Divinity: Dragon Commander Guide

Princesses - The Maidens of Dragon Commander for Divinity: Dragon Commander

Princesses – The Maidens of Dragon Commander


All of the following information comes straight from the Divinity: Dragon Commander website. Divinity: Dragon Commander Official Website [www.divinitydragoncommander.com]

About the Princesses

“In order to fully benefit from one of your councilor’s disposition, you can also marry a princess of your choice. This choice will grant an attitude booster towards that race and its councilor. The princess will not only provide you with a unique and compelling storyline, but she is also your love interest. As her husband, you’ll be providing her with advice that will influence her actions and thus the opinion of your councilors and the public.”

Source Information [www.divinitydragoncommander.com]





Elf Princess Lohannah

“Raised at the court of the elf king, princess Lohannah has always lived a sheltered life in the strct accordance with the elf ways of old. Now she finds herself aboard the Raven amid the representatives and traditions of many other cultures and it will be up to you to try and make sure she doesn’t abandon her own customs – like the elves will want you to – or to encourage her to become a more urbane person, and risk the ire of her kin.

Source Information [www.divinitydragoncommander.com]

Undead Princess Ophelia

“The undead are in essence immortal creatures, trapped as they are in an eternal state of “semi-being” that touces the boundaries of both life and death while crossing neither. Some of them though, eventually do traverse the line and die, either by being destroyed in combat or of disease. This last instance happens very rarely indeed, but unfortunately for Ophelia she is one such exception, afflicted as she is by a cancer that is eating away her marrow. She is withering away and nothing can be done about it, at least, that’s what the other undead sasy, who believe that this disease is a punishment from the gods. Ophelia though, doesn’t want to give up without a fight and she is determined to find a cure or any sort of alternative that may keep her alive, even if it goes against her own faction.”

Source Information [www.divinitydragoncommander.com]

Dwarven Princess Aida

“Aida is as true a dwarf as Sir Falstaff Silvervein, but despite her jovial ways she is actually a very troubled young woman who has always lived in the shadow of a father that never loved her: Thelor, king of all dwarves. Even on the Raven his influence lingers, to her great discontent – and possibly yours.”

Source Information [www.divinitydragoncommander.com]

Lizard Princess Camilla

“Camilla was raised in the royal household of lizards in a very strict, indeed authoritarian way. Her parents did not shy way from severe punishments for the slightest infractions and this rigorous upbringing has given shape to her character in a fundamental way. All she has known all her life is law and order, and that is what her life is still about: she is a judge with a reputation for handing out harsh, uncompromising sentences. Aboard the Raven, she will remain a servant of the law, though you – perhaps – can influence her decisions.

Source Information [www.divinitydragoncommander.com]
