Missing some achievements and want to know how to get them? You’ve come to the right place.
This guide is supposed to help you get all the achievements in Organ Trail. If you’re here, we’re assuming that you have already played this game and have some basic knowledge of its mechanics – we’re not gonna explain every little detail.
If you want to get 100% achievements in this game, you have to be patient – some of them are still pretty bugged even after supposedly being fixed and for others you will just have to wait to appear which may take quite a while.
Big Boss – Survive all 3 boss encounters.
There are 3 boss encounters in the game – Zombie Bear, Zombie Dogs (Wolfs? who knows) and Zombie Deer Herd. The bear randomly appears during scavenging – you can’t kill him, all you can do is to run away and wait till the scavenging’s over – the easy way to do it is to guide the bear on a wall so it’s stuck there. Dogs also appear during scavenging – there’s two of them and it takes 3 shots to kill each. Deer herd attacks in a similar manner to the bike gang while being on the road – although now you have to avoid getting hit instead of crashing into them as you would do with the bikers. In order to get the achievement, you have to survive each of these encounters at least one time in one game.
Deja Vu – Find your own grave.
You have to die in one run and stumble upon your grave in another. It’s random so just play the game and wait for it to happen.
Don, Bill & Paul’s Curse – Someone died of dysentery.
This one can be difficult, because your companions may get better very quickly. Keep everybody on low health and set food rationing to minimum. After somebody gets dysentery, sell all food and hope for the worst.
Fat Cat – Have $1000 on you.
As the description says. You don’t have to finish the game with it or anything like that, just get that kind of money in one way or another and it will unlock the achievement right away.
Fording Master – Successfully forde a horde of zombies 3 times.
Sometimes the road is blocked by zombies and you get some options on how to proceed. Choose clearing out the path with guns every time, you’re gonna get this achievement after three succesful attempts.
Grave Robber – Stop at 50 tombstones
As the description says. If you have problems with the achievement counter not working correctly – check out the “broken counter solutions” section at the end of this guide.
I Can’t Do It – Don’t pull the trigger
Pick a party member to kill and don’t do anything when the scene appears. After a while an option will appear to not to kill them and clicking it will grant you this achievement.
I Know A Guy… – Make it to Safe Haven with George Romero in your party.
Simply name one of your party members GeorgeRomero (in that exact manner) and beat the game with him being still alive.
Life On The Other Side – Become a zombie.
You have to get infected and die. If you’ve got infected companions, don’t kill them – there’s a possibility that they will bite you (it can most likely happen when they die of low health).
Marathon – Beat the game five times.
Just as the description says. If you have problems with the achievement counter not working correctly – check out the “broken counter solutions” section at the end of this guide.
Make The Call – Put down an infected party member who has passed out.
When one of your party members is infected (as in bit by a zombie, it’s marked as a green head next to their name) and their health decreases to the point when they’re incapped, simply choose the option to kill them and put them out of their misery.
Night of the Living Dev – Kill “Ryan” at the start of a game.
Name somebody Ryan and kill him at the beginning.
Overstocked – Scavenge more than double the supplies you can carry.
You’ll probably get this anyway while playing – if you didn’t, just keep scavenging – you need to get over 500 food in one “run”.
Penniless – Make it to Safe Heaven without starting with any money or selling anything.
You can trade, take jobs, find money while scavenging. Just don’t choose to get any money at the beginning and don’t sell anything.
Pills Here! – Use 50 medkits.
As the description says. The fastest way to do this one is start a game on easy, get more than 50 medkits, set food rationing to minimum, wait, heal, repeat.
Pimp Your Ride – Fully upgrade your station wagon.
You need to install an upgrade for every car slot.
Scavenger Pro – Make it to Safe Heaven without starting with any food or buying any food.
You can get lots of food while scavenging, so it should be easy to do.
[Secret] – [Secret] sacrifices himself for the greater good.
This is a highly random achievement and you have to be patient to get it. In order to do it, you need a party member (or all four, makes your chances higher) named Chuck Norris. Then you just have to play the game and hope that the required event happens while you’re on the road. This may take some time, you just have to keep playing as there’s no way to force it.
Silver Bullet – Kill 25 zombies without missing a shot.
As the decription says. If you have problems with aiming, just take your time and keep practicing.
Sleuth – Investigate 30 points of interest.
As the description says. If you have problems with the achievement counter not working correctly – check out the “broken counter solutions” section at the end of this guide.
Take No Prisoners – Always choose to shoot your way through zombie hoardes.
Choose the same option as in Fording Master achievement every time in one run. You can upgrade the car with a chainsaw to make it easier. You have to beat the game to get this achievement.
The Loner – Kill all the other members of your party while they are healthy.
Just as the description says.
There Can Only Be One – Your party dead, you made it to Safe Heaven alone.
Just make sure that everybody is dead before you get to Safe Heaven.
This Car’s A Lemon – The station wagon breaks down 4 times during the trip.
As the description says. The car is considered broken when its “health” meter falls down to nothing. As far as I know it doesn’t have to happen 4 times during one run.
Trader Jose’s – Beat the game without trading anything on the road.
You can buy and sell stuff in cities, scavenge, take jobs. Make sure that you always have some spare parts and be wary of the distance to the next town.
True Survivor – Beat the game on hard.
Since there is no actual “hard” difficulty it might be a little confusing. By “hard” the game means “Difficult” or “Suicide” – just beat the game on either of these. This is not the place to give you any tips on how to actually do this though, as that’s material for a separate guide.
Zombicide – Kill 500 zombies
Doesn’t need any explanations I hope. Just keep killing zombies and you’ll get this with time.
Zombie Chew Toy – Get attacked by zombies 20 times during scavenging.
As the description says. Just let them get to you, heal if there’s such need and repeat.
Broken counter solutions
Some of the achievements in which you have to get specified amount of something, have counters – those counters are really bugged and therefore need separate explanation on how to get them to work. The informations written here may not be 100% accurate as it’s sometimes hard to determine what worked and what did not. You just have to try a couple of things and see what’s giving the wanted result.
First of all – it’s possible that the game counts only events that happened while finished run – either you beat the game or die trying.
If you beat the game, make sure to watch the credits. In one moment an option to skip the rest of them will appear – you can click it, but don’t exit the game or to the menu before that.
When watching the credits still didn’t work, it’s time for a last resort – that’s what ultimately worked for me. You have to fill the counters without turning off the game, meaning multiple runs with keeping the game open the whole time – you can alt+tab and things like that, just keep the game running in the background and play until you get the achievements. I did four fast runs on easy one after another and only then some of the achievements unlocked for me. If you’re doing that, I strongly recommend playing in fullscreen mode as windowed can throw some crashes at you and you’ll have to start over from the beginning.
The End
If you have any questions or suggestions, don’t hesitate to write them in the comments.
Have fun and good luck with the achievement hunting!