Operation: New Earth Guide

Operation: New Earth for Operation: New Earth

Operation: New Earth


Basic tips and strategies I will describe as well as certain things and personal preferences I will also talk about Alliances

Tips and Information

The way you build the base is a little important, there is currently no option to rearrange buildings unless you just don’t care I did my base trying to fit the resource buildings together. I generally think it looks nicer and is a little easier to keep track of what is what. If you have the resources you should always keep everything going unless you are sleeping things go faster when everything is working at the same time.

I go slow when I’m doing my upgrades and buildings slow I complete everything before I upgrade my HQ for maximum efficency and power.I am falling behind in research though which is generally annoying. Little Shard crates spawn around your facility that can give a very small amount of shards but they do add up, some of them spawn in the water or behind the fences but most of them are generally around the resource buildings but none however spawn actually inside the building.

You want to make sure you never exceed the Med Bay limit for troops to heal. If you do get attacked you can heal any units you had inside at the time. This only happens if you are attacked and not the person attacking, if you do attack and lose troops they cannot come back this also goes for Gather ships and Contest ships be careful when you have men outside the facility if they get hit and die they are gone and have to be trained/built again.

You can research Outposts which are generally weaker main facilities. The purpose of them is to either house troops for a stronger offense when attacking or to reinforce and trade with alliance members Strategic Outposts can also capture 9 sectors for the Alliance you are in over the course of 8 hours. The two types of Outposts are Harvest and Strategic: Harvest Outposts capture only one tile instantly and have to be built on Neutronium Veins

A Neutronium Vein and a Harvest Outpost. Neutronium is pretty simple to get you can gather it and its mainly used in Research you likely won’t need a Harvest until the higher expensive HQ levels.

A Strategic Outpost: These are for territory and housing large amounts of troops. You can also trade and reinforce from them as you can a Harvest, I already stated it takes 8 hours in the original spot for a Outpost to convert all 9 direct sectors adjacent to it over to the alliance you are in.

Outposts have less health than Main Facilities and can be destroyed faster than main bases. You can also demolish Outposts which takes a hour once its demolished if you have a MOV [Mobile Outpost Vehicle] and a Dropship available you can build another. You cannot build, capture, or teleport onto the 9 sectors adjacent to Outposts, Aliens, Dark Activites, Downed Dropships, Facilities, and Gather Sectors. If you wish to capture a sector that is locked then you have to get rid of the item that has it locked be it a Alien or a inactive player.

It is best to max out everything dealing with Construction and Research and steadily working to get T3s. You should also never gather on other alliance sectors it just doubles the risk of a higher level wanting to kill the Gather.

NPC Enemies and Gather Sectors

There are multiple NPC enemies currently in the game I will list them here and any tips I have on fighting them. I will also list the Gather sectors

The infamous Aliens:

These little buggers make holes in everyones alliance sectors and are just plain annoying especially when they a high enough level that you can’t fight them or you will lose every troop you have. They range from 1 to 9 with 9 being easily the strongest and highest in rewards. Level 5 and above drops a Cache for your alliance that everyone in the alliance can claim within 24 hours. I personally at a level 44 hero can take down 1 and 2s just with my hero in the attack and nothing else while level 3s take multiple hits from my hero. If you do kill a Alien in alliance territory make sure you contest the hole right away so no unsavory players can teleport in and make you pay for not doing it sooner the alliance you are in could also be mad if other players get attacked because of one mistake.

^ Two Aliens messing with sectors

There are Downed Dropships which spawn when HC does a special Dropship Down event although some usually remain after the event is over due to no one wanting to attack them because of high power. The Dropship color varies based on level as well as some holding Special units which can be rescued if you dare try they are basically stronger versions of Aliens with troops you can actually rescue and add power.

A Red and Purple Downed Dropship

Dark Activites these also only spawn when HC does a special Dark Activity event. I have noticed however that some have spawned even though a event for them is not active I do not know if this is the same for Downed Dropships but they do seem to randomly spawn I already found a couple in my hive. The thing you actually need for one building currently is called a Classified Document now instead of spending 50 Shards for them like a insane person you should shoot to kill. Sometimes in certain levels you will see two groups of Black Ops Squads now they are already very tough and can wipe out a army right off the bat in the fight with a special gun Heroes have but the second group if you click on their stats seems to have higher stats and power making them even more deadly I usually go for 1s up to 3s for no losses at my level. I do enjoy upgrading the building which is called the Situation Room.

Now for the actual enemy units

Aliens: Grays, Bashers, UFOs, and Destroyers in order from t1 to t4

Black Ops Squads

The Buildings and Resources

Basic information on every base building and resource in the game right here. Please note certain HQ levels alter how the building looks after the next upgrade.

The Resource Buildings

The Alloy Refinery

A resource building it produces Alloy and should be a priority to upgrade for maximum efficency.
You can currently build 7 of them just like every other resource building.

The Oil Rig

A resource building it produces Oil but should not be a major priority for upgrades as Oil seems to last longer than the Tech and Alloy.
You can currently build 7 of them just like every other resource building.

The Geoponic Farm

A resource building it produces Food but should also not be a major priority for upgrades as it also lasts longer than Tech and Alloy.
You can currently build 7 of them just like every other resource building.

The Black Market

A resource building it produces Tech and should be a major priority for upgrades since it is used in basically everything at high amounts.
You can currently build 7 of them just like every other resource building.

The Alliance Buildings

The Global Network

This building is needed for trading with other alliance members and can be upgraded to send more as well as reducing the Trade Tax. There is research that provides a lot of power that can reduce tax and increase size.

The Security Station

This building is needed for you to reinforce and be reinforced by alliance members it can be upgraded to allow you to house more reinforcements. With the right troops and capacity it can be very deadly to people attacking you if you have been reinforced.

The Situation Room

Now this is the building that you need for rallies against other players. Rallies are everyone in the alliance having a chance to donate to you for a big attack that you cannot fit in one dropship. You must attack Dark Activities to upgrade it for Classified Documents.

The Training/Building Buildings

The Factory

This is needed to build t1 Air Vehicles and Ground Vehicles you can upgrade it to increase the production capacity.

The Barracks

This is needed to build t1 Infantry and Heavy Infantry it can be upgraded as well to increase the production capacity.

The Wall

Alllows you to build Wall Defenses and offers a Defense bonus every upgrade

Everything Else

The Command Post

Grants you a Hero of which you can rename and change the appearance of you can upgrade it to increase the XP gained and the amount lost if the hero is executed and not instant revived.

The Supply Depot

This should be a priority since it stores the resources it can protect a small amount each time you are raided and can be upgraded to protect more and store more.

Medical Bay

Make sure you never exceed the Medical capacity with troops you need these to heal any men that get hurt if you are attacked.


Allows creation of Outposts and can be upgraded to increase Neutronium Outpost production.

Hostile Containment

This building lets you capture heroes and execute them for rewards can be upgraded to increase the rewards. Heroes under level 20 cannot be captured and heroes under level 30 cannot be executed. You should always execute or release right after you are finished attacking no one likes someone that holds the hero for the maximum time.

The Satellite Uplink

This building is needed for the Drone and to detect incoming scouts/attacks. It also can let you Sector Scan which searches for Aliens or special things like Dark Activities and Gather sectors.

The Turret

Now this building with some troops always in the facility allows the enemy to nearly always lose troops attacking they are automatically repaired between each attack but you need to have units in the facility to fire it and make the enemy lose troops. One strategy you can do if you can fit all everything into the Bunker and are on when you get attacked is take 10 T1 units out between each attack to operate the turrets and leave the rest inside. This way the enemy nearly always loses men attacking you and power. Make sure you always upgrade them

The Bunker

This houses troops that cannot be seen by the enemy when attacking or scouting and can be used for Turret strategies or suprise wins by hiding your main force then bringing it out at the last second.

The Airstrip

Here you can upgrade the Dropships and increase the Dropship Capacity by research and upgrades.

The Research Lab

You can do research here as well as gain access to more research with upgrades

The Headquarters

The main building of the facility upgraded for the next level upgrades. I personally save the HQ upgrade for last after everything else except the Situation Room.

The Resources and Gathers

There are 5 resources obviously with 4 of them automatically being produced by the resource buildings but Neutronium needing a Harvest Outpost.

You can gather each and some upgrades require that you have more than the Supply Depots can hold. Tech and Alloy are high in the expensive upgrades and should always be resupplied. Neutronium is special and can be produced on Harvest Outposts as well as gathered but there is usually a lot of excess that is never used because of lengthy research times chances are if you have a alliance someone there has a lot of extra they don’t want.

The 6 Gather sectors

^ Shard sectors appear during the event Shardfall and obtain small to medium amounts of shards that can add up at the price of slow gathering.


The best and most important thing at least to me in this game are the alliances

You can get assists on healing, research, and construction, I have finished 7 hour researches in two minutes because of some lucky assists that seem to chop off more time than others. You join a alliance and once the nine sectors adjacent to your Main Facility go blue you can start to capture territory and support the alliance. You should always contest with 10 T1 troops in case it gets attacked if it does they can’t be healed. There must always be a Outpost or Facility on alliance territory or it will become checkered and start to lose capture points eventually becoming neutral territory and needing to be claimed again. Alien spawns also put holes in territory but Dark Activites and Down Dropships do not. You can use Strategic Outposts for better expansion since they capture 9 sectors in 8 hours.

^ Checkered territory

While in a alliance it is possible to upgrade other members Outposts but for Strategics you should only do this if it is in enemy territory and has troops in it or if its a Harvest. In Alliance Gain Power events the person who built the outpost gets power points if you upgrade it however if it is a solo power one then the power points don’t count make sure you only upgrade your own during those.
The Turret power increases with each upgrade on a Strategic but Harvest ones do not have any Turrets and must rely on troops for major defense.

To capture sectors you must do it off BLUE land so if you just join a alliance you must wait 8 hours for the land around you to go blue then you can contest the sectors around you. If you kill Aliens on alliance territory that belongs to you then you should send a Contest ship to where they were and patch the hole don’t be lazy. You do not want to spread the alliance thin trying to defend a dozen hives and to stop someone from trying to get the alliance to lose by killing the bases and Outposts on it. This is a costly mistake to make and could cost you lots of time and territory.

Now once you have a strong alliance set up you will probably want a Nuke Silo but you shouldn’t even bother. It is a pain and its pretty useless the only thing you could really do with a Nuke is use it on Aliens or inactive players to expand the alliance territory. They really are not worth the time and effort to get especially if someone else wants it and starts to attack you. They are absolutely useless and just annoying.

Credit to Brit8a and the alliance FFF for allowing me to use this video of their nuke from March
While the Nuke is not fired in the video you can clearly see its radius and the effects but it does not harm the troops or even debuff the base completely just makes the base easier to get rid of nothing else therefore being useless weapons of war. The Nuke gives a global message to everyone that is currently playing in the region and gives them the option to replay the Nuclear strike.

You can reinforce other alliance members while you are under a shield as well. If you are near a member in need of assistance send some men his way while you yourself are under a shield if he/she is asleep then send t1s to trigger the turrets on the attacker.

The Non -Aggression Pacts AKA NAPS are a mutual do not attack bond between alliances if you attack someone that is pacted with you it alerts everyone that you have broken the Pact both alliances must agree to a pact for it to be mutual on both sides. Pact territory is yellow as well to make it obvious it is a pact.

Rallies are the things you can use to hit higher level players and split the losses and because of a update they can now hit world map enemies which includes Contest ships, Aliens, Black Ops, Downed Dropships, and Gathers.

You gather faster on alliance sectors that belong to your alliance hence the green time


Thank you for taking the time to read the guide and please if I left anything out or any errors let me know in the comments. 🙂

Edits: This is what my base is right now and I will also update the guide to feature Mothership when it arrives
