Insurgency Guide

Operator's Tactical Guide to Tactical Operations for Insurgency

Operator’s Tactical Guide to Tactical Operations


This is the official guide to Operator the Game, a tactical mod for Insurgency.Within is detailed information about how Operator is different from Insurgency as well as Tips and Tricks.To install Operator the Game, simply visit this collection and click subscribe all:

Kit Menu Meta Information

We programatically update the stats on each weapon and item in the kit menu. This means you can see the exact effect an upgrade will have before purchasing it.

Here you see the Open Tip Match 6.8 stats
These in depth stats are up to date as we make balance changes. So you always know what you are getting before you spend the $upply!

Take a look at the pop up info for all items. P-Mags that speed up reloads, Longer stocks slowing draw and holster time, extended mags on pistols slowing draw time, penetration resistance info on armor and helmets, weight and length info for all relevant weapon attachments and more…

There is an OPTIONAL UI mod that will change your entire Insurgency UI. It is not mandatory that you use the UI mod, but it does allow access to some upgrades that you can only see with the Operator UI. [link]

Movement in Operator ( TL:DR don’t sprint like in Insurgency! )

Movement and Aiming in Operator is somewhat different from Insurgency. Walking is slower. Sprinting is a little bit slower. Most importantly though, sprinting uses stamina and you can not sprint at the same speed for ever. In Operator, sprint slows down as it uses up your stamina. If you sprint constantly in Operator, you will end up with no stamina and sprinting at walking speed.

So what if I have no stamina! Well, in Operator, low stamina greatly affects weapon sway and as detailed above, it also affects your max speed. So with no stamina, you can end up slow and unsteady. Neither are desirable in combat.

These effects are not linear. Use up a third your stamina, no problem, still able to sprint a short distance or aim fairly steadily. Use up 2 thirds of your stamina and the effects come on strong. Your sprint speed slows to walking speed and aiming is much more difficult.

Crouching and prone have much greater effects on sway than in Insurgency. Crouching also helps to regain stamina. These negative effects are not long lived. Crouch for a moment, regroup and you are ready to engage. We don’t suggest hopping, one jump takes more than half of your stamina.

Walking is the most stable movement and is silent. Walking and crouching speeds are synchronized for moving in unison with team mates.

Leaning is also more important in Operator. Leaning is a good way to keep your sacrum behind cover while exposing your armored bits.

Aiming, weapon handling and sway. ( TL:DR don’t sprint like in Insurgency! )

We have spent thousands of hours developing the weapon handling in Operator. Some of our team members have fired thousands of rounds out of real weapons during this time. There are several compromises that we had to make due to this being a mod of a game and not a stand alone game. We are unable to change the core code that drives Insurgency’s weapon handling, however, there is quite a lot we were able to achieve.

The key things to integrate into your gameplay is awareness of stamina, use of focus and stance. These factors all greatly affect sway and recoil. Crouching reduces sway and recoil greatly. Using up your stamina greatly increases sway. Using focus is necessary for long shots.

Take your time, crouch to regain stamina, aim, focus, fire. We won’t let you get kills as easily as in other games. Even grazing shots don’t count at all. There is armor that actually works and is represented so place your shots well.

Try different stocks! They drastically affect handling. You may find precise aiming to be sensitive, try a longer stock to reduce free aim. For quick twitch aiming, use a shorter stock for max free aim.

Shot placement and hit boxes

Operator has different hitboxes from Insurgency.

The head is separated into a helmet area and a face area. This allows us to more accurately represent the helmet’s protection and also provide for face protection gear. There are also throat/sacrum hitboxes representing critical spinal cord areas that are often overlooked in games. There is armor to protect these hitboxes with visual representation including apron and collar to protect the throat and the sacrum.

The hitboxes for the arms and legs are somewhat smaller than Insurgency’s, this is to represent flesh wounds. You will not do critical damage with only a flesh wound. You must make solid hits to do damage. This is to represent damage to bone and blood vessels rather than just handing out kills for poorly placed glancing shots.

Much of the face protection in Operator will have trade offs for visibility. There are gear overlays for hats, helmets and face protection. You can see what you are wearing! Shown below is the view while wearing PASGT Helmet with Chops.

Control your fire and land shots in unprotected areas for fastest take downs. If you spray at a target or always go for center mass, you may see first hand how well our penetration based armor works.

When using a shotgun or pistol, do not aim at armor. Find any unprotected area or don’t expect results.

Weapons, Ammo and Damage

Operator weapons are not just reskins of Insurgency weapons. They are completely different and based on real data.

Accepting more attachments than in Insurgency, you can customize the stocks, fore-ends, and muzzle brakes in addition to the standard upgrades of foregrip, magazine, ammo, optic and laser. Making a total of 8 possible upgrades for primary weapons. Each upgrade having up to 8 options!

There is a wide range of ammo available and the effects are dramatic. Please read the info for each ammo in the Kit Menu for more information.

Damage is based on wound cavity data. So rounds that should fragment, do and hollow points are devastating to unarmored targets, yet pose no threat to armor.

Penetration Based Armor and Ammo

What’s the big deal? In Insurgency, the armor simply reduces the amount of damage you take from a bullet. In Operator, the bullet has to pass a penetration test before it registers any damage. Then that damage is modified by how much energy the armor absorbed. This allows for more realistic armor that can stand up to pistols and shotguns, taking no damage from armor hits. Yet allows an armor piercing round to go right through it doing almost full damage.

Ammo is important! There is a wide range of ammo available and it is important to place your shots appropriately. Do not aim at armored areas using pistols, shotguns or smgs. Aim for faces, throats, sacrums, or legs, in that order, depending on what is unarmored. However, if you are using armor piercing rounds, they will defeat all armor except ballistic shields.

When using any armor piercing rounds, you are unable to use a silencer or magazine upgrades.

Ballistic Shield Operation

Operator is a difficult game…

…but the Shield Operator class may be the most difficult thing in Operator. You are basically moving cover for your team. You can not use rifles or grenades and can not aim down sights with your pistol. Use a laser sight, but most importantly CROUCH! Keeping your teammates close and your head down are the best things you can do. Put yourself between the enemy and your team and stay crouched. Try not to move around too much, trust your shield. It is impenetrable. The more you move, the more you expose yourself, especially when strafing.

Shield Operator crouch movement speed is synchronized with the ADS walking speed of the other classes. So as a Shield Operator, stay crouched, move steady so your team will be able to fire over you and keep pace.

Shotguns defeat door locks!?!

In official Operator maps (hotel and house), we have destructible doors that also have locks on them. Once a door is locked, it must either be breached with a door charge or the lock can be shot at close range with a shotgun.


TLDR; Buy a stock for your weapon to enable ADS

We had to make a lot of compromises to pack so many features into this mod. This is one that we wish there was an easy way around, however, there isn’t. So buy a stock! It is a great way to customize the feel of your weapon.

What Operator is and is not.

Operator is NOT easy. This is by design. Aiming is easy if you have most of your stamina, however if you are low stamina, aiming is very difficult.

Operator IS a team based game. Sticking together will increase effectiveness. Having a good shield operator, keeping him alive as moving cover, breaching and clearing. These tactics can give your team an edge.

Operator is NOT fast paced. You can’t just run forward, sprinting, jumping and 360 no-scoping and expect to survive. Infact, any one of those will reduce your effectiveness in Operator. Sprint only in short bursts and crouch to regain stamina quickly. Take your time and stay fresh.

Operator IS tactics based. The players with superior position should be victorious. The most valuable skill is situational awareness and being one step ahead of your enemies.

Tactical Beards

Our Tactical Beard technology is unmatched.
Bringing Insurgency based facial hair to new levels of tactical realism.

This wide selection of Tactical Manhood will surely improve combat effectiveness and readiness.

Leaving no doubt about who is Alpha on your squad.

Are you Operator Enough?

Vests, Max Carry, Explosive Slots

Each vest is named a set of numbers like 4:4:2. This means you get 4 additional primary mags, 4 additional secondary mags, and 2 explosive slots.

Operator’s explosive slots always give you “Max Carry” on any item. So no matter how many slots you have, it’s the same value.Vests do not modify the amount any slot can hold. So any time you buy an explosive, you can count on getting the same quantity. Likewise don’t by more than one slot worth of the same explosive as you will not get double quantity. Each slot will give you max of that item.

Some specialized explosives are only available on the first slot or will have a max slot. So you will want to buy utility in later slots.

Doors, Locks and Breaching

Operator has lockable doors in the Range and PVP versions of Hotel and House. To open these doors, USE THE HANDLE. To lock the door, be on the side with the locking lever and USE the lock. When the lever is horizontal, the door is locked.

Once a door is locked, it must be breached or the lock must be defeated. Locks can be defeated with a close range shot from the shotgun or the 44 Magnum Mateba revolver. Once the lock is defeated, use the door handle to open the door.

For breaching a door, switch to your breaching charge, approach the door and HOLD right click to place the charge on the door or wall. Breaching charges have a small blast radius so don’t be afraid to stay somewhat close. It’s not C4, blast is only large enough to breach.

Pro Tip: Use fire mode selection to place multiple breaching charges and detonate all at once!

Other guides for Operator the Game

Guide to the Range

Our first community created gude is about the toughest role in Operator, Shield Operator.
Created by Apex, one of the best Shield Operators yet. Check it out, maybe you’ll be as good after applying his guide.

You can create a guide too! If you do create a guide about Operator, please let us know and we’ll get a link put here!