Planetary Annihilation: TITANS Guide

PA:Titans: All TITAN units for Planetary Annihilation: TITANS

PA:Titans: All TITAN units


A screenshot + explanation guide telling you EVERYTHING you wanna know about TITANS


This guide informs you on TITAN looks, uses and ways to construct them.

General information

Titans form a large part of the added content in PA: Titans. They are large, mostly sluggish overwhelming machines of death and destruction and should give the constructor a vast advantage over the enemy on any planet they appear.

Titan laws

Titans are typically 30000 metal (leave out Ragnarok). This is more expensive than a Holkins (9600 metal) but cheaper than a halley or catalyst (both 40000 metal) and even a nuclear missile (14400 + 32400 metal), making them a good option to build mid-late game before the enemy has the chance to create superweapons. Titans cannot travel through portals, which is logical due to their size. They require large quantities of metal and are vulnerable during construction, thus require a good defensive force before constructing. Some titans require energy to maintain their role properly, which should also be kept in mind when starting construction.

Since every titan has their own role in this game, we’ll be looking at every titan in a different section.


The Atlas

As the largest mobile terrestial titan, the Atlas is a frightening enemy to deal with.


30000 metal
40000 HP
8000 DMG
5s fire rate

Ingame description: Seismic Titan- Devastating damage to everything nearby. Amphibious. Attacks land, sea, and undersea targets

It is buildable by advanced bot- and orbital builders.

Role and Trivia

With 40000 HP, the Atlas is beaten only by the Ares in health. It holds the most damage per attack AND damage / second. Its attacks have the longest cooldowns, which however poses no problem due to it’s devastating AoE radius. After the Ares it is also the slowest titan, matching the speed of ~a construction bot. It destroys a commander in roughly two blasts.

The Atlas is best used as a steamroller. It has no anti-air capabilities and therefore is best used with anti air assistance and possibly artillery support such as sniper bots. In his own he can decimate entire bases as well as armies. His largest counters are air units, orbital units and a good artillery defense such as multiple holkinses, catapults and advanced naval units.


The Ares

As the slowest titan, the Ares somewhat resembles a Leviathan naval unit. Its large range and capability to hover over any terrain make it a creeping death capable of destroying bases and commanders without being touched.


30000 metal
80000 HP
800 DMG
3.33s fire rate

Ingame description: Rolling Fortress- Near invincible. Long-range. Heavy damage. Hover. Attacks land and sea targets.

It is buildable by advanced vehicle- and orbital builders.

Role and Trivia

The Ares has the lowest speed of all titans. It makes up for this with its high HP and range. It’s capable of traversing any terrain due to its hovering. However it cannot hover over obstacles and elevations on land terrain. It requires around 4 shots to destroy a commander.

Due to its large range, the Ares is best used as a poking device against bases or high priority targets. Its range is larger than its vision, making it a must to provide the Ares with vision via means of orbital satellites, air support or radars. It has no anti-air, just like the Atlas, and therefore is best used in combination with anti-air units. It is bad against massive armies of units of any size due to it’s slow attacks, air units and orbital units. This does not pose a large problem in the end due to it’s massive health.


The Helios

Being the only orbital titan, the Helios can traverse the solar system and employ its utility where its needed, fast and reliably.


30000 metal
13000 HP
55 DMG
0.67s fire rate
1000 energy use

Ingame description: Invasion Titan- Can link with a teleporter and send units directly to a planet’s surface. Attacks everything.

Buildable only by orbital builders.

Role and Trivia

The Helios is the only utility-titan in the game. It has the fastest fire rate of all titans and possibly the largest range as well, after the Ares. The downside to this is the lower damage. It requires 1000 energy at max to operate which is roughly two energy plants or 0.2 advanced energy plants. It’s speed across the planet makes it a great addition to a planetary war as well, capable of surrounding an enemy with its teleportation within minutes.

Since the Helios is basically a huge anchor+portal in one, a perfect invasion would require a large army at the ready before the Helios is sent to an enemy planet. A best case scenario would either involve a direct teleportation into the enemy base or, if too much anti-orbital is present, the construction of a base with (advanced) builders sent through the Helios. It is also used greatly with a Manhattan mobile nuke. These tanks can use the Helios’s portal to instantly drop to the surface and cause havok. Its main counter is an umbrella or omega. However, multiple will be needed to take the Helios down since it sports high HP and it can target any enemy, terrestial or orbital. When using the Helios it is important to note that it is a ONE WAY portal. Once units pass through the Helios, they cannot be teleported back unless using a standard portal.


The Zeus

This titan is a versatile predator best at decimating squishy armies.


30000 metal
10000 HP
1500 DMG
1.33s fire rate
6000 energy use

Ingame desciption: Lightning Titan- Heavy damage over a wide area. Attacks any targets except orbital.

Buildable by advanced air- and orbital builders.

Role and Trivia

The Zeus is an airborn titan capable of destroying armies and bases that sport little AA. It has the lowest HP of all titans but makes up for this in it’s damage per second and speed. Its speed is lower than the average aircraft but the capability of flying over obstacles gives it an edge compared to other titans (except the Helios). It can not target orbital units and requires a large amount of energy to function properly. It can destroy a commander within ~20 seconds but will lose quite a portion of its health if doing this alone.

With it’s lightning able to target sea, land as well as air the Zeus does not necessarily need a support crew. Its HP is however not too big, making it vulnurable to large amount of anti-air or long range anti-air. It is not recommended to use the Zeus in an area with large amounts of Anchors, since these cannot be targeted.


The Ragnarok

Having the only name originating from Norse mythology, this immobile titan honors its title. The ultimate way to say KAMIKAZE!


60000 metal
15000 HP

Ingame description: Doomsday Titan- Destroys the planet it’s built on once finished.

Buildable by all terrestial advanced constructors: Air, Bot, Vehicle and Naval.

Role and Trivia

The Ragnarok is the only Titan that requires more than 30000 metal, making it more of a superweapon rather than a titan. It’s completely defenseless and thus requires a significant force to protect it. When finished, it requires one minute to actually detonate the planet. This is something that has to be kept in mind when starting construction.

The role of the Ragnarok should be obvious. Don’t want to spend time on a catalyst or multiple halleys to destroy a planet? Build this guy. Note: 1 halley is cheaper than the ragnarok. A moon requiring 1 halley should always have priority over a Ragnarok.


Some sexy pictures of the ragnarok breaking a planet.

First the digging.

Reaching the planet’s core while digging.

Sending the nuke (?) into the planet’s core, making death inevitable.

Thanks for reading!

I hope this guide helped informing you and if I made a grammar mistake or stated false information, please let me know!

Got any questions, comments or epic experiences with titans? Share it!

PS: If you have any more knowledge about DMG calculation (IE, does the DMG stated for the Ares count for one bullet or for the entire barrage?), please let me know and I’ll update the information ASAP.