World of Warships Guide

利用 NVIDIA 显卡工具给游戏添加滤镜 for World of Warships

利用 NVIDIA 显卡工具给游戏添加滤镜


改变画面风格 ヾ(^▽^*)))

Wlcome Captain.

首先你需要GeForce Experience [First you need “GeForce Experience”]


进入GeForce Experience开启实验功能 [Enter “GeForce experience” to open the experimental function]

1.进入GeForce Experience后切换到设置页面
Switch to the Settings page after entering “GeForce experience”

Tick enable experimental features

进入游戏并设置滤镜 [Enter the game and set the filter]

Open your game
2.在游戏内按 Alt+Z 唤出菜单
Press alt+z within the game to call out the menu

3.选择左侧 游戏滤镜
Select Left game filter

4.点击 添加过滤器 并设置数值即可
Click to add the filter and set the value to


自用的滤镜参数 [Filter parameters that I use]

1.启用 曝光/对比度
Enable Brightness/Contrast
Set the value:
Exposure—–[ 0% ]
Contrast——[ 36% ]
Highlights—-[ 20% ]
Shadows—–[ -16% ]
Gamma——-[ -16% ]

2.启用 颜色
Enable Color
Set the value:
Tint Color———-[ 51% ]
Tint Intensity——[ 12% ]
Temperature——[ -48 ]
Vibrance———–[ -10 ]

3.启用 特殊
Enable SpecialFX
Set the value:
Retro———-[ 0% ]
Sketch——–[ 8% ]
Half-Tone—-[ 0% ]
Sepia———[ 35% ]

自用滤镜效果 [The filter effect I’m using]


绘画风格(动漫)的滤镜 [Painting style Filter]

1.启用 曝光/对比度
Enable Brightness/Contrast
Set the value:
Exposure—–[ 0% ]
Contrast——[ 45% ]
Highlights—-[ -100% ]
Shadows—–[ 6% ]
Gamma——-[ 45% ]

2.启用 颜色
Enable Color
Set the value:
Tint Color———-[ 36% ]
Tint Intensity——[ 22% ]
Temperature——[ 0.5 ]
Vibrance———–[ 33 ]

3.启用 详细信息
Enable Details
Set the value:
Sharpen———–[ 70% ]
Clarity————–[ 100% ]
HDR Toning——[ -84% ]
Bloom————–[ 0% ]

4.启用 特殊
Enable SpecialFX
Set the value:
Retro———-[ 0% ]
Sketch——–[ 12% ]
Half-Tone—-[ 0% ]
Sepia———[ 10% ]

5.启用 夜间模式
Enable Night mode
Set the value:
Intensity———-[ 8% ]

6.启用 绘画性
Enable Painterly
Set the value:
Iterations————————–[ 1 ]
Sample Directions————–[ 4 ]
Radius—————————–[ 4 ]
Edge Sharpness—————-[ 100% ]

绘画风格(动漫)的滤镜滤镜效果 [The Effect of Painting style Filter]


电影风格的滤镜 [Film Style Filter]

也许更适合用于观战 XD
Maybe it’s more suitable for watching war. XD

1.启用 曝光/对比度
Enable Brightness/Contrast
Set the value:
Exposure—–[ 6% ]
Contrast——[ 35% ]
Highlights—-[ 20% ]
Shadows—–[ -16% ]
Gamma——-[ -16% ]

2.启用 颜色
Enable Color
Set the value:
Tint Color———-[ 51% ]
Tint Intensity——[ 12% ]
Temperature——[ -48 ]
Vibrance———–[ -22 ]

3.启用 特殊
Enable SpecialFX
Set the value:
Retro———-[ 0% ]
Sketch——–[ 8% ]
Half-Tone—-[ 0% ]
Sepia———[ 35% ]

4.启用 详细信息
Enable Details
Set the value:
Sharpen——–[ 37% ]
Clarity———–[ 71% ]
HDR Toning—-[ 35% ]
Bloom————-[ 0% ]

5.启用 旧照片电影
Enable Old film
Set the value:
Gamma—————-[ 72% ]
Exposure————–[ 36% ]
Contrast—————-[ 50% ]
Vignette Amount—–[ 34% ]
Filter Sttength———[ 20% ]
Film Dirt Strength—-[ 0% ]

电影风格的滤镜效果 [The Effect of Film Style Filter]

感谢收看 ヾ(≧▽≦*)o