Witch It Guide

Official Map Contest 2020 Participation Guide for Witch It

Official Map Contest 2020 Participation Guide


Here’s a straightforward guide for those who want more information on how to participate in Witch It’s Official Map Contest 2020!This is our very first workshop map competition, in which multiple winners will have their brilliant creations added into the official server map voting pool when Witch It leaves Early Access!For more information, visit our #contest-info channel on discord.gg/witchit

Rules and Advice

Before starting your map, read our rules and advice below – you may wish to return to this section later to make sure your map is applicable for the contest!

1. You must build on an empty map with no structures (interior, town day, island day, town night, ice day, or graveyard night)!
2. You can submit as many maps as you want (remember, quality over quantity)!
3. You can either make your map solo, or collaborate with up to 4 creators – please mark them as a contributor to your workshop item!
4. You can enter with previously-made maps – just follow steps 2 to 5!
5. You cannot enter using other workshopper’s maps that you are not an original contributor on (we will check for stolen work)!
6. You must design an entirely original map – it cannot be based on an existing map from another game!
7. Offensive/NSFW content is strictly prohibited!
8. All users can enter, including GIF Masters and community staff!

Breaking these rules may result in disqualification from the contest!

Avoid glitches – such as physical prop chains or impossible to reach hiding spots!
Your map should work with Hide & Seek, Mobification, and Hunt a Hag.
Make sure to extensively test your maps before submitting!
Aim to use an optimised amount of props – we recommend below 1000!
You can use as many structures as you want!
Make sure your map supports a 16-player lobby – consider the size of your map!

We aim to close the contest on Sunday, 13th September 2020.
After that, we will be reviewing your entries and deciding on the winners, which may be revealed shortly after.

We wish the best of luck to all prospering Architects!

Step 1 – Create a custom Witch It map!

To begin creating your map, open up Witch It and hit ‘play’, and then ‘creative mode’.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select from one of the 6 empty maps:

– Interior
– Town Day
– Island Day
– Town Night
– Ice Day
– Graveyard Night

Select your preferred server options. If you are building alone, set the maximum players to 1. If you wish to build with others, you may want to increase the maximum players but enable a password so strangers cannot join! Press ‘create game’ when you are ready to begin.

Once you have loaded in, hit the escape (esc) key to open up the creative mode menu. Since map building is a complex subject that would require its own entire guide, here’s a simple breakdown:

Red – These are your server options, used to invite friends, change settings, or exit back to the main menu.

Yellow – These tabs contain your common props, secret props, and event props that you have unlocked in your prop collection (mimic props on official servers to unlock new props)! Utilities can be accessed here, which allows you to implement spawn points, Hunter-blocking doors (that open when warm-up time is complete), as well as light sources and jump pads. Structures are found on the rightmost tab, containing immovable objects such as rocks, houses and trees that you can use together to create your own landscape.

Green – Here is where you can scroll through and select props, structures, and utilities. Click on the thumbnail of an item you wish to use to spawn it in front of you.

Blue – These are your map options, allowing you to save your map, clear your map, as well as upload it to the workshop. ‘Enter Fly mode’ grants you the ability to fly around your maps as a Luaq while building. While in fly mode, press space to raise your Luaq, and C to lower it. ‘Respawn as Witch’ returns you to witch form.

Controls for moving, scaling, rotating and more are found at the bottom right of your screen while you are not in the creative menu. These tools can be used to make fine adjustments to your props. To cycle through the ‘place’ and ‘edit’ modes, press ‘E’ (deleting props is possible through edit mode).

If it’s your first time creating a map, we recommend you get comfortable with the tools and create at least one practice map before competing!

Step 2 – Upload your map to the Steam Workshop!

After you’ve completed your map and added spawn points for both teams (alongside Hunter blockers and collision walls if necessary), you are now ready for step 2 – uploading your map to the Steam workshop!

First of all, make sure your map is saved by pressing ‘save map’ in the creative mode menu. You may wish to give it a unique name, though you can always change this later after you’ve uploaded!

Optional step: After you have saved your map, you may wish to test it first. To do so, press ‘exit to main menu’, ‘play’, then ‘custom match’, where you can find your newly made map under ‘custom maps’. We highly recommend doing this before submitting to ensure your map meets our rules and advice shown at the beginning of this guide!

To upload your map to the Steam workshop, press ‘submit map’. You will then be asked to generate a thumbnail by picking a camera angle that suits you. Left-click to take a photo!

You can then write an optional description for your map before submission. Please set the visibility of your map to public so we can download and play your map! Once you’re ready, hit ‘submit’ and wait a few moments for your map to upload.

Congratulations, your map is almost ready to be submitted to the competition!

Step 3 – Upload at least ONE screenshot onto your workshop page!

To help us identify your map, as well as make your map more attractive to download, please upload at least one screenshot of your map to your workshop item! We recommend taking 5 or more screenshots using different angles and locations within your map.

Tip: F12 takes a screenshot in-game, and Alt+J toggles the HUD so you can take screenshots without the onscreen text and menus!

To upload a screenshot, press ‘add/edit images & videos’ on your Steam workshop item. You can then choose multiple files to upload – take note that you may have to upload one screenshot at a time if the file size is too big.

Press ‘save and continue’ to add your uploaded screenshots to the workshop page!

Step 4 – Add the hashtag #mapcontest2020 in the description!

To help us sort entries, as well as granting permission for the developers to use your map in a future update, we ask you to add the hashtag #mapcontest2020 to your workshop description! This applies to existing maps on the workshop, if you wish to enter them.

Press ‘edit title & description’, and then add #mapcontest2020 to the text box. Remember to save when you have finished!

Step 5 – Submit your entry!

To submit your entry, post the Steam workshop item link in either:

1. Our #contest-submit channel, over on discord.gg/witchit


2. Underneath our Official Map Contest 2020 Steam announcement!

To do so, first copy the link of your workshop item in your Steam client. If you cannot see your item URL, press ‘view’ at the top of your Steam client, then locate ‘settings’. From there, press ‘interface’ and then make sure ‘Display Steam URL address bar when available’ is ticked!

[For Submissions through Steam]
Click here to add a comment with your workshop item link underneath our Steam announcement!

[For Submissions through Discord]
Head over to discord.gg/witchit and locate the #contest-submit channel. Due to our server security, you may have to wait 10 minutes after joining before you can post!

[For Submissions through Discord]
To submit your map, paste the URL you copied from Steam into the message box, and press enter to send.

Congratulations, you’ve successfully submitted your map for the Official Map Contest 2020!
We’re super excited to see what you create…

Barrel Roll Games and the community staff wish you the best of luck!
