Phasmophobia Guide

Phasmophobia Wiki Guide for Phasmophobia

Phasmophobia Wiki Guide


“All about Phasmophobia”Key wordsYou can find some “key words” inside the guideHere’s the meaning: [TO TEST] = Something that has to be tested[WORK IN PROGRESS] = Means that a section need more important things to be addedSourcesWe used informations also from other sources:FANDOM Phasmo Wiki: Arcade Youtube Channel: Discord: Gamer Blogs: guide is costantly updated


Ghost Types

There are 12 ghost types, each one has its own strengths, weaknesses and evidence that we can use to determine which ghost type we are dealing with;

Evidence: Spirit box, Fingerprints and Ghost Writing.
Strength: /
Weakness: Smudge Sticks will prevent it from hunting for 180 seconds (twice others Ghosts time).
Info: Nothing important to mention for now. If you are curious about spirit’s lore, refer to the in-game journal

Evidence: Fingerprints, Freezing Temperatures and Spirit Box
Strength: Wraiths almost never touch the ground meaning it can’t be tracked by footsteps.
Weakness: Wraiths have a toxic reaction to Salt
Info: Wraiths walk through walls when in idle mode, they don’t walk through walls during hunts. Wraiths can’t see through doors/lockers/wardrobes just like all the other Ghost types.
Wraiths actually can’t fly and always touch the ground when they move even though the in-game journal states otherwise

Evidence: EMF Level 5, Freezing Temperatures, Ghost Orb
Strength: Looking at a Phantom will considerably drop your sanity
Weakness: Taking a photo of the Phantom will make it temporarily disappear
Info: Take advantage of the fact that the Phantom will become invisible after taking a photo of it. This can help you identify the ghost type without getting the evidence. Phantoms can’t possess the living and aren’t summoned by the Ouija Board even though the in-game journal states otherwise

Evidence: Fingerprints, Ghost Orb and Spirit box
Strength: A Poltergeist can throw huge amounts of objects at once
Weakness: A Poltergeist is almost ineffective in an empty room
Info: When you witness the Poltergeist throwing objects your sanity will drop by a significant amount. Poltergeists can be easily identified by how much they love to interact with the environment
Fun Fact: Poltergeist is the only ghost that can be identified with just two pieces of evidence: Fingerprints and Ghost Orbs

Evidence: EMF Level 5, Fingerprints and Freezing Temperatures
Strength: A Banshee will only target one person at a time
Weakness: Crucifixes have increased range of effect against a Banshee and will prevent it from starting a hunt if the Banshee will be within 5 meters of the crucifix (for all other ghost types the crucifix has a range of 3 meters)
Info: At the start of the round, one player is chosen to be the Banshee’s target. Banshee will only try to kill its target and will completely ignore other people during a hunt. If the Banshee’s target is outside the building, the Banshee will never start a hunt. It switches targets only when the previous target gets killed

Evidence: EMF Level 5, Ghost Orb and Spirit Box
Strength: A Jinn will travel at a faster speed if its victim is more than 4 meters away
Weakness: Turning off the locations power source will prevent the Jinn from using its ability.
Info: Jinn is a teritorial ghost. You can identify it using its behaviour: it will make a lot of manifestations when you will be inside its room. It loves to interact with electronics such as lights, radio, tv etc

Evidence: Freezing Temperatures, Ghost orb and Spirit Box
Strength: It will attack more frequently than a demon if the light in its room is turned off
Weakness: Turning the lights on around the Mare will lower its chance to attack
Info: It will chain attack at 60+ sanity if the light in its room is turned off. Not even the Demon can do it

Evidence: EMF Level 5, Fingerprints and Ghost Writing
Strength: Revenant travels faster when hunting a victim and it can outrun the player
Weakness: Hiding from a Revenant will cause it to move very slowly

Evidence: EMF Level 5, Ghost Orb and Ghost Writing
Strength: The Shade will be hard to find because it is shy
Weakness: The ghost will not enter hunting mode if there is multiple people nearby.
Info: It’s a little less shy if only one person is in its room
Shade isn’t shy at all if you are doing the mission solo (it becomes active like an Oni) .
You can easily identify it by having two or more people standing in its room and it won’t be able to attack even if all of you have 0 sanity

Evidence: Ghost Writing, Freezing Temperatures and Spirit Box
Strength: Demons will attack more often than any other ghost
Weakness: Asking a Demon successful questions on the Ouija Board won’t lower the users sanity
Info: Demons can attack at 60+ sanity. Demons don’t attack as often as Mares with their room not lit up on 60+ sanity even though the in-game journal states otherwise

Evidence: Freezing Temperatures, Ghost Orb and Ghost Writing
Strength: Yurei has stronger effect on people’s sanity
Weakness: Smudging the Yurei’s room will cause it to not wander around it for a long period of time
Info: Nothing important to mention. If you are curious about Yurei’s lore, refer to the in-game journal

Evidence: EMF Level 5, Ghost Writing and Spirit Box
Strength: Oni is more active when people are nearby and it can move objects at great speed
Weakness: It is easy to find and identify because is more active than the others Ghosts
Info: Oni will be shy (shy like a Shade) when you are doing the mission solo.

Ghost Gender

There is about a 50/50 chance of the Ghost being either male or female each time you begin a contract.

Ghost Age

The age of the Ghost is a randomly generated number between 5 and 90.

Ghost Death Length

The length of death of the ghost is a randomly generated number between 50 and 1000 (years).

Ghost Shyness

If the ghost is indicated as shy, it will only respond to people who are alone, otherwise it will respond to everyone.

Ghost’s name

The name of the ghost is always written on the white board in the truck;
The first is generated based on the ghost’s gender, unlike the surname, that can be generated for both genders.

Saying the Ghost’s name using the local push-to-talk will alert the ghost and cause it to attack more frequently.

Possible Male Names
1. Charles
2. Christopher
3. Daniel
4. David
5. Donald
6. George
7. James
8. John
9. Joseph
10. Kenneth
11. Mark
12. Michael
13. Paul
14. Richard
15. Robert
16. Steven
17. Thomas
18. William
Possible Female Names
1. Barbara
2. Betty
3. Carol
4. Donna
5. Dorothy
6. Elizabeth
7. Helen
8. Jennifer
9. Karen
10. Linda
11. Lisa
12. Margaret
13. Maria
14. Mary
15. Nancy
16. Patricia
17. Ruth
18. Sandra
19. Susan
Possible Surnames
1. Anderson
2. Brown
3. Clark
4. Davis
5. Garcia
6. Harris
7. Jackson
8. Johnson
9. Jones
10. Martin
11. Martinez
12. Miller
13. Moore
14. Robinson
15. Smith
16. Taylor
17. Thomas
18. Thompson
19. Williams
20. Wilson
21. White

Ghost Evidences

Freezing temperatures
Freezing temperatures are indicated by visible breath. Note that temperature below 3C on the thermometer means that it will be freezing in the future, you do not have to wait for it to go below 0 to call it freezing. It will take no more than 3 minutes for freezing temperatures to show up.

EMF level 5
Can be found through the EMF Reader that sign 5 notches.
(⬇️We suggest to see all the details about EMF notches below, in the section Equipment-EMF Reader⬇️)

Spirit Box
Used to ask the ghost questions to get a response via its voice.
Only some ghosts will react to it.
1. Use the primary action button to use the spirit box
2. Lights need to be turned off for the ghost to be able to give you a response on the spirit box.
3. You can put the spirit box on the ground and have respons as well
4. Using the local voice button, try to communicate with the ghost
5. If you hear robotic voice, the ghost has responded to your question (add to your journal the spirit box evidence)
(See below for the questions you can ask)

Ghost writing
You get this evidence when you find writing in the book you placed in the ghost room. ;
1. It is recommended to be patient with this one as the ghost can sometimes write in the book 5 seconds after you placed it and sometimes it may never write in it even though it should.
2. If the ghost is throwing the book around a lot (at least 2 times is the spun of 20 seconds) and it , it just means that it will never write in it. [TO TEST]
3. If placed within the vision of an active Video Camera, you can use the truck’s monitor to see if writing has appeared.

Ghost Orbs
Ghost orbs look like small light-balls going across the screen;
1. Ghost orbs appear only in the ghost room.
2. After setting up the camera, watching the monitor, you should wait 5-10 seconds or more to see the ghost orb, if there’s one.
Suggestions: Do not confuse breath fog of the player with the ghost orbs, it can look similar

Ghosts can leave fingerprints, to be able to see them you will have to use a UV light.
1. The ghost will leave Fingerprints when interacting with the environment. Fingerprints can appear on: doors, light swtiches and windows
2. To find Fingerprints, you can use UV light from the UV flashlight or Glowstick.
3. Fingerprints do not have to be visible when being photographed by a Photo Camera to be labeled as “Fingerprints” in the Journal. This allows for Fingerprints to be discovered accidentally with an errant photograph.
4. If a ghost touches a door and you don’t see any Fingerprinsts this means that there will never be Fingerprints and you can rule out this evidence. Note that flickering lights may not give you Fingerprints because sometimes they are just hallucinations and not an actual interaction with light switches.
5. Possible ghosts: Banshee, Poltergeist, Revenant, Spirit and Wraith

Ghosts Employer Reports

When you join the truck to start the mission, your employer will give you instructions on what to do;
At some point he will tell you about the report:

Types of reports
1. Reports of violence, left in a hurry: The Ghost you are investigating is violent and aggressive;
Aggressive Ghosts are believed to have a tendency to attack more often.
Make sure you are keeping tabs on your nearest hiding spot just in case
2. No reports, left in a hurry: The Ghost you are investigating is quite unfriendly to welcome vistors.
It’s not as dangerous as a Violent ghost, but likewise any ghost do not let your guard down…
3. Possible Ghost sighting: As the previous title, the Ghost you are investigating is quite unfriendly to welcome vistors.
It’s not as dangerous as a Violent ghost, but likewise any ghost do not let your guard down…
4. No violence or sightings: The Ghost you are investigating is placid, sometimes shy and shows little activity;
However, do not mistake this ghost for being safe.
They are still very powerful and if/when provoked, just like any ghost, they can be very dangerous
5. Light switching: As the previous title, the Ghost you are investigating is placid, sometimes shy and shows little activity;
However, do not mistake this ghost for being safe.
They are still very powerful and if/when provoked, just like any ghost, they can be very dangerous…

Report phrases
1. Got the Intel, looks like this is going to be a tough one. We’ve had reports of violence, and it looks like they left in a hurry [⬆️E Reports 1⬆️]
2. Nothing to report, but it looks like whoever was here left in a hurry… [⬆️E Reports 2|3⬆️]
3. I’ve got a report that suggests a possible ghost sighting [⬆️E Reports 2|3⬆️]
4. New Intel: Reports of lights switching. Possibly harmless, but be careful out there [⬆️E Reports 4|5⬆️]
5. There’s been no reports of violence or sightings, but please remain careful [⬆️E Reports 4|5⬆️]

Ghost Activity

Ghost activity is the interation of the Ghost with objects or investigators.
You will have different EMF levels depending on Ghost activities.
Ghost Activity can also be enhanced by saying recognizable phrases while near the Ghost and in the Ghost Room.
When there is no activity, the Ghost Activity will go to 0.

General Activities

General interaction is the most common evidence of ghost’s presence
General interaction can be: throwing objects, door opening/closing, turning on/off the light (is difficoult to capture), turning on the TV, turning on the radio ringing the phone…
Sometimes the ghost will do these things on its own
You can also order/ask the to the Ghost to do it;
Use phrases like: open/close the door, throw something/an object, turn on/off the light. These phrases will make the ghost give you those general interactions and therefore opportunities to earn more money.
if you want to the picture you need to stay alert because you have a very short time frame to take a profitable photo.

Spirit Box Activities

The Spirit Box is a radio with which you can ask questions to the Ghost and receive a possible voiced response

Possible Questions:
Type 1
1. What do you want? | Are you here? | Do you want to hurt us?
2. Are you angry? | Are you friendly? | What are you?
3. Do you want us to be here? | Shall we leave? | Should we leave? | Do you want us to leave? | What should we do?

Type 2
1. Where are you? | Are you close? | Where is your location?
2. Are you here? | Is anyone here? | Anyone here? | Are you with us? | Anybody with us? | Anyone in the room? | What is your locations?
3. | Is there a ghost here?| Is there a spirit here?
4. Give us a sign | Can you talk? | Talk to me/Us | Speak to us | Show yourself | Can you show yourself? | Let us know you are here

Type 3
1. How old are you? | What is your age?
2. Are you a child? | Are you old? | Are you young?

Ghost possible response:
Type 1:
1. Death
2. Die
3. Kill
4. Attack
5. Hate
6. Hurt

Type 2:
1. Far
2. Next
3. Away
4. Close
5. Behind
6. Here

Type 3:
1. Adult
2. Old

To talk with the Ghost press the command you inserted with “Local Push To Talk” (B

Ouija Board Activities

Ouija Board is a wooden board with letters & a planchette, that you can use to communicate with the Ghost
You can find it in some rooms and you can take a picture of it to gain extra money (Not always works)
To use the Ouija Board click on it and you will see the letters illuminated.
At this point you can ask questions to the Ghost trying to have a response (It not always do, give him time from a question to a respond [Like 5-10 seconds]).
When it will start to respond you’ll see the planchette moving and stopping to the letters it want to say and when the letters will form a word, you’ll have the response by it.

Possible questions you can do:
1. Where are you?
2. How old are you?
3. When did you die?
4. How long have you been dead?
5. Who is here? | How many people are in this room?

Possible Ghost response (In order of the questions):
1. [Room where the ghost currently is]
2. [Age {1-99}
3. [Date of death]
4. [Length of death {1-1000}
5. [The number of the people that are in the room where you are asking questions {Includes the Ghosts too}

1. Ghost Activity is higher in Amateur difficoulty
2. Playing alone will increase the chance of Ghost Activity.
3. Being near an Oni, using Salt on a Wraith, cleansing the Ghost Room with Smudge Sticks will increase Ghost activity

Ghost Hunts

Ghost hunt is a phase that the Ghost becomes corporeal, and will try to kill an investigator;
For the duration of the Hunt, lights will flicker (including the Flashlight, Strong Flashlight, and UV Light), the radio will stop transmitting messages, playing only static signal and all Exit Doors will close and become locked.

When it hunts?
A Ghost can only initiate a Hunt after the round’s Setup Phase has ended;
The Hunt will end shortly after the Ghost successfully kills a player or when the time runs out.

Hunts based on difficoulty
Amateur: Duration of Setup Phase: 5 minutes | Duration of hunt: 25 seconds
Intermediate: Duration of Setup Phase: 2 minutes | Duration of hunt: 45 seconds
Professional: Duration of Setup Phase: None | Duration of hunt: 50 seconds

Ghost attacks
After the end of the setup phase, the Ghost will attack random with a variable that change with the characteristics of the Ghost, investigators actions or sanity and the Hunting modifier.

-Hunts will happen more often at lower sanity levels
-Hunt frequency is also influenced by the type of Ghost:
1.Demons are stated to hunt more often than any other Ghost type
2.Mares hunt more often if players stay in the darkness. However, while turning lights on will deter them from hunting, they will not prevent hunts from happening.
3.Shades[/b] hunt less often if players are grouped together.
4.Oni hunt more often if players are together, which can make them easily mistakable for Demons if players are frequently clustered.

Note: If there is a Crucifix within a 3 meter range of the Ghost (or 5 meters for a Banshee) when it attempts to hunt, the Crucifix will stop the Ghost from hunting up to two times, after which point the Crucifix will despawn. (Crucifix doesn’t work if the Ghost already started the hunt)

Technical side:
Formula: X=100 – Avarage sanity + Hunting modifier
Avarage sanity is the avarage of all investigators sanity & Hunting modifier is the possibility to hunt.

When the Ghost’s idle timer ends, there is a chance for the Ghost to initiate a Hunt by calculating X;
If X is less than 50, the Ghost will never initiate a Hunt, unless it is a Banshee.
If the resulting X is between 50 and 75, the Ghost has a 10% chance to initiate a Hunt.
Otherwise, if the resulting X is equal to or greater than 75, the Ghost will instead have a 16.5% chance to Hunt.

Specific Ghost Frequency:
-Demon has +15 hunting modifier
-Mare +10 hunting modifier with the condition of lights turned off and -10 with lights turned on
When the Hunt starts, players have a few seconds to run and hide before the Ghost manifests in his physical form and begins to seek for players to kill.

The Hunt will end shortly after the Ghost successfully kills a player or when the time runs out;

How can you survive
You can survive in this methods:
1. Hiding in a room or closet and closing the doors (⬇️Take a look at 2nd Trivia for more⬇️)
2. Lighting a Smudge Stick near the Ghost will cause the Ghost to stop chasing and wander for a few seconds before resuming (It will not end the hunt)
3. Running. (⬇️Take a look at 3rd and 4th TRIVIA for more⬇️)
4. Against slower Ghosts, breaking line of sight by turning corners and closing doors can help to escape (running in a straight line as long as possible is much more reliable).
5. Running around in circles with the Ghost. This can be achieved with tables, cars, and any object with space to go around; Just be mindful when the Ghost changes its direction.
6. Being outside when the Hunt begins.

1. The Ghost will chase one player at a time in its line of sight (except the Banshee, who targets one specific player)
2. While a Hunt is occurring, items that make sound (i.e. EMF Reader, Camera, or Spirit Box) do not attract the Ghost | A Ghost may attack players outside of the location’s walls if they stay too close to the walls
3. Wraiths are able to see through doors, including lockers | Ghosts may simply pass through doors as if they don’t exist.
4. The Revenant is the only ghost that can outrun the player completely
5. The Jinn moves faster to catch up, but at 3 meters, holds the same pace as you.

If you die
When the Ghost kills you, grotesque hands will appear on your screen before to be teleported into an otherworldly room alone with the Ghost. The dead player will then return to his location with the entire screen covered in bright fog. Any items in the dead player’s inventory will drop on the ground around him.
Ghost Hunts Trivia
1. Hunts do not count toward witnessing a Ghost event
2. Taking a photo of a Phantom with the Photo Camera will make the Phantom disappear

Valid Profitable Photos

General Interaction

General interaction is the most common evidence of ghost’s presence
It will not help you to identify the type of the ghost. General interaction can be: throwing objects, door opening/closing, turning on/off the light (is difficoult to capture), turning on the TV, turning on the radio ringing the phone…
Sometimes the ghost will do these things on its own
You can also order/ask the to the Ghost to do it;
Use phrases like: open/close the door, throw something/an object, turn on/off the light. These phrases will make the ghost give you those general interactions and therefore opportunities to earn more money. You need to stay alert because you have a very short time frame to take a photo of the interaction for it to register.


The bone is a piece of skeleton that you can find inside the maps;
1. You can find 1 bone each map
2. Take the picture to have the evidence
3. Pick up the bone to have extra money for your contract (bone taken will not be added in your item slot).
4. On smaller maps it might be well hidden or laying within another object: carpets, towels, on tables within objects, etc.).
In bigger maps should be more visible.

Money earnable:
1. Amateur: 15$ and 15XP
Bone Evidence: 10$ and 10XP
Photo Evidence: 5$ and 5XP
2. Intermediate: 30$ and 30XP
Bone Evidence: 20$ and 20XP
Photo Evidence: 10$ and 10XP
3. Professional: 45$ and 45XP
Bone Evidence: 30$ and 30XP
Photo Evidence: 15$ and 15XP

Ghost writing

This profitable picture is obtainable through the photo of the Ghost Writing.
When you take a photo of ghost writing, the photograph will be labelled as “interaction” in the journal and will add towards the contract payment after you finish your investigation. You can take photos of two books with writings in them to get more money for interaction photos.


Fingerprints (or handprints) are one of the evidence that can be left by the ghost when it interacts with the environment.
You can take pictures of Fingerprints left by the ghost to make more money from evidence photos.
To find Fingerprints, grab a UV flashlight or a glowstick and check doors, light switches and windows


Footprints are marks left by the Ghost that are visible under UV light or a glow stick; Commonly left after disturbing a Salt pile, they can be used to track a ghost’s movement. Unlike fingerprints, footprints do not last indefinitely and will disappear after a short while.
-Take a picture of it to gain extra money (not always happen)

Dirty Water

Dirty Water is murky brown water that appears in the sink, triggered by a Ghost.

A Ghost can create dirty water in one of two ways: interacting with a sink already filled with water, or by activating an empty sink. This can be useful for tracking the Ghost’s general location.

It is highly advised to turn OFF the sink after you are done filling it, in order to hear it turn on again should the ghost interact with it.
Contrary to popular belief, a ghost CAN still interact with a sink the player has interacted with first.
The primary reason to fill a sink yourself instead of waiting for the ghost to do so is when the Ghost Room itself has a sink in it, and you are trying to goad it into creating Dirty Water. Being in the ghost room and turning on the water yourself can sometimes cause the ghost to immediately cause Dirty Water if the ghost is also in the room at the time, although this is a subjective strategy and does not always work. Often a better strategy, should there be a sink in the ghost room, is to place a video camera looking at the sink (without interacting with it, as night vision does not clearly contrast regular water with dirty water), so that you can watch for the ghost to fill the sink from the safety of the Van.
Dirty water is notoriously unreliable; you should not risk jeopardizing the entire contract in order to have the ghost create it, even if it is one of the main objectives.

Voodo Doll

Voodoo Dolls can only be found in the farmhouses. There are 2 dolls on Grafton and 3 dolls on Bleasdale.
Take a picture of a Voodoo Doll to gain extra money for evidence photos. The photo will be labeled as “interaction” as seen below.

Ghost Picture

1. This picture is a requirement if you want to increase your contract gain;
When the ghost decides to show itself, be fast and take the picture.
2. You can take how many pictures you want to the ghost to increase the contract money (You can see the titles of the pictures transparent in the journey, after the first you made)
3. The profitable picture is avaible if you do the photo of the ghost’s shade

Tavola Ouija

It is a board for communicate with the Ghost ;
1. Sometimes if you take a picture of it, you get more money
2. You can also use it to ask the Ghost questions, to make him become more unsettled and you can try to do others profitable pictures (Ghost interaction etc..)

Dead Body

Taking a photo of a dead body will give you additional money for photos.



A torch, used to light up an area
it has no usage limited time, so do not care about batteries.
Avaible slots: 4/4

Strong flashlight
An upgraded flashlight, that lights more.
1. You can recognize it because is smaller than the Flashlight and has a red strip on the top
2. it has no usage limited time, so do not care about batteries
Avaible slots: 4/4

Is an infrated thermometer used to get accurate information about the rooms temperatures.
1. Temperature below 13C means that you have found the ghost room
2. Temperature below 3C means that it will be freezing, you do not have to wait for it to go under 0
3. Themperature will usualy show after 1/1.5 minute of you entering the building [TO TEST]
Avaible slots: 3/3

EMF Reader
Is an EMF reader that will beep to the paranormal activity;
it signs sa many notches as the paranormal activity.

Activity Levels:
Lvl 1: No paranormal activity
Lvl 2: Ghost made an interaction such as: touching a door, turned on a radio, switched on/off the light
Lvl 3: Ghost threw an object (You can do the picture of the item throw to have the Ghost interaction, which means more money)
Lvl 4: Ghost recently had shown or is showing himself. This sometimes appears when a hunt is about to start (Be ready for the Ghost picture!)
Lvl 5: Sometimes replaces lvl 2 interaction and you can put the evidence “EMF 5” in the journal

1. Wraiths have a special ability of teleporting to a players location no matter how far away they are (they must be in the building) when they do that they give away a lvl 2 signal
2. lvl 2 interaction has a 25% chance of showing up as lvl 5 if it’s a ghost that has EMF lvl 5 in their evidence
Avaible slots: 2/2

Parabolic Microphone
It detects sound fluctuations at long ranges. Point it in a direction, and if the number goes higher than zero, there’s noise in that direction;
Beware, your friends can sometimes set it off unintentionally however!
Avaible slots: 2/2

Spirit Box
The Spirit Box is a radio with which you can ask questions to the Ghost and possible receive a possible voiced response
1. Only some Ghosts will react to it.
2. Using the local voice button, try to communicate with the ghost
3. You have more respons with lights off
4. You can put the spirit box on the ground and have respons as well
5. If you hear a robotic voice, the ghost is responding (add to your journal the spirit box evidence).

Go to the Ghost interactions section to see voices response and question you can do

Avaible slots: 2/2

Photo Camera
Is a normal Photo Camera, is used to gather extra reward for taking photos useful for the contract.
You can do just 5 photos each Photo Camera
Avaible slots: 3/3

The crucifix is used to stop hunting from the Ghost;
1. For best results, put the crucifix where you think the ghost will start hunting from.
2. The radius of the crucifix effect should be 3 meters (5 for the Banshee).
3. The Crucifix only stops two Hunting phases.
4. Crucifix works when held in hand.
Avaible slots: 2/2

Ghost Writing Book
It is an item used to see if the ghost shows the evidence of “ghost writing”
1. Ghost usually spend much time to write in it, sometimes less, give him time. It should be around 3-4-5 minutes
2. If the ghost is throwing the book around and isn’t writing in it, it just means that it will never write in it. [TO TEST]
3. Take the Picture of the Ghost writing to gain extra money
4. If placed within the vision of an active Video Camera, you can use the truck’s monitor to see if writing has appeared.
5. Writings can change for every book you placed (It can be die die die in one book and maybe run run run in the other)
Avaible slots: 2/2

Video Camera
Is a CCTV Camera;
it capture the video in live, which can be seen in the van on the monitor.

1. Can either be handheld, placed or mounted on a Tripod
2. The best use of this item is to watch if the Ghost release the Ghost Orb (Point the Video Camera in the room of the Ghost, if you don’t see Ghost Orb, try to find different angles)
Avaible slots: 6/6

Used to mount a video camera on a more convenient plan.
Avaible slots: 5/5

Head Mounted Camera
It is a CCTV Camera but placed on the Investigators Front
1. Is located to the left inside the van
2. It can be used instead of the normal Video Camera to see orbs or Investigators actions
Avaible slots: 4/4

UV Light
It is a torch that use a small violet light if turned on and is used to see Fingerprints, Footprints
1. With this item check the doors, light switches, windows where the ghost is located to find the evidence “Fingerprints”.
2. Point the UV light to the floor to see the footsteps (usually after the ghost walked on the salt) and take a picture of it to gain extra money and also track the ghost moviment.
Avaible slots: 2/2

Used as an area UV Light.
Useful to track footsteps of the ghost, place it near the salt to, so you can do the picture to gain extra money and also track the ghost moviment.
Avaible slots: 2/2

Sanity pills
It is a pill used to immediatly restore a % of your sanity (around 40%).
Avaible slots: 4/4

Equipment Section 2

Smudge Sticks
Smudge sticks are used to clean an area near the ghost discouraging it to hunt.
1. Cleaning would prevent hunt from the ghost for a short peroiod of time (90 seconds and 180 seconds for spirits)
2. You can throw it on the ground turned on to clean
3. This item cause fear to the Ghost, so he will be more active and more pointed to show itself for scare you
4.Lighting a Smudge Stick near the Ghost, will cause the Ghost to stop chasing and wander for a few seconds before resuming
5. It is also a task of the whiteboard, you can gain extra money using it
6. Bring always 2 smudge sticks and a lighter at least to do the whiteboard task.
7. Use this item when you want the picture of the ghost without getting hunted

8. How to use: You have to add in your inventory the lighter and smudge sticks.
Holding the smudge sticks you press the secondary action (F default), you’ll know that is working if you see the sticks start smoking, at this point you can start to clean an area
You can light the smudge sticks on your temmate hand too; To do it turn on the lighter (right click usually) point you reticle point to the smudge sticks of your teammate and press secondary button.
Avaible slots: 4/4

Is used to turn on the candles and smudge sticks or less usual as a small light
To use it press the secondary button (right click usually) and when is turned on, a little fire will appear on the top of the item;
At this point just point the reticle to what you want to turn on.
Avaible slots: 2/2

Salt Shacker
It is a Salt conteiner, that can be used on the floor to spread the salt.
Use it to track Ghost moviment, sometimes to have the possibility to do the picture of the sault or of the footstep left by the Ghost after walking on it, gaining money.
Avaible slots: 2/2

Is an item that, when turned on lights up and prevent investigators sanity drop, you can throw it on the floor to have the same effect in a more convenient way.
Avaible slots: 4/4

Motion Sensor
Is an item that has to be placed on the walls and beeps, turn on a tiny green spy light whenever someone or the Ghost walk past it.
1. You can view which Sensors are active in the Van;
2. It is used to track the Ghost moviment.
Avaible slots: 4/4

Sound Sensor
Is an item that has to be placed on the walls and detects changes of sounds in the room;
You can view the Data in the Van.
Avaible slots: 4/4

IR Light Sensor
Is an item that has to be placed on the walls;
Is a motion sensor that flashes a bright light when something walks past it.
Avaible slots: 4/4


Tanglewood Street House

Considered Dimension: Small
Players Suggested: 1
Floors: 2
Rooms contained: 13 (12 ground floor | 1 downstairs)
Contains: 3 sinks, 1 video feed, 1 exit & 4 keys (Main Door Key, Garage Key, Car Key, Basement Key)
Specific Rooms: 2 Bedrooms (Master Bedroom, Boys Bedroom), 2 bathrooms (Main Bathroom, Master BR Bathroom), a Living room, a Dining room, a Kitchen, a Basement, a Garage, an Utility room, a closet (Master BR Closet), a Hallway & a Foyer
Ouija Board Locations: Usually in the Basement, Utility, Garage, Closet or in the Boys bedroom coat-closet

This is the smallest map of the game and is thought for one player

1. Be careful! Hunt Phases are dangerous in this map because it contains only 2 coat-closets to hide
2. This map contains several candles that can be lit using a lighter and brought in the Ghost room (candles help your sanity when turned on)
3. To have a free evidence take a picture at the Login screen in Tanglewood Street House’s boys bedroom computer (click computer monitor to turn it on first).
4. This map is also used for the tutorial


Ridgeview Road House

Considered Dimension: Small
Players Suggested: 2
Floors: 3
Rooms contained: 18 Rooms (10 first floor | 5 second floor | 1 downstairs)
Contains: 5 sinks, 1 video feed, 1 exit, 2 keys (Main Door Key, Garage Key)
Specific rooms: 4 Bedrooms (Master Bedroom, a Boys Bedroom, a Girls Bedroom, a Teen Boys Bedroom), 4 Bathrooms (a Toilet, Master BR Bathroom, Upstairs Bathroom & Upstairs Toilet) a Kitchen, a Dining room, a Living room, a Garage, a Basement, an Utility room, a Closet, a Office, a Foyer & a Hallway
Ouija Board Locations: Usually in the Utility, Garage, Basement, Master Bedroom & in the 2 coat-closets top floor


Edgefield Street House

Considered Dimension: Small
Players Suggested: 2
Floors: 3
Rooms contained: 20 Rooms (7 first floor | 11 second floor | 2 downstairs)
Contains: 6 sinks, 1 video feed, 1 exit & 4 keys (Main Door, Garage Basement, Car)
Specific rooms: 6 bedrooms (Master Bedroom, Boys Teen Bedroom, Girls Kids Bedroom, Girls Teen Bedroom, Girls Teen Bedroom [2], Boys Teen Bedroom) , 6 Bathrooms (a Toilet, a Master BR Bathroom, Upstairs Bathroom, Girls Teen Bathroom, Girls Teen Bathroom [2] & Boys Teen Bathrom) a Dining room, a Kitchen, a Garage, 2 Basement rooms (Basement & Basement (Storage), an Utility, an hallway
Ouija Board Locations: Usually in the Master Bedroom, Utility, Basement (Storage) & Dining Room


Grafton Farmhouse

Considered Dimension: Small
Players Suggested: 2
Floors: 2
Rooms Contained: 17 rooms (11 first floor | 4 second floor)
Contains: 3 sinks, video feed, 2 exits & 1 key (Main door)
Specific rooms: 4 bedrooms (Master Bedroom, Twin Bedroom, Upstairs Bedroom & Nursery), 2 Bathrooms (MB Bathroom, Upstairs Bathroom), a Foyer, a Kitchen, a Dining Room, a Living room, a Garage, 2 Closets, an Utility Room, 2 storage Rooms (Workshop, Storage), Upstairs Hallway
Ouija Board Locations: Storage, Upstairs bedroom, Twin Bedroom (Closet), Storage (Workshop), MBR (Closet) & Nursery


Bleasdale Farmhouse

The biggest colonic house, two floors

Considered Dimension: Small
Players Suggested: 2
Floors: 3
Rooms contained: 15 rooms (7 first floor | 6 second floor)
Contains: 4 sinks, 4 exits, 1 video feed & 1 key (Main Door Key)
Specific room contained: 3 Bedrooms (Master bedroom, Boys bedroom, Girls bedroom), 3 Bathrooms (Bathroom, Toilet & Side Bathroom), a Kitchen, a Dining room, a Garage, an Attic, a Foyer, a Living room, an Utility room, an Office & 2 Hallways (Hallway, Hallway Second Floor)
Ouija board Locations: Master bedroom, Utility, Attic, Office & Dining Room


Brownstone High School

An investigation in an abandoned high school
Rooms Contained: 70 rooms (37 ground floor | 34 first floor)
Contains: 36 sinks, 5 exits, 15 video feeds & 1 key (Main door)
Considered Dimension: Medium
Players Suggested: 3
Floors: 2
Specific Rooms: 45 Classes (8 science classes [4 Laboratories, 4 Science Classrooms]), 4 Science Storage, 8 Bathrooms (2 Boys Bathrooms, 2 Boys Teacher Bathrooms, 2 Girls Bathrooms, 2 Girls Teacher Bathrooms), a Lobby, 2 Locker rooms (Boys Locker room, Girls Locker Room), a Basketball Court, 1 Library, a Cafeteria, a Lecture Hall, 2 storage rooms & 4 Corridors
Ouija board Locations: Library, Basketball Court, Cafeteria, Science CR 2 Storage, Lecture Hall, Boys Bathroom & Girls Teachers Bathroom



Considered Dimension: Big
Players Suggested: 4
Floors: 2
Rooms Contained: 122 rooms (79 ground floor | 43 downstairs)
Also contains: 43 sinks, 1 exit, 15 video feeds & 1 key (Main Door Key)
Ouija Board Locations:
Upstairs: Four Bedroom, Sir bedroom 3, Doctor & Utility 2
Downstairs: Lounge 2, Study, Storage 13, Office 12 & Storage 8
An asylum abandoned for years

Maps Section 2


Considered Dimension: Medium
Players Suggested: 3
Floors: 2
Rooms Contained: 99 | 54 ground floor | 45 first floor
Contains: 16 sinks (10 1F) (6 2F), 3 exits, video feeds 11 (6 1F) (5 2F), 1 key (Main door)
Ouija Board Location: At Cafeteria in the centre of the room on the table
Lore: This prison was recently closed due to some unexplainable deaths. From what she said it sounds like a dangerous ghost is hunting the area. You’ll be sent in to gather as much evidence as possible so a ghost removal team can deal with it afterwards. More info when you arrive.
Recommanded item(s): Sanity Pills



Can be Boys bedrooms, Girls bedrooms etc..
It usually contains Ouija Boards in some maps

Boys Bedrooms

Girls Bedrooms

Boys Teen Bedrooms

Girls Teen Bedrooms

Girls Kid Bedrooms


Twin Bedroom


This room is useful because it usually contains almost 1 sink, to have 1 more interaction and maybe do the mission of the dirty water picture.


This room usually has some stuff that the ghost can throw (More Picture Interactions) and contains a sink.

Dining Rooms

Usually the ghost interact with the things upon the table in this room.

Living Rooms

A room in which you can find the TV, that the ghost can interact with (turning on and off).


If the Ghost is an Hallway we suggest you to use the: Thermometer to see where the temperature is lower, Spirit Box to ask to the Ghost where is its location (Use words like: Where are you? Are you here?), EMF to see where the Ghost is doing activities


A Garage that usually contains a car, that the ghosts can interact with (turning on and off the antitheft).
Usually you can find the electric panel inside.


Basement is a room where usually you find the Ouija Board. You can usually find the electric panel too.


Is in Bleasdale Farmhouse, it sometimes has a Ouija Board.
You can usually find the electric panel inside.


The first room you can see, joining the building

Utility Rooms

You can recognize it for the washing machine contained and it is a place where maybe you’ll find the Ouija Board.

Storage Rooms

Just a room where the items not needed from who were in the house are stored.


Same speech of Storage Room


Cafeterias can contain Ouija Boards, Watch Out!


Science Classrooms

Science Classroom Laboratories

Science Classroom Storage

Baskeball Court

A really big place situated for now in Brownstone High School.
You can play with basketball balls with your investigators :P.

Locker rooms

Just the lockers of the gym, used by the students before joining the Basketball Court in Brownstone High School.

Lecture Hall
Visiting Rooms
Visitator Lounges
Telephones Rooms
Day Rooms
Doctor Room

Doctor Waiting Room

Doctor Exam

Nurse Room
Laundry Rooms
Trash Rooms
Machine Rooms
Barber Room

Beta Game Section

This section covers all things that were changed/added on the beta branch, so that you will know what to expect when the changes come to the stable build.

Dirty Water Bonus Objective
-The dirty water bonus objective was removed from the game… finally

Difficulty Selection
-You can now freely select the contract difficulty on all available maps

EMF Level 5 Bug
– Fixed the bug wherein you could see an EMF 5 reading on the activity monitor

Professional Difficulty
– No info on whether the ghost responds to everyone or requires alone person to generate a response
– Breaker is always off at the start of a game

Room Temperature
-When the breaker is off, the building gets progressively colder
-When the breaker is on, the building gets progressively warmer
-Each room changes their temperature at a different pace. Temperatures in rooms can range as descibed below:

Room Temperature ranges:
Freezing ghost room: -5°C/-12°C (breaker off), -5°C/-12°C (breaker on)
Non-freezing ghost room – 3°C/10°C (breaker off), 3°C/10°C (breaker on)
Normal rooms – 3°C/10°C (breaker off), 15°C/22°C (breaker on)

Hunting Phase
– Ghosts’ pathfinding ability has been improved drastically, improving ghosts’ AI when hunting
– Ghosts will now open doors, closets and lockers when walking past them. It is recommended to always hold the doors of lockers and closets to prevent the ghost from opening them. In terms of room doors, just pray that the ghost won’t enter your room
– The ghost will now hear any noise your microphone makes and will search the location of the sound. Ghost’s hearing range is approximately 10 meters, it can hear you through walls but not when you are on a different floor. After the ghost reaches the location of the sound and isn’t seeing anyone, it loses interest in about 3 seconds
– The ghost will now walk to your last known location when it has lost sight of you
– After losing you, the ghost will search close to your last known location

Parabolic Microphone
– Its sound detection distance was increased to 30 meters and width to 6 meters (from 10 / 3)
– Time in which sounds can be detected was increased to 3 seconds (from 2)
– Its model size was reduced so it won’t take up half of your screen

– Thermometer’s refresh rate has been decreased. Instead of refreshing every second, temperature sensor will now be refreshed every 3 seconds

Footstep Photos
You can now only get footstep photo evidence when the ghost has walked in salt and not during a hunt.

Game bugs / Funny section

Game bugs
1. Cameras in large maps don’t always turn on
2. Cameras are cycling without anyone pressing the button
3. CCTV cameras break if a player disconnects
4. Cameras are cycling without anyone pressing the button

1. The ghost get stuck in hunting mode if a player disconnects
2. Ghost sometimes get stuck on dead player bodies

In game
1. Temperature isn’t always being set in the correct room
2. Photos sometimes show random evidence
3. Voice recognition stops working if you tab out
4. Placing tripods in a lot of places is buggy
5. Flashlight gives no light other players if they are around a corner
6. If a VR and Non-VR player grab an object at the same time they won’t be able to use any items

Before game
1. If 2 players press the add item button at the same time only 1 will be added
2. Invetory list items gets added twice if you rejoin
3. Font does not support cyrillic characters

1. You have to press the trigger twice to use non grabbable items
2. Some headsets have a white glare around their vision
3. VR turning sometimes turns without touching the joystick
4. VR Players are easily able to glitch through most walls
5. Non-VR photos don’t show in VR journals
6. VR teleport movement stops working when you grab a camera

Can’t click on the server arrows with a controller
Journal is hard to use with a controller

Funny Bugs
Bugs can be solved by the developer

– If a player closes the game via Alt+F4 during the beginning of the death animation at Grafton Farmhouse, there is a chance of a ghost being teleported to outside, bugging out and unable to move, and the Hunt state never ends until the game is restarted. (03/11/2020)
-If you place 2 Glowsticks on the Ridgeview Street House’s mailbox you will have this funny art:

(Please report any bug or funny bug if you find it inside the game!)

Funny videos
For generic funniest videos we suggest you to follow this channel:

Upcoming Game Changes (Trello)

Needs Testing (BETA)
In progress


Known Bugs

Trello Official Phasmophobia page: [link]