A guide for all of the new achievements in the plague of shadows DLC.*NOTE* This guide is no longer being updated. Feel free to leave your suggestions or get more from the comments, though.Thanks for the good reception and those who helped to improve this too, I owe it to you guys.
“Finish the game.”
Finish the game, duh.
“Finish New Game Plus.”
Finish Game+. again, duh.
“Watch all of Mona’s dance.”
Yes you are Plague Knight, yes you are.
When you defeat King Knight and Spectre Knight, you return to the lab to see Mona dancing by herself. When this happens, don’t move, just sit and watch until the achievement drops.
Maxed Out
“Purchase or unlock all relics arcana, equipment and upgrades.”
All of the arcana can be obtained by trading the “useless relics” that you find during the new secret segments of stages to chester. (You can also just buy them at the armor outpost, but at a steep price.)
Equipment (armors) can be bought from the troupple king at the troupple pond once you have bought the flask from the troupple acolyte at the armor outpost.
The bomb upgrades can be bought from mona back at the laboratory, and you can research new upgrades using the green cipher coins you find in stages.
Penny Pincher, Teetotaler & Naked Plague
“Finish the game without spending any money… including Cipher coins!”
“Finish the game without drinking any tonics.”
“Finish the game without collecting any arcana, bomb parts, or armors.”
These three should be achieved together, because you won’t be able to buy anything anyway.
Hurry Up!
“Beat the game within 1 hour and 30 minutes”
(I couldn’t find a video, sorry)
You are gonna have to speedrun this one. Like the damn title suggests.
“Destroy every possible checkpoint in the game.”
Do not do this one on New Game+, because you won’t have access to all of the checkpoints if you do.
“Emerge unscathed from a battle with any Knight of the Order of No Quarter..except King Knight!“
(I know i took damage in this screenshot, i was just too lazy to actually try.)
Those damn developers. If you can’t complete this achievement with king knight, complete it with the boss you think is the easiest. (I suggest spectre knight!)
Hall Villain
“Clear the the Hall of Champions in 3 minutes and 30 seconds or less.”
When you enter the hall of champions, the village knights will ambush you. you must travel to each room and kill each knight, you will know that a room is clear when the lights turn off. Some knights hide behind paintings, so destroy every painting you see.
Bomb Jump Blitz
“Defeat an Order Knight using only bomb jump explosions.”
The requirements for this, i’m sure this time, are to use the basic bomb jump.
That’s how i got it.
Thank you to @Condemor for informing me that the method i gave before didn’t work.
No Damage!
“Finish any Stage without taking damage.”
(Yeah, repeated screenshot, but who cares.)
Again, i suggest King Knight’s stage, because it is the easiest, in my opinion. Without the phase locket or invincibility ichor, this may be a bit trickier than the shovel knight variant of this achievement.
Defend the Lab!
“Retake the Explodatorium without breaking any grey blocks during the boss fight.”
This achievement may sound a bit difficult, That’s because it is but with this bomb combination, you may find it alot easier.
Whirl casing,
Cluster Powder
& Remote Fuse.
The striking staff is an absolute godsend for killing this guy. If he just keeps reflecting our bombs, strike a ♥♥♥♥♥ up.
makes me hate him till no end.
Also, if you break a grey block, you are gonna have to let The Cerulean Coward kill you and start over.
Get Out Of My Room!
“Find Plague Knight’s secret room.”
At the end of the explodatorium level, you come across a ledge you have to jump off of. The furthest wall from the ledge looks a bit suspicious. Blow up the wall and bomb jump over.
Hey, neato! So this is where he keeps his masks…
Poor Oolong
“Give Oolong a sample of every explosion.”
You know the massive scary green thing that sits in the lab? That is Oolong.
If you throw a bomb into his funnel on his head, he will spit up particles from the type of bomb you have.
You must throw in a bomb with each powder:
Black powder
Cascade powder
Cluster powder
Component powder
Sparkler powder
Tracer powder
Hang Time
“Stay in the air for 10 seconds without landing on anything.”
First, make sure you have the Float burst, it will make you fall slower to the ground.
Go to Pridemoor Keep and jump up around this area here.
Keep lobbing bombs, it will keep you up in the air longer for some reason.
Bomb Economy
“Finish any Order of No Quarter stage using 15 bombs or fewer.”
Again, for the easiest way to do this, play on Pridemoor Keep.
Most of the stage can be done by bomb jumping only, (which does not count)
so your best bet would be to use arcana and bomb jumping. But i hear you ask, “but i have to drop a bomb to do a bomb jump?” well, dropping a bomb can be avoided by charging the bomb jump when traversing from screen to screen, or during a cutscene. There is a slight moment during a jump where you can’t drop a bomb, but this is a bit harder to execute.
Save all of your bombs for the boss fight, and be sure to use cluster powder, as it can do more than 0.5 points of damage, rather than a regular bomb.
Update: ensure you have the staff of striking arcana to defeat king knight in a matter of seconds.
Thanks @Peridork!
Trading Up
“Trade each of the useless relics to Chester.”
Chester? You know, the guy who hides in chests?
Each level (exept from the last one) Has a hidden chest containing a “useless relic”.
You can trade a useless relic for a less useless arcana later in the level, or you can just complete it and trade him the relic at the armor outpost.
But whatever you do, DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM HIM FOR $$$. then you will be stuck with the relic, you then being unable to get the achievement.
Mint Condition
You know those little green coins that you find during stages? Those are cipher coins.
Also there are 420 of them. Isn’t it just a *coin*cedence (I’m sorry) that there are 420 of them? I hope it’s a reference to the day of weed, the 20th of april.
Also making an entire section for all of the cipher coins would be a tad long, wouldn’t it?
I might just make a seperate guide on this section in the future.
The Source for all of the Achievement images are Here[www.trueachievements.com]
Most of the information was taken from Here[shovelknight.wikia.com]
The info on bomb jump blitz was taken from
and The screenshots were taken by me!
You think you can give a better description or way to do an achievement? Comment it and i might just put it up and credit you, of course.