Octarina Guide

Octarina 100% for Octarina

Octarina 100%


A guide on how to 100% the first level, lets hope there’s more to come!

——Sushi Factory——

When you come across the sushi factory line, Save your future brothers from the chopping block and throw the propane tanks at the machines.

For the chopping knives you have to throw it at the mechanical arm’s

Once its all blown up, bridge from above you will break and make a nice short cut and the achievement should pop.

After the sushi factory, continue normally and you will come across these stairs. Check behind it and you should see a unicorn floaty, pick it up

Reach the end of the level, have fun!

You should have gotten this while getting the no more pole dancing or just by throwing any propane tank

Total of 31 to collect, Check out this other guide i wrote for them, I didn’t want to clutter this one.


——Sushi Factory Misc——

Go nuts, Everything can be destroy’d in the level. Walls, Tables, Chairs, plates ect. Save the propane tanks for the front of the sushi store at the end, and for breaking the blue house, Break all the desks you can and plates and tables.

In the Hub starting area, you will see a big bullseye, on the desk to your right are some sharp objects, hit the middle 10 times, throwing them mid air is a lot easier than being on the ground.

Easier said than done, check out the youtube video i uploaded of my route in case you need a few corners to cut. *Achievement says under 50s, it may only pop under 45s*

Unfortunately it dosent specify a time needed for this one, i got it when i was just playing around in the mode getting used to the layout, Heres a video in case you need a few corners to cut.

—— Unknown ——

Octocopter : Still trying to figure this one out

The Cake Is A Lie : Around the map you can find 3 cakes all with a slice taken out of them, along with the slices around the map. I have held all 6 pieces at once, along with tried to destroy all of them, No clue how to get this achievement, any tips would be appreciated

—– Final Thoughts —–

I hope this guide was able to help a couple people hunt down the achievements, if you had fun playing the game, dont forget to give it a rating on steam!
