Plants vs. Zombies GOTY Edition Guide

Plants vs Zombies Easter Egg Guide for Plants vs. Zombies: Game of the Year

Plants vs Zombies Easter Egg Guide


This is the Plants vs Zombies Easter Egg Guide. It contains information of five Easter eggs in the game and how to find them.


Section 1: Contents
Section 2: Introduction
Section 3: Yeti Zombie
Section 4: Moustache Mode
Section 5: Futuristic Glasses
Section 6: Achievement Tunnel
Section 7: Chinese Zombies


Welcome to the Plants vs Zombies Easter Egg Guide. There won’t be any pictures in this guide as they may ruin the Easter eggs. Below are five Easter eggs with guides on how to find them in the game. Enjoy.

Yeti Zombie

To discover the Yeti Zombie (it is called the Top Secret Zombie in the achievements) you must first complete the adventure mode. Then, do the adventure again up to level 4-9. Once you have completed that level do the next one which is 4-10. In this level you find the Yeti Zombie. He comes and goes pretty quickly so don’t blink! Once the zombie appears on the screen you will receive an achievement (unless you have already seen the Yeti Zombie) called Cryptozombologist.

Moustache Mode

This is a really cool Easter egg. Simply type ‘moustache’ or ‘mustache’ while on the main menu or while playing a level and most of the zombies will have moustaches. Some zombies, like the balloon zombie, don’t have moustaches but majority of the zombies will. Remember when you quit the game the zombies will lose their moustaches so don’t forget to type in ‘mustache’ or ‘moustache’ again. Also when you do this for the first time you will receive an achievement called Ask Me About Mustache Mode.

Futuristic Glasses

As well as adding moustaches to the zombies you can also make them wear futuristic glasses. All you need to do is type ‘future’ while in game and you guessed it the zombies will wear glasses. However, just like with the moustache mode Easter egg, if you quit the game, you will need to type in ‘future’ again.

Achievement Tunnel

Go to the achievement tunnel and scroll down. Do it slowly and on your way down you will notice things poking out of the dirt. For example there are gems, weird looking idols, skeletons, worms with zombie heads. There is even a PopCap character down there. The character is: The Bookworm from the bookworm series.

Chinese Zombies

This Easter egg shows you a picture of three Chinese zombies. To find it go to the achievements page and keep scrolling down until you reach the end (not the end of the achievements but keep going down right to the bottom until you can’t scroll any further). When you get there you will see the picture.