Read these once, FEEL THE POWER OF KNOWLEDGE !No bulls**t like “be patient”. Actual information.
Tips, Tricks, Stuff Some of You Don’t Know
This guide contains information useful for everyone, from the beginners to the end-game players. It’s not ordered in any way and completely random so read until the end and you might learn something you didn’t know.
1-Get Plunderblade Gadget for your Palico as soon as possible. It gives your palico an ability to steal materials from monster. For a guide on how to get it; go here.
2-Capturing is ALWAYS better than killing a monster. You can get all the carve rewards and you’ll unlock the special arena for that monster so you can kill him once again in there. Check the monsters icon near the minimap, it’s the heartbeat. If it’s close to flatlining AND flashes ORANGE it means you can capture it. Use a shock trap and tranq bomb(usually takes 2).
3-When a monster is sleeping (generally, at the last stage of its health) it’s a good idea to put bombs (barrel bombs, large and mega are great) around him, snipe the bomb from a distance and wake him up with a BLAST. Don’t do this if your aim is to capture it though, this works good for elder dragons.
4-Kitty-of-the-Valley-Rod is an extremely good Palico weapon. Kill Hornetaurs and forge this as soon as possible. It’ll paralyze a monster 1-2 times in every combat, gives you breathing room or a chance to bash its head. Felyne Baan Ball is also great, use barrel bombs on sleeping monsters.
5-There is no BETTER armor. Everything is situational. Skils are extremely important. For example, Odogaron is still viable in endgame because of its amazing skills.
6-You should have 3-4 weapons with similar ranks and different elements. If you stick with one weapon, you’ll have a very hard time challanging a monster that takes little to no damage from it.
7-Divine Blessing is one of the best skills in the game. Forge a Legiana set and use a Divine Blessing charm (pre-purchase bonus charm has it), LV3 Divine Blessing will negate a lot of the damage you take(proc chance is fairly high with 50% damage block).
8-Tailrider Safari is an amazing way to farm items but you should plan ahead.Send them to farm items that you don’t think you’ll farm for 5 quests. Exchanging Guild Cards with other players will allow you to include their Palico in your Safari team. Safari is also the only way to get Sinister Cloth, its used in making amazing looking sets.
9-Item Box -> Manage Items > ESC. Register your current inventory and reload it whenever you want with ESC.
10-You can use the Tents in camps around the map to change your equipment or restock your items. It also fully heals you and sharpens your weapon. Be careful though, if you use a loadout from your item box you’ll lose the items you got from the supply box (first aid med, ez shock trap, ez tranq etc.).
11-After reaching HR6 (defeating Zorah Magdaros), buy Powercharm and Armorcharm as soon as possible. They give +8 attack and +12 defense respectively and it’s passive. Meaning, just by carrying them on your item pouch grants you the bonuses. Later, you can upgrade those with Bazel Talons (Bazelgeuse high rank drop) and get even more bonuses. And you can even stack them with their lower counterpart, it means you can carry a Powertalon and a Powercharm at the same time (and armors too) ! It’s expensive but worth it, trust me on this !
12-Things you should carry all the time if you can; Mega Potion, Ancient Potion (or Max Potion), Mega Demondrug (or just Demondrug), Mega Armorskin (or just Armorskin), Farcaster (for restock), Flash Pod ( USE THIS A LOT ), Shock Trap, Tranq Bomb, Powertalon+charm, Armortalon+charm.
13-Always eat before combat. Create custom platter (remember, everything is situational). Meat increases attack, Fish increases defense, Vegetable increases Elemental Resistance, Alcohol increases MANLINESS(not really, gives some palico skills).
14-Monster have 2 modes, solo and multiplayer. It doesn’t matter if you’re 2 or 4 players, multiplayer mode monster will have the same scaled version and it’ll be harder than solo. And if someone leaves, even if you start as 2 and your partner leaves, the monster will be scaled for multiplayer. So be careful, wait until the server issues are fixed before playing multiplayer or you might face a 4-player monster solo.
15-Some monster materials have specific drop conditions. For example, if you need “Majestic Horn” you have to break BOTH horns of a Diablos. Make your research (wiki is a good source) and don’t go farming blind.
16-Abandoning a quest resets the items you have used but you lose everything you gathered(basically a reset). If you chose return from a quest, you’ll keep the items you gathered but lose the items you have used(naturally).
17-USE YOUR WISHLIST. You can add weapons and armor to your wishlist and when you return from a quest, you’ll see a message on the right saying you can forge an item you have wishlisted. I hate waiting for my friends who go to the smithy to check if they can complete it.
18-Affinity is VERY important. Think of it like a Critical Hit Chance. %100 affinity means you’ll hit 25% more damage 100% of the time. If it’s minus, like -100%, you’ll deal 25% less damage all the time.
19-Sharpness is even more important. Don’t ever let your weapon go below “yellow” sharpness. Red means your weapon deals 50% of it’s damage, Orange is 75%, Yellow is 100%, Green is 105%, Blue is 120%, White is 132%. Base elemental damage requires Green sharpness for 100% damage, Yellow is 75%, Orange is 50%, Red is 25%, Blue is 106.25%, White is 112,5% for elemental damage.
20-Optional Quests with a SPEECH BUBBLE next to them means they’ll improve something in Astera. Definitely make your priority to complete them ASAP. More cultivating slots for Botanical Research means you’ll grow a lot more items so do the optional quests !
That’s all folks ! Thanks for reading, I will update this guide soon. You’ll see “V1.1” on the title when I update it.
If you have any questions or comments, please write ! Any constructive criticism is appreciated.
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