A guide about main things in Earthfall.The guide uses the abbreviations:β β β π SS – Stimshot;β β β π β₯β₯β₯ – First Aid Kit / Medkit;β β β π Reg – Regular difficulty;β β β π Int – Intense difficulty;β β β π OW – Overwhelming difficulty;β β β π Boss – Blackout or Beast;β β β π Inv – Invasion gamemode;
Gameplay basic
During the interaction with anything, your movement speed slows down and you can not shoot. During the interaction you can walk and jump, use this to avoid being hit by aliens. If you move away from the object with which you interact, the interaction will stop. SS speeds up your interaction with anything. You can start interacting if you are near a 2-meter object. After the interaction begins, you can move another 2 meters away. If the distance between you and the object is 5 meters, the interaction will be interrupted.
You helping teammate within 4 seconds. After helping teammate he gets 20% health. If you hold a stimshot or first aid kit in your hands when helping, then you use them on your teammate. While using the first aid kit you move slower and the teammate on which you use the first aid kit. If a teammate grabbed by Whiplash, to free a teammate killing can only be Whiplash. If a teammate is grabbed by Thresher, you can drive him off the teammate by hitting him with the butt. If all the teammates are unconscious, it will be faster to use stimshot on yourself and quickly help team.
The wounded teammates have two Stages: downed and unconscious.
β β β π Downed – Teammate downed, but he can still shoot. Might attract the attention of aliens. After downed of the aliens continue to attack, but the Beast begins to hunt for another player. Time help this teammate is 4 seconds.
β β β π Unconscious – If no one helped the teammate in the previous stage, he goes to another stage – unconscious. The teammate can’t shoot, the aliens ignore him. The treatment time of such a teammate is 8 seconds.
Indicator of your endurance is right at the bottom under the indicator of health. Initially you have 100% stamina. When you run you are gradually consumed the strip of endurance. If you move slowly, the stamina bar gradually recovers. If your health is less than 10% inclusive, you can not run.
If you take an item, you will not be able to run with it. But if you switch to medkit or stimshot, you can take the item and run with it. To drop this item just switch to weapons. In this way, you can quickly run with special weapons, move items for the mission or always carry a stationary turret.
If the whole team is knocked down or unconscious, you can run alone to the escape zone and the mission will be considered successful. For example, 3 players can pull together all enemies and bosses, and the last player waits when escape will be available. After the last player will be in the area of escape, the team does a suicide.
Levelling up
XP BoosterBoost to experience is activated automatically after reaching a certain level. Boost acts 2 hours and begins with the mission, on which he was received. And ends the its action after the end of the mission on which he over. Increases the amount of experience received by 2 times. The countdown is conducted only when you play any mission.
If you have reached the next level where you are given xp booster, but the previous one is not over, the effect is summed. The remaining time is added to the additional two hours.
You earn experience for what you play. With each new level, you will open a boost to experience or cosmetic things for the characters, weapons. The higher the level, the more experience is needed to improve it. Also you get experience for badges. Badges have their own value for each difficulty. Below is the cost and description of each badges.
βΈ Grenade Launcher β€ Kill 10 or more enemies with a thrown grenade.
βΈ Massacre β€ KIll 125 or more drones.
βΈ Boss Killer β€ Kill Beasts or Blackouts.
βΈ Brainiac β€ Kill 15 or more enemies with a brainshot.
βΈ Commando β€ Kill 30 or more drones with a melee weapon.
βΈ Immortal β€ Survive the match without dying.
βΈ Sharp Shooter β€ Higher then 85% accuaracy.
βΈ Engineer β€ Construct 10 or more defensice objects.
βΈ Medic β€ Rescue 5 or more incapacitated team mates.
βΈ Gunner β€ Kill 50 or more enemies wiat a turret.
Below are the data: level and how much experience is needed to lvl up.
02 β£ 600
03 β£ 700
04 β£ 800
05 β£ 700
06 β£ 800
07 β£ 900
08 β£ 1000
09 β£ 1100
10 β£ 1200
11 β£ 1300
12 β£ 1400
13 β£ 1500
14 β£ 1600
15 β£ 1700
17 β£ 2000
18 β£ 2100
19 β£ 2200
20 β£ 2300
21 β£ 2400
22 β£ 2500
23 β£ 2600
24 β£ 2700
25 β£ 2800
26 β£ 2900
27 β£ 3000
28 β£ 3100
29 β£ 3200
30 β£ 3300
32 β£ 4300
33 β£ 4800
34 β£ 5300
35 β£ 5800
36 β£ 6300
37 β£ 6800
38 β£ 7300
39 β£ 7800
40 β£ 8300
41 β£ 8800
42 β£ 9300
43 β£ 9800
44 β£ 10300
45 β£ 10800
47 β£ 11800
48 β£ 12300
49 β£ 12800
Best possible drops in Resistance crates
Open 200 resistance crates – Most of the crates can be found on Sunnyvale and Inferno.
With this skill you can find in crates a container with ammo, first aid kit or stimshot.
Increased magazine ammo count
Complete 50 games with highest number of enemy kills – Bot’s killing does not count in a offline game. In a offline game you will always have highest number of kills.
Decreased weapon reload times
Kill 50 drones via shoving
Ability to carry 2 Medkits
Heal 250 teammates – Shoot once in bot and use first aid kit on him. On Supply Run most first aid kits. Stack with the skill “Health++”
Increase total stamina by 20%
Use 100 stimshots – Stimshots can be printed on the printer in Invasion mode. Stack with the skill “Single use self revive”
Ability to wield 2 MP5 weapons at once
Kill 2500 drones with dual pistols – You can find two Vendettas on R&D/Into the Breach and at the end of the mission when the endless alien’s swarm starts and you will be able to farm 2500 killers with dual pistols. During the endless alien’s swarm can attack either only Threshers or only Sappers.
One of the most effective weapons for Overwhelming. MP5 can be printed on most printers on Overwhelming. Akimbo MP5 has a large ammunition, accuracy, stability and rate of fire.
Ability to sprint with apex weapons
Kill 150 Bosses – All missions have a chance of having only 4 bosses. On R&D, you always get one extra Blackout. On Inferno you have a chance to get 5 bosses.
You can run with a minigun and a flamethrower. But still faster to switch to the first aid kit and run with it, and then to switch to a special weapon. You can run not only with weapons, but with anything.
World interactions take less time
Complete 250 objectives – Most of objectives on Inferno mission.
Single use self revive
Use 250 stimshots – Stimshots can be printed on the printer in Invasion mode. Stack with the skill “Stamina++”
If you fall, you can get to your feet. But first, wait for the aliens to move away from you, because after revive you can fall again. Can only be used once per mission.
Increase total health by 10%
Heal 75 teammates – Shoot once in bot and use first aid kit on him. On Supply Run most first aid kits. Stack with the skill “Medic”
Ability to carry an additional grenade
Kill 500 enemies via thrown grenade – Grenade launcher F4-NG kills count as grenade kills.
Escape a Thresher’s pin if you have a grenade
Kill 250 Threshers – At the end of the R&D mission, during the endless alien’s swarm. Can attack only Threshers or only Sappers.
Works with at least one Frag Grenade, Napalm Grenade, Shade Grenade or Arc Grenade.
The Medkit restores only 80% of health. If you choose a medkit and begin to help a partner, you will help him and fully restore his health, using your medkit. If you help a teammate without a medic, you will restore only 20% of his health. While using the first aid kit you move slower and the teammate on which you use the first aid kit. You can take only 1 equipment with you. With skill Medic, you can borrow with a 2 first aid kit.
Speeds up interaction time, restores health, reduces the damage received in you, increases movement speed, reload speed and rate of fire of the weapon. Also with a syringe you can help your teammate and give him all these buffs. With the stimshot, you help your teammates instantly. When used gives you extra health. After the termination buffs extra health is lost. Extra health is shown in gray color on your health bar. All damage taken during slimshot, the scale absorbs extra HP. All effects from the syringe last for 15 seconds. With stimshot, you will restore 30% health. You can take only 1 equipment with you.
Simple grenades that explode and do damage to everyone nearby. Deals 6 damage to everyone in the blast area. You can carry only 3 grenades. With skill Grenadier, you can take with you one additional grenade.
Explode and set fire to all enemies nearby. Fire deals damage to humans as well. Deals 2 damage per second to everyone in the blast area. Like other fire effects, you’ll burn and take damage for a few seconds after exiting the blast area. You can take only 2 grenades with you. With skill Grenadier, you can take with you one additional grenade.
A fake grenade that pulls all the enemies to itself. Acts 15 seconds, then explodes and deals 15 damage to all in the area of the explosion. Can divert the attention of enemies and perform objective or lure enemies to the barrels of explosives, and then blow them up. With skill Grenadier, you can take with you one additional grenade.
A new grenade, which is analogous to an attractive grenade. Also pulls all enemies, and then deals damage to all in the explosion. But has been in place for 10 seconds and inflicts maximum damage (as Valkyrie). People don’t take damage from this grenade. Shard Grenade trigger immediately if you pushed Thresher. You can only take one with you. With skill Grenadier, you can take with you one additional grenade.
A grenade that gradually damages enemies with an electric current. A little damage, but large area of effect and duration of effect. The effect starts from the place from which the grenade is thrown and ends with the place where the grenade fell. Can be applied to improve barricades. An effective weapon against the blackout. Gradual damage very quickly destroys the Blackout’s shield. You can carry only 3 grenades. With skill Grenadier, you can take with you one additional grenade.
Mines that are installed on the ground. If an enemy steps on a mine, the mine will explode. You can install them at any distance. You can take only 3 mines. Not activated immediately. After installation, it should take a few seconds for the mine to become active. The mine will only work if the aliens step on it. To teammates and you it is not activated. With skill Grenadier, you can take with you one additional grenade.
Turret, which must be controlled by the player. It has infinite ammo, but the barrels can overheat. If they overheat, you won’t be able to fire for a while. The turret can rotate only in the limit in which it is installed, i.e. you will not be able to rotate it 360 degrees. You will need to rearrange it manually.To reset the turret to the ground, and not to install-press the button that is responsible for the sight of the weapon. Deals 4 damage per 1 shot. The turret is red, you can put and move it. The reinstallation of the turret resets the counter to overheating. You can avoid a Thresher attack by standing behind a stationary turret. Thresher will bring down the animation of interaction with the turrel, but you will remain alive.
On the left in the screenshot is an automatic turret. You just need to install it, so she began to destroy the aliens. On top of the turret displays its ammo. Kills murders count towards the last person to install the turret. The Beast destroys the turret with a single hit.
The turret rotates only 180 degrees. Try to install it so that the rear of the turret could not get the aliens. Automatic turret from the map has 100 ammo. Printed automatic turret on a 3D printer in Invasion mod has 200 ammunition.
If you crouching that your weapon recoil decreases and accuracy on long distances increases. If you do not have part of the ammunition on a special weapon, you can pick up another exactly the same weapon, and ammunition on both weapons are added.
If your weapon ran out of ammo and you replace it, the weapon with empty ammunition will be gone. If the weapon can no longer be found on the map, it is better to fill the ammo from the ammo box. Weapons that can be printed on a 3D printer, it is most profitable to fill ammunition, making a duplicate weapon. If there is a printer nearby, print 2 duplicates. Shoot 1 magazine of ammunition, replace the weapons and your ammo full without reloading. Useful for automatic shotgun to quickly destroy bosses.
- Pick up ammo – The ability to fill ammunition from a container with ammunition.
If you have a melee weapon, during bleedout you will have one gun “SW22a”. You can equip 2 pistols of the same type at once. Akimbo weapons and a single weapon, the damage is not increased. It only increases the ammo.
β Y
β β²
β β²
β β²
β ββ βΆβΆβΆβΆ X
ADS – aiming down sight. ADS is essential for weapons. While aiming your weapon more accurately, reduced recoil and unique features of the weapon. On SW22a, Vendetta, Val and Glintec ADS is not affected. These weapons are 100% accurate. After the shot, the barrel throws up the Y-axis. This weapon does not have a spread of bullets on the X-axis. Valkyrie and Harbinger has no ADS.
- Berg 930 and EF18 one shot produced by a few pellets of buckshot. Irrelevant ADS.
- AK47 and AK67 when aiming removes the spread of bullets on the x-axis And reduces the recoil on the y-axis.
- Combat CVA uses a semi-automatic firing mode. If you press the fire button, you will shoot only 1 bullet. If you press the fire button, you will release a maximum of 3 bullets. ADS doesn’t matter.
- xP9D, MP5x and Akimbo MP5x has a very high rate of fire. ADS weapons slower throws up the y-axis. the best option is to use these weapons in semi-automatic firing mode. And only on the clamping Bosses to automatic firing mode.
- Harbinger has a very large spread of bullets on both axes. The spread of bullets is distributed in the form of a circle with a large radius. ADS only reduces the radius of the circle. The spread on both axes remains.
- F4-NG projectiles have very high speed and damage. Shells fly right on target and only after overcoming a certain distance they begin to fall. With ADS you can throw grenades from a grenade launcher at close range, these grenades can bounce off the surface and have a delay before exploding. If such a grenade hit the enemy, it will instantly explode.
There are four difficulty levels in the game: Easy, Regular, Intense and Overwhelming (this guide uses the appropriate abbreviations for each difficulty: Easy – Easy, Regular – Reg, Intense – Int and Overwhelming – OW). At the easy level of difficulty of the aliens on the map less than the difficulties above. On the OW difficult is to be printed on a 3D printer is different from other difficulties. Otherwise, all levels of difficulty are the same, differ only in the values of the aliens, alien’s damage and frendly fire damage. Description of enemies and their performance can be viewed in the “Aliens” section.
Data RecoverNear medical stationβ β β β β β β β β β β β Control roomβ β β β β β β β β β β Cooling area
Easy/Reg/IntOWβEasy/Reg/IntOWβEasy/Reg/IntOWxP9DMP5xβxP9DAK67βxP9DMP5xBerg 930βAK67βEF18MP5xβCVAβCVAServer cluster
Radio SilenceBridge areaβ β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β Near cocoonsβ β β β β β β β β β β β Railway depot area
Easy/Reg/IntOWβEasy/Reg/IntOWβEasy/Reg/IntOWxP9DAK67βAK67AK67βHar-gerAK67AK67MP5xβEF18MP5xβRe-erHar-gerMP5xSW22aβCVAGlintecβRe-erBerg 930βxP9Dβ
RevelationGunshopβ β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β Churchβ β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β Shed in the corner
Easy/Reg/IntOWβEasy/Reg/IntOWβEasy/Reg/IntOWMP5xMP5xβxP9DArc GrenβEF18EF18AK67Berg 930βArc GrenMP5xβSW22aAK67βGlintecAK67βMP5xGlintecβCVAβ
R&DThe first printerβ β β β β β β β β β β β β Grace’s Warehouse
Easy/Reg/IntOWβEasy/Reg/IntOWxP9DGlintecβValkyrieValkyrieMP5xMP5xβEF18AK67AK67Berg 930βCVAVendettaAK67β
The DiversionAt the entranceβ β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β At the top of the dam
Easy/Reg/IntOWβEasy/Reg/IntOWxP9DBerg 930βVendettaSW22aBerg 930UtilishovelβCVAAK67AK67MP5xβEF18GlintecMP5xβ
Into the BreachThe first printerβ β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β In the hangar with a drill
Easy/Reg/IntOWβEasy/Reg/IntOWAK67GlintecβxP9DVendettaMP5xMP5xβCVAAK67Berg 930Berg 930βEF18AK67
ExterminationNear pipes
InfernoRight warehouse with 3D printerβ β β β β β β β Water treatment plant
Easy/Reg/IntOWβEasy/Reg/IntOWAK67LandminesβEF18Frag GrenadeBerg 930SW22aβSW22aVendettaBerg 930MP5xβxP9DAK67
World Items
In the maps placed cars are protected by alarms. Near the car, which is protected by alarm, there is a small glow in red. If you shoot or climb on the car, the alarm will work, which will attract the attention of a pack of aliens.
You can install barricades not only on doors, Windows and cracks as the game offers. You can install them in any place. The beast destroys all barricades with a single blow. Upload the barricade can withstand 2 hits from the beast. You can upgradet the barricades with the help of the burner. Aliens who begin to destroy the barricade will be set on fire. Fire does not damage players. But if next to the barricade will be an alien, the flame will increase and damage to players will already be applied. You can also attach an Arc Grenade to the left side of the barricade to give it an electric effect. It wont damage your teammates but after a while of shocking the aliens it gets removed. You can repair the barricade by removing it and installing it again. After installing the barricade, standing next to the aliens instantly die. You can also shoot the propane tank to make it explode and kill the aliens near the barricades. A propane tank deals 10 damage to everyone in the blast area. Propane tank ignites enemies only from the opposite side. The screenshot shows the area in which any upgrade is available.
On the printer you can print yourself weapons and items. To make the printer work it needs to be powered. After powering up the aliens begin to attack. Printing equipment on the printer is free, but requires some time. To make ammo for a weapon, create a duplicate of the weapon on the printer. The remaining ammunition is accumulated. The difficulty affects the weapons you can print on each printer.
On some maps you can find a health station. Just like a printer, it requires power. When using the health you restore your health to 100% (with the skill of 110%). You can use the health station only if your health is less than 99%. The exception is a health station that gradually restores your health to the maximum (5HP per second). If you receive damage during the interaction with the medical device, the process of health recovery will stop. If possible, always use the health station, it is more profitable and faster than a first aid kit, whether invasion gamemode or story campaign.
Any alien swarm attack always starts with the roar of drones.
The damage of each aliens differs depending of difficulty. The table below shows the damage value for each enemy on each difficulty.
At the end of some missions aliens attack endlessly until you complete the mission. During the endless alien’s swarm attack, Sappers and Threshers constantly appear.
The mechanics of spawns are no different on each difficulty. Only 30 aliens can be on the map. You can spawn these 30 enemies and just run from them. New will not appear. Exception: Bosses and special aliens. If you kill one of these 30 aliens, new ones will appear at the nearest respawn point. If you get too far away from these 30 aliens, they will disappear and new ones will appear at the nearest respawn point from you.
You will be blinded by white light if an Blackout spawned. This alien belongs to the BOSS type. Most often appears during the scripted attacks of a alien’s swarm. Attack of the pack will last until you kill BOSS. Vulnerable – the head, but his whole body is protected by three shields. First you have to break these shields, and only then start killing the extinguisher. Shields absorb all damage (except Valkyrieand Flamethrower). Blackout shoots alternately several shots at once. His shells are flying very low. One shot of him deals 1/3/3/3 damage on Easy/Reg/Int/OW difficulties. If you are standing next to the absorber, then it can knock you off the ground for 1 second and inflict 2 damage on all the difficulties. Blackout is hard to hit with a melee weapon because it drops anyone who approaches it.
You will hear a longest roar if a beast spawned. This alien belongs to the BOSS type. It has 2 types of attacks: melee and long-range attacks. In close combat, he pushes you and deals 20/30 damage on Easy/Reg-OW. The beast attacks in close combat all who come close to him. In other cases, he only shoots a fireball. In long-range combat, the beast releases a fireball that explodes and causes damage ranging from 31 for a direct hit and 17 for an explosion near you. Creates a fireball not immediately, but with a slight delay, while the monster stands still and does not come. The beast attacks only one player and chases him until it kills him. One player can run from the beast, and the rest to destroy the aliens and help each other.The most vulnerable spot of the Beast is the glowing area on its back. One player runs from him, and the second shoots him on the back.
This alien belongs to the Special aliens type. Attacks and disables the player at a great distance. One jump does 20 damage, each attack deals 2/4/4/5 damage on Easy/Reg/Int/OW. The Thresher attacks only one player and cannot switch to another until the previous victim is completely killed. If the thresher attacked an ally, it will be faster to throw the enemy. If you flip the Thresher, then within a few seconds it will be safe as long as it does not get up from the ground to his feet. It is better to keep away from such an enemy, if he starts to jump from immediately press the button that will push him. With the skill Get off me you can be saved from Thresher, throwing the grenade in his mouth. Animation knockback the enemy and throw him grenades automatically. Works with at least one Frag Grenade, Napalm Grenade, Shade Grenade or Arc Grenade. Shade Grenade will work immediately after you kick back the enemy. If you threw Trashers using Frag Grenades, you get it from damage. After killing of the trasher, effect triggered grenades. For example, if you flip the Thresher with Napalm Grenade, the area will be covered with fire and cause damage to all nearby drones. Shard Grenade fire immediately. You can avoid Trasher’s jump if you jump on the spot at the same time as his jump. Arc Grenade begins to deal damage from the moment you are knocked down by the Thresher. You can avoid a Thresher attack by standing behind a stationary turret. Thresher will bring down the animation of interaction with the turrel, but you will remain alive.
This alien belongs to the Special aliens type. Sapper after the explosion cause the same damage on all difficulties. Runs and self destructs near a player, once they are face to face with a player they will begin to attempt to blow them selves up. The Sapper cloud its self will deal 10 damage per second. The Sappers pool on “Into The Breach” and “Extermination” will deal 9 damage per second when you are standing on a non exploded one. Shooting a Sapper will cause them to blow up of course, however if you happened to kill a sapper with fire then the will not blow up and corpse remains intact. Meleeing a Sapper will send them flying and is a good way to taking them down. Supper and Thresher, constantly attacking during endless waves. The usual poisonous Supper and charged fire Supper (such as a mission Inferno) cause the same damage, but poisonous gas is only an ordinary Supper. Orange Sapper is not affected by Enrager, it already appears charged.
This alien belongs to the Special aliens type. The only enemy who does not fight with you. Its purpose is to strengthen ordinary drones. It can be recognized by an impulse signal, which is emitted through the textures. After the explosion, deals 20 damage to humans nearby. The buff effect of the drones disappears after a few seconds if they are in the zone of the impulse. Only light and heavy drones receive amplification. They have increased damage and poison appears. After killing such drones, you will get poison damage if the enemy died near you. All units that are under the effect of the pulse are painted in a bright red color. Poisonous drones are not affected and are considered light drones. Spitter Drones are already appearing under the pulse. The poison that they spill causes 9 damage on all difficulties. Enrager can also appear from sapper pools.
This alien belongs to the Special aliens type. Runs on all fours and has a extremely long neck, the Whiplash will grab a player by the head with their mouth and take them away from their team, dealing 20 damage. After running for a while they will stop and start shaking you violently, this will deal 1/2/5/6 damage per second on Easy/Reg/Int/OW, your character becomes a ragdoll while they are doing it too. Unlike the Thresher this special will not let go of a player even though they are unconcious, He also cant be meleed back. Whiplash will be able to grab you if you stay close to it and on the same surface. Ie if between you and the alien is what that object, he will not be able to grab you. Or if you are higher than the opponent (for example, if you stand on the table, Whiplash will push you until you are on the same ground with him). Unlike the Threasher, the only way to free the victim is by killing the Alien.
Unlock lore
To unlock database of lore, you need to complete all the missions, use all kinds of equipment, kill enough enemies from each weapon, kill dozens of enemies of all kinds, play 25 times for all the characters (1/4/10/10) and collect all the elements of history on all the maps. You can read the unlocked history in the main menu. Some part of the story can be unlocked with the same item, which can be on different missions. For example, on the mission “Data Recovery” and “R&D” you can explore the hand of aliens. The table below shows only one place
Map strategies
The game is filled with various tools to eliminate aliens, various defensive means. Your tactics have no limits. You can play as you like. In the sections below will be presented variators of different tactics. Examples will be given only at one of the locations. You can use these tactics anywhere. Don’t forget to always close the doors behind you. This will keep the aliens at Bay.
For easy navigation, each tactic will have its own color, which will be assigned to the sections below. These tactics are perfect if You need to keep one point during the attack of alien’s swarm.
π Loop. Activate all the targets of the task, provoke aliens and run from them in a circle until the next target is available. Great strategy for solo play. Bosses don’t pose much of a threat. Spawn of aliens is limited and soon they will not discourage you to play.
π Defense. To set up defensive barricades and to build a place of defense. Activate the script and the whole team to defend one point until the next task is available.
π Camp. The tactics are a bit similar to the previous one, but this one is much easier. You choose the place of defense. One player runs to another location. Activates there is a script and goes back to his team. The team takes any convenient location for defense.
1.1 Supply run
For the first mission this is actually kinda hard. Basically go as you normally would in your playthrough.
- Find the nearest resistance cache house.
- Travel to Zippy’s moving and storage facility.
When you reach the boards a swarm is scripted to go off as soon as you start hitting them with a melee. When you start to enter the valley, Two Sappers and a Thresher will spawn.
Once you start moving past the truck and up the hill a boss is scripted to spawn i think.
- Find an alternate way into the facility.
Can spawned beast, or blackout.
- Find the resistance cache insode Zippy’s storage facility.
- Deactivate the cache door security.
Entrance Swarm: This is where a good amount of teams fail at, two options here.
A: Run through, hard but possible if you run before the swarm can start flooding the hall.
B: Move back and defend your position, The drones should just be swarming from the entrance and mabye the way you came.
- Wait for security system to deactivate.
The beast or blackout will spawn. It is not necessary to kill them, it is enough to hold out until the gate opens. it will take 1 min and 30 sec to open the doors.
π Save SS in one of the garages. Run around the garages until not spawned boss. Then run back to the truck in which you found the weapon and 4 first-aid kits. When the door opens, then under the stimulus back. You can use that saved SS in the garage to open the gate faster.
π Set land mines on the roofs and check if a grenade launcher spawned, a boss is scripted to spawn of course. Make sure you stay on the roofs and stick together,
if one of the survivors falls down have someone cover them.
- Open door to cache and get inside!
π Places with loot are marked in red.
π Red marked places with loot on one side of the truck and the other.
π 1.On the stump you can find weapons and first aid kit.
2. In the garage you can find weapons.
3. On the porch behind the house you can find a grenade launcher.
π In the garage on the left you can find weapons and medicines.
1.2 Breaksdown
Easierish, play as you normally would. Make sure you got a grenade or a healing item so you can run with the, tire/gas/engine/.
- Investigate service station.
- Flip the breaker.
- Search for functional vehicle.
The working vehicle is always a minibus at the end of the road, with a beetle on the roof.
- Investigate the junkyard to find a replacement wheel.
- Use the tow truck to open the gate (start alien’s swarm).
- Survive until the gate is open.
Tow Truck Swarm:
π Run around the workshop.
π Hold your position, hard since the aliens come from every side and you might have sappers spawn and seperate you from your team.
π Go back to the gas station and defend, easier since you got turrets and barricades.
- Replace the van wheel.
- Push the van into the garage.
The car goes faster with each player who is nearby. If you play with bots, you can run from one side of the car to the other. Bots will follow you and will help push the car.
- Deliver gas cans to the van.
A can of gasoline could end up in a dumpster, in a pickup truck, and on a mountain. On the mountain you can jump from a stone. The screenshot shows the route.
- Start the van.
- Find a battery in the junkyard.
- Start the van.
Holdout: A boss is scripted to spawn, you can either try to defend the gas station. However due to how many entrances there are usually you will get overrun.
Run around, usually easier since you got lots of space. I highly suggest you bring a stimshot.
π On the roof of the gas station is always placed a sniper rifle with a box of ammunition.
π There’s a garage with loot in the dump. There is a chance of a special weapon.
1.3 Data recovery
- Get inside the black pine data storage facility.
- Restart and protect power supply.
- Open service doors.
- Everyone to the generator control room.
- Activate auxiliary generators.
- Reset auxiliary power system.
The door to the other part of the complex is closed. You must survive the Attac aliens, to have the doors open. It take 1 min. During the attack you receive the blackout or the beast.
- Return to service juncrion and access cooling area.
- Open the water flow valves.
- Activate cooling system.
- Survive while the cooling system starts.
Can attack the blackout or the beast.
- Find the nearest server cluster.
At the exit you may receive the blackout or the beast.
- Search the servers for required data.
- Unlock and escape through security door.
- Escape the data center.
An endless attack of aliens swarm. There is a chance spawn of blackout.
π Go back to the server room and wait until all the enemies will not pull together to you. After that, run to the exit and do not kill anyone, otherwise the enemies will spawn in the ventilation.
π In 30 seconds of opening the gate, there will be 2 packs of aliens. Save the grenades for them. Napalm Grenades should be enough to keep them from even OW.
π Under the stairs is a room with medicines and weapons.
1.4 Sunnyvale
- Find the old snomammish highway.
- Find the sunnyvale trailer park.
Spawn the blackout or the beast.
Sewer Gate Explosion: A beast or blackout will spawn here, you can either defend the position or risk trying to run through the sewers.
- Find the bunker in the upper trailer park.
- Open bunker door.
- Find and attach thermite to bunker door.
- Hold out while the thermite melts the weld.
Thermite does its job 1min 40sec.
A blackout or beast will always spawn, hold the position and if you get overrun then escape down the hole in the fence to the right and run up to the back and make sure you save a stimshot there incase you gotta run to the bunker doors.
- Open bunker doors.
π The yard at the entrance to the bunker is a circle. You can run from enemies in a circle until the thermite is finished.
π Arrange the entrance to the bunker. Bring an automatic turret and barricades.
π Go back to the trailer Park and wait for the opening of the bunker there.
π Places with loot. If you continue on the road, you can find another place with loot at one of the trailer houses.
π In the location of the cars with alarm in the corner of the map there is a box with loot, and next to the table a variety of weapons.
1.5 Radio silence
- Find the rail yard.
- Deliver fuel to the generator.
- Open gate.
Start holdout and Boss spawned. Two Sappers will spawn on the other side of bridge, hold your position and make use of the propane on the bridge.
- Move vehicle.
This will attract a swarm but no boss.
- Active the forklift.
- Destroy cocoons.
All cocoons can be destroyed by one player with stimshot. The HitBox cocoons can be accessed from below, under the train cars. Once a cocoon has been destroyed a swarm will come and never stop until all their cocoons have been destroyed. Glintec can shoot through walls and objects, so you can quickly destroy all the cocoons.
- Start the train.
Boss spawned.
- Search the hideout.
Start endless holdout and Boss spawned. Helicopter arrive 2 min 40 second after signal.
π Run from enemies in a spiral through railway cars.
π Hold position at the containers. Install barricades and landmines.
π Hold your position at the hidden printer that can print harbringers and reapers.
- Rally at the chopper.
π Loot the place marked on the screenshot.
π Left to right: near the river you can find a box with random loot. Under the stone you can find grenades. On the other side of the river is a camp with ammunition and medicines. In the water utility is a stationary turret and other weapons.
π On the rails are scattered weapons and first aid kits. On the other side there is a passage to the 3D printer, where you can print a flamethrower and minigun.
2.1 Revelation
- Explore the town and find the R&D outpost.
- Explore the bowling alley roof.
- Deliver fuel to the generator.
- Active the bridge (first alien’s swarm).
Hold position, drones will come from the wall to the right and the roof ahead.
- Repair the winch!
Bridge will lower quickly after repair. It will not continue to lower until repaired, and swarm wont stop till it lowers.
- Escape across the bridge!
Whiplash has a very high chance of spawning or is scripted to spawn as soon as you drop down into the gun shop.
- Restore power to the gun shop (second alien’s swarm).
Can attack Whiplash. Before performing this task, you will be available to the medical center and 3D printer.
- Head to the church.
- Inspect the vault door.
- Power up church printer (third alien’s swarm with BOSS).
Hold the position and run around the church to have an easier time with the swarm.
- Return to Sanjay at the vault.
- Scan sensor on east cell tower.
2-3 Sappers spawn as soon as you interact with it.
- Scan sensor on north cell tower.
Swarm comes and so will a boss, hold position and escape over the fence with the car if needed. Two sensors can be activated by one person under stimulators.
- Repair the connection (start alien’s swarm).
Run back in church and defend yourselves with turrets.
- Return to the church vault.
- Set up laptop in belfry.
- Initiate the data transfer to storage device (start alien’s swarm).
2 Sappers will spawn and 2 Enragers will spawn on one side and an extra on the other side.
- Gear up and exit through the construction site (start endless alien’s swarm).
Run through, a boss will spawn, make sure you got a stimshot and some arc grenades to push through, grab a harbringer from the shed and keep moving.
- Escape to the van!
π At the very beginning of the mission there is a left turn. There you will find a medkit and a pistol. In the back of pickups you can find weapons.
π Red arrows mark the places with loot.
2.2 R&D
- Find the warehouse and drop off the laptop.
- Find a way into the warehouses.
- Find the E.F.Safe room
- Restore power to the area.
Hold position and make sure you got people watching every side.
- Open the bay door.
An enrager enjoys spawning inside the warehouses before you can open them, unless its just bad luck for me. However it is possible to chuck a grenade via window and kill it.
- Disable the alarm system
Run through and close the doors to the alarm room and turn it off quickly. An starts the endless alien’s swarm. To end it, you need to disable the alarm. The easiest way to get there is with a used syringe. Boss spawned.
- Find the warehouse with the lab.
- Restore power to the area.
- Destroy the blackout.
Use a harbringer and place some land mines around.
- Rally in the warehouse.
- Boot the early warning system.
Print a ton of valkyries and lay some land mines near the walls.
- Defend the front!
- Defend the left!
- Defend the rear!
- Defend the front!
A boss is scripted to spawn here so get the valkyries ready and run for it.
- Get to the escape vehicle!
During this objective, the aliens spawn endlessly.
π In the beginning there is a railcar with things.
π These hangars are at the beginning, to the left of the train cars. In the farthest hangar you can find grenades, medicines and weapons.
π Between the first and second warehouse there are two railcar with loot.
π On the first floor of the second warehouse there is a truck with loot.
2.3 The Diversion
- Find the dam and destroy the alien cocoons.
- Find a way into the dam.
At the entrance to the dam, there spawned the beast or the blackout.
- Restore the secondary power.
- Locate the generator room.
- Open the manual override valves.
- Manually open the valves.
- Acrive the main power.
- Bypass the breaker box.
- Short the system into the water.
After this objective spawned the blackout or the beast.
Hold position and use a valkyrie if needed.
- Rally at the barn.
- Restore the power.
- Call for Evac
Evac arrives 2 minutes after the signal. The beast appears. Begins the attack of swarm. Not necessarily all to kill enough to hold up as long as Evac will not come.
π Πfter Boss spawned, run back to the dam and hold position from there. Sappers and Enragers will spawn in the lake next to the pier and will climb up from the fence on the street.
π Hold position with barricades and people watching every part.
π Bring the turret to the dam and defend the position there.
π In the back of a pickup truck you can find an AK47 rifle. The rest of the symbols in the screenshot show places with loot. Going a little further you will find a shed with items. And at his gate, you can find a weapon.
π Near the truck with a tank you can find weapon.
π Valkyrie always placed in one of three places: In the courtyard with pipes, around the corner of the building you can find Valkyrie. If there wasn’t a Valkyrie, it left of the stairs to the second floor. The valkyire can also spawn where you set off the eggs. Near the basketball hoop.
π At the top of the dam Valkyrie may be in one of three places: At the dock. On the second floor of the warehouse on one of the shelves. Back of the warehouse by the dumpsters near the power switch.
2.4 Into the breach
- Go to the mine entrance.
With coal deposits can attack the Thresher.
- Open the gate.
An example of an effective barricade that will delay the aliens. At the entrance you need to place a turret, which can be found on top of the stairs.
A beast will have a very good chance of spawning however it is not a guarrentee,
Lay down mines on the truck and place a barricade next to the explosive barrels.
- Check for supplies in the warehouse.
- Restore the power.
A blackout has a very high chance of spawning but not a guarrentee, watch the walls ahead from the power box for drones.
- Open the garage door.
- Cut through the storage yard.
Thresher can get out of the green trash can.
- Throw charges in the sapper pits.
Often in a box of explosives you can find stimshot. With this stimshot you can quickly blow 5 holes in one.
A sapper and enrager will spawn as soon as you come too close to a pit along with some heavy drones. They always spawn as soon as a charge goes in.
- Restore power to the garage.
- The door is blocked! Find a way to open it.
- Close the Valve!
In the back of the car, which is raised on the Jack, is always a weapon. you can get it from the ladder on the valve area, you can also grab it if you jump to it using a prop in the warehouse.
A beast will always spawn and so will drones on the right wall. A reaper/grenade launcher/harbringer will spawn on the pickup truck raised, you can get them by climbing the ladder outside and jumping through window. However you can also grab it if you make good use of the nearby structures and jump and grab it.
- Get to the mine entrance.
- Find something to destroy the shard.
- Restore the power.
The moment you drop down into the warehouse a Thresher will spawn, a enrager will spawn also at the warehouse top so be sure to have a survivor on the roof.
- Open the garage door.
- Use the drill to destroy the shard.
Drill is a higher priority target for enemies than players. The longer enemies attack the drill, the faster the drill will decrease progress.
A beast or blackout will spawn, grab a valkyrie and some napalm grenades from the warehouse. Toss napalm on the drill and use the valkyrie against the bosses.
as soon as the mine doors open and you run in 2-3 Sappers spawn and start running at you.
- Rally in the mine!
π In the garage, to take a special weapon from car on the Jack you can jump from standing next to the red balloon.
2.5 Extermination
- Find a cart and some drilling equipment.
- Find and deliver the drill.
I highly suggest you save a charge for the sapper pools ahead, if placed carefully you can carry some items with you in the cart if you toss them in.
- Acrivate the mine cart.
The beast always attacks.
set some barricades behind and drop some land mines when pushing cart uphill.
- Find and deliver more drills.
- Push the mine cart.
- Close the valve.
Suggested you toss an arc grenade on the valve and use a stimshot for highest chance of success. Boss spawned.
- Push the cart to the elevator.
A never ending swarm until the cart is delivered, Boss will spawn once youve gotten over the bridge, a sapper pool to the right of bridge is where your charge comes into the play.
- Restore power to the area.
- Close the valves.
Hold position, a chance for a valkyrie to spawn to the left of the resistance cache crate.
- Rally in the elevator.
- Use the drills to destroy the shards.
Drill is a higher priority target for enemies than players. First install the far drill until the spawn of aliens. Mine will be a stock of dynamite. If you blow up a poisonous lake with dynamite, the aliens will attack you. In this location a lot of items on top.
Some small caches around will have stimshots, medkits, grenades, valkyries and such.
Inside the mine will be a resistance cache crate, inside will be 3 charges use these to destroy the sapper pools. You will not be temporarily attacked, so you will have a lot of time to prepare. In the last location, 2 Bosses may appear.
- Call for Evac.
10-15 seconds till helicopter arrives, hold position and have turrets to defend.
- Shoot the clasp.
- Rally at the helicopter.
π At the stairs leading to the valve, you can find a box with loot and Valkyrie.
- Get to the substation.
As soon as you open the train car door a swarm will spawn.
- Inspect the sensor.
- Find a printer in the warehouse.
- Upload and print the part.
Swarm comes and boss spawn
- Take the part from printer.
- Install replacement part.
- Active the electric fence.
Only one person can fix the sensor, because the aliens swarn near the warehouse not so actively.
Swarm comes and so will a blackout spawn hold position or run back into the resistance warehouse.
- Survive the holdout.
Boss spawned.
- Head to the water treatment plant.
As soon as you cut open the train car door a swarm spawns, take the reaper from the resistance warehouse as it will greatly help here.
- Find the water treatment plant.
Before entering the sewer, be sure to install a barricade. Because then there will go the spawn. On the river there is a small shed. There are always 2 barricades in it.
- Restore the power.
Hold position at the stairs.
- Run a systems check.
- Check the problem spots.
- Upload the part numbers to print.
- Survive while the part prints.
Beast or blackout spawns, run around till swarm is nearly gone.
- Replace the faulty part.
- Check the system status.
- Weld the leaks.
- Check the upper area for problems.
- Destroy the cocoons.
Like Radio Silence the swarm will not stop till all of the cocoons are dead, I dont know the exact number but a LOT of Sappers will spawn, they will actually help here since their fire can give good denial to any drones running up the stairs. All cocoons can be destroyed without going up the stairs. Under each stairs is a box with a gun. During this objective, the aliens spawn endlessly. Holdout starts after you shoot the cocoon. Glintec can shoot through walls and objects, so you can quickly destroy all the cocoons. Some weapons can shoot through objects, not necessarily aiming at the cocoon itself.
- Open the water main.
- Check the shed for a drill.
- Use the drill to destroy the shard.
You will need to restart the drill every time if it starts to attack the aliens.
Beast or Blackout will spawn, use a valkyrie to kill boss and napalms to defend drill. Try your hardest to save some valkyrie shots for escaping.
- Reset the breaker for the pump.
- Get to the rally point!
π Go down into the tunnel, after the aliens appear back and run to the other entrance to the tunnel.
π If you did as suggested and saved valkyrie shots your job will be easier, just run through and shoot the aliens in the tunnel. A beast will spawn when your near to coming out, however it is possible to outrun him and get to the chopper. In the end, you can not fight with the beast, and just fly away in a helicopter.
Invasion – a new game mode, which is a holdout. Before starting the game, you have to choose the map and the difficulty level. In this game mode you need to fight off 20 waves of aliens. With each new wave enemies are amplified. After a few waves you will open a new location, which will be new traps and new terminals to improve your character. The difficulties differ only in damage caused by friendly fire and 3D printer.
For each kill or successful completion of the wave you get money. For the suicide of an alien or killing an alien with a trap, the money is divided into the team. For each successful completion of the wave the whole team receives 250 credits. For each completion of the wave from the tenth and above, the whole team receives 500 credits. On all difficulties the same payment for each alien.
Light Drone β£ 20 creditsβ β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β Sapper β£ 40 credits
Light Drone (inferno) β£ 20 creditsβ β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β Sapper (inferno) β£ 40 credits
Heavy Drone β£ 20 creditsβ β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β Thresher β£ 50 credits
Splitter Drone β£ 20 creditsβ β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β Whiplash β£ 50 credits
Splitter Drone (inferno) β£ 20 creditsβ β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β Blackout β£ 500 creditsβ β β β β β β β
Enrager β£ 40 creditsβ β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β β Beast β£ 500 credits
A list of items that you can print on a 3D printer and their cost. You can steal weapons on the printer, which is printed by bots.
Inv. Raven Roost
Every fifth wave opens a new location. Each new location has a 3D printer. Starting with the 15th wave and on, you can order the reset of supplies. The difficulty level does not affect printers.
First 3D-printerEasyRegIntOWStimshotStimshotStimshotStimshotMP5xMP5xMP5xMedkitAK67AK67AK67AK67HarbringerHarbringerHarbringerHarbringerSecond 3D-printerEasyRegIntOWMedkitMedkitMedkitMedkitBarricade doorBarricade doorBarricade doorBarricade doorPropane tankPropane tankPropane tankPropane tankEF18EF18EF18EF18The third location(bottom printer)EasyRegIntOWLandmineLandmineLandmineLandmineAK67AK67AK67AK67Combat CVACombat CVACombat CVACombat CVAAutoTurretAutoTurretAutoTurretAutoTurretThe third location(upper printer)EasyRegIntOWVendetta IVVendetta IVVendetta IVVendetta IVArc GrenadeArc GrenadeArc GrenadeArc GrenadexP9DxP9DxP9DxP9DF4-NGF4-NGF4-NGF4-NG
π’ Always print on the printer extra slimshot or kit. You may during the wave urgently need something out of it.
π’ Follow the performance of ammunition. In this mode, it is cheaper to refill the cartridges through the terminal. Than create a duplicate for the weapon. It is possible your gun may need another player.
π’ It is cheaper to restore health through a medical station than from a first-aid kit.
π’ In the initial stages often use traps to kill aliens without spending ammo.
π’ Do not forget to find loot on the map, instead of printing them on the printer.
π’ Install landmines on the corners of buildings. Useful if you run from the bosses around the buildings and if you sit in the building and defend against ordinary aliens.
π’ At every opportunity, call the pilot to reset supplies.
π’ At the end of the fifth wave, run to the second building and immediately activate the shield. Then install the drill as quickly as possible.
If you want to change weapons, replenish ammo on the weapons presented below or shoot full ammo. Because these weapons can’t be printed. They are in one copy on the map. Perhaps one of your teammates will want to use these weapons.
- Glintec sniper rifle
- Berg 930
- AK47
π Places with loot.
Inv. Nuclear facility
Large but closed map. With every fifth wave opens a new compartment.
CenterEasyRegIntOWSW22aSW22aSW22aSW22aBerg 930Berg 930Berg 930Berg 930Frag GrenadeFrag GrenadeFrag GrenadeFrag GrenadeF4-NGF4-NGF4-NGF4-NG“B”EasyRegIntOWStimshotStimshotStimshotStimshotBarricade doorBarricade doorBarricade doorBarricade doorMP5xMP5xMP5xMP5xEF18EF18EF18EF18“C”EasyRegIntOWNapalm GrenadeNapalm GrenadeNapalm GrenadeNapalm GrenadeCombat CVACombat CVACombat CVACombat CVAxP9DxP9DxP9DxP9DReaperReaperReaperReaperTopEasyRegIntOWVendetta IVVendetta IVVendetta IVVendetta IVArc GrenadeArc GrenadeArc GrenadeArc GrenadeHarbingerHarbingerHarbingerHarbinger
π’ Always print on the printer extra slimshot or kit. You may during the wave urgently need something out of it.
π’ Follow the performance of ammunition. In this mode, it is cheaper to refill the cartridges through the terminal. Than create a duplicate for the weapon. It is possible your gun may need another player.
π’ It is cheaper to restore health through a medical station than from a first-aid kit.
π’ In the initial stages often use traps to kill aliens without spending ammo.
π’ Do not forget to find loot on the map, instead of printing them on the printer.
π’ Using a drill, you can block the passage of aliens.
π’ In one compartment there are several inputs and outputs. But they need to be activated.
If you want to change weapons, replenish ammo on the weapons presented below or shoot full ammo. Because these weapons can’t be printed. They are in one copy on the map. Perhaps one of your teammates will want to use these weapons.
- Glintec sniper rifle
- AK47
Inv. The mines
Closed and the smallest map in this mode. 5 spawn points of aliens. You already start the game with the first level of defense. There is no leveling up skills on Stamina. After each fifth wave you are given the opportunity to open the cell with loot.
First 3D-printer (Upper)EasyRegIntOWStimshotStimshotStimshotStimshotMP5xMP5xMP5xMedkitEF18EF18EF18MP5xCombat CVACombat CVACombat CVAEF18ValkyrieValkyrieValkyrieValkyrieSecond 3D-printer (Lower)EasyRegIntOWBarricade doorBarricade DoorBarricade DoorBarricade DoorPropane tankPropane tankPropane tankPropane tankLandminesLandminesLandminesBait-nadeAutoTurretAutoTurretAutoTurretAutoTurret
π’ Always print on the printer extra slimshot or kit. You may during the wave urgently need something out of it.
π’ Follow the performance of ammunition. In this mode, it is cheaper to refill the cartridges through the terminal. Than create a duplicate for the weapon. It is possible your gun may need another player.
π’ It is cheaper to restore health through a medical station than from a first-aid kit.
π’ In the initial stages often use traps to kill aliens without spending ammo.
π’ Do not forget to find loot on the map, instead of printing them on the printer.
π’ Always build a barricade and improve it with propane tank. This will reduce the chance of detonating the Sappers.
π’ During the first waves of enemies appear only on the opposite side of the map. Use traps to save ammunition.
π’ Place burning barricades or electric barricades directly under alien’s spawns. This will slow them down and reduce their numbers.
π’ This map has a small delay between waves. Always be ready to run for loot.
If you want to change weapons, replenish ammo on the weapons presented below or shoot full ammo. Because these weapons can’t be printed. They are in one copy on the map. Perhaps one of your teammates will want to use these weapons.
- Glintec sniper rifle
- Berg 930
- AK47
Inv. Precious Cargo
First you defend on the street. After the fifth wave, the first warehouse will open. After the tenth wave, the main warehouse will open. After the fifteenth wave, the top floor of the main warehouse will open.
First 3D-printerEasyRegIntOWStimshotStimshotStimshotStimshotAK67AK67AK67AK67Combat CVACombat CVACombat CVACombat CVAxP9DxP9DxP9DxP9DMain warehouse (left printer)EasyRegIntOWMedkitMedkitMedkitMedkitBarricade doorBarricade doorBarricade doorBarricade doorLandminesLandminesLandminesBait-nadeAutoTurretAutoTurretAutoTurretAutoTurretMain warehouse (right printer)EasyRegIntOWFrag GrenadeFrag GrenadeFrag GrenadeFrag GrenadeMP5xMP5xMP5xMP5xEF18EF18EF18EF18F4-NGF4-NGF4-NGF4-NG
π’ Always print on the printer extra slimshot or kit. You may during the wave urgently need something out of it.
π’ Follow the performance of ammunition. In this mode, it is cheaper to refill the cartridges through the terminal. Than create a duplicate for the weapon. It is possible your gun may need another player.
π’ It is cheaper to restore health through a medical station than from a first-aid kit.
π’ In the initial stages often use traps to kill aliens without spending ammo.
π’ Do not forget to find loot on the map, instead of printing them on the printer.
If you want to change weapons, replenish ammo on the weapons presented below or shoot full ammo. Because these weapons can’t be printed. They are in one copy on the map. Perhaps one of your teammates will want to use these weapons.
- Glintec sniper rifle
- Berg 930
- AK47
π Places with loot.
Melee weaponsDeep Cuts
Kill an alien with a melee weapon.The fire axe has the fastest swing animation than any other melee weapon.
Slice & Dice
Kill 700 aliens with a melee weapon.Create lobby with lowest difficulty on the “Revelation mission”. An endless swarm will begin after you will be available to escape in the van. The fire axe can be found in the shop you hit through the roof.
Who needs ammo?
Kill 2500 aliens with melee weapons.Create lobby with lowest difficulty on the “Revelation mission”. An endless swarm will begin after you will be available to escape in the van. The fire axe can be found in the shop you hit through the roof.
Farm kills for weaponsPick them off
Kill 500 aliens with the SW22.Your very first weapon. Kills with two guns are summed up.
Kill 150 aliens with grenades.Kills of a grenade launcher count as killing with grenades.
Full Auto
Kill 1000 aliens with the AK67.This weapon can be printed on a 3D printer.
Spray and Pray
Kill 1000 aliens with the MP5.This weapon can be printed on a 3D printer.
Kill 750 aliens with the Vendetta.Most often this weapon can be found on the mission “Extermination” and “Into the breach”.
One shot, one kill
Kill 750 aliens with the Glintec.This weapon can be printed on a 3D printer on mission “Revelation”.
Can’t beat the classics
Kill 1000 aliens with the AK47.Most often this weapon can be found on the mission “Extermination”.
Make a hole
Kill 1000 aliens with the Berg 930.This weapon can be printed on a 3D printer.
Concentrated Fire
Kill 1500 aliens with the Combat CVA.This weapon can be printed on a 3D printer.
Doors and Corners
Kill 1500 aliens with the EF18.This weapon can be printed on a 3D printer.
Fear the Reaper
Kill 1000 aliens with the Reaper.This weapon can be printed on a 3D printer on mission “Radio Silence”.
Harbinger of Doom
Kill 1000 aliens with the Harbinger.This weapon can be printed on a 3D printer on mission “Radio Silence”.
Chooser of the Slain
Kill 1000 aliens with the Valkyrie.This weapon can be printed on a 3D printer on mission “R&D”.
EquipmentBarrier to Entry
Deploy a Barrier Kit.![]()
Fenced In
Deployed 100 Barrier Kits.![]()
Tis but a scratch!
Use a health item on yourself.Cure yourself with a first aid kit.
Defenses Online
Deploy a Mounted Gun.Install any kind of turret.
Point defender
Deploy 25 mounted guns.On the storyline you will need to defend the building with the help of turrets on the mission “R&D”.
Mow ’em down
Kill 400 aliens with a Mounted Gun.On the storyline you will need to defend the building with the help of turrets on the mission “R&D”.
You’re welcome
Use a health item on another player.It does not matter, heals up, or help up used medkit or used SS you will get the achievement in both cases.
Field Medic
Heal 20 players.Use β₯β₯β₯ or SS on the players or bots.
Field Surgeon
Heal 60 players.Use β₯β₯β₯ or SS on the players or bots.
StorylineThe Good Life
Complete the Supply Run mission.Complete the mission on any difficulty.
Complete the Breakdown mission.Complete the mission on any difficulty.
01000111 01000111
Complete the Data Recovery mission.Complete the mission on any difficulty.
Without a Hitch
Complete the Sunnyvale mission.Complete the mission on any difficulty.
Fully Trained
Complete the Radio Silence mission.Complete the mission on any difficulty.
Invasive Species
Complete all missions in the Invasive Species campaign.Get the previous 5 achievements.
Hail Mary
Complete the Revelation mission.Complete the mission on any difficulty.
Less than a Truckload
Complete the R&D mission.Complete the mission on any difficulty.
Dam Good
Complete The Diversion.Complete the mission on any difficulty.
Complete the Into the Breach mission.Complete the mission on any difficulty.
Complete the Extinction mission.Complete the mission on any difficulty.
Natural Selection
Complete all missions in the Natural Selection campaign.Get the previous 5 achievements.
Get Off My Lawn
Complete the Supply Run mission on Overwhelming difficulty.![]()
Complete the Breakdown mission on Overwhelming diffculty.![]()
01001111 01001101 01000111
Complete the Data Recovery mission on Overwhelming difficulty.![]()
Double Wide
Complete the Sunnyvale mission on Overwhelming difficulty.![]()
Off The Rails
Complete the Radio Silence mission on Overwhelming difficulty.![]()
High and Mighty
Complete the Revelation mission on Overwhelming difficulty.![]()
Full truckload
Complete the R&D mission on Overwhelming difficulty.![]()
Dam Impressive
Complete The Diversion on Overwhelming difficulty.![]()
Complete Into the breach on Overwhelming difficulty.![]()
Propane Accessories
Complete Extermination on Overwhelming difficulty.![]()
Tough Hombre
Finished any campaign on the hardest difficulty.Get all 5 achievements in one of two campaigns.
Killing enemiesDrone Killer.
Kill 500 Drones.All types of drones are counted. Whether poisonous, light or heavy, with or without impulse.
Drone Killer – Soldier.
Kill 1000 Drones.All types of drones are counted. Whether poisonous, light or heavy, with or without impulse.
Drone Killer – Elite.
Kill 8000 Drones.All types of drones are counted. Whether poisonous, light or heavy, with or without impulse.
Hungry for Brains.
Kill 600 or more Drones by shooting them through the brain.600 headshots from any weapon other than a melee weapon. Shoot their yellow eyes.
Sapper Killer.
Kill 50 Sappers.You can also farm enrager and sapper kills by just waiting next to the sapper pools in “Into The Breach” and “Extermination”.
Sapper Killer – Soldier.
Kill 100 Sappers.You can also farm enrager and sapper kills by just waiting next to the sapper pools in “Into The Breach” and “Extermination”.
Sapper Killer – Elite.
Kill 400 Sappers.You can also farm enrager and sapper kills by just waiting next to the sapper pools in “Into The Breach” and “Extermination”.
Thresher Killer.
Kill 50 Threshers.Threshers endlessly appear after completing a mission, when an endless alien attack begins and you need to escape. There is 50% that instead of Threshers only Sappers will appear.
Thresher Killer – Soldier.
Kill 100 Threshers.Threshers endlessly appear after completing a mission, when an endless alien attack begins and you need to escape. There is 50% that instead of Threshers only Sappers will appear.
Thresher Killer – Elite.
Kill 400 Threshers.Threshers endlessly appear after completing a mission, when an endless alien attack begins and you need to escape. There is 50% that instead of Threshers only Sappers will appear.
Whiplash Killer.
Kill 50 Whiplashes.
Whiplash Killer – Soldier.
Kill 100 Whiplashes.
Whiplash Killer – Elite.
Kill 400 Whiplashes.
Beast Killer.
Kill 20 Beasts.
Beast Killer – Soldier.
Kill 50 Beasts.
Beast Killer – Elite.
Kill 100 Beasts.
Blackout Killer.
Kill 20 Blackouts.
Blackout Killer – Soldier.
Kill 50 Blackouts.
Blackout Killer – Elite.
Kill 100 Blackouts.
Enrager Killer.
Kill 10 Enragers.You can also farm enrager and sapper kills by just waiting next to the sapper pools in “Into The Breach” and “Extermination”.
Make it through a mission without being incapacitated.Complete the mission without falling and without being attacked by Whiplashes or Threshers.
Sharp Shooter
Win a game with high accuracy.Kill one enemy with a shotgun, and the rest kill only melee weapons. Melee weapons have no effect on accuracy.
Save 40 unconscious players.To help that teammate who is unconscious. Helping teammate who just fell doesn’t count.
Sapper Slapper
Shove a Sapper.Just kick sapper with your hand. It will only explode after a push and you will not take poison damage.
Kill a Sapper with fire.Kill the enemy with a flamethrower and don’t let him explode.
No, You Move
Shove a Thresher out of the air.The host is attacked without delay by Threshers. It is better to accomplish this achievement by being a client. You just need to kick the enemy, not necessarily that he attacked someone or sneaked to his victim.
Completed a mission using only pistols.Any mission on the easiest difficulty. Allowed to use Vendetta.
Killing Spree
Killed 25 aliens in 1 minute or less.In the sewers on the storyline spawn a lot of enemies on the mission “Inferno”. Kill all with grenade launcher
Line ’em up
Killed 5 aliens with one shot.In the sewers on the storyline spawn a lot of enemies on the mission “Inferno”. Kill all with sniper rifle.
Here to help.
Help an incapacitated pleyer up.Help your teammate or bot up.
Helping Hand
Save 40 incapacitated pleyers.Help your teammate or bot up.
Get a room!
Save 40 pinned players.Help the teammate who is being hunted by too many aliens.
Tea”, Earl Grey,” Hot.
Initiate a print on a 3D Printer.Create any weapon on a 3D printer.
Power Up.
Restore power to a printer or health station.The printer is on all maps and on all maps it is necessary to include.
Let go!
Rescue someone from the Whiplash.Kill the enemy who attacked your partner. The screen will show an indicator that this alien is attacking your teammate.
Get off!
Rescue someone pinned by the Thresher.Kill the enemy who attacked your partner. The screen will show an indicator that this alien is attacking your teammate..
Headshot addict.
Killed 50 consecutive aliens with headshots or brainshots.The easiest difficulty and the weakest bots, so as not to interfere with the kill. It is easiest to aim for the head with Berg 930 Shotgun. [link]
Kill 600 aliens with headshots.600 headshots all types of aliens.