STAR WARS™ Empire at War – Gold Pack Guide

Phoenix Rising Guide for STAR WARS™ Empire at War: Gold Pack

Phoenix Rising Guide


A brief guide designed to help those who are starting out in the Phoenix Rising mod, or encouraging new people to try this mod for Empire at War Forces of Corruption.

Overview – Please Read

Hello I just want to start this out saying that this is currently a active work-in-progress so I understand a lot is missing. My goal here is to complete a easy to read steam guide for a mod for EaW called Phoenix Rising, created by a fan for fans of this great mod. As this is still a work-in-progress i’m open to constructive criticism, and hopefully some positive feedback. In conclusion I hope this raises popularity of this mod and at least helps some future Phoenix Rising players. Questions are also always welcomed!

Download & Installation


Phoenix Rising v1.2

If you’re running Windows 64 bit

Phoenix Rising v1.2 Windows 64bit Ram Patch Fix


Unit Selection Freeze Fixer (Seems to fix a engine limitation that occurs when too many units are present in either galactic conquest or within a battle.)


Phoenix Rising v1.2 installation is provided in the readme / description within the download link.

New Features & Changes

Leadership Traits

  • Leadership – Units under that heroes command have increased line of sight.
  • Morale – Reduced cooldown on abilities to all units fighting with that hero.
  • Tactics – Increases range for all units under that hero’s command.
  • Intelligence – Strategic information is visible to you.
  • Offense – All units under the hero’s command do increased damage.
  • Defense – All units under that heroes command receive less damage.
  • Maneuvers – All units under the hero’s command recieve increased movement speed.
  • Technical – Units under a hero with this trait have more health / hull.
  • Engineering – Units under a hero who has this trait receive stronger shields.
  • Logistics – Units under your command have more energy reserves
  • Enforcement – Independent kills are worth something, similar to salvaging in space battles.
  • Diplomacy – Units / Structures / Upgrades are all cheaper when a leader with this trait is present.
  • Motivation – Units / Structures / Upgrades all build faster while a leader with this trait is present.
  • Business – Increases the value of the planets income this hero is present on.
  • Finance – Generates additional credits on top of the planets income.

Research and Tech Level

As you may have noticed in Phoenix Rising there are no global tech levels. Instead it has been replaced by specific research tree’s as included in the pictures below.

This is the research facility, just like in the base game Empire at War. Though it does not build global technology levels.

As shown below these are now the new options. However, you must have some other structure constructed in order to see the research for that building.

The example below is a upgrade when you have a Imperial Research Facility and Imperial Barracks built.


The credit system has undergone a rework, as you may notice when you start a game you have a lot more credits than the base game. This is due to all prices have been increased to give you a true sense of scale. You may also notice credits don’t instantly change when you purchase a unit. This is because credits now flow out over time while your units are being constructed until the project is finished. There are a few reasons why these are done

  • To simulate how a real project would work (Not giving a lump sum)
  • To prevent canceling construction with no negatives (you lose whatever you put into it up until you decide to cancel)
  • Allows you to construct more than you could afford if the credits were withdrawn all at once. This allows you in time of emergency, or in making a large investment to have mass construction with hopes of paying it off in the weeks afterwards.

Hero Recruitment

The recruitment of heroes from many specific planets is a new feature within this mod adding a RPG-esque element to your Galactic Conquest. I will hopefully compile a list of all recruitable heroes from the Galaxy Far, Far Away Galactic Conquest and their respective planets that they are found at. That can be found below in the “New Heroes” sections.

The example below are some recruitable heroes from the planet Coruscant in the Galaxy Far, Far Away GC.

New Galactic Conquests

Galaxy Far, Far Away

This consists of 100 planets, making this the largest GC in this mod. The setting is from the start of the Rebel Alliance or Phoenix Rising Movement to post Return of the Jedi / Imperial Remnant and New Republic.

Core Worlds

This is a sized down version of Galaxy Far, Far Away with 45 planets. This conquest is restricted to the Core Worlds only. Some well known Core Worlds in this GC include Coruscant, Kuat, Alderaan, Corellia, Corulag, and Balmorra.

Inner Rim

This is again a cut away, this time featuring the Inner Rim of 58 Planets. Some well known Inner Rim worlds in this GC include Naboo, Kashyyyk, Bothawui, Bilbringi, Nal Hutta, and Nar Shaddaa.

Outer Rim

This GC features the Outer Rim in arguably all its glory blostered with 100 Planets. Some well known Outer Rim planets include Hoth, Bespin, Mustafar, Korriban, Yaga Minor, and Tatooine.

Operation Skyhook

This is a interesting story GC, which takes place half a year before the Battle of Yavin and includes 58 Planets. This GC focuses on the six months before the completion of the Death Star, which depending on what side you are on changes the objective. For the Imperials the primary objective is to construct the Death Star and destroy key worlds for the Alliance. While the primary goal of the Rebellion in this GC is to ensure the destruction of the Death Star.

Thrawn Offensive

Arguably one of the best works of EU, the Thrawn Trilogy a set of three novels depicting one of the many events occuring after the fall of the Empire after Return of the Jedi. If you have read the novels, the comics or just read up on these events you’ll enjoy being able to relive the event. This campaign is also a good introduction into the Expanded Universe to those who are open to more stories past the movies. It offers 66 Planets and most of the main heroes from the novel. The gameplay is also quite different as it is like the Alliance (now the New Republic) and the Galactic Empire (now the Imperial Remnant) changed sides, giving you the struggles of a small group only this time as the Imperials, and being a large vast spanning government with limited resources with the New Republic.

New Heroes – Imperial

Imperial Heroes by Planet


Mara Jade

Carrying out the Emperor’s bidding as his secret Emperor’s Hand, Mara Jade is a dangerous operative gifted in both being force sensitive and a trained assassin. There are few tasks she can’t complete.

Special: Switch between her lightsaber and DT-12 Heavy Blaster

Cost: 2500

Nahdonnis Praji

A decorated officer and a veteran of many campaigns within the Empire, which lead him to serve as Darth Vader’s aide.

Special: None

Cost: 7500

Raith Sienar

One of the most prominent engineers who was known for creating many advanced design, one being the TIE series of star fighters and helped with the original concept for the Death Star.

Special: None

Cost: 18750

Wullf Yularen

A Colonel in the Imperial Security Bureau, considered a excellent observer which made him hated around senators and at ease in meetings of powerful individuals.

Special: Take Cover

Cost: 7500

Ysanne Isard

The Director of Imperial Intelligence, Ysanne Isard is ruthless at getting what she wants. A master of interrogation and torture, as well as physically fit and trained in field combat she is someone who you do not want to be on her bad side.

Special: Take Cover

Cost: 2500

Ysanne Isard with Emperor’s Will (Upgrade)

Armed with a upgraded Victory Class Star Destroyer called the Emperor’s Will.

Special: Take Cover, Boost Weapon Power, Tractor Beam, Ability to sneak into enemy space and not start combat (her ship must be by itself).

Cost: 39600

Emperor Palpatine

Emperor of the Galactic Empire.

Special: Force Lightning, Force Corruption.

Cost: Priceless

Emperor Palpatine with Majestic

Armed with his personal upgraded Imperial Star Destroyer I.

Special: Force Lightning, Force Corruption, Boost Weapon Power, Booster Engine Power, Imperial Guard Tie Interceptors (Red Tie Interceptors).

Cost: 38974

Emperor Palpatine with Sovereign

Armed with the Sovereign, the first of the Sovereign-class Super Star Destroyer line.

Special: Similar to the Death Star’s weapon, it is capable of destroying any ship or space station.

Cost: 711303

Yaga Minor


A elite veteran of 10+ combat missions with one being the Battle of Endor. Creb’s Black squadron was stationed with the Chimaera under Thrawn’s command. His DNA was later used for clone stormtroopers.

Special: Call for wingmen (replenish squadron)

Cost: 5000

Captain Thrawn

A expert military tactician found on a uninhabited world by Voss Parck, and hand picked by the Emperor to serve him later in his personal group of Grand Admirals. Thrawn style is truely different from other Imperial servicemen.

Special: None

Cost: 7500

Grand Admiral Thrawn (Upgrade)

Banished from the known regions after picking the wrong side in a political arguement, Thrawn with the Admonitor an Imperial Star Destroyer. He was tasked with mapping the Unknown Regions, a waste of talent or was it?

Special: A passive version of the assault ability (fires his weapons faster with increased damaged than a normal ISD).

Cost: 53987

Admiral Motti

Born out of wealth, Motti joined the Imperial Navy where he quickly rose through the ranks. However, he also became overly confident and sometimes arrogant. Almost costing him his life at the hands of Vader.

Special: None.

Cost: Starting hero.

Admiral Motti (Upgrade)

Admiral Motti with his assign ship, the Steel Talon assigned with the fleet to protect the Death Star.

Special: Boost weapon power, boost shield power.

Cost: 40754

New Heroes – Rebellion / New Republic

New Land Units – Imperial

New Land Units – Rebellion / New Republic

New Space Units – Imperial

New Space Units – Rebellion / New Republic

New Structures – Imperial

Imperial Buildings

Imperial Barracks

Tech Level 1

Imperial Army Trooper Platoon

Imperial Elite Barracks

Tech Level 1

Stormtrooper Platoon

Speeder Factory

Tech Level 1

QH-7 Chariot Light

74-Z Speeder Bike

New Structures – Rebellion / New Republic