This guide is to help those who need to figure out how to get the endings and achievements within Please Don’t Touch Anything 3D.If any of you are having trouble, feel free to check this walkthrough.NOTE: This walkthrough contains spoilers. If you don’t want to spoil the game to yourself, then don’t read this walkthrough.
1 – Peace Ending + Egrophobia Achievement
Simply just sit and do nothing for one minute. The guy will come back and thank you for waiting. (and not touching anything)
For the achievement, wait for 3 minutes after the guy leaves again. In other words, DO NOT hit the restart button, untill you get the achievement.
2 – Shutdown Ending + Disobedience Achievement
For this one, press the red button 20 times. (pressing the button for the first time will grant the achievement.)
Well shoot, I just broke everything.
3 – Nuke Ending
This is probably what you would do first since it’s obvious upon pressing the button once.
Flick the switch and an alarm goes off.
Now press the red button.
Welp. I just blew the town to oblivion.
4 – Demon Ending
First press the button, however, instead of flicking the switch, press the button again, and it will reveal the numbers: 1, 2, and 3, in Roman Numerals.
The INSTRUCTIONS poster will have the code printed vertically, in Roman Numerals, on the right side.
Input the code: 312213
Then a panel with four buttons and a two-way switch will appear. Don’t worry about the four buttons for now.
Pull the switch to the left, and a ten-digit keypad will appear.
There’s a file that carries the code for another two button panels. (The file should be behind you to your left.)
Input the code: 8267
A 7×7 button panel, and a 1-4 number panel will appear. Do not worry about the 1-4 button panel for now.
Make a five-pointed star with the buttons. (You can only push 5 buttons, so if you get it wrong, it will reset.)
Aaaaaaaand this happens… -_-
5 – Illuminati Ending + We Are Watching Achievement
Press the red button 16 times to get the hammer, grab the hammer, and simply hit the screen.
Uh… Who hides a button in a monitor?
Press the Question Mark button.
And I have unleashed the very deadly pyramid with one eye. Staring at my soul.
The symbols that rotate around it are important for a later ending.
And to get the achievement just hit the RESET switch.
6 – Back to the Past Ending
Press the the button twice, and input the code: 312213.
Pull the lever to the left for the ten-digit keypad.
The machine next to the INSTRUCTIONS poster has a four digit number on it.
Input the four digit code: 8008
A panel with a date, and left and right arrow buttons will appear.
Press the left arrow button.
… which takes me back to the frickin past to the old times.
Good… I’ll make myself at home while I’m at it.
7 – Back to the Future Ending
Same instructions as the previous ending, but this time, press the right arrow button.
Oh… Well this just made everything worse. -_-
8 – Reverse Ending
Press the button 8 times for the scewdriver.
Unscew the panel on the top right of the machine.
The INSTRUCTIONS poster will have the answer on the second row, saying “Grab your hammer”.
Input the code: GRYB (Green, Red, Yellow, Blue – the “Y” is upside down in “GRAB”)
Now the… WHOA!!! What happened!!??
Uhh…….. Sir!?
We have a major problem!!!
9 – Black Hole Ending
Press the button twice, then input: 312213
Pull the switch to the left for the ten-digit keypad.
Then input the code: 8267 for the 7×7 button panel and the 1-4 button panel. Now let’s focus on the 1-4 button panel.
The INSTRUCTIONS will have the answer again. Look at the left side of the poster where it has the number of steps top to bottom.
Input the code: 1244
And then a black hole will appear, and then you’ll be in space.
The only thing now is to RESET, since you and the panel are the only survivors of this empty space world.
10 – Robot Ending
Press the button twice, then input: 312213
Now here, instead of pulling the switch to the left, pull it to the right.
Here, there is a two button panel, 0 and 1, and a UV light, but don’t use the said light right now.
The INSTRUCTIONS will once again have the answer.
The dots to the right of the word WORK, is the code for the ending.
The red dots are 0, and the blue dots are 1.
Input the code: 0010110
And I just unleashed a freaking robot.
11 – Alien Ending
Press the button twice, then input: 312213
This time, don’t worry about the two-way switch, instead, use the four button panel with the note: DON’T DO IT!
Press the long red button on the printer to see the correct code.
It will be upside down, but it says:
Bottom left, upper left, upper left, bottom left.
Great this will take days to repair…
12 – Meteor Ending
Press the button twice, and input the code: 312213
Pull the switch to the left for the ten-digit keypad.
Input the code: 8267 and go for the 1-4 number panel.
Now the UV light will show the answer on the INSTRUCTIONS poster.
(If you did this first then reset)
Input the code: 3121
A panel with three buttons and a musical note below it will appear to the left side of the machine.
The music is what you have to pay attention to in order to get this ending.
The buttons are left to right:
1 = left button
2 = middle button
3 = right button
Press the buttons in this order: 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3.
Well shoot…
I destroyed the town again…
13 – Cthulu Ending
Press the button twice, then input: 312213
Pull the switch to the left for the ten-digit keypad.
Press the button 6 more times for the scewdriver.
Use the scewdriver on the small hatch under the screen.
Press the small button.
Now a nine-digit screen will apear under the large screen.
The UV light shows the answer on the white board.
(If you did this first then reset)
Input the code: 011235813
Whoa! Hello Cthulu!
Well this changes things.
14 – Plantation Ending + The Fastest in the Wild West Achievement
Press the button twice, then input: 312213
Then go to the four button panel with the note: DON’T DO IT
Instead of the CORRECT code from the printer, do the opposite.
Upper right, bottom right, bottom right, upper right.
A three number dial will appear, and it has a grey button and a red button.
There is a number on the dial: 276.
You have to press the button 276 times and then press the red button above it.
You can press and hold the grey button to get to the desired number a lot quicker.
And I just grew plants.
To get: The Fastest in the Wild West achievement, you have to press the button 276 times in one minute.
You cannot hold down the button.
15 – City Boom Ending + Red Baron Achievement
Press the red button twice and input: 312213
Pull the switch to the left for the ten-digit keypad.
Input: 8008 for the time panel.
Press the red button 14 more times for the hammer.
Grab the hammer and use it on the drawer.
A phone and a floppy disc will appear. Do not worry about the phone for now.
Pick up the floppy disc, and put it in the disc slot of the time panel.
Now click the screen to play the mini-game. You have to blow up all parts of the buildings to
get the ending.
Once you beat the mini-game, the words that read: YOU DROP ALL BOMB have a hidden code.
The letters: Y, R, B, and B are the four letters that are important for a later ending.
To get the Red Baron achievement, complete the mini-game without missing any building block.
16 – Blood Baby Ending
Press the button 16 times for the hammer.
Simply hit the red button with the hammer.
Alarm goes off, and music changes.
Hit the button 2 more times to reveal the blood baby.
Hit the baby and get ready to be quick!
This ending is timed, and if the blood drips to the RESET lever, you have to do it over.
There are three rounds and they add the blood sacks as they go.
Simply hit the blood sacks to hit the baby, since the baby cannot be damaged unless you destroy the blood sacks first.
When you destroy the baby, you get this:
Three symbols, but they are not important.
17 – Death Star Ending
Press the button 8 times for the scewdriver.
Use the scewdriver on the INSTRUCTIONS poster.
This will reveal a panel with three clocks, a set of letters with a number in them, and a ticket slot.
Don’t worry about the letters with numbers right now.
Press the button 8 more times for the hammer and use it on the clock.
Click and drag the second, hour, and minute hands to the top.
The panel will dispense a ticket with a code. Grab the ticket.
The ticket’s code is randomized every time you RESET, so do not use the code on the ticket I got.
For this, use the roman numerals for the code. The code itself on the ticket goes from bottom to top.
For me, the code was: 1, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3.
Oh shoot! What did I do?!
Well frick…
18 – Happy Demon Ending + Don’t Be Distracted Achievement
Press the button twice and then input: 312213
Use the four button panel:
Upper right, bottom right, bottom right, upper right
Click, or click and hold the grey button untill you get all three dials to 6.
A panel with lots of symbols will show.
The symbols from the 5th ending are the answer to this ending.
The symbols are:
-Bloody Eye
-Hour Glass
-Upwards pointing Key
-Double Wave
These are the only symbols that should be lit up.
What did I just do with the town…
To get the Don’t Be Distracted achievement, click the grey button on the dial, 277 times.
19 – Eater of Worlds Ending
Press the button twice and input: 312213
Press the button 6 more times for the scewdriver, and use it to reveal the colored buttons
then input the code from the City Boom mini-game: Yellow, Red, Blue, Blue
revealing a closed panel.
Using the UV light, the code for the closed panel is shown behind you.
(If you did this first then reset)
Pull the switch to the left for the ten-digit keypad.
Then input the code: 8020.
This will open the panel revealing a button and a diamond slot.
Input: 8267
then go to the four button panel and press: Upper right, bottom right, bottom right, upper right.
This will reveal the three number dial from the 14th and 18th endings
and a small box with the following letter and number: D4
Do not use the dial. Instead, use the 7×7 button panel.
Using the scewdriver on the INSTRUCTIONS poster will reveal the three clocks, but let’s look at the letters and numbers:
B? D1
D7 ?4
In other words, press the buttons like in the image above. (The fifth button that the curser is over should also be pressed.)
This will reveal a diamond in the D4 box.
Pick up the diamond, and place it in the slot.
Then press the button next to it.
Oh hey! It’s the plane from City Boom-
Whoa what!?
Well isn’t this pleasent… -_-
20 – The Stanley Parable Ending
Now this ending only shows up when you do the Shutdown ending twice in a row.
After that, upon resetting, the screen will change saying: AWAITING INPUT.
Simply press the red button.
More red buttons will appear. Press the new buttons. (The buttons that are crossed out are the ones you already pressed)
(This will be useful for the Perfectionest achievement)
When you’ve done all inputs, a message appears on screen like in the image above.
21 – Papers, Please Ending
There’s a stamp next to the printer, pick it up only if the passport is on the panel. (If you’ve already gotten a few endings – ie. have been following this walkthrough – the passport should be there by now.)
Once you pick up the stamp, the Papers, Please theme starts playing.
A guy shows up on the screen.
Simply DENY the passport.
Now the town’s heavly guarded.
Well shoot…
22 – Ripped World Ending + 3x5x6 Achievement
There’s a faint arrow next to the red button, click on the spot it’s pointing to, and then it will reveal another arrow as shown above.
To get the 3x5x6 achievement follow these directions below.
-Step 1-
-Step 2-
-Step 3-
-Step 4-
-Step 5-
-Step 6-
Aaaaand the town’s split apart…
23 – Space Odyssey Ending
Press the button twice and input: 312213.
Pull the lever to the left for the ten-digit keypad.
In the image above, the calander’s year says: 2001 which is important for this ending.
Using the UV light, you can see the answer in the colored button panel.
.4 is written on the yellow button.
(If you did this first then reset)
First, press the red button 6 more times for the scewdriver and use it for the colored buttons panel.
Press the yellow button four times to reveal a key slot.
Input the code: 2001 on the ten-digit keypad to reveal the three turn dials with one or two letters in each slot.
Turn the slots untill it shows this [E – AR – TH] then press the grey button below it.
The middle slot will then open, revealing a key.
First, take the key…
Then put it in the key slot.
The stars are pretty!
And then a… baby???
Also this thing shows up for some reason…
24 – Ocean Ending
Press the button twice then input: 312213
Then pull the switch to the right for the morse code numbers. (0 and 1)
Using the UV light, the answer is in the four button panel.
It reads MORSE and has the letters: D, N, and I.
Translate this into morse code. (0 is dot, and 1 is dash)
The code is: 1001000.
Whoa wait a minute!
What the…!!!
Well great…
Now the room’s an ocean.
25 – Is She Here? Ending + See No Evil Achievement
Press the button 16 times for the hammer then hit the clock with it.
Then click and drag the second, hour, and minute hands to 6.
Whoa what the…?
Uhh…! The panel’s freaking out!!!
Is she here? What does…
OH HI!!!
Well that happened.
For the See No Evil achievement, do not turn to look behind you for 15 seconds.
The achievement will activate IF you wait for 15 seconds, and THEN you look behind you.
26 – Toxic Ending
Press the button twice then input: 312213
Pull the switch to the left for the ten-digit keypad.
Using the UV light, the locker behind you has the answer.
(If you did this first then reset)
Press the button 6 more times for the scewdriver.
Use it on the small hatch, then press the button in said hatch to reveal the nine-digit screen.
Input the code: 553700078.
Doing so will open the locker. Grab the gas mask.
Turn back to the panel, then press the red button.
And now the town’s toxicated… (toxified? …. toxificated?) It’s been gassed.
27 – Printer Ending + PC Load Letter Achievement
Press the button 16 times for the hammer.
Then repeatedly hit the printer with it.
To get the PC Load Letter achievement, hit the printer 37 times.
28 – Tidy Up Ending + He’s On Fire! Achievement
Simply pick up all the scrap paper from the floor and toss it into the bin.
For the He’s On Fire achievement, quickly throw the scrap paper into the bin in 15 seconds.
29 – Tic Tac Toe Ending + Losing Move Achievement
Press the button 16 times to get the hammer, then use it on the drawer.
The white board has the answer written sideways in blue.
Use the scewdriver to open the colored buttons panel, then input: Red, Yellow, Yellow, Blue.
This will reveal a small machine that the phone can go onto.
Place the phone onto said machine and then dial the following numbers:
Then set the players to 0.
Oh great…
To no avail, no one wins…
To get the Losing Move achievement, set the players to 1, but you can’t win, and when you lose, the town will just blow up like in the 3rd ending.
30 – Coffee Ending + Decorate the Room Achievement
The guy comes in and tells you to wait, then he tells you that the large panel is a coffee machine.
He then leaves, then you have to press the red button once more. You get free coffee, and credits roll in the large screen. You also get the Decorate the Room achievement. The coffee ending only shows up when you have the other endings.
Additional Achievements
Here are some other achievements that I have listed here in case you are having trouble.
– Just Logo?
When using the UV light, the answer is on the machine on the 3×3 block symbol in the image above.
Pause the game…
Then click on the three blocks that are not lit in the ESCALATIONS Studios logo.
-Button Maniac
Press 1000 buttons.
-Groundhog Day
Use the RESET switch 100 times
Use the UV light to reveal the ghost poster.
-Once Again
After getting the Decorate the Room achievement, delete your SAVEGAME.
Call ten secret phone numbers.
Credit to RipWatch for the possible phone numbers.
1. 867-5309
2. 555-2368
3. 505-503-4455
4. 555-0100
5. 636-555-3226
6. 213-555-4679
7. 555-0123
8. 555-FILK
9. 555-0113
10. 555-6162
-Sausage King
Call 652-9770
Credit to Tommy Gunther for finding this out.
-Call Jenny
Call 867-5309
Get the 30th ending without pressing any unnecessary buttons.
Credit goes to RipWatch.
It is recomended that you do the Blood Baby and City Boom endings first before you do the other endings. And be VERY careful, because the curser is very sensitive on button presses.
-Uninstall Me
Get all of the achievements.
That’s All!
Thank you for reading through my walkthrough.
I may have misspelled some or alot of words and I greatly apologize for that.
If you have any questions feel free to ask.