Antichamber Guide

Pink Cube Guide for Antichamber

Pink Cube Guide


Where to find all the mysterious Pink Cubes.This guide, is a collaboration of several player’s efforts, to co-operate in finding them all.

How Pink Cubes Are Saved/Obtained

These pink cubes are obtained by looking at them, until they complete their journey along the path associated.

When obtained, they are appended as data into the savefile. Here is how to find out what you have:

First locate your saved file at:
“C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonAntichamberBinariesWin32SavedGame.bin”.

Now open that file in a simple text editor, and scroll to the end where some text such as this, is found:

SavedSecrets ArrayProperty A HazardIGFChinaSplit.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.HazardSecretTile_16 ; HazardStairway.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.HazardSecretTile_6 A HazardLeap.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.HazardSecretTile_7 A HazardIGFChinaSplit.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.HazardSecretTile_11 7

Secrets are tracked by the area (IGFChinaSplit) and by a number (SecretTile_16).

By comparing this data with others, you can find out if you have managed to find a new cube, but forgot where and how.

Here is my own personal list so far, which should serve as very accurate:

EndGame 5 – FOUND
IGFChinaSplit 1 – FOUND
IGFChinaSplit 2 – FOUND
IGFChinaSplit 3 – FOUND
IGFChinaSplit 4 – FOUND
IGFChinaSplit 11 – FOUND
IGFChinaSplit 13 – FOUND
IGFChinaSplit 16 – FOUND
Leap 6 – FOUND
Leap 7 – FOUND
Leap 19 – FOUND
Seamless 15 – UNOBTAINABLE
Stairway 6 – FOUND
Stairway 17 – FOUND

Please note. that some numbers may not indicate cubes currently in game. Some may have been removed during development.

Advanced Skills, Tricks and Techniques

In order to obtain some of the cubes, it is necessary to make use of several obscure skills.

Spring Jumping
When on a spring, and decending, jump. Performed as soon as you touch the spring, this will allow you to indefinatly decend.

Spring Blocking
When decending on a spring platform, it is possible to hold it at a desired height. As you decend, quickly place a cube on the wall at eye-level.

Block Elevator 1
Using the yellow gun skill, stand on a block then make that block move directly upwards. This will force the block to carry you vertically as far as possible.

Block Elevator 2
Simply left-click repeatedly, the top of a block while you are standing on it. This will enable you to travel vertically, without looking up.

Block Elevator 3
It is possible to climb almost any wall, with just 1 block. Stand on the block, then jump. Quickly pick up the block and replace it at a 45degree angle below eye-level. Rinse and repeat.

Video Guide

All credit to “Merc with a Mouth”

Hey, I’ve made a video walkthrough on Youtube for the 13 purple cubes, it is about 10 minutes long. Check it out if anyone is interested.

Please thumbs up, if you enjoyed Merc’s video guide.

Many Paths to Nowhere {MISSABLE!}

Method 1[UKoE] Luna, CoolJosh3k
Note that this pink cube, is missable.
From the very start of the game head forward and fall down the pit as per normal. Now instead of turning at the 2 green lines on the floor, turn around and, walk backwards. Keep looking at the circle and turn to see the next one when you stop moving back. You should come to a red doorway. Proceed forward until you come to 2 stairs. 1 red, 1 blu. Do not go up them. Turn around and go back up the green stairs behind you. Now look at the middle of the left pyramids.

Please note, that there is a bug effecting the path of this cube. It will not be visible in the middle track section, but can still be moved and heard. It will be visible again once it reaches to other side. To obtain it, you must make it fully complete it’s journey.

Three Paths in Site

Method 1CoolJosh3k
Head straight forward into the gallery. Stand infront of the life pendulum (life ticking by) and turn around. The pink cube should be on the right hand side of the doorway you just came though. You will need to chase this particular cube, all the way around the room.

Déjà Vu

Method 1CoolJosh3k
Head into the purple room and look down at the circle. Use the Block Elevator trick to acend upwards while still looking at the circle. You should go right through the glass and find the pink cube.

Four Different Exits

Method 1CoolJosh3k
Looking towards the green cube exit (ground exit), use the yellow cube to lift yourself up to the small room above.

Down the Rabbit Hole

Method 1CoolJosh3k
Looking towards the normal exit, use the Spring Jump technique to reach the very bottom of the shaft. No blocks are needed and it is not as hard as it looks.

Method 2EMP-Bomber
Start at Stop and Go. Go up the stairs to grab a block. Head back to the rabbit hole and jump down. As you desend, place the block on a wall/corner and walk under where you placed it.
As you come back up, the block will push you through the spring.

Taking Baby Steps

Method 1CoolJosh3k
Walk forward and let the stairs form as per normal. Near the top end of the stairs, jump to make them disappear. You should fall down right infront of a small room, with the pink cube in it.

Butterfly Effect

Method 1CoolJosh3k
Turn around and go back to the blue area. Then just drop down the hole. Simple.

Missing Pieces

Method 1CoolJosh3k
Start by collecting the blue block wall. Then use the yellow gun technique to guide the blocks though the nobuild area. When you get to the closed green door, turn around. Now use the blocks to build up where the stair disappear.

Method 2CoolJosh3k
Start instead at Managing Resources and proceed through the left door. Use your green gun technique to grow more blocks. Now use the blocks to build up where the stair disappear.

Managing Resources

Method 1Atticus, CoolJosh3k
Take the right door and head straight forward at the glass. Then turn right into the disappearing wall.

Method 2Stryker Zero
Starting one room over at “Link in a Chain Reaction” – all you have to do is look left, round the corner, and walk through the hidden wall next to the glass; no doors to open that way.

The Chase

Method 1KryptCeeper969
Turn around and walk back.

Cry Me a River

Method 1OneDollar
Pick up a few blocks from “FLY”. Turn 180. Go into the wall, but not through the wall. Build tower up.

Method 2Ray-Jin
pick a cube and turn around. move trough the wall in the middel of the wall look up. there is a hidden path which you can reach with the block elevator Trick.

Window of Opportunity

Method 1Atticus, CoolJosh3k
Change to blue then to green. Finally, by circling around the viewer 2 trimes, you should find a purple room.

Method 2Bladekill990
Make the room green. Move to the other side of the window then back again. Make the room purple. The cube is waiting for you.

A Wall Without Stairs

Method 1Dr. Magneto Solaris
Firstly, turn around and collect blocks from the wall. Use these to get up to the higher ledge as you normally would. Get to the chute and go down on the elevator. When at the bottom, face away from the exit of the section, towards a green wall. This wall can be deleted to reveal another cube.

Finding the Seams {BUGGED!}

This particular cube, remains in a currently unused part of the map. It now holds objects and pieces of levels, but not an actual complete area. This cube was left in by mistake.

Method 1Schlepian!

Method 2McFrugal
I have a much simpler method for getting to the 4-d gallery’s glitched area to get the “Seamless” block. When in the real gallery, face the exit portal- the left part of the frame is your target. Rub against it and you can ‘pop’ into the glitched area. This doesn’t work with the right side of the frame. I could reproduce this consistently by stepping into the very beginning of the portal and looking left then holding w and sortof moving my mouse from left to right slowly so that I hit the transition line at a very slight angle.

Method 3Sebi <(°v°)>
(i had problems to get there, so i changed the blocks a litle bit)

Method 4Sebi <(°v°)>
(with some help of blocks its very easy to get there)

Impossible Paths {BUGGED!}

Due to bug this pink cube, cannot be reached with legit methods. It is safe to assume this will be fixed in an upcoming patch.

Method 1CoolJosh3k
Turn around and go to the large, green/black circle on the floor. Underneath this area is a small room containing the pink cube.