Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice Guide

Proper PS4 Controller Support with DS4Windows for Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice

Proper PS4 Controller Support with DS4Windows


Anyone having issues getting their PS4 controller to work using DS4Windows need look no further! This guide will fix that using several opensource tools and mods.

Forcing the Order of Controllers

  • Download and extract the latest release of devreorder[]
  • Navigate to your Sekiro installation directory
  • Rename the dinput8.dll from the “x64” folder of devreorder
    • For example, “controllerorder.dll”
    • Renaming this file is optional unless you would like to mod Sekiro for native PS4 button icons
    • Remember what you renamed this .dll
  • Move both the renamed dinput8.dll and the devreorder.ini files into the Sekiro installation directory
  • Turn on and connect your PS4 controller to your PC through DS4Windows
  • Run DeviceLister.exe and take a note of the Controller (XBOX 360 For Windows) listing
  • Edit devreorder.ini
    • Create two new lines under the [order] section of this .ini file
    • On the first line paste “Controller (XBOX 360 For Windows)”
    • On the second line paste the GUID listed next to your device in DeviceLister.exe

Your devreorder.ini file contents should look something similar to this when you’re finished:

Source: Nova – Proper Fix for DS4 (or any other Controller that won’t work)

Sekiro Mod Engine

  • Download and extract the Sekiro Mod Engine[]
  • Copy dinput8.dll and modengine.ini into the Sekiro installation directory
  • Create a new folder within your Sekiro installation directory called “mods”
  • Edit modengine.ini to chain load the devreorder.dll
    • Under [misc] find “chainDInput8DLLPath”
    • Inside the quotations after the “=” paste the name of the renamed devreorder.dll
    • For example, “controllerorder.dll”

Your modengine.ini file should look similar to this:

Native PS4 Buttons

  • Download and extract the Native PS4 Buttons Mod[]
  • Copy the “menu” folder to the Sekiromods directory that we created previously

Once you’re finished your Sekiro directory should look something similar to this:

You’re finished! Start Sekiro and your PS4 controller should be working through DS4Windows with native PS4 button prompts. You’ll also notice that the Sekiro Mod Engine opens your game directly to the main menu, skipping the Activision and FROM Software banners.