Tyranny Guide

POTD Solo Build - Archon of Secrets | War Mage for Tyranny

POTD Solo Build – Archon of Secrets | War Mage


Difficulty: Path of The DamnedModes: Trial of Iron + Expert ModePath Recommended: Anarchy

Video Guide


  • 0:20 – Gears
  • 2:01 – Attributes
  • 2:40 – Skills
  • 4:50 – Spells
  • 6:32 – Build in Action

If you want to see how this build did in early game , Vendrien Well. Then check this video here , it includes both Sybil and Ascension Hall fights:

Records/Performance Stats:

General Tips
  • Origin: Guild Apprentice | Starting Stats :
    8 Might – 10 Fin – 15 Quick – 8 Vit – 17 Wits – 10 Res
    >> Focus on Wits then Finesse then Quickness then finally Res later ingame. I spend all skill points into dodge. Started with frost staff for both primary and secondary expertise. This way you will get energy shield as starting skill.

  • Wear light gears , use Shield! ( get Shield Mastery talent at lvl2 )
    This build starts really rough until you hit lvl8 when you have enough good gears and spells so you will need shield to survive better. One great way to find good quaility gears is not to unlock any locked stashes in early game , ignore them , come back after you hit lvl8 or higher , you will likely get blue gears or even ones with unique opt.

  • Eat consumables before big fight , Eat skycap to upgrade your spells
    You can buy foods from a merchant in disfavored camp , keep in mind food doesnt restock but usually found from looting .
    To my knowledge there are 2 skycap to be found in Vendrien Well. One in the tutorial area , one in the area where you are stopped by the Oathbreakers and Eb. Eat Skycap to increase your Lore for a limited time , use that to upgrade your spells with better modifications.

  • Keep kiting enemies unless you are confident that you are strong enough
    To take 3 or more enemies at once. Heres how to kite: get enemy attention then run far away to lose enemies sight then fight those who are still chasing you. All battles in Vendrien Well is kiteable , even the one in Ascension Hall, though not recommended as its supposed to be your “test” challenge.

  • Route: Burning Library >> Stone Sea >> Blade Grave >> Lethian
    This way you will get 3 first spire early , you dont need to go to Lethian second as there isnt anything special there. You can get the Aurora Spire without having a quest there as said below. Go to Stone Sea next to get 2 next spires. You will also find Bounding Bolts in Stone Sea for Distant Impact spells , which make your projectiles bounce between target really great for dealing dmg when there are 2 or more enemies.

  • Get Infirmary up early , just rush to Lethian’s Crossing and unlock the Aurora Spire
    Dont receive any quests that related to that location or you will be locked out of the spire until you are finished with that quest! Infirmary gives you master lore trainer and daily consumables.

  • Get Forge/Library next in Stone Sea
    Library for spells merchant and plans resreach. Focus on resreaching artifacts first until you find the Heirach robe plan then craft it in the Forge, its a good body armor for mages.
    Use the Forge to upgrade your gears , you can buy extra resources from Revos in Mountain Spire , he restocks some everytime you gain exp and time passes.

  • Eat Skycap and wear accessories / gears that +Wits/Res to increase Lore
    This way you will be able to add even more accents into your spells without having the required lore. Even when the effects ran out , the spell will still usuable.

  • These are all the general tips
    I can give , if you happen to stuck at somewhere , lemme know and i might be able to help.