theHunter: Call of the Wild™ Guide

NOOOTs Guide to LOAD your map with NEEDZONES for theHunter: Call of the Wild™

NOOOTs Guide to LOAD your map with NEEDZONES


Looking for a way to increase the number of needzones on your map without running around scouting for hours?Here i’ll tell you how you can discover lots of needzones on your map.Without cheating, by just using what the game gives you. And the best: it works even better in multiplayer!

The essence:

– Use the Tier 4 Ambusher Skill Keen Eye to discover Needzones from Lookout Points.
– Bypass the 30 min cooldown of the skill by exiting to you desktop and launching the game again.
– Enter the loop of “Needzone Madness”

What it’s about:

Needzones (Resting, Drinking and Feeding) in the game are said to be connected with the amount of animals on your map.
The more needzones you have, the more animals should be found on your map…
At least the needzones give you a hint where to look for an animal at what time of the day.

If you go by that then you may have a great interest in increasing the number of dicovered needzones on your map.

In the following, I will discribe how to discover a lot of needzones fast.

What is required:

To be able to use this method, you, or a friend in multiplayer, is requires to have at least one skillpoint spent on the TIER 4 Ambusher Skill: Keen Eye.

So unfortunately you won’t be able to use this in early game, at least not in singleplayer…

So what you need:

– At least one point on the Tier 4 Ambusher skill Keen Eye

What you don’t need but makes life easier and the dicovering of needzones faster:

– a tent (requires the tent DLC) to shorten the way to run
– ATV (requires the ATV DLC) to get to the Lookouts faster

It also helps if you have a computer that can start and shut down the game quite quickly. Preferably using an SSD to launch the game from…
The faster you can quit/restart the game the more needzones you can discover per time.

– one or more friends in multplayer that have the Keen Eye skill unlocked for dicovering needzones on the hosts map

How to execute:

1. spend at least one point on the Tier 4 Skill Keen Eye in the Ambusher skill tree.

2. get to the Lookout of you chioce. An ATV can get you there the fast and fun way.

3. Set up a tent right at the base of the Lookout tower or otherwise as close as possible to the map.

4. go within 10 meters of the map and use the Keen Eye skill to discover 1-4 needzones in a radius of up to 700 meters around the Lookout. (skill needs to be activated in the skill tree and used by pressing “F”)

You will now find the needzones marked on your map.

You may also notice that the skill Keen Eye has a massive cooldown time of 1800 seconds (30 min)!!!

Here comes the trick:

5. After all zones are dicovered and the info text on your screen has stopped popping up, go into the menu by hitting Esc and exit the game to your desktop!

6. as soon as possibel you then lauch the game again. In the main menu select Continue and you should enter your map at the tent you placed in front of the lookout.

And look!!! The Keen Eye skill has been reset!!! You can run up to the map and use it again straight away to discover more new needzones!!! This is much faster than waiting for half an hour!! (the faster your computer the better, one loop takes me about a minute)

How it works in Multiplayer

In Multiplayer with your friend(s) you can do the same. But even faster

You just have to set up a tent for your friends to spawn at near a Lookout point.

Then your friends join the game,
they run up to the map,
they use the skill Keen Eye to discover the needzones,
then they exit the game and join again via Steam.
Then they run to the map,…

The host stays online all the time as long as this is done.

If you get like seven players to pull this off on your map, it just takes minutes to fill your map to the rim with need zones cause all needzones dicovered during multiplayer are saved to the hosts map.

Pros and Cons:


– You save a lot of time by not running around looking for needzones.

– You find needzones even in thick vegetation where it is otherwise very hard to spot animals

– If more needzones mean more animals on your map, you should find more animals.


– using this method can take away the fun of finding need zones by spotting animals. Also the radius aroud the lookouts does not cover the whole map and leaves still room for good old stalking and finding needzones inbetween.

– stacking to many needzones on your map may cause performance issues. Therefore you may not want to go tolally bonkers with the amout of needzones. Do one Lookout after the other and check inbetween if there is an influence on your performance.