Total War: EMPIRE – Definitive Edition Guide

On the Variations and Deployment of Line Infantry for Total War: EMPIRE - Definitive Edition

On the Variations and Deployment of Line Infantry


A guide dealing with the types and usage of line infantry.


Line Infantry should be the backbone of any western army in Empire. As such, there is a large difference to be made if it is used well. This guide will look into how line infantry is used in single player against the AI, don’t play a multiplayer battle with single player tactics and expect to win!

Personally, I prefer single player camaigns to multiplayer and there aren’t enough single player guides out there…

Line Infantry Overview

All unit sizes will be on large settings.

Line Infantry is similar for all nations:

  • First things first, they all look the same (apart from colour).
  • They can all perform Fire by Rank, Square Formation, and have the same bayonet upgrades.
  • They all have a range of 70 (units?), march at the same speed, and have 15 shots.
  • All have Resistant to Morale Shocks, Grappling Hooks, and Can Hide in Woodland.

Tactics and ability usage will come later…

Unit Icon:

Battlefield Appearance:

Line Infantry by Nation

In Bold are values that deviate from the normal. Entries in Underlined Bold are improvements on standard line infantry. All information comes from my own research, and any errors should be pointed out.

Austria is the only nation to have an increased unit strength line infantry, but all their stats take a hit.

Unit Strength: 150
Accuracy: 35
Reloading Skill: 20
Melee Attack: 5
Charge: 8
Melee Defense: 11
Morale: 6
Recruitment Cost: 1130
Upkeep: 280

France benefits from increased melee attack and charge.

Unit Strength: 120
Accuracy: 40
Reloading Skill: 25
Melee Attack: 8
Charge: 10
Melee Defense: 13
Morale: 7
Recruitment Cost: 1070
Upkeep: 260

Great Britain
Increased melee defense, reloading skill and morale but is more expensive.

Unit Strength: 120
Accuracy: 40
Reloading Skill: 30
Melee Attack: 6
Charge: 9
Melee Defense: 15
Morale: 8
Recruitment Cost: 1140
Upkeep: 280

Increased charge, reloading skill and morale but is more expensive.

Unit Strength: 120
Accuracy: 40
Reloading Skill: 35
Melee Attack: 6
Charge: 10
Melee Defense: 13
Morale: 8
Recruitment Cost: 1150
Upkeep: 280

Higher melee attack and charge bonus but sacrifices fire rate, accuracy and defence.

Unit Strength: 120
Accuracy: 35
Reloading Skill: 15
Melee Attack: 8
Charge: 13
Melee Defense: 11
Morale: 7
Recruitment Cost: 1040
Upkeep: 260

Poland-Lithuania, Spain, Sweden, United States, United Provinces (Netherlands)
Standard Line Infantry.

Unit Strength: 120
Accuracy: 40
Reloading Skill: 25
Melee Attack: 6
Charge: 9
Melee Defense: 13
Morale: 7
Recruitment Cost: 1060
Upkeep: 260

Single Unit Tactics

While it may not seem like a very important aspect with a total war game, getting the most out of a single unit can mean the difference between victory and defeat. I also think it’s also much more fun to play with very small armies.

Guard Mode: Always enable, this allows your unit to keep firing (it’s main strength) even while under melee attack.

Fire at Will: Useful to keep on unless you’re conserving ammunition, as it is easily overridden if a better target presents itself.

Square: Use when cavalry is around but only if they are circling. A line can deliver more direct fire against a charging unit. Do not use in the presence of enemy infantry or artillery with a good line of fire. If rapid deployment into square could be necessary, a deep block formation will help.

Bayonets: Actual effects of bayonets technologies: +3 to Melee Attack when any bayonet is fixed; -5 Reload Skill with a ring bayonet equipped; +3 Charge Bonus with New Model Bayonet Drill researched. Try to upgrade (if in campaign) to ring bayonets as fast as possible if you are going against any cavalry. Fix plug bayonets only if your unit is out of ammunition, in melee, or about to be engulfed by melee infantry/cavalry. Note that the Ring Bayonet technology will cause a flat reduction to your firepower (being especially bad on a unit with low reloading skill such as Russia’s or Austria’s musketeers, and equivalent to 5 experience chevrons), which is only removed when you research Socket Bayonets.

Arc of Fire: This is the area your troops can shoot in. Take care however, as this is the area that at least one man from the unit can shoot, but not always all of them! If positioned wrong, only half of your unit will fire. Try to engage with you unit facing the enemy directly for maximum firepower.

Terrain: As with all total war games (and war in general) it is usually advantageous to have the high ground. It allows for a better line of fire and gives various combat bonuses. However, it can help to hide behind a ridge to escape fire – just remember to go back up before the unit is required to fight!

Formation: In the early game your units can only fire from the front rank, so a very thin formation will squeeze the most firepower from the men. If there is a flanking threat though, this can be very vulerable. Once Fire by Rank is researched (high priority) a two deep line is generally best. A maximum of three ranks can now fire, but the increased depth of the unit means that casualties will be higher. A two deep line also gives a better first volley and slightly faster fire rate.
Movement: Walk, don’t run. Running tires the men out and leads to reduced morale, only use in an emergency. Instead of right clicking where you want the unit to go, right click and drag to determine the position, orientation and formation the unit will take. Approach the enemy from behind or the side when possible. Otherwise, halt just before they come into range and let them come to you (the first volley can be a deciding factor). Reload before moving – always do this unless there is a situation where speed is vital.

Assaulting: Right clicking on a wall will cause the regiment to deploy grapling hooks and scale the wall. However, the troops at the top will likely kill you unless you have superior melee stats (their morale is near unbreakable). Try to avoid direct assaults and batter the walls with artillery instead.

What single unit tactics can acheive (bearing in mind I’m very out of practice!):

Large Scale Tactics

Although single units are fun, when the game progresses you can no longer bring three units and hope to beat any army the enemy can throw at you.

Group Units: This can be immensely helpfull when dealing with multiple line regiments as it can keep them in an unbroken line with minimal effort.

Artillery: Huge killing power in Empire because of their unlimited ammunition. These are key to controlling the battle (whoever has artillery superiority defends). These must be kept safe however, and placement is of utmost importance. They must be on high ground to command as much of the battlefield as possible; they should be placed between line units for defense; they could be placed sligtly ahead of the line and angle towards the centre to help destroy enemy charges (without hitting your line). Howitzers and other indirect fire weapons should be placed behind your line.

Light Infantry/Grenadiers: I find these too tricky to use and prefer the solid killing power of line infantry. Position in the centre of your line if you want to use them. Light infantry in particular are usefull when given a strong hilltop position overlooking your line – but remember to defend them against cavalry. Grenadiers can be very usefull when short range indirect fire is needed. However, owing to their situational use, only bring one or two per army.

Cavalry: Something I have little use for in Empire, cavalry is good for destroying undefended enemy artillery (something your artillery can do) and running down routed units (though if units are running, you’ve probably already won). The best cavalry in my opinion are light dragoons – the same price as dragoons but can fire from horseback!

General Tactics: Stay in a rough line and focus on killing the enemy without exposing yourself. Watch out for cavalry charges, a unit in square on the ends of your line can help (ideally positioned at 45 degrees so that two faces are firing at the enemy). Keep your general safe behind a ridge (but as close as possible). Try to make the enemy attack you, this will give you a huge advantage in initial killing power.

Assaulting: Right clicking on a wall will cause the regiment to deploy grapling hooks and scale the wall. However, the troops at the top will likely kill you unless you have superior melee stats (their morale is near unbreakable). Try to avoid direct infantry assaults and batter the walls with artillery instead. Once a breach is opened, swamp the interior with musket and cannon fire. This is one situation where the superior range of light infantry can be used. Never attempt a firefight with enemy infantry on the walls – their superior position will cause severe casualties.

These recommendations are guidelines only however, and circumstances may warrant a completely different approach. This is my general way to bludgeon the enemy, but don’t be afraid to experiment and find your own way (it is a game after all!).

Thank You for Reading

Any comments about improvements are welcome…

Please read my spelling and grammar and leave corrections…

And most of all, have fun blasting the enemy to bloody bits! (pity there’s no blood DLC for this…)