specific one)
  • Locations of Boss monsters (Mossy Mammoth, Queen Tomaty, Queen Shroomba, Queen Cornbug)
  • Locations of Tomaty/Shroomba/Cornbug/Squidfly/Pinapurana/Strawburi hives
  • Locations of larger plants (Oxyflowers, Chickenberry Trees and Vinestalks)

The maps do not show:

  • The locations of smaller growable ingredients (e.g. Stabgrass, Brineweed, etc)
  • Locations of most pre-built structures/bases (some are displayed on the map as coloured squares)
  • Locations of hidden robots (check the game tip text for clues on their locations)
  • Locations of warpgates


Title: O.P.P. (Operation Potage Production)
Description: A monitored training facility for middle management to learn the basics of production. Lethality within designated threshold.
Region: Soupcon Valley
Opponent: G.S.A. Training

Newspaper headline (after selecting planet): The Galactic Soup Association (G.S.A.) offers training facilities for soup production hopefuls. Start a career bringing happiness to the galaxy today!
Success Message: A bright future in the viscous food industry awaits!

Map (click to zoom)

Egon (エゴン)

Title: Upstart Startup
Description: Egon is a safe planet with a wide variety of plant and animal life. Recent events have led to a reclassification of its protected status.
Region: Soupcon Valley
Opponent: Pocosoup LTD.
Research Rewards: Girder, Muscleman
Previous Planets in region: GSA-001

Newspaper headline (after selecting planet): Former wildlife preserve Egon now open for soup development! A perfect working environment for fledgling business!
Landing message (after landing on planet): Welcome to Egon! Some manoeuvring and creative documentation have opened up a new soup production opportunity for us.
As a new SoupCo subsidiary, I expect you to use what you’ve learned in employee orientation to succeed and expand our territory.
Secret Tip (received on day 2):
Success Message: Soup market growth leads to new flavours throughout the galaxy!

Map (click to zoom)

Alteria (アルテリア)

Title: Alteria Motives
Description: Alteria’s landscape can be tricky. Be sure to take advantage of your technology to navigate the ups and downs of the planet-and the market!
Region: Soupcon Valley
Opponent: HotPot Productions
Research Rewards: Freddy
Previous Planets in region: GSA-001, Egon

Newspaper headline (after selecting planet): Businesses expanding into subterranean development space! Is this the start of a new environmental protection effort?
Landing message (after landing on planet): Hee hee! Alteria is a great place to set up! The rugged landscape, the clean air-and zoning laws that don’t extend underground!
Try expanding downward to find the best ingredients and resources to keep the factory running smoothly.
Secret Tip (received on day 2): Egon is a great holiday spot for robots. I just recieved a text from some Charles and Charlies who are relaxing in a cave deep underground.
Success Message: Soup market growth leads to new flavours throughout the galaxy!

Map (click to zoom)

Iddil (イディル)

Title: Pining for New Markets
Description: Giant petrified trees might be a problem for less intrepid employees, but there are also plenty of nutritious ingredients underground. Take advantage!
Region: Soupcon Valley
Opponent: Megasoup Lite
Research Rewards: Travis
Previous Planets in region: GSA-001, Egon

Newspaper headline (after selecting planet): Rare soup ingredient discovered on Idill! Berry high in protein found growing on the outskirts of an industrial zone.
Landing message (after landing on planet): The petrified trees here (and lack of bombs) might make navigation tricky. Head to the “”root”” of the problem and go from there.
In addition to the new ingredient in the news, there might be some other ingredients to add to the mix. Experimentation is key!
Now it seems like there’s a Megasoup branch eyeing Iddil too…CLANK that Chopsticks! Keep this market out of his claws!
Secret Tip (received on day 2): SoupCo has received reports of some hidden Storage Units containing rare ingredients, somewhere beneath the planet!
Find them ASAP!
Success Message: Soup market growth leads to new flavours throughout the galaxy!

Map (click to zoom)

Tyrall (タイラル)

Title: Swarming the Market
Description: It’s the law of the concrete jungle on Tyrall, and everyone wants a piece of meat. Give the people what they want!
Region: Soupcon Valley
Opponent: SoShoku Soup
Research Rewards: Escalator, Jump Jet
Previous Planets in region: GSA-001, Egon, Iddil

Newspaper headline (after selecting planet): Citizens tired from the rat race seek the hearty flavour of creature soups! Can venture soup companies meet the demand?
Landing message (after landing on planet): Watching flavour trends is vital to success in the galactic soup racket! Lately, customers love soup made from creatures.
Trends point to increased interest in Bisausage and Tomaty Steak flavors…use this to our advantage! Snare that market share!
Secret Tip (received on day 2): SoupCo scans of the planet have identified an area in the north-west rich in Oxygrass.
Look into it!
Success Message: New rising stars appear in the gastroverse!

Map (click to zoom)


Title: Industrial Strength
Description: Advanced training facility for soup production administrators. All personnel are responsible for their own continued existence.
Region: Soupcon Valley
Opponent: G.S.A. Training
Previous Planets in region: Gravlock A

Newspaper headline (after selecting planet): Advanced G.S.A. training seminars begin today, offering instruction in soup market domination. All participants are advised to sign safety waivers.
Success Message: A bright future in the viscous food industry awaits!

Map (click to zoom)

Begreep (ベグリープ)

Title: Guarded Garden
Description: Residents of Begreep tend to prefer things quiet. Be careful not to get on the bad side of the guard…animals who watch the gardens.
Region: Bol d’argent
Opponent: GelGloop Holdings
Research Rewards: Ben, Clarence
Previous Planets in region: Gravlock A

Newspaper headline (after selecting planet): Gated community expresses dismay at encroaching industry! Sales of guard animals increase exponentially!
Landing message (after landing on planet): We’ve detected a wealth of high-quality ingredients, but they seem to be in tough to reach locations-as if they’re off limits!
Use your wits and SoupCo technology to get around any obstacles or vicious animals you may encounter. Destroy the evidence…
Secret Tip (received on day 2): We’ve received complaints of SoupCo supply crates delivered to a skyscraper to the east.
The previous tenant is long gone so go pick them up.
Success Message: New rising stars appear in the gastroverse!

Map (click to zoom)

Depatina (デパチーナ)

Title: Flavour of the Week
Description: Everyone here is VERY picky about what they eat. It will take some trial and error to become a household name on Depatina.
Region: Bol d’argent
Opponent: Kranbrell’s
Research Rewards: Laser Tower
Previous Planets in region: Begreep

Newspaper headline (after selecting planet): Soup flavours have become accessories! DON’T be caught with the wrong one! Keep up with the changing trends!
Landing message (after landing on planet): Welcome to the “”stock”” market! For some reason tastes are changing much faster as of late. Stay alert and take advantage!
Pay attention to current events or risk losing profits…and your job. Show me that you’re SoupCo material!
Secret Tip (received on day 2): You’ve heard the legend, right? There’s a sunken pirate ship in these here waters and rumor has it the treasure was never found!
Success Message: New rising stars appear in the gastroverse!

Map (click to zoom)

Strayale (ストラヤール)

Title: Booming Business and Big Waves
Description: Strayale is a planet for those who prefer expensive rarities, even when it comes to soup ingredients. Satisfy their expensive tastes to get ahead.
Region: Bol d’argent
Opponent: Astroslurry
Research Rewards: Jet Boots
Previous Planets in region: Begreep and Depatina

Newspaper headline (after selecting planet): Creative zoning brings soup production to a resort area! Factories target the jewels of the ocean for profits!
Landing message (after landing on planet): We’ve been able to secure building permits in a pristine area, and have access to some very high-class ingredients.
Search the waters for rare fish that are in high demand. Just don’t spend too much time submerged–for your own good.
Secret Tip (received on day 2): Some hapless robots have been trapped in an attic nearby.
Investigate, bring them back and get them to work!
Success Message: New rising stars appear in the gastroverse!

Map (click to zoom)

Ordsok (オードソック)

Title: Stay in Your Lanes
Description: Traffic authorities have cracked down on shipping traffic, so you’ll have to make do with secondhand launchpads. At least you’ll save some matter…
Region: Bol d’argent
Opponent: Organic Mega
Research Rewards: Jimmy
Previous Planets in region: Begreep

Newspaper headline (after selecting planet): Increasing rocket congestion leads to harsh restrictions on travel and shipping! How will this affect small business?
Landing message (after landing on planet): Emission concerns have led to strict rocket traffic controls. You’ll only be allowed to use designated launchpads to ship soup!
I should have made some “”connections”” like that slug Chopsticks and had the controls relaxed…CLANK! Get to work!
Secret Tip (received on day 2): Initial scans of the planet show hidden Storage Units deep underground containing Mammoth Meat.
Don’t miss this opportunity to grab some extremely rare ingredients!
Success Message: New rising stars appear in the gastroverse!

Map (click to zoom)

Quapel (クアペル)

Title: Slum Spillage
Description: That sound you hear is not tectonic plate activity. It is the collective hunger of the 850 million inhabitants of Quapel. Send soup immediately.
Region: Bol d’argent
Opponent: Star Harvest, Inc.
Research Rewards: Hopper EX
Previous Planets in region: Begreep and Ordsok

Newspaper headline (after selecting planet): Population growth and insufficient housing run rampant! Big-hearted businesses reach out!
Landing message (after landing on planet): We can build some good will in the galaxy by helping to feed the less fortunate, but we’re not the only ones with this idea!
Be sure to send soup fast and often to keep up with our competitors. Let our labels be what the people come to love!
Secret Tip (received on day 2): A prototype vehicle was stolen from SoupCo and brought to this planet!
It’s being stored in one of these skyscrapers, so go steal it back!
Success Message: New rising stars appear in the gastroverse!

Map (click to zoom)

Pedicem (ペディセム)

Title: Medicinal Purposes
Description: PANDEMIC! CONTAGION! Only soup made with rare mushrooms can stem the tide and help the sick. By the way, the mushrooms are poisonous.
Region: Bol d’argent
Opponent: Ceres Intergalactic
Research Rewards: Vacuum Tank
Previous Planets in region: Begreep, Ordsok and Quapel

Newspaper headline (after selecting planet): Citizens caught in the grip of a mysterious disease! Poor living conditions and nutrition blamed!
Landing message (after landing on planet): A simple analysis shows this disease can be countered with essence of Poisonpuff. Secure a supply immediately!
Soup machines will neutralize the deadlier chemicals while leaving the curative. Robot tests prove 99.91% effective. Don’t worry.
Secret Tip (received on day 2): I have a job for you! A bunch of SoupCo storage units have been abandoned somewhere in the south-west region of the planet.
Success Message: New rising stars appear in the gastroverse!

Map (click to zoom)

Zokhelm (ゾクヘルム)

Title: Assets, Assault, and Asteroids
Description: This outpost of space pirates is also, for better or worse, a good place to set up a soup factory. Watch your profits (and your back)!
Region: Bol d’argent
Opponent: Lepton Noodle
Research Rewards: Yamamura-Masa2
Previous Planets in region: Begreep, Ordsok and Quapel

Newspaper headline (after selecting planet): Space piracy runs rampant in dangerous asteroid belts! Citizens demand formation of space police!
Landing message (after landing on planet): Deregulation was nice, but now it’s starting to be a problem for us too. Concentrate on keeping the factory safe.
Gravity is weaker here, so it will be easier to get around, but that goes for the pirates too. Get to the ingredients!
Secret Tip (received on day 2): The monitoring room is picking up a distress signal from a Vacuum Tank, near a patch of Poisonpuffs.Maybe it was your predecessor’s…
Success Message: Reports of piracy decreasing! The people breathe a sigh of relief!

Map (click to zoom)

Oncrocs (オンクロックス)

Title: Grey Market Profits
Description: Half of the space pirate compound. Feel free to “”appropriate”” any ingredients or soup you may come across. You are running a business.
Region: Bol d’argent
Opponent: General Salters
Research Rewards: Storage Unit
Previous Planets in region: Begreep, Ordsok, Quapel and Zokhelm

Newspaper headline (after selecting planet): Rumours spread of secret space pirate wealth! Does it really exist, or is it just space dust in the solar wind?
Landing message (after landing on planet): Take advantage of this lull in criminal activity to get our profits up to the board’s expectations. And as far as that rumour…
IT’S NOT A RUMOUR. The pirates have a stock somewhere on this asteroid. Executive material would “”acquire”” it for the company.
Secret Tip (received on day 2): Intel has revealed a powerful weapon in the east region of the planet.
Verify if you have time.
Success Message: Reports of piracy decreasing! The people breathe a sigh of relief!

Map (click to zoom)

Bukden (ブクデン)

Title: Hostile Takeover
Description: The other half of the space pirate compound. The mean half. Be sure to protect your factory from any upset pirates who may happen upon it.
Region: Bol d’argent
Opponent: Biomash Enterprises
Research Rewards: Shotgun
Previous Planets in region: Begreep, Ordsok, Quapel, Zokhelm and Oncrocs

Newspaper headline (after selecting planet): Unmarked ships seen in the asteroid belts! Sources report clashes over territory with new and terrible weaponry!
Landing message (after landing on planet): CLANK! This is getting annoying. The space pirates are affecting our shipping and our profit margins! Take a more proactive approach.
Take over the market here and process these pirates! There will be a nice bonus waiting for you when you do.
Secret Tip (received on day 2): Sources close to SoupCo have revealed the location of the space pirate treasure!
Head down into the asteroid to locate the bounty.
Success Message: Reports of piracy decreasing! The people breathe a sigh of relief!

Map (click to zoom)

Getoi (ゲトイ)

Title: Path of Thorns
Description: Thornstalks run amok on Getoi. Get in there and mow them down to get to the good stuff! However, vehicles are prohibited. Battery acid and all.
Region: Warhol’s Wastes
Opponent: Beta Ray Blendings
Research Rewards: Factory Shields
Previous Planets in region: Gravlock B

Newspaper headline (after selecting planet): Concerns over health have caused people to abandon vehicles! Healthy tentacles and floaters are on everyone’s minds!
Landing message (after landing on planet): First robots, now vehicles! Regulations mean you’ll have to rely on your own locomotion to get around. Don’t be lazy!
There are also a lot of Thornstalks here. In addition to being a pain the flavour is …interesting, but they can be useful if you’re patient.
Secret Tip (received on day 2): A group of robots are trapped in an attic near where you crash landed.
You are the closest thing to a rescue party we have right now.
Success Message: A new household name in soup becomes known throughout the galaxy!

Map (click to zoom)

Kakoi (カコイ)

Title: Uphill Battle
Description: The air on Kakoi is really thin, but Oxygrass awaits those brave enough to climb. Use environmentally sound construction to get a leg up!
Region: Warhol’s Wastes
Opponent: R.K.B. Foodstuffs
Research Rewards: Oxygen Tank
Previous Planets in region: Getoi

Newspaper headline (after selecting planet): The newest health craze-extreme climbing! No rope, no oxygen, just you and a big rock!
Landing message (after landing on planet): Unlike most places you’ve been, you won’t find any oxygen pockets here. Expand your factory if you want breathing room!
However, scans show a slight oxygen reading near the summit…maybe you’ll be able to breathe easy AND increase our profits.
Secret Tip (received on day 2): Hold it! Reports of hidden storage units are coming in… rare ingredients…OK…north west…south west…east. Got it. This seems legit, so get out there!
Success Message: A new household name in soup becomes known throughout the galaxy!

Map (click to zoom)

Kizto (キズト)

Title: Rusted Blade
Description: Free robot labor is prohibited here, so use your wits and your hands to build a successful factory before less scrupulous contemporaries surpass you in sales…
Region: Warhol’s Wastes
Opponent: Table Tyrant
Research Rewards: Arthur
Previous Planets in region: Gravlock B

Newspaper headline (after selecting planet): The Robot United Republic prohibits all robot labour! Businesses consider withdrawing en masse!
Landing message (after landing on planet): WORK MEAT! MAKE SOUP FOR THE MEAT AND GET ME MY MONEY! WORK WOR-*unclear*
Hmm…unexpected resonance with the robot protesters. Have to improve my shielding! At any rate, use of robots is off limits.
Secret Tip (received on day 2): A pirate hoard is held deep within their base to the West.
Find it and you can revive peace in space.
Success Message: A new household name in soup becomes known throughout the galaxy!

Map (click to zoom)

Fisuno (フィスノ)

Title: Supply Lines
Description: Fisuno has been scarred by the Bio/Battery War. Try to salvage some profit from among the ruins while defending your venture.
Region: Warhol’s Wastes
Opponent: Allied Mega
Research Rewards: Missile Tower
Previous Planets in region: Getoi or Kizto

Newspaper headline (after selecting planet): Biologicals vs. bots! A civil war erupts, possibly influenced by R.U.R. ?
Landing message (after landing on planet): Megasoup is already set up here, providing soup to both sides in secret! I don’t have any proof, but I know him…
Things could get oily if we are seen supporting either side. Just focus on establishing the factory and keeping it safe.
Secret Tip (received on day 2): There’s a climber’s retreat filled with Oxygrass half way up the mountain.
Strap those hiking boots on!
Success Message: A new household name in soup becomes known throughout the galaxy!

Map (click to zoom)

Kabuuf (カブーフ)

Title: An Explosive Situation
Description: This is supposed to be a neutral zone and towers are prohibited according to a treaty. Guns and swords are ok, though. Be careful!
Region: Warhol’s Wastes
Opponent: Hebikawa Industries
Research Rewards: Jack
Previous Planets in region: Getoi/Kizto and Fisuno

Newspaper headline (after selecting planet): Guerilla fighters are targeting resources and supplies! Commerce comes to a halt!
Landing message (after landing on planet): There’s a treaty in effect here that prohibits the use of defensive towers. Technically, it doesn’t apply to us, but…
Ah well, better to be safe than bankrupt. Keep the factory safe and operational Astroworker-SoupCo is counting on you!
Secret Tip (received on day 2): Keep an eye out for unexploded Jacks, Astroworker! Punch them at your own risk, or use them to blast through hard rock that stands in the way of progress.
Success Message: A new household name in soup becomes known throughout the galaxy!

Map (click to zoom)

Ryoho (リョホ)

Title: Ferric Fellows
Description: It’s unwise to draw too much attention on Ryoho. As the civil war heats up, even a simple soup merchant could get targeted for “”neutralization.””
Region: Warhol’s Wastes
Opponent: Lucky Tentacle
Research Rewards: Iron Suit
Previous Planets in region: Getoi/Kizto and Fisuno

Newspaper headline (after selecting planet): A new alloy being developed in secret could end the civil war! Both sides race toward completion!
Landing message (after landing on planet): It seems like there may be something of value to us here after all…if we claim the market here, that alloy could be ours.
Remember, time spent captured will be taken out of your pay. Get the factory functioning and profitable again!
Secret Tip (received on day 2): There’s an area nearby with enough Jacks to blast a hole in this planet!
See if you can use them to your advantage, and be careful!
Success Message: A new household name in soup becomes known throughout the galaxy!

Map (click to zoom)

Gotsudak (ゴツダク)

Title: Contents Under Pressure
Description: Gotsudak rests on the edge of the war zone. Not the safest location for factory expansion, but there could be unexpected benefits.
Region: Warhol’s Wastes
Opponent: Omnigruel Concepts
Research Rewards: Stun Tower
Previous Planets in region: Getoi/Kizto, Fisuno and Ryoho

Newspaper headline (after selecting planet): Escaped prisoners reveal the robot rebels’ plans! Will the civil war finally end?
Landing message (after landing on planet): A new tower was also being developed along with the alloy. Get our soup circulating and on the biologicals’ tables!
With that new tower, corporate security will become much easier. Keep one eye on sales and the other on that technology.
Secret Tip (received on day 2): There is a stash of stolen supply crates deep below the factory! The contents could give us an advantage against Lucky Tentacle!
Success Message: A new household name in soup becomes known throughout the galaxy!

Map (click to zoom)

Yiju (イジュ)

Title: Electric Sheep No Longer
Description: Capital of the Robot United Republic and memorial zone. Don’t let the sacrifices of valiant robots go to waste!
Region: Warhol’s Wastes
Opponent: LadleOS
Research Rewards: Turbo Servo
Previous Planets in region: Kizto

Newspaper headline (after selecting planet): R.U.R. proclaims independence and builds capital on outskirts of robot graveyard! Memorial festival planned!
Landing message (after landing on planet): The mineral-rich ground provides an abundance of floppies! I believe this is the “”circle of life”” biologicals speak of.
Secret Tip (received on day 2): Hmmm, my intelligence reveals that a group of once heroic SoupCo robot warriors are somehow stranded on an island to the west.
When it’s safe, get going.
Success Message: A new household name in soup becomes known throughout the galaxy!

Map (click to zoom)

Shasango (シャサンゴ)

Title: Expiration Date
Description: Meteor showers strike the surface with incredible ferocity and frequency. Smarts and skill will be required for success here.
Region: Warhol’s Wastes
Opponent: Megasoup Inc.
Research Rewards: Ballistic Boost
Previous Planets in region: Kizto and Yiju

Newspaper headline (after selecting planet): Communication difficulties with team sent to explore recently discovered ruins as strange debris surrounds planet!
Landing message (after landing on planet): The meteors striking this planet aren’t falling naturally! Analysis reveals something very old and dangerous is responsible.
To top it off, sources tell me Megasoup is investigating some ancient artifacts. CLANK! What’s old Choppy up to?
If necessary, take shelter in the factory, but DON’T let it get destroyed. Your safe extraction won’t be guaranteed…
Secret Tip (received on day 2): There are robots hiding out in some of the tunnels here. It’s a secret to everyone. Get them back to work!
Success Message: An industry giant claims another victory!

Map (click to zoom)

Nozesi (ノジェシ)

Title: Buzzkill
Description: Nozesi is bathed in radiation that interferes with certain technologies. Coupled with its distance from more populated areas, much about the planet is unknown.
Region: Warhol’s Wastes
Opponent: Liquifood LTD.
Research Rewards: HoverBoard 3000
Previous Planets in region: Kizto, Yiju and Shasango

Newspaper headline (after selecting planet): Frontier exploration stalls as radiation interferes with hard light technology!
Landing message (after landing on planet): Radiation here prevents our hard light buzzsaw from functioning. We’ll send you a shielded one-once you’ve shipped some soup.
The radiation also seems to have affected the wildlife. Don’t get too close without a plan.
Secret Tip (received on day 2): A cavern on this planet is rumored to hold a large amount of treasure for anyone who can find it. Here are the coordinates Astroworker…
43 38′ 76″” S, 79 18′ 04″” W.
Success Message: An industry giant claims another victory!

Map (click to zoom)

Pheni (フェニ)

Title: Heavy Industry
Description: Recent surveys of Pheni have detected several large heat signatures. As a result, the planet has come under scrutiny from a variety of sectors.
Region: Warhol’s Wastes
Opponent: CygnusCorp
Research Rewards: Sawatron Drive
Previous Planets in region: Kizto, Yiju and Shasango

Newspaper headline (after selecting planet): Surveys of distant planet show heavy concentration of large wildlife! Exploration plans under discussion!
Landing message (after landing on planet): Good news! We seem to be the first company to set up here. Search for the giant lifeforms on the sensors and start experimenting.
Dealing with them will be dangerous, so outfit yourself accordingly. Don’t raise our insurance premiums.
Secret Tip (received on day 2): There’s a cave somewhere nearby filled with gold!
See if you can get your hands on it.
Success Message: An industry giant claims another victory!

Map (click to zoom)

Mishuba (ミシュバ)

Title: Surprise Inspection
Description: Remnants of an advanced civilization pop up here and there on Mishuba. What happened to it? Why is it getting dark?
Region: Warhol’s Wastes
Opponent: Pot of Darkness
Research Rewards: Warpgate
Previous Planets in region: Kizto, Yiju, Shasango and Pheni

Newspaper headline (after selecting planet): Large-saucer like object reported blocking shipping lanes! What is it?!
Landing message (after landing on planet): There’s a Q-file in the office about an ancient passive-aggressive platform that has appeared sporadically for millenia.
It’s said to leave after being rocked by employee efficiency-or a fairly heavy impact. Solve the mystery if you can.
Secret Tip (received on day 2): Intelligence has reported a cave full of treasure on a floating island to the East.
Don’t think you can get it? Sure you can!
Success Message: An industry giant claims another victory!

Map (click to zoom)

The Overload (ザ・オーバーロード)

Title: Galaxy in a Can
Description: Almost nothing is known about this energy field or what lies inside. Follow Mr. Chopsticks inside to learn the truth!
Region: ???
Opponent: Mr. Chopsticks
Research Rewards:
Previous Planets in region: Gravlock C

Newspaper headline (after selecting planet): Megasoup CEO’s private ship disappears into mysterious energy field! Can he be saved?
Landing message (after landing on planet): Soup…the universe is soup…soup is the universe…find the legendary recipe…the legendary recipe is all…power…life…
Send all into the void….*RECALIBRATING*…
Something in here took taken temporary control of my circuits. CLANK blast it!
Send soup with all known ingredients and something should happen. Analysis of outcome:
0.0000000001% accurate.
Scan reveals Chopsticks is in here somewhere, trying the same thing. Don’t waste any time!
Secret Tip (received on day 2): Somewhere deep in this planet is an ancient treasure room.
Head east, west, north and south and you’re surely find it eventually!
Success Message: Soup company discovers secrets of existence. Legendary recipe discovered alongside remnants of lost civilisation!

Map (click to zoom)

Custom Planets

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