Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty Guide

Oddworld: New 'n Tasty! - Walkthrough for Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty

Oddworld: New ‘n Tasty! – Walkthrough


The english walkthrough for Oddworld: New ‘n Tasty

Repture Farms

Mudokons to rescue
Secret Areas

Start by running to the right and go to the barrel in the foreground and go down the trap door to the secret area 1.

Use the lever to get past the electricity and then get to the ledge. When you drop down, quickly run and drop to the next floor before the slig gets you and chant to possess and kill him. Go back up and use the lever on the top to remove the electric barrier and get the 3 mudokons across the meat grinder. When they are down to the next floor, use the lever to make the meat grinder slow for the mudokon on the far left and then motion for all of them to follow you and he will fall to the lower level. Chant at the bird portal and set them free.

Head back up and run to the right and climb up. Go through the door and down the path. Then run and jump over the pits of mines. Possess the sleeping slig and have him pull the lever to deactivate the barrier. Go past the mudokon and DON’T PULL THE LEVER! Go to the other slig and shoot him to death and then kill the possessed slig. Recruit the mudokon you passed and use the elevator to go down and save him and the other mudokon below. Head back up and go to where you electrocuted the slig and find the secret area 2 behind the barrel.

Another secret area (3) is down below behind the barrel near the electricity.

SECRET AREA 3: Jump across and get a grenade. Throw it at the chant suppressor and possess a slig. Have him kill the others and then get rid of him. Blow up the other chant suppressor with a grenade and set the Mudokons below free.

Get a grenade and run back to the area where you jumped over the mines. Throw a grenade in the second pit and go into secret area 2.

SECRET AREA 2: Get the two mudokons from the top right and have them follow you down past the grinder and set the 4 of them free. Use the lever and then roll quickly under the grinder. Climb up and pull the other lever to slow the grinder down. Recruit the other 5 mudokons and rescue them and head back up.

Now go back to the lever I told you not to pull and pull it and jump down for secret area 4.

Jump across and get the grenades from the machine. Use one to throw at the slig while he is sleeping to kill him. Go down and throw another grenade at the mines below and then lead all the mudokons to the portal. Throw another grenade up at the chant suppressor to blow it up and head through the portal.

Head through the door into the next area.

Go and rescue the mudokons here and then climb up. Wait for the slig to pass under the chant suppressor and use the lever to kill him. Go across and climb up and use the trap door lever to get rid of the other 2 sligs. Disarm the electric barrier and then free the two mudokons. Go to the first trap door and jump down for secret area 5.

Jump into the smoke and stay still until the slig goes back to sleep and sneak to the right. Leap across the gap and when the other slig goes to sleep, leap across the gap and quickly crouch roll under the grinder (or quickly drop down and pull the lever and then climb back up). Get a grenade, cook it, and then throw it at the chant suppressor. Possess the top slig and kill him. Then possess the bottom slig, pull the lever, and have him walk on the mines. Recruit the mudokons and rescue them and leave through the blue portal.

In the next area, possess the slig on the other side and kill him. Sneak into the smoke so the other slig can’t see you and climb up when he’s not looking. Use the trap door lever to kill him and then get the three mudokons to the portal (one is hiding in the smoke). Climb up and deactivate the mine when it turns green (wait until it makes a longer green beep). Bring the other two mudokons down and into the portal. Jump across the gap and then use the lever on the slig when he is below the grinder. Slow the grinder for the mudokon near the portal and rescue him. Time your jumps right to get across the meat grinders while avoiding the falling meat.

On the other side, go past the elevator and use the lever to get past the grinder. Move the mudokon out of the way of the meat chute above and over to the left. Now move so that the sleeping slig is on screen and then start running to the left and use the lever to activate the meat chute to knock him out from above. Round up all 5 mudokons in the area and get them through the portal. Use the train and rescue the sole mudokon on the other side.

Go down the elevator and to the left. Walk underneath and climb up as soon as the slig comes down. Use the lever to electrocute him. Go left and use the lever for the pulley and get grenades from the other side. Pull yourself up and throw grenades at the sleeping slig and the mines. Jump down to where the slig below was and go through the secret area.

SECRET AREA 6: You need to roll and time it just right to avoid the pits and grinders. Make sure to quick save. When you are across, pull the lever to stop the grinders and crawl into the vent. Then walk under the platform to get the slig’s attention so he comes down and you climb up. Possess and kill him and then free the last mudokons in the area and leave the area. Climb down and go back up the pulley and then roll into the stockyards.


Mudokons to rescue
Secret Areas

Jump across the gap and quickly chant to save the mudokon or else the Scrab will kill him. You need to jump so that you are hanging onto the ledge and then climb up and chant. Don’t move when the motion sensors pass you and only move forward when they are out of your way. On the other side, drop down and quickly get in the door and go to the next secret area.

SECRET AREA 7: When the Scrab is below you, sprint across to the other side and deactivate the electricity. Run back and recruit the other mudokons, and then sprint to the other side to set them free. Run back and through the portal.

Go back and climb up. Jump over the gap and wait for the scrab to be right below you to sprint and climb to the other side. Move carefully through the motion sensors and climb down and up the other side. For the next gap, wait until the sensor is away from you and scrab is beneath you and then go leap across. Jump across and run to the left.

Here, jump across the mine and hang on to the ledge. Climb up as soon as the slig looks away and then sneak into the smoke. At the ledge, leap into the smoke and get to the checkpoint before the guard sees you. Climb down at the checkpoint. At your right in the smoke below the checkpoint you see a portal(chant to open) to a secret area.

SECRET AREA 8: Fall down below to the floor with the lever and trapdoor. Chant to possess one of the sligs. Tell the mudokons to duck and then shoot the other slig and then kill the slig you possessed. Then recruit all the mudokons and pull the lever to make the Mudokons drop down to the bottom floor. If you accidentally dropped down before the other Mudokons, you can use the lever to the top right above the portal. Send all the Mudokons through the portal and then leave.

When you return, get past the motion sensors and jump over the mine. Crouch to avoid floating mines. You can sneak while crouching so use that to get past the slig along with the mines and sensors. When you are right below the ledge, climb up when the coast is clear.

Roll under the mines once you get the chance. Get to the checkpoint and then climb down. Leap to the other side and quickly grab hold of the ledge before the slig sees you. Sneak when he’s not looking and when he stops, quickly run to the ledge and jump up. On the top far right ledge, you can possess the slig so do it and kill him. Then go through the secret portal.

SECRET AREA 9: Quickly roll into the smoke and stay still. Hop over the mines when they aren’t looking. When you have the chance, climb up and hop into the smoke. Go through the barrel into a safe area for you to possess the slig. Use the one below to get rid of the group of mines and then possess the one on top to kill the other sligs guarding the Mudokons. When they are all safe, set them free. If you’ve saved all Mudokons so far, the billboard should say 88 escapees, counting the ones you just set free. Head through the portal on the bottom right.

Carefully work your way past the motion detectors and mines. Utilize crouch sneaking for precise movement. Remember to QuikSave when you make it through! Wait for the slig below to go off screen then hop down and activate the mine. Climb back up as fast as you can, and then BOOM! Run down past where he was and go through the portal.

SECRET AREA 10: When the walking slig is off screen, jump down into the smoke before the sleeping slig gets you. When the slig is away, sneak down, and then possess the slig to kill the other one. Then go down and rescue the 3 mudokons. You should be at 91 escapees. Clamber back up when the slig is gone and jump through the portal.

Go back up and to the left, past the motion detector. Drop down and hit the check point. Fall down and grab a rock from the hanging sack and throw it on the mine near the sleeping slig to blow him up. Get another rock and clim up to the floor with the checkpoint. Hop over the gap to your right and continue forward. Throw your rock on the mines and go through the secret portal.

SECRET AREA 11: Jump to the ledge and hang on. Sneak behind into the smoke. When you are clear, jump to the other side and climb up. When the top slig is gone, possess the bottom slig and quickly blow him up. Then quickly hop down and jump across while avoiding the sensor. Possess the top slig and kill him. Then let all the mudokons through the portal. If that doesn’t work, climb up to the top ledge and sneak into the fog. Then throw a bottle cap to the left of the slig when he’s to the far left to distract him and recruit the two mudokons and get them away from the mine. Tell them to wait and throw another bottle cap past the top slig to give them enough time to start scrubbing the floor. Then sneak past the slig and activate the mine and sneak into the smoke and wait for him to blow up. Possess and kill the bottom slig and then rescue the mudokons. You should be at 96 escapees. Go back down and leave through the portal.

When you return, sneak past the other slig by staying in the smoke when he comes by. Climb up and go to the left. Jump over the mine and lure the slog onto the mine to kill it. Roll to the left of the fire and down. Jump past the mines and the slog will die. Throw a stone at the mine above and go through the secret portal.

SECRET AREA 12: You need to jump up to the ledge before the slog gets you. Free the 5 below and then motion for the one on the right to come down and free him to. Quickly jump down and use the lever and climb back up. Get the other 2 down through the portal and run to yours.

Climb back up and go to the left,then go down to the right and into the secret portal.

SECRET AREA 13: As soon as you come out, run to the right and jump up to get past the slogs. Go through the door and use the lever to start the electric barrier which will kill them. Round up the Mudokons and set them free.

Go back up and throw a rock at the mine near the slig. Throw another rock at the slogs above to get them on the mines and kill them. Then head left and do a leap of faith.

Monsaic Lines

Mudokons to rescue
Secret Areas

Start by going past the checkpoints and jumping over the gaps. Stop when the guard tells you and mimic his whistling noises (check gamespeak). Doing so correctly lets you pass. Go down and you’ll be prompted to chant. Use it to possess one slig and kill the other. Then go through the door and learn some basic controls you probably already knew. Go through the door and down to the pulley. Pull yourself up and you’ll meet another guard so mimic him to pass.

Go pull the lever and into the chute. Mimic the next guard and go into the other door. Go through the chute and chant to open the portal. Pull yourself down and go left. When the bees attack, run to the nearby Mudokon to have them sting him instead of you. Then climb up and get the bell song. Go back to the pulley and go up to chant near the bells and open the door. Go to the right and mimic the guard and use the lever to light the lock and go through. Jump down and go to the left door. Run to the far right and use the lever and head to Paramonia.


Mudokons to rescue
Secret Areas

Go right and sneak up to the mine near the guard. Get a rock and throw it at the mines across the gap. Pull the lever and then jump up to use the bell and get Elum. Climb on and then jump across. You want a continuous motion here so get on Elum and keep running and jumping until you reach the end. Jump across and say hi to the guard and mimic him to get the pulley. Pull up and get a rock, then throw it at the mine near the sleeping slig. Go across and pull yourself up. Deactivate the mine and then throw a rock at the bee hive to get Elum to stop eating honey. Then mount him and ride him across. Jump across and then climb up and jump into the chute. On the platform, possess the slig and go down and kill the other one. Then drop the slig on the mines. Go down and use the lever and lower the elevator. Pull it and get Elum and then head to the top. Ride Elum all the way to the other side.

Mount Elum and ride to the left while avoiding the mines. You are blocked from proceeding any farther. Jump and crouch while crossing the mines and keep yourself crouched near the firing wall except right when you have to jump over the mines. Climb up and run past the slogs. Lower the elevator for Elum and then ride to the next area.

Go down the pulley with elum and then jump into the chute. Jump into the left chute and use the lever. Jump into the right one now and get a rock and throw it at the mines. Go pull the other lever and then jump into the left chute and get the password. Go back to the guard and give him the password and he will lower the elevator. Go up and down the other elevator and possess the slig on top to kill the other two. Ride Elum across to the other side.

Leave Elum and climb up the platform. Possess a slig to kill the others and then enter the temple.

Paramonian Temple

Mudokons to rescue
Secret Areas

Get into the chute and chant near the slig when you are across from him. Get him away from the chant suppressor and possess him to kill the slog. Pull yourself down and climb down. Kill the slig when he is under the red mark by pulling the lever.

Here we will be doing the rooms in a clockwork fashion starting with the top left.

Climb up and run to the left. Jump down to the lever to lower the elevator. Pull yourself up to the top and mimic the Mudokon for spirit rings to blow up the mines below. Use the lever to light the lock. Go up and get more rings and blow up the mines up top. Get some meat and throw it near the Paramite below to allow yourself to hear the bell chime. Pull up to the meat back and pull the lever and get another slab of meat. Jump into the chute and throw the meat to the left side and run and climb up the ledge. Play the bell song and leave through the exit.

For the next room, attract a slig’s attention and run back up to possess him and kill the other one. Jump across the pits and watch out for the bat. Get a rock and throw it at the mines to kill the slog. Use the lever to light the torch and then get the bell song. Throw a rock at the bat and get back across with another rock in tow. Throw a rock at the mines and then play the bell song to leave.

The third room has trap switches that drop rocks so watch out. Get to the top of the other side and use the lever to light the torch. As soon as you do roll under the gap and jump over the second trap switch to avoid getting eaten by paramites. The paramite near the bell song will follow you, but move very slowly near the first trap or else you’ll get hit. Get the paramite to kill itself in the second trap so you can get the bell song and play it near the door to leave.

The fourth room can be tough jumping across because of the boulders and bats can kill you. Leap across quickly and then quicksave. Go across the mine and activate it. Climb up and disarm the mines and then light the torch. Sneak across and climb up the ledge and get the song before the slog wakes up. Run across and back down and then quickly jump across the gaps to the bell and play the song to leave.

In the fifth room, go to the left and get some meat from the bag. Go left and then climb up when the paramites start chasing you. Climb up and get the song, then climb up to the left and pull the lever causing a boulder to roll at you so move it. Jump into the chute and then the right chute and light the torch. Head back and go down. Throw some meat at the paramites to distract them then run left and climb. Play the song and leave.

For the last room, go left and get the bell song. Go and climb up to the right. Run across and touch the meat bag, then quickly run left before the boulder gets you. There is a secret area to your right.

SECRET AREA 14: As soon as you go in, roll to your right and then climb up. Use the lever and then knock some meat onto the ground for the paramites. Roll to the left quickly and get past the grinders. When the paramites are dead free all the mudokons and leave the area.

Go left and throw meat under the trap for the paramites and kill them both. Get some more meat and head down to use on the paramite below. Go down and get more meat and use it to distract the paramite while you light the torch. Leave quickly and get more meat. Then use it to distract the other paramite again and head up and play the song and leave. Head into the main door that is now open.

Paramonian Nests

Mudokons to rescue
Secret Areas

Go through the main door. As soon as the elevator reaches the top, start running from the paramites as fast as you can. There’s a small break when you get to the meat bag so get one. Throw it down so the paramites leave you alone while you go through the door. Go to the left and get into the chutes and into the hut. After the cutscene, get into the chute back to Monsaic Lines.

Once you are there, head left and then go to the area where the chutes to the two areas are. Pull the lever to the right and head to Scrabania.


Mudokons to rescue
Secret Areas

In Scrabania, run left and jump over the mine. Climb up when the sleeping slig drops down and kill him with the lever trap. Jump into the chute on the far left and then pull the lever to activate the other chute. Jump into that chute and possess the slig. Have him kill the other slig and kill him by making him step on the mine.

Climb up and ring the bell to get Elum. Ride him across to the left. Ride on Elum and jump over the canyons to the end. Jump across the gap and down the pulley. Mimic the guard to get spirit rings to blow up the nearby mines. Get more spirit rings and head down and blow up the mines here. Get the password and go down. Tell the guard the password for him to lower the elevator. There are a bunch of mines ahead so go back and get spirit rings to blow them up. Abe can make the jumps by himself so keep getting more spirit rings to blow up the mines. When they are all gone, get Elum and jump across.

Have Elum ride across the gaps quickly. Then pull him up and he’ll get distracted by honey. Go down the pulley. Get across the gap and stay down because of the sligs shooting at you. Only move when they move. Get the password and rush back. Pull yourself to the top and give the password to the Guard and he will give you spirit rings. Blow up the mines and get the bees to follow you to Elum. When he’s under your control, pull yourself up to get more spirit rings. Then go down and ride him quickly across the gaps, use your rings to blow everything up and possess the sligs.

Go to the chute and go up and get a rock. Use the right pulley to throw the rock at the mines and get the password. Bring Elum up with you and give the Mudokon the password and get across. Possess the slig on the very edge and kill him. Have Elum jump over the mines and across the huge gaps. There are a few times where you can safely quicksave so do that if you are starting to have trouble. Watch out for mines and you should be okay.

Go by yourself down and use the lever and quickly get back up. Use Elum to jump across before the mine hits you. Run across the gap until you are prompted to stop. Climb up and possess the slig and have him use the pulley and kill the other sligs. Use the lever to get rid of the bomb and then ride Elum across. Have Elum wait and then jump so that you are grabbing the ledge so that you don’t wake the sligs. Sneak past them and then jump across the mines while crouching when the floating one approaches. Mimic the guard to get spirit rings and then blow up the mines. Jump into the chute to possess the sligs and kill them off. Get Elum and ride across.

Jump into the chute and then quickly chant to blow up the mine. Mimic the guard to activate the chute. Go through and then mimic the next guard for spirit rings to blow up the nearby mines. When you get past them, get to the chute and start running before the slog gets you. Jump across the gaps and you’ll make it to the temple.

Scrabanian Temple

Mudokons to rescue
Secret Areas

SECRET AREA 15: Jump into the smoke and sneak when the slig isn’t looking. Disarm the bomb and then sneakily climb back up. Possess the slig and then wait for the slogs to come out and kill them all. Get rid of this slig and then possess the other slig and kill him. Free the mudokons and then head through the portal.

Hide behind the rocks to avoid getting shot at. There is a mine that needs disarming so do it quickly when the sligs are looking away. Then jump over them and the other mines to the other room. For this set of rooms, the order will be Left to right and top to bottom.

In the first room, get some rocks and go down to the left and roll across. Throw a stone at the mines and get the bell song. Roll over and light the torch, then get past the scrab and climb up. Use the bell song and leave.

In the second room, throw a bottle cap to the far right and pull the lever when the scrab is on the other side than quickly pull yourself up. Jump into the chute now and keep jumping into them until you reach the bell song. When the scrab is beneath you, run to the far left and climb up. Jump into the chute below and pull the levers. Run from the scrab into the left chute and light the torch. Run to the far left again and jump into the chute and play the bell song to leave.

In the Bottom left room, leap over the floating mine and then drop down. Pull the lever when the slig is under the red mark. Drop down and chant, it won’t work but it will distract the sligs long enough for you to run past to shelter. Roll over to the far left and pull the lever when the slig is on the far right. Then jump in the chute and possess the slig. Have him light the torch and then kill the slogs that come out along with the other slig. Get the bell song and go through the chute to play it.

For the next room, run left and get the bell song, Now go right and get past the scrab and jump up. Pull the lever and go through the chute. Wait for the scrab to be on the far right and then pull the lever which lights the torch and acts as a trap door. Run to the left and roll to safety. Get to the pulley and go up and play the bell song.

In the fifth room, drop down and then get to the bottom to trick the scrab off the platform so that you can light the torch. When the scrab is out of the way, sprint to the left and jump up the platform to get the bell song. Run to the left and play the song to leave.

For the sixth room, a scrab will soon come charging at you so jump into the chute right before he attacks and sprint to the right. Go down the pulley and quickly jump up to the left and raise the pulley with the scrab on it. Pull the lever near the bells and then go into the chute and then the other chute. Get the song and light the torch, then go back down the pulley and play the song and leave.

For the seventh room, run to the left and the two scrabs below will fight to the death. Go climb up to the top left and roll through to a secret portal.

SECRET AREA 16: When the scrab is to the far right, drop down and roll to the left, then quickly climb up to the next platform. Climb past the mine quickly and then rescue the mudokons. Open the portal below and run into it when the coast is clear.

Run to the far right, then climb up and pull the lever to go through the chute. Light the torch and get the bell song. Then go through the chute before the scrab gets you. Run to the far left, then climb a ledge to chant the bell song and leave through the door on the bottom left.

For the eighth room, hang onto the ledge and wait for the scrab above to jump off. Use the pulley to go up. A scrab will come from the left so roll to the lever and lower the scrab. Raise the elevator when it’s off and lower yourself to watch the scrabs fight. Go to the left and get the bell song, then go down the scrab’s pulley to get to a secret area.

SECRET AREA 17: Recruit all the mudokons and then run to the left while avoiding the scrab. Pull the lever to drop them down a floor and then run back and set the mudokons free and then open your own portal. Go back up to the right and down the pulley. Run past the scrab and jump up to the ledge and use the lever. Chant the bell song and leave and then head through the main gate that is now open

Scrabanian Nests

Mudokons to rescue
Secret Areas

The main gate is now open and you are going to be chased by a bunch of scrabs. Sprint to the right and climb up. Hang onto the ledge and climb when the scrab comes down and go up the pulley. Go up to the left and then jump when you have the chance. Climb and sprint until you reach Big Face’s place. Rush to the top left ledge and climb. Wait for the scrab to be on a trap door and then use the lever to start dropping boulders. Jump across the gap and use the other lever to open the door and go through. Go right and into the chutes and jump over to Big Face’s hut for your new scar.

Go back to Monsaic lines to where you can go into Paramonia and Scrabania and go inside the newly opened temple. With Shrykull, blow up all the enemies to your right and go through the portal.

Free-Fire Zone

Mudokons to rescue
Secret Areas

Climb up and get past the motion sensors. A slog will come running out so quickly jump up to the ledge to the right. Get past these motion sensors and then use the electric switch to kill the slog. Go back down and get rocks below. Hop over the mines and deactivate the blinking mine. Throw rocks at the mines to blow them up. Climb up and sprint to the right before the slogs get you and climb up. Jump into the smoke and wait for the slig to go back to sleep. Deactivate the mine and pull the lever while quickly jumping down before the slig gets you. Sprint to the far left and climb up before the bombs get you.

Go through the portal to above the cliff. Jump over the mines and past the motion sensor. Then electrocute the slog and go back down. Jump over the mines and go down to Zulag 1

Zulag 1

Mudokons to rescue
Secret Areas

Start by rescuing the 3 mudokons here. Doing so will allow you to summon Shrykull so chant to blow up everything in the room. Then head up on the elevator.

Go up the elevator and run through the motion sensor to the left. Sprint through and climb the ledge and kill everybody below and save the mudokon. Go to the left and sneak behind the slig until you get to where you can get spirit rings. Sneak past the slig again and blow up the mines on the other side. Raise the bridge and possess a slig to kill the others. Than use him to open the locked door on the far end before you kill him. Then rescue all of the mudokons and head left.

Get the spirit rings and chant when you see the slig on the other side. Don’t rescue these mudokons yet. Instead, possess the other slig and kill him, but don’t have him step on the mine. Drop down the hole in the floor and jump across and pull the lever to raise the platform. Then go and rescue these 3 mudokon to get shrykull. Recruit the mudokons and get them away from the mine. Use shrykull on the slig hidden in the top left and to blow up the mine. Then get the Mudokons and send them through the portal below. Go down the trap door that had the secret area.

Sneak to the left and jump into the smoke. Then sneak down and possess the slig on top to kill him. Possess a slig below and tell the mudokons to duck and kill the other slig and then immediately kill your slig. Go down and lure the mudokons away from the mine one at a time and not with all ‘ya. Then blow up the mine, get all the mudokons, and rescue them and go through the blue portal.

Go back up to the left and possess a slig, warn the other mudokons and kill the other sligs. Move through the motion sensor and immediately run back to the right and possess the slig to kill it. Then rescue all the mudokons in the area and move on.

Go up the elevator and sprint to the left and climb up a ledge. Possess a slig to kill the others while looking out for the mudokons. Get all the mudokons down the elevator and rescue them. Then go down the trap door and possess a slig to kill all the other sligs while telling the mudokons to watch out. When the sligs are dead, rescue all the mudokons and leave through the portal. There is another secret room behind the barrel so head down. Kill all the sligs and two more will show up so kill them as well. Then rescue all of the mudokons and leave. Go up and possess a slig on the far left to kill the other sligs and go through the other secret door in the area.

Immediately jump to the left. Kill/possess the sligs in the room and deactivate the electric barrier. Then rescue all the mudokons and leave. Head to the left and free all the mudokons in the beginning area. Go down the trap door and possess the slig to kill the slog and the other slig. Go back up and head through the blue portal to go back to the boiler room.

Run quickly to the right and pull the lever before the slogs get you, then go run and climb up the ledge. Get the other slogs to follow you and then possess the slig that comes by and kill the slogs. Rescue the 4 mudokons and then go through the train and head to Zulag 2.

Zulag 2

Mudokons to rescue
Secret Areas

In Zulag 2, sneak onto the ledge and possess the slig. Have him go to the door and mimic the monitor noises (it’s the same principle as the whistle passwords) and that opens the door. Kill the other slig and go up. Go through the top left door.

In here, you have to get the two mudokons above you and then run through the motion sensor door. Then quickly move to the ledge. Have the mudokons following you wait and wait for them to start scrubbing the floor. Pull the lever and get down before the slig spots you. Possess him and then have him unlock the door to the left and kill the other sligs. Rescue all the mudokons here and you can summon shrykull again. Then go up the elevator and pull the lever. Use shrykull to blow up all of the mines here and kill the two sligs. Recruit the mudokons, but lead them to the far left away from the portal. Then use Shrykull to blow everything up and with the coast clear, free the mudokons and leave.

In the middle room, run quickly through the wall and climb up the ledge to the right before the slogs get you. Possess the slig and kill the slogs and then get rid of him. Climb up the next ledge and use the lever to electrocute the slig below. Go through the smoke and sneakily push the grenade vending machine and sneak back into the smoke before the slig sees you. When he’s asleep, get the grenade and sneak to the ledge and climb up. Cook the grenade and throw it at the chant suppressor and then possess the slig. Have him kill all the slogs that come out near the lever below and then pull it. Get rid of the slig and lead the 5 Mudokons above to safety and then leave.

For the last room, activate the mine and then hop over it. Run and the slig guard that comes will get blown up. Hop over the mines and then sneak past the sligs and climb up the ledge. On top, get grenades and open the trap door to throw grenades down at the sligs to kill them. Throw a grenade at the mine and the chant suppressor near the portal and then rescue all the mudokons to get shrykull. Pull the lower lever to get the pulley and then go up and immediately activate shrykull. Pull the lever and leave. Go through the new door and head to Zulag 3.

Zulag 3

Mudokons to rescue
Secret Areas

Once you arrive, sneak to the left near the sleeping slig. Make sure you are out of range of his gun, but he can still here you. Run to the ledge and the slig will follow you. Possess him and use him to take control of the slog (here boy). Then order the slog to kill the sleeping slig on the other side and kill the slog when he returns. Roll and deactivate the electric barrier on the left and then go up to the rooms. Start with the room on the top left.

As soon as you enter, run past the sensor and quickly get to the top platform. Then go to the very edge and keep climbing down. Jump past the falling meat and get above the two sligs. Possess one to kill the other. Jump to the other side of the left gap and pull the lever to lower the pulley. A slig will come down so jump across and pull the electric barrier lever to kill the slig. Then get the mudokons in the area and send 3 of them through the portal above to get shrykull and pull the gate lever. Don’t rescue all of the mudokons at once because you will need Shrykull again. Raise yourself up and use shrykull to get rid of the slig above and the chant suppressor. If you need Shrykull again, get 3 more mudokons below and send them through the portal. Possess the slig behind the electric barrier and deactivate it and kill him. Get the 3 mudokons here to the portal for another Shrykull and head to the bottom floor. Jump to the right of the falling meat and then use Shrykull again to get rid of everything here and free the mudokons. Then save the last 3 mudokons here and leave.

The top right room can be difficult. You need to go through the motion sensor and immediately head into the gap where the bird portal is. Pull the lever and when the mines are out of your way, run and climb up the ledge that was blocked by the electric barrier. Climb down quickly and pull the lever and climb back up before the slig sees you. Chant, it won’t work but the slig will be scared and will run out into the path of one of the floating mines. Jump to the right side and climb over the platforms. Climb down and pull the lever before the slig gets you. Pull yourself up the pulley and get some grenades and use the door lever. Go down and climb up the platform. If you want to try a unique way to kill him try jumping over the platform and dropping a grenade on the slig to get rid of him. Throw a grenade at the other floating mine to blow it up if there is still one there and then rescue the mudokons and leave.

For the last room in the Zulag run to the right past the lever, then sneak and climb up the ledge before the slig on the far right gets you. Possess him and then make him use the trap door to kill the sligs above you. Leave the mudokons for now and head through the door. Get a grenade from above and throw it at the chant suppressor and then possess one slig to kill the others. Have that slig use the voice lock to open it. More sligs will come out so watch out for the mudokons when you are shooting. Tell them hit the deck to avoid killing them. Or go back to the previous room and get Shrykull if you really want to. Get rid of the sligs and the slog and then use the door lever. Save all the mudokons in this room and any remaining ones in the last room and then head to Zulag 4.

Zulag 4

Mudokons to rescue
Secret Areas

In Zulag 4 start by climbing up the ledges and then get past the motion sensor when the slig isn’t looking. Sneak into the first room.

Pull the lever and climb up to the top left ledge. Possess a slig and kill the sligs around you. Go down the elevator and kill the other sligs (warn the mudokons first). Head to the right and kill more sligs while telling the mudokons to look out. Open the voice lock below and kill the sligs here. Get rid of your slig and have Abe drop down through the hole. Sneak crouch in the little tunnel where the slig is sleeping on the opposite side. Climb up and deactivate the alarm, then recruit the mudokons near you and set them free below, but don’t free the one behind the motion sensor yet. Get some grenades and use them to blow up the chant suppressor and then possess the sligs to get rid of them. Recruit the mudokon above you and the one at the very start of the room and they will trip the alarm so go back up and deactivate it and set him free. Then head to the next room.

Slogs will be chasing you so sprint to the platform at the very end. Quickly jump down and up to the other side. Get a grenade and throw it at the mines below to kill the slogs. When they are all dead, drop down and possess the slig above. Move him near the door lever and have him kill all the slogs that come out. Pull the door lever and then electrocute him. Pull the lever that disarms the barrier and then send all the mudokons in the area through the portal. Go back to the previous room and then head back up and get some grenades before leaving the area.

The next section is a lot easier if you brought grenades with you. You can just blow up the chant suppressor and possess the sligs to kill each other. If you didn’t bring mines, jump across and sneak behind the slig. Climb up when he stops and the motion sensor is gone. When he is gone, jump down and hide in the area to the left. When the coast is clear again, activate the mine and hide. If the alarm goes off, try it again. Go back underneath and chant when the chant suppressor is off screen to have the sligs above kill each other or at the very least deactivate barrier for the grenades. Go roll to the left side with a check point and climb up and roll.

SECRET AREA 18: Possess the slig and kill him, then free the mudokons. Once you leave, get rid of the other sligs and head into the door above.

In the next room, possess the slig and have him pull the lever and kill all of the slogs that come out. Go to the left and pull the other lever quickly get to the right, and kill as many slogs as possible. If you need another slig, use the ring for service lever and possess this slig to kill the other slogs and any other ones that come out. Have him step on a mine to get rid of him. Go through the motion sensor which makes more slogs and a slig chase you. Jump over the mine and get back on the ledge and possess the slig to kill all of the slogs. Get rid of the slig and then roll to the far left.

SECRET AREA 19: Rescue the three mudokons to get shrykull. Go back and use shrykull to get rid of all of the sligs.

Go up the elevator and pull the generator lever. Go through the door that was blocked by electricity and head down the elevator.

The Board Room

Mudokons to rescue
Secret Areas

Get off the elevator and head to the door on the right. After the cutscene, pull the lever and a timer starts, you only have 2 minutes to finish. Drop down and jump left right from where you are standing. Do yourself a favor and quicksave a lot to get past these last obstacles. You need to quickly hop over the mines while the grinders are up and then climb up the ledge on the other side. Quickly roll and deactivate the electric barrier. It’s also possible to get to the lever by jumping across the ledge to the left after the cutscene. Roll past the grinders again and then hop over the mines and grinders below again, then pull the lever and deactivate the grinders. The grinders won’t bother you anymore so hop across the mines and go down the elevator.

Roll and hop over the mines below. Quickly disarm the mines here and then send the mudokons through the portal to get Shrykull. Pull the lever and head down into the boardroom. Immediately activate Shrykull to kill everything around you and activate him again once he wears off the first time. Pull the lever quickly and you will have just beaten the game.
