Poly Bridge Guide

Poly Bridge Walkthrough With Images of Projects for Poly Bridge

Poly Bridge Walkthrough With Images of Projects


Projects from each bridge from Poly Bridge, all respecting the limits of resources and money. Game version used 1.0.5


If you have any questions, if any point project to too complicated to understand or have any correction to make a comment.

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Fixed point on the map:

Fixed point on the map for fixing the bridge. Represented in design by a red square.

Connection point (gasket):

Connecting point (or joining) of various materials (road, wood, rope, steel cable, hydraulic system, steel beams) represented by a circular yellow dot in the design.

Fixed point on the map:

When fixed points are thus allows union and separation.

Connection point (gasket):

When connecting points or joints are thus allows joining and separation.

The measurements appear in meters (m) and PolyNetrons (PN).


Provides a surface for vehicles to pass. Represented in black design.

  • Resistance: 900PN, +300 if reinforced with wood, +600 if reinforced with steel beams
  • Maximum lenght: 2m
  • Price: $200/m


Cheaper building material. Represented in design in yellow.

  • Resistance: 800PN
  • Maximum lenght: 2m
  • Price: $180/m
Steel Beams:

Tougher and longer than wood. Represented in design in red.

  • Resistance: 200PN
  • Maximum lenght: 4m
  • Price: $450/m
Hydraulic system:

Used for drawbridges and other movable structures. Expands or contracts for a specific length.

  • Resistance:1800PN
  • Maximum lenght: 4m
  • Price: $450/m
Hydraulic Control:

Hydraulic control allows you to determine whether separate hydraulic systems or joints will activate during the hydraulic stages.

Active hydraulics: when it has circled a continuous yellow line.

Hydraulic system deactivated: when you have dashed blank.


Strings have no resistance of understanding, only of tension. Depicted in design in brown.

  • Resistance: 1200PN
  • Maximum lenght: Unlimited
  • Price: $220/m
Steel Cable:

Steel cables have no tensile strength, only tension. Represented in gray design.

  • Resistance: 2200PN
  • Maximum lenght: Unlimited
  • Price: $400/m
Reinforced Road:

You can draw a material over the road to reinforce it with wood and steel beams. Here’s how they are represented in the project:

Road with wood
Road with steel beam
Road with rope
Road with steel cable

Road reinforced with markings (legend):

For a better visualization of the reinforced road, I made markings with the corresponding colors. X marks the place of the joints.

Green line shows places with reinforced road with steel beams
Pink line shows the places with road reinforced with steel
Green water line shows the road path and the X marks the road joints

1 – Alpine Meadows, step by step 100%

Bridge 1-1

Bridge 1-2

Bridge 1-3

Bridge 1-4

Bridge 1-5

Bridge 1-6

Bridge 1-7

Bridge 1-8

Bridge 1-9

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Bridge 1-10

Bridge 1-11

Bridge 1-12

Bridge 1-13

Bridge 1-14

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Bridge 1-15

Hydraulic bar pressure detail:

2 – Desert Winds, step by step 100%

Bridge 2-1

Bridge 2-2

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Bridge 2-3

Bridge 2-4

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Road reinforced with steel beams:

Bridge 2-5

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Bridge 2-6

Bridge 2-7

Road reinforced with steel beams:

Bridge 2-8

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Bridge 2-9

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Bridge 2-10

Bridge 2-11

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Bridge 2-12

Hydraulic bar pressure detail:
Road reinforced with steel beams:

Bridge 2-13

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Order of operation of each hydraulic bar:

Step B:
Step D:

Bridge 2-14

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Bridge 2-15

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:
Order of operation of each hydraulic bar:

Step B:
Step D:

3 – Skidding in the Snow, step by step 100%

Bridge 3-1

Road reinforced with steel beams:

Bridge 3-2

Bridge 3-3

Road reinforced with steel beams:

Bridge 3-4

Hydraulic bar pressure detail:

Bridge 3-5

Bridge 3-6

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Bridge 3-7

Bridge 3-8

Road reinforced with steel beams:

Bridge 3-9

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Bridge 3-10

Bridge 3-11

Bridge 3-12

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:
Road reinforced with steel beams:

Bridge 3-13

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Bridge 3-14

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:
Order of operation of each hydraulic bar:

Step B:
Step D:

Bridge 3-15

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:
Order of operation of each hydraulic bar:

Step B:
Step E:

4 – Ancient Ruins, step by step 100%

Bridge 4-1

Bridge 4-2

Bridge 4-3

Bridge 4-4

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:
Order of operation of each hydraulic bar:

Step B:
Step D:
Step F:
Step H:
Step J:

Bridge 4-5

Bridge 4-6

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Bridge 4-7

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Bridge 4-8

Bridge 4-9

Bridge 4-10

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:
Order of operation of each hydraulic bar:

Step B:
Step D:

Bridge 4-11

Bridge 4-12

Bridge 4-13

Bridge 4-14

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Bridge 4-15

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Order of operation of each hydraulic bar:

Step B:
Step D:
Step F:

5 – Land of the Golden Years, step by step 100%

Bridge 5-1

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Bridge 5-2

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Bridge 5-3

Bridge 5-4

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Bridge 5-5

Bridge 5-6

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Bridge 5-7

Bridge 5-8

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Bridge 5-9

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Bridge 5-10

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Bridge 5-11

Bridge 5-12

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Bridge 5-13

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Bridge 5-14

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Bridge 5-15

Hydraulic bar pressure detail:
Road reinforced with steel beams:

6 – Zen Gardens, step by step 100%

Bridge 6-1

Road reinforced with steel beams:

Bridge 6-2

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Bridge 6-3

Road reinforced with steel beams:

Bridge 6-4

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Road reinforced with steel beams:

Bridge 6-5

Hydraulic bar pressure detail:

Bridge 6-6

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Road reinforced with steel beams:

Bridge 6-7

Bridge 6-8

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Road reinforced with steel beams:

Bridge 6-9

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Bridge 6-10

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:
Order of operation of each hydraulic bar:

Step B:
Step C:
Step E:
Step F:
Step H:
Step I:
Road reinforced with steel beams and steel cable:

Bridge 6-11

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Bridge 6-12

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Bridge 6-13

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Bridge 6-14

Hydraulic bar pressure detail:

Bridge 6-15

Show closest images to show some bridge details:

7 – Tropical Paradise, step by step 100%

Bridge 7-1

Show closest images to show some bridge details:

Road reinforced with steel beams:

Bridge 7-2

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:

Road reinforced with steel beams:

Bridge 7-3

Show closest images to show some bridge details:

Bridge 7-4

Bridge 7-5

Hydraulic bar pressure detail:

Separate parts of the bridge for better viewing:

Bridge support structure:

Moving part of the bridge:

Road reinforced with steel beams:
Image to show road joints:

Bridge 7-6

Structure link details and hydraulic bar pressure:
Order of operation of each hydraulic bar:

Step B:
Step D:

Bridge 7-7

Structure links detail:

Hydraulic bar pressure detail:
Order of operation of each hydraulic bar:

Step B:
Step D:
Step F:
Step H:

Bridge 7-8

Structure links detail:
Hydraulic bar pressure detail:

Bridge 7-9

Road reinforced with steel beams:

Bridge 7-10

Structure links detail:

Hydraulic bar pressure detail:

Order of operation of each hydraulic bar:

Step B:
Step C:
Step E:
Step F:
Step H:
Step I:

Bridge 7-11

Bridge 7-12

Road reinforced with steel beams:

Bridge 7-13

Hydraulic bar pressure detail:
Order of operation of each hydraulic bar:

Step B:
Step C:
Step D:
Step E:
Step F:
Step G:
Road reinforced with steel beams:

Bridge 7-14

Show closest images to show some bridge details:

Road reinforced with steel beams:

Bridge 7-15

Hydraulic bar pressure detail:
Order of operation of each hydraulic bar:

Step B:
Step C:
Step E:
Step F:


Narsone. (2017). 3-5 Poly Bridge solución. Available in [link]. [consulted in December 21, 2017]

Zetta Byte. (2015). Poly Bridge Snow Drift 3-8 Swing Jumps. Available in . [consulted in December 21, 2017]

Basement Of Operations. (2017). Poly Bridge 3-11 Tall Bridge. Available in . [consulted in December 21, 2017]

Zautos Gaming. (2015). Poly Bridge Solution [42m Balloon Jump 4-1]. Available in . [consulted in December 24, 2017]

Zetta Byte. (2017). Poly Bridge Ancient Ruins 4-7 Fork Jump April 2017. Available in . [consulted in December 24, 2017]

Narsone. (2017). 4-8 Poly Bridge solución. Available in . [consulted in December 24, 2017]

Zetta Byte. (2016). Poly Bridge Ancient Ruins 4-9 Falling Tower. Available in . [consulted in December 24, 2017]

GettingRekt. (2016). Poly Bridge – Level 4-10. Available in . [consulted in December 24, 2017]

Zetta Byte. (2016). Poly Bridge 80s Fun Land 5-5 Low Budget Overpass. Available in . [consulted in December 25, 2017]

Zetta Byte. (2015). Poly Bridge Fun Land 5-7 14m Double Jump. Available in . [consulted in December 25, 2017]

Basement Of Operations. (2017). Poly Bridge 5-7 Double Jump. Available in . [consulted in December 25, 2017]

BasiBas. (2016). Poly Bridge 5-8: Reverse Criss Cross. Available in . [consulted in December 26, 2017]

BasiBas. (2016). Poly Bridge 5-9: Double Deck Lift. Available in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbbcXRVBQVc. [consulted in December 26, 2017]

Zetta Byte. (2015). Poly Bridge Fun Land 5-10 24m Double Drawbridge. Available in . [consulted in December 26, 2017]

Zetta Byte. (2016). Poly Bridge 80s Fun Land 5-15 Collision Course. Available in . [consulted in December 26, 2017]

NAG. (2016). Poly Bridge 6-3: Triple Dump. Available in . [consulted in December 27, 2017]

Basement Of Operations. (2017). Poly Bridge 6-4 Two by Two. Available in . [consulted in December 27, 2017]

jazevo93. (2017). Poly Bridge 6-7 (38k). Available in . [consulted in December 28, 2017]

Basement Of Operations. (2017). Poly Bridge 6-9 Elevator. Available in . [consulted in December 28, 2017]

Zautos Gaming. (2016). Poly Bridge 3 Solutions [A Place For Everything 6-9]. Available in . [consulted in December 28, 2017]

이호근. (2017). Poly Bridge 6-12. Available in . [consulted in December 28, 2017]

Zetta Byte. (2017). Poly Bridge Zen Gardens 6-13 Six Pack April 2017. Available in . [consulted in December 28, 2017]

Zetta Byte. (2017). Poly Bridge Zen Gardens 6-14 Criss Cross Chaos April 2017. Available in . [consulted in December 28, 2017]

Narsone. (2017). 7-1 Poly Bridge solución. Available in . [consulted in January 3, 2018]

Zetta Byte. (2016). Poly Bridge Tropical Paradise 7-2 Three Boats One Stone. Available in . [consulted in January 4, 2018]

Zetta Byte. (2016). Poly Bridge Tropical Paradise 7-3 Plough Ahead. Available in . [consulted in January 4, 2018]

Narsone. (2017). 7-4 Poly Bridge solución. Available in . [consulted in January 5, 2018]

Narsone. (2017). 7-5 Poly Bridge solución. Available in . [consulted in January 5, 2018]

Zautos Gaming. (2016). Poly Bridge 3 Solutions [Tight Fit 7-6]. Available in . [consulted in January 6, 2018]

Zautos Gaming. (2016). Poly Bridge 3 Solutions [Return of the Bridge 7-7]. Available in . [consulted in January 6, 2018]

Petr Večeřa. (2016). Poly Bridge – Suspended Bridge [ 7 – 8 ]. Available in . [consulted in January 6, 2018]

Narsone. (2017). 7-9 Poly Bridge solución. Available in . [consulted in January 7, 2018]

Fishezzz~. (2016). Poly Bridge | 7-10: Flip Two. Available in . [consulted in January 7, 2018]

gallery drycactus. (2016). 7-11: Swing, Swing a Bridge. Available in [link]. [consulted in January 7, 2018]

Zautos Gaming. (2017). Poly Bridge 3 Solutions [Followship of the jump 7-12]. Available in . [consulted in January 8, 2018]

Narsone. (2017). 7-13 Poly Bridge solución. Available in . [consulted in January 8, 2018]

Zautos Gaming. (2016). Poly Bridge 3 Solutions [The Two Towers 7-15]. Available in . [consulted in January 9, 2018]
