South Park™: The Stick of Truth™ Guide

Optimal Endgame Farming guide for South Park™: The Stick of Truth™

Optimal Endgame Farming guide


The purpose of this guide is to describe the optimal farming/money colecting strategy for the endgame / after completion of all quests. If you’re trying to get the achievements to collect all weapons and outfits you may find that you need this extra money.


Once all quests are completed, particularly the main story quest line, there are few options left for raising money. The only enemies that will continue to spawn are the feral dogs in the lost woods and the random animals in Canada. They don’t offer a lot of money or valuable loot and can be time consuming to hunt down, kill, loot, respawn, and restart.

This guide will focus on getting the most money per time spent and as such avoids using combat to farm. You will be farming entirely based of smashing and looting destructible objects in town.

Optimal path

Begin at the Sir Timmy quick travel checkpoint just to the East of the Photo Dojo. Head West, smashing ever newspaper box and parking meter along the way and collecting the piles of coins that fall out.

Continue West a couple screens, smashing along the way. When you come to the intersection with the sign pointing to the police station, head North, then head West. Continue West to the parking meter before the danger sign, then turn around and enter Skeeter’s bar.

Once you enter and exit the bar, all the objects will have respawned and are ripe for a new smashing spree. Do this entire run backwards and at the end enter and exit the Photo Dojo and do the run forwards again. Continue this loop as necessary until you have the money you want.

I’m not sure if +money gear increases money found on the ground, but since you don’t need combat gear it wouldn’t hurt to equip all your +money gear just to be safe.

There should be 13 destructible objects which yeild about $7.50 per one direction ($15 per loop) on average for me. This is with the following gear: Assassin Mask (+10% money, pre-order DLC), Assassin Robes (+15% money, DLC), Thief’s Gloves of Profit (+15% money, Theif class gear), Small magnet (+20) and buckyball magnet (+10) equipment mods. Again, I’m not sure if these increase money from these money piles, but it doesn’t hurt.

Video sample of farming loop