Plush baby hard mode spawn locations
General Idea
You are gonna flash each spawn location for half a second just to check if something is there. If nothing is, then you move to the next spot. Only leave your light off for long enough to charge 2-3 bars of energy. After its done charging go through the whole process again until victory. If baby says one of her voicelines, you have a limited time to find a baby and scare it off with your light. only 1 baby spawns at 12 am, but more will start spawning with each wave throughout the night up to a maximum of 3 plushies at once. If the vent above you opens up, then you have nothing to worry about. It means NOTHING.
All Spawns (in order of checking)
Down to your left
Down to your right in the box
BB clock to your right
Way up to your left
Left shelf (white circle is an unsure spawn location)
Left shelf (farther) (If you hear the ball bounce around, then baby spawned there)
Behind desk (left)
Front shelf
Behind desk (right)
Walking path (right)
Walking path (front)
Walking path (left)
Desk drawer (flash light once to make it go away if the door is open)
VERY sloppy victory, but a victory none the less
I left my light on for far too long while looking at the front shelves. The main issue with this whole video is looking too long at areas when it should just be a quick flash. This was either my third or fourth attempt at completing the level. Its mostly random chance that you’ll get good spawns, but sticking to a path that suits you really helps in the long run. Make your own personal checking path that you can practice and get faster at.