Pilgrims Of The Dark PVP Guide for DARK SOULS™ II

Pilgrims Of The Dark PVP Guide


Here you will learn the secret to invading in the Pilgrims of Dark covenant.No mess, no fuss, just Ascetics.

Hello, Abyss!

You’ve been in the dark, you’ve wandered it’s depths, you’ve fallen down many a hole.
Now, you can add some problems, or fun, to other Pilgrims on their journey.

As you travel, you need to pilfer an item from the Brotherhood of Blood. This group likes your vital fluids everywhere *but* inside you, replacing them with cold steel and soul magic. You will have to brave the arenas of the Blood Covenant for the Cracked Red Eye Orb, and possibly pick up an untested Red Soapstone while you’re there. Once you have the Orbs in hand, proceed to rejoin the Pilgrims officially, and delve into an Abyssal Pit while human. (At NG+ you can buy the Orbs, but it’s not as “Pilgrim” of you, compared to venturing into another covenant’s territory for their most prized item.)

Now you’re here, use the Red Orb, and marvel as it tells you there’s no one around. Do it again, and again, and at some point should Manus smile on your act, you will invade as an “Abyss Spirit”.
Red Soapstone has not been tested by myself, but may work also. Perhaps it will need a willing victim though.

So now you’re in the Pilgrim’s world. The first thing you’ll notice is that the NPCs are hostile to you and the host This is where you make your choice. Try to convince the host you’re here to help? Evade the NPCs and murder the host? Perhaps you will lay waste to everything in your path?

If you should kill the host (or he falls down a hole or gets Havel’d) You will be awarded with a Bonfire Ascetic, and the pride of knowing you cost your target another effigy to re-enter the Abyss for his Souls. Well done.

Helping the host? Perhaps you will turn on him at the last moment. He likely expects it. Who are you to dissapoint?

If you should kill everything in your path to the host, you will be helping more than hurting should you fail to kill the World’s master. Keep this in mind.

I’ll add pictures at some point in the future.
