Derail Valley Guide

[Not Working] Train / Railcar Spawning in Derail Valley for Derail Valley

[Not Working] Train / Railcar Spawning in Derail Valley


Please Read:As of build 80 (Overhauled Update), the system to spawn in trains described in the guide below is no longer working. All train manipulation, spawning and removal are now done through the Comms Remote. In order to enable all the features of the Comms remote, including the ability to spawn, remove and load cargo into railcars; you need to enable spawning in game.In game, go to Settings > Game > and check the box beside Comms Radio Spawn Mode.The new spawning system has its catches, such that it costs in game money to spawn, re-rail and remove a railcar. Also be aware that Locomotives cannot be spawned manually anymore, so please be aware of these if you plan on using the Comms Remote Spawner.If you are playing a version before build 80, the contents of this guide WILL WORK. Feel free to continue to refer to this guide if you are playing versions below Build 80.======================================================================================================Did you ever spawn at a point in the map, and something that you wanted to drive (i.e. The Steam Locomotive) wasn’t available at your current station? Well worry no more! There is a system that a user can use within Derail Valley that allows you to spawn any locomotive or a rail car wherever you want it in the map, on a section of track. This guide will demonstrate how to use this system, what keys you need to press, and what is available for you to spawn in.This guide was last updated: (May 5th, 2021) and no longer works in the current & future Derail Valley versions.NOTICE: This system was tested using the NON VR VERSION of Derail Valley. This system also works fine within the VR VERSION of the game as well. A user that commented in this guide (As of March 19th, 2019) was able to confirm this. You just can’t really see your keyboard when you have a headset on you. Thanks for the confirmation, much appreciated!

Key Commands

Below are the key commands you can press to use this system.

Press P when standing on a section of track, or while pointing your cursor on a section of track to create a new spawn box. Standing on a section of track after pressing the P key requires for you to walk away or teleport a bit away, so that the box has room to appear. You can also press the P key while aiming a cursor or standing right behind a car or a loco to create a spawn box that will attach your selection to the one in front.

Pressing the I key allows you to re-position your spawn box somewhere else you choose. This is generally more useful when you make a selection and want to move it so that it attaches behind something, or to give it space to spawn. Generally works the same way as the P key.

Aiming your cursor at the spawn box and pressing the O key allows you to toggle the direction which the spawn box will face your item. Direction is indicated by the arrows above the box.

Aiming your cursor at the spawn box and pressing the [ and ] keys allow you to cycle through the available items for you to spawn. Beware, as items can be bigger or smaller than other items.

Aiming your cursor at the spawn box and pressing the ENTER / RETURN key will confirm your choice and direction. This will replace the spawn box with the item that you want to spawn, ready to go. The ENTER / RETURN key can also be used to delete trains and rail cars. To delete a train or rail car, aim at the object with the mouse and press the ENTER / RETURN key. Press it again to confirm.

Aiming at a spawn box and pressing the BACKSPACE key will remove that spawn box and cancel the spawning. Useful if you accidentally place a spawn box on the tracks by mistake. Pressing the BACKSPACE key on a delete box will abort the delete process as well.

For more understanding, check out the Walkthrough section. Otherwise, play around with this and see what you can do.

Spawning Walkthrough

This section will run down on how you can use this system to build a small train of your choosing. For this example, we will build a steam locomotive setup with two tanker cars, and a shunter loco sitting at the back.

So the first thing i want to spawn is the steam locomotive. In order to make the steam locomotive, we need to spawn in the loco itself, and its tender, as they are separate entities. The first thing i do is walk up to a section of track, Point down at it, and press the P key. I walk away from this section of track, and this appears:

This is the spawn box that will indicate what we want to spawn and where it will spawn. Loco_621 however is the shunter. So i need to change this to the steam engine. I press the [ or ] key until i get this:

That looks right. Loco_Steam_H is our steam engine. We will start with that. Once we are ready, we can aim at it and press the Enter / Return key, and it will produce our locomotive:

So our loco is in, however we need to give it a tender, so that it will consume the coal and water that it requires to run. We need to spawn in its tender, so we gotta find an empty track, press P on top of it, so that it creates a new spawn box. We cycle through it using the [ and ] keys until we find Loco_Steam_Tender:

Cool, but the tender is separated from the loco itself, so we need to bring it in closer. In order to do that, walk up right behind the loco, press the I (as in eye) key on the track behind the loco, and walk away. We should now see this:

That looks good! But Uh Oh! According to the directional arrows above the box, it seems that the tender is facing the wrong way. We can fix that by aiming at the box and by pressing the O key to change direction. It should now be facing the correct direction:

We are satisfied with that. We can now aim at it and press the ENTER / RETURN keys to lock it in:

Alright cool! Our locomotive now has water and coal to burn. Be aware, as the loco alone will be useless. The tender must be connected properly in order for it to work. This connection method will also work with any other spawn-able item in the game, as long as they are touching each other.

Now let’s do the tanker cars. I want these cars to be separated from the locomotive, but attached to each other. The first thing i do is find an empty spot and press the P key on that track. I find my appropriate item (CarTank_Chrome) using the [ or ] keys, all while aiming at the box, and press ENTER / RETURN when i’m satisfied:

Now i want to stick on another one, lets say in orange. I go behind the first tanker car, and press P on the track. I allow the box to appear, cycle through with the [ or ] keys until i find what i want (CarTank_Orange), and i press ENTER / RETURN:

Cool. Now i finally want to add a shunter to the end, but facing in the reverse direction. I find a spot on the tracks and press the P key. I allow the box to appear, and find what i want using the [ or ] keys. When i find the shunter (loco_621), i make sure that the arrows above the box are facing the other way. So i aim at the box and press the O key until the direction changes. Once im satisifed, i apply my spawn with the ENTER / RETURN key:

And that’s it. I’m ready to couple my whole consist together and get rolling.

Note: You can directly attach everything together in one go if you position the spawn boxes right behind the first item. They will couple automatically.

Beware, sometimes changing a selection to spawn may be oversized to place in the position you want. Oversized items are indicated when the spawn box appears yellow:

Oversized items will not spawn-able, however other keys will work on it.
To fix that, simply press the I (as in eye) key to re-position it somewhere farther, or directly behind the item you want to connect to.

Now let’s say i accidentally spawned a train or rail car into the game, and i want to remove it. The process is very simple to do. Simply aim your mouse at the item you wish to delete, and press the ENTER / RETURN key. You will see the following:

To finish the deleting process, all you have to do is aim at the “Delete?” box with the mouse, and press the ENTER / RETURN key to confirm. After you do that, the item will be deleted.
If you accidentally mark an item to be deleted, it can be undone. Just aim at the “Delete?” box and press the BACKSPACE key. This will abort the delete, and the “Delete?” box will disappear.

Please note, any items that you spawn (except for locomotives) cannot be used for haul or shunting jobs. They are not registered to any job contracts available, simply being just “things you can push and pull around.” Not very useful, if you ask me. Registered cars for jobs only spawn naturally when you load into the game.

To view a full list of the spawn-able items available, check out the list section of the guide.

List of Spawn-able Items

Below is a list of all the items / locos that are available for you to spawn:

  • loco_621: This is the standard Diesel_Electric Shunter. Fueled up and ready to go.
  • loco_steam_H: This is the steam loco. It requires a connected tender to operate.
  • loco_steam_tender: This is the steam loco’s tender. It is required to operate the steam loco.
  • car_flatbed_empty: This is an unloaded flatbed car.
  • CarHopper_Yellow: This is an unloaded hopper car, coloured yellow.
  • CarBoxcar_Brown: This is an unloaded box car, coloured brown.
  • CarBoxcar_Green: This is an unloaded box car, coloured green.
  • CarBoxcar_Pink: This is an unloaded box car, coloured pink.
  • CarBoxcar_Red: This is an unloaded box car, coloured red.
  • CarTank_Blue: This is an unloaded tanker car, coloured blue.
  • CarTank_Chrome: This is an unloaded tanker car, with a not so much chrome material? Not sure.
  • CarTank_Orange: This is an unloaded tanker car, coloured orange.
  • CarTank_White: This is an unloaded tanker car, coloured white.
  • CarTank_Yellow: This is an unloaded tanker car, coloured yellow.
  • CarPassenger_Red: This is an unused red passenger car. It can be pulled normally.
  • CarPassenger_Green: This is an unused green passenger car. It can be pulled normally.
  • CarPassenger_Blue: This is an unused blue passenger car. It can be pulled normally.
  • CarAutorack_Red: This is an unloaded Automotive Rack car, coloured red.
  • CarAutorack_Green: This is an unloaded Automotive Rack car, coloured green.
  • CarAutorack_Blue: This is an unloaded Automotive Rack car, coloured blue.
  • CarAutorack_Yellow: This is an unloaded Automotive Rack car, coloured yellow.

Final Thoughs

That’s about all for this guide. Hopefully it will give you an insight on how you can play with the rolling stock a little more within derail valley.

With good news, we can confirm that this system works within both VR and NON VR versions of the game. I was only able to test this system in NON VR, while other users that commented were able to do these tricks in VR themselves.

This is my first ever guide made, and i feel that it is important that i made this because of the lack of guides on spawning consists for this game. Because this is my first guide, i’m accepting your criticism. If you would like to point something out, say something or ask a question, please leave it under the comments section, and i will answer it when i can. I will also try and update this guide on any new information, as time goes on.

Thank you, and we’ll see you in the valley.