Papers, Please Guide

Papers, Please Tips and Tricks for Papers, Please

Papers, Please Tips and Tricks


This guide will be giving all tips and suggestions I can give. It will also have a fun fact section at the bottom. It will take a little while to compile all facts so frequent updates will happen. If I have forgotten any tips or fun facts please comment them. This guide will also act as somewhat of a walkthrough.


1) On Day 1, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rulebook.
2) On Day 2, I recommend you have the Regional Map found in the rulebook be out, but put off in the the bottom left hand corner of the close inspection space.
3) From Day 3 on, I recommend you do everything you did with the rulebook the previous day, but keep the Rules open.
4) The are no concequences for denying someone that may be detained other than a smaller Detain Bonus from Day 9 and on.
5) All profesional lap dancers and gym coaches always have proper papers. They can be indentfied by a unique and/or unnessecary card being given.

Fun Facts

1) There is a mysterious absence of United Federation citizens on day one.
2) On Day 5, a Republian man (Vince Lestrade) is wanted for murder. If you interrigate him about this, he tells you to, “…not believe the Republian lies,” and insits on you letting him through. While it’s very easy to think that he’s lieing, he might not be. A game called Republian Times [found on (a website of free games made by Lukas Pope)] portrays a corrupt Republian government manipulating the federal newsaper. This proves that it may be possible that Lestrade is innocent.