Reassembly Guide

Primordial Faction Strategy Guide for Reassembly

Primordial Faction Strategy Guide


This is a guide for my “Primordial Faction” mod in the Steam Workshop. This guide will help you fight against them, or fight as them.


The Amoebans

The universe is not a friendly place. The Amoebans evolved over time to adapt to the harsh conditions of the world they live in. As a result, their very ships have been fine-tuned through natural selection, and have flourished across every galaxy they colonize.

Main Features

Amoebans are a mixed bag of powerful ships. Their arsenal is also very diverse.


The Amoebans have seven sizes of thruster. Their smallest thruster fires in a short burst, equaling in performance to even larger thrusters. The largest thruster is capable of out-speeding even the fastest of Bee runners.


The Amoebans gain their energy with the use of Mitochondria. These power generators are large, durable, and powerful in quantity. Just one huge Mitochondria can enable a ship to power several weapons or shields at once!

Primary Weapons

Amoebans show no mercy to enemies, and have powerful weapons to attack with. Nematocysts and Lysosomes provide mixed fire when used together. Nematocysts fire at a constant rate, while the Lysosomes fire bursts of enzymes that dematerialize matter in a small explosion. Beam weapons are also used, but rarely. A smaller version of their Beam weapon can also be used as a form of point defense. Their strongest primary weapon is the Shredder, a long-ranged turreted Gatling gun that fires a barrage of enzyme-rich bullets.

Secondary Weapons

The Amoebans have various launcher weapons that are also used in combat. Extremely diverse, the Amoebans have access to drones that can do various things. One type of drone can teleport; while another type of drone is pure melee, ignoring shields and is hard to destroy. They also have launchers that leak toxins that act as deadly mines.

Their ultimate weapon, the Armageddonator, is designed to annihilate everything in a nuclear explosion. Once a nuke is armed, the only way to survive is to run. Fast.

Although not used in combat, they also have a seed launcher that grows plants that provide even more resources and damage enemies on contact with their spines.


Amoebans have two methods of gaining resources: Chloroplasts and Recepters. Although their command modules can also harvest resources, Recepters benefit by having greater range and can be placed away from the vulnerable zones of the cell. Chloroplasts slowly generate resources over time, but a large number of chloroplasts can quickly produce resources to fuel stations that can build deadly dreadnoughts!


These blocks are where new cells are fabricated. The smaller replicators are used on ships, while the large-size replicator is mostly used by stations.

Miscellaneous Components

The Amoebans also have various other types of components that make them unique. They have spikes that are used for ramming, and makes their spinning cells nasty fleet-killers. They also have a small thruster that is as strong as some big thrusters, and are even stronger in their primary propulsion! They also have a special organelle that is used to spot potential targets, and another special organelle that enables cells to teleport!

Body of the Cells

The Amoebans protect their vulnerable parts with their body, of course. The cytoplasm is an internal armor that protects the cells’ components. The cell membrane is an armored exterior “hull” that provides a tough wall of protection. The membrane can also support the growth of plant life, meaning a cell covered in spiky crops becomes a flying hazard.

Vacuoles in the cell are pieces of cytoplasm that store more resources at a cost of their durability.


Shields are an extra layer of protection for cells. There are three normal shields, and a powerful supershield that renders weapons that enter its area of effect useless! The shield-generating components themselves are also quite durable, but the supershield-generator is very fragile for its size.


The Amoebans are flexible at combat, and functioning weapons from wrecked ships can be tractored in and used by them. These extra weapons are known as “Transients”. This allows an Amoeban cell’s arsenal to take on a variety of strengths.

Meet the Microbes!


Algae and diatoms are semi-passive cells that produce resources for larger cells. Despite their immobility, they are not defenseless, and carry point-defense lasers and spikes.


The “Fighter-Class” cells have nothing special about them overall. They are the backbone of the Amoeban faction, and are nothing but ordinary. The Interceptor, Sponge, and Mitosis cells have multiple cores, and splitting a cell in a certain way can cause the separated cores to reform into new individual ships with multiple cores, so eradicate them quickly! Using explosives is not a good idea when fighting cells with multiple nuclei.

Piercing Cells

Piercing cells have evolved into using melee-based weapons only. They don’t spin, reducing their overall threat level, but are dangerous nonetheless.

Ambush Cells

These cells have adapted to ambushing and waiting for their targets to lower their guard before striking. The Eviscerator is a small, but powerful, ambushing cell with spikes designed to shred anything in its way!

Support Cells

These cells are not mainly for aggressive combat roles. They are usually for defense or support, charging in when they’re needed. The Smiths can produce more cells and has drones.


There are large cells that act as stations. They are protected by huge shields, depending on the station, and can store a lot of resources in order to build an almost unlimited number of cells.


These cells are made to take full advantage of the melee aspect of their spikes, annihilating anything that gets in their way, from asteroids to fortresses! Even AGENTS will be shredded by their gaping spikes of death!


These cells are extremely dangerous to encounter against. They have access to powerful superweapons, can teleport, are protected by countless spikes, and can produce more cells that will swarm you!