The best techniques and teams for each achievement. My next guide, pros and cons of each character.
I Said Horatio Dies!
Defy The Narrarorator. This one isn’t that hard. Basically just do what he says not to do. Like do story mode. 86% of all players have this. The other 14% don’t have it because they haven’t played long enough. It’s pretty simple.
On a scale of 1-10, I give a 2
Which Seat Should I Take?
Again, not too hard. Follow the story, and you’ll already have, like, six. Horatio, Yosef, Pip, Sofia, Gluten. Five. Use Sofia to catch another, I recommend you get a Hair Troll, not a Mother Troll, right off the bat. Thesee guys are very powerful, but can’t get gains like humans and their weapons. (Hats-Yes). Get him early, so you can have him on your team as a high leveled cahracter. He’s almost a necessity. With him, that makes six.
Karma For The King
Basically, just do some story mode. Not too hard. Very easy, matter of fact. If you CAN’T do it, then just farm for level-ups.
So Fast So Murderous
Buy, like, 7 Nitro Boosts. They cost 150G. On the World Map, press A(for controller) and run over bad guys. Don’t worry, you won’t enter a battle.
Pocket Change
This is one of the Gold Acheivements. It’s gold because it’s a harder one, these will all be, on a scale of 1-10, a 5 or higher. Pocket Change. Get 19,999 gold on hand. Gold is not hard to come by. Arena mode gives a LOT of gold. Do Unfair Arena, I beat it on insane mode, and in regular mode. Auto Battle will NOT work. Keep fighting nad returning home from the World Map, or do a bunch of arena battles, but DON’T buy stuff in the Marquette, or in the pre-World Map shop. If you do, ONLY buy campfires.
6, is tedious, but not hard
Blueberried Blocker
This one’s easy. Get Horatio/Haley to level 20. Fight a bunch. To level up a certain character, do what I call “Front-Lining”. It takes 3-6 characters to do. Use your weaker character, and use 2 other characters to stay in front of him. Lower the enemies Hp, then use your weaker guy to get the kill. Eventually, he’ll become level 20. Even higher, IF YOU DARE. Do a lot of World Map Mini Quests. Doing these will basically do a double-whammy. It gives you exp, and progress.
Plays Well With Brothers
For this one, I recommend multiplayer, but you don’t have to. If you have ONE player, then fight Gorgons, the snake monsters. DON’T use archers, they might kill someone by accident. Lower the Gorgons Hp to low, then you can have TWO free kills. They will produce snakes, and kill them all at the same time as the Gorgons. I’d use Kobolds or Zombies, preferably Kobolds.
I See Dead Pixies
Defeat a team of Elites in the wild. Basically, find fighters that are glowing red, and on fire on your world map. Defeat them. Simple, but may be hard.
Seriously Serious
This one is easy. Basically, beat a set of quests. I recommend starting off with the toilet paper one. It’s the easiest in my opinion. I give this quest a:
Are You Not Entertained?
This is the hardest achievement to get. Beat Unfair Arena, on INSANE MODE. The enemies that glow red, and have fire underneath them, are the harder fights. More health, more damage. Get a team of varying classes. I recommend at least one Hair Troll. Two Archers, Two humans. Instead of two of each human, use one demi-clops, and replace two humans, if needed, with a cyclops. Cyclops will go “hammin” on most baddies. Whenever I do this mode, my last two guys standing are my Cyclops, and Hair Troll. DON’T use Cupcake. He/She will die in the first round, and you will have an empty space on your team. DON’T USE HIM/HER. If you want to use Cupcake, then be careful, instead of putting between, where it has a 50/33/25/whatever% chance, put it behind, or a few places back. Spend an hour-2
The Queen Will Be Pleased
Recruit at least, one of every creature. A list: Cupcake, Mascot, Vamipress, Wraith, Mushroom, Cyclops, Electrobot, Hair Troll, Pixies, Spidaurs, Gorgons, Zombies, Octoclops, Gnomes, Troll Mom, Kobold. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE SOFIA ON YOUR TEAM. Find Electrobots and Gnomes in the Colony of Freeware, find Gorgons in swampy areas, find Troll Mom near the Mountain Of Nothing, or just in rocky areas, or somewhere, IDK. Hair Trolls are near the start of the game, near Pipistrella’s Castle. Cupcake is a story character. Mascots are found randomly, in some parts of the wild, and in some missions. The rest of them are either easy to find, or hard. Just enter a lot of fights, and catch everything not in your book. (Check your book by pressing select(controller)).
I’ve Seen Things
Have a character reach level 80. Farm. A lot. I explained how to level up earlier, except instead of using the weakest character behind, use him to get the kill, him being the character whom you want to be level 80.
11, for being tedious
Nothing Personal
Defeat someone in an online match. You can defeat a friend that said they would go easy, or do it the hard way. An easier achievement.
Something Switchy Going On
Switch’s. A switch/lever is a one hexagon sized device, that may blend in with scenery. A lever is a small lever coming from the ground, and a pedastal is a small pedastal coming from the ground that is gray. Turns blue on touch. Green buttons are Green buttons.
Find a secret area in any of the World Maps. To go to world maps, you have to wait for the bear to take you there. Randomly. Locations:
In short, here are places:
Fudge Maker Bay, Top-Left of town, not map, but the town it’s self
Manow of Whoa, Top of town
King Dualcore’s Robozone, Right-Bottom of an island
Dumpy Vale Times, Bottom-Right of town (im not going to say town anymore)
Goldie Twists Basin of Buttes, Bottom-Left
Fountain of Ruth, Bottom-Left
If you don’t know where a location is, then I tell: Fudge Maker Bay, head to top of map, and go right of the icey place. You come across The Grove of Forbidden Freshness. Go down to where there is chocolate and blue/white frosting. Manor of Whoa. For some reason, I have a hard time finding this place, EVERY time. To the right of Land of A Million Leeches is Forest Of Your Mom. To the right of that you find a hatty statue in a pool. (Sometimes, your house will be right below the Manor of Whoa). Go up from the statue, then you will find a darker place. Navigate through there, and you’ll find the lever. Head up, straight out of the Manor of Whoa, then go right, all the way to a large lot of water. Go up, and find technology stuff. Go to the right of that and you’ll be on King Dualcore’s Robozone, go down a little bit to the small isalnd, and hit the switch. Dumpy Vale Times: Below TinkleTown County. Tinkletown is a story place, so I won’t give directions. Goldie Twist’s Basin of Buttes, head to the left after being in Dumpy Vale Times. You reach desert. Keep going left, at the top/left of town, lever. Go left from there, and find an oasis type place. Follow the line of fights. The first fight is harder than the rest, so shoot him on map. Avoid the rest and find your way to the lever.
Your hard work pays off, you get a Time Hammer after being in a different timeline
MAP 2- PEDASTALS In shorter short
Lushabye Lane
Happy Birthmaze
Sea of Spikes
Temple of Assume
Snake Pits of Tranquillity
Your hard work pays off, you get a The Axes of Dad
Fields of the Gastromancer
Honeyhaunches Hideout
Treat RetreatRetirement Home
Woods of Serious Wrongness
Chasm of Deep Thoughts
By the Bear
You go to Prehistopia, find 3 flags, and collect your reward, a T-Rex Helmet
3-6, but if you want to get all, can be a 7 for being tedious
Secret Achievements/Very Vinyl
Collect all of the Music Records. As far as I know, this can be done when they release all of the records, or maybe they have. I think they are given completely randomly. I have the original blue one, and the purple one from battle. I think that’s all of them, as of now. Maybe, in the future, they’ll release more records, but to earn them, you have to complete story mode. Or with each chapter or mission or whatever of story mode. Idk, for now, we just have to wait. The Global Acheivement Leaderboard says that 0.1% of ALL players have this achievement. I think that the hackers and creators are the ones who have it. Or maybe the creators don’t even have it.
Also, like 13 new achievements were added, and this one was removed. As of the Update 5: Infinte Wisdom release. They are all impossibly impossible.
My Team
I have a few teams. The one I use the most is:
Human, Demi-Clops, Cyclops, Hair Troll.
3 Kobold, Archer, Hair Troll
6 Kobolds
3 Cupcakes, Cyclops, Human.
Message Me
If you are stuck on any achievments, or parts of the game, message me. Add me. If you can’t find a cahracter, let ne know. If I wasn’t specific enough, ask me.
Cool Stuff
Insane Mode, Unfair Arena, just finished.
They updated it, so half way done with the game is 13%
Press ^w to do wavy letters and ^s for shakey. so thats: SHIFT+6 W, but no space bar
it cool
Like this, look at bottom of scrnshot