Hello guys, this is my build for Conjurer focusing mainly on pets and spells that will increase they damage. Playstyle of this might be boring for some people but it’s a lot of fun for me and I decided to share this for other people.
If you didnt notice by the title, this guide is outdated AF and I’m not planning on updating it too soon, you could still use all of this content as basic introduction to a pet build and to see in which direction you should be aiming with your skills and items.
I’ll eventually get back to the game and update the guide, if anyone cares enough for it you can add me on steam and let me know
It’s pretty straightforward, use your Bounds of Bysmiel, summon pets, and use Curse of Frailty on everything to slow everything so your pets can attacking, not just run after enemies.
You should just stand still, let your pets tank everything and spam Dreeg’s Devil Eye and Sigil of Consumption to proc your spells from Devotion.
Use your blood of dreeg to boost up your pets damage by a bit (yeah this 10% attack speed from armor of the guardian and heal also works on them) and to heal yourself.
Also when there is a lot of enemies, try to lure them all into hellhound and re-summon him so the explosion will hit them all.
Situation you mostly want to be in: closed areas with pets in the front taking aggro from enemies and killing them before they get to you.
Basic information about pets (outdated)
- Hellhound
Your basic occultist pet. With ember claw, every third attack is an AoE swipe that deals massive damage, and his death / re-summon is AoE burst damage, his single target damage isn’t that bad too.
- Familiar
Familiar alone, is one of the worst pets there is, but his skills are something that matters. Lighting storm is really high damage AoE spell that will clear weaker enemies. He also brings some heal and damage increase.
- Briarthorn
Shaman’s only pernament pet that is usable in this build. It has probably the best single target damage from all of our pets. His AoE attack is ground slam with nice damage and stun that really helps out.
- Revenant of Og’Napesh
That’s the pet from the Black Grimoire of Og’Napesh offhand. His damage varies a lot, his basic attacks deal very low damage, his charge that he has hits like a truck, and the AoE fireball shooting thing seems medium. He also gives you and your pets a defense buff which can save your ass sometimes. The biggest problem i find with him is his akward AI. Sometimes he just won’t attack enemies and will just run in circles, or will just stand but overall he is a pretty good pets that’s good to have.
- Stormhound
This is the pet that comes from Savage (earlier Savagery) relic. This pet acts like Hellhounds brother. His model and attacks are the same, but his damage is slighty lower. Nothing special about him, but the more pets we have, the more damage we do.
- Rift Scourge
This one comes from Blightshard amulet. It shots multiple mortar like balls(?) that can hit multiple enemies if they are close. It’s not something worth to use later one, as it will be better to use some high pet damage amulet, but it’s good early on because you can find it since level 20 and it will be a nice boost when you aren’t going to have Rifthound/Og’Napesh
The reason why Wind Devils aren’t metioned here is in the skills section.
These are what im currently testing
This seems the best for me. Still testing out if Raven is worth it after recent buffs,
About wind devils: they don’t benefit from +% pet damage so they are useless with our gear.
Keep in mind that this is just what I’m using, you might change things around and It’ll still work great and it’s just up to your personal preference.
1. [link]
This one is an standard occultist pet build with addition of Briarthorn. Maxing out Summon Hellhound and Briarthorn is obvious as they are going to be our main damage dealers.
Curse of Frailty is going to slowdown enemies a lot, which will cause our pets to hit more often than running after them. Vulnerability is going to make our pets miss less often and so deal more damage.
Blood of Dreeg and Armor of the Guardian are here for a simple damage boost.
Bonds of Bysmiel will give our pet a little bit of health but we are taking it mainly to unlock and max out Manipulation which will cause our damage to go skyrocket
Maxing out Ground Slam for more damage and longer stun (4 sec at 12 points!)
2. [link]
This, more hellhound oriented builds seems very situational. The AoE is better than in the 1st build, but single target damage is lacking a lot because of putting in less points into Briarthorn.
I would recomend using it only when you have the Wyrmclaw, because it boosts hellhound even more.
3. If you want to go more in deeply with Shaman this is the way you could possibly go, meanwhile still keeping Hellhound with Ember Claw [link] .
If you want to use Familiar you can take out the points from Hellfire and put them in the Familiar branch. For me he seems far too crappy to use.
About wind devils: they don’t benefit from +% pet damage so they are useless with our gear.
Keep in mind that this is just what I’m using, you might change things around and It’ll still work great and it’s just up to your personal preference.
Devotion system
Discussable but here it is:
Raven – buffs for pets, especially Familiar
Shepard’s Call – Some passive buffs and an amazing buff with chance on attack
Jackal – we aren’t looking for stats, but for the easy Chaos affinity
Bonds of Bysmiel – Really strong passive buffs for our pets and additional pet (Binded into a spell with chance on attack)
Empty throne – Gonna buff our survivability by a decent amount, and will give us ascendant affinity that we will need later on.
In the future :
Mogdrogen the wolf is something that we are really aiming for, the pet bonuses from it are huge. Another mayor thing that we are aiming for after Mogdrogen is Revenant for Summon the dead.
Attributes and stats
Since your pets are your whole damage, only phisique will benefit you so pack as much points into it as possible.
You will eventually need to put some points into other stats to wear items but don’t overdo it.
Oh boy it’s a long one.
This build isn’t so gear dependent and you will dish out nice damage without these items, but some of them will increase your damage a lot, making your pets just melt through everything.
Also keep in mind that items that give you +% total damage,+% attack speed etc. won’t boost your damage since it won’t work on your pets, unless it’s in the pet bonuses.
Relic: Ancestor http://gracefuldusk.appspot.com/items/3206-Blueprint%3A-Relic—Ancestor
That’s the stronges option at the moment. The buff really did make this relic into a great power spike.
Another option is Savagery http://gracefuldusk.appspot.com/items/3200-Blueprint%3A-Relic—Savagery
The nerf to this item really did hit it. It’s still staying pretty strong, but Ancestor just gives you more damage overall.
Black Hand of Sanar’Siin [link]
+1 to both Briarthorn and Hellhound along with ~30% pet damage is really going to boost you up, also the Chthonian Devourers are going to be helpful too.
Fiendblood Spellblade [link]
Used to be the best in slot for a long time and it still is a strong option, the damage buff gonna boost you up greatly.
If you have problems in finding these two weapons you can also use any “of Bestial Rage” weapon as they will increase your pet damage nicely too.
If you have problem in finding this too, you can buy Rhowari Deathtouch from Rovers, It gives you health(which you don’t need) instead of attack speed, but its better than nothing.
Off-hand: Black Grimoire of Og’Napesh [link]
It gives you some pet damage and a new summon. The summon feels pretty akward to use since it’s damage varies a lot and it’s ai seems to lack but it still is another meat wall that also gives defense boost.
Another great items is Wyrmclaw [link]
Hellhound damage with this is incredible and it’s definetly worth a try.
Shoulders: Rhowari shoulderguard (you can but it from rovers)
It’s probably the best since it gives your pets some damage and survivability and +1 to Briarthorn which already has huge damage.
Chest: Wildspeaker coat [link]
Nice +% pet damage and offensive ability which will cause your pets to miss less often.
Also the +2 to summon Briarthorn is huge, since his damage is just amazing.
Since it’s quite rare you could also use Rhowari Cuirass from Rovesr since it gives you some pet damage.
Amulet: There is a bunch of good amulets and it’s up to you which one you want to use.
These are some of the best options:
–Will of Bysmiel – [link]
Definetly one of the best possible. +2 to Bonds of Bysmiel and Manipulation are going to make your pets better in basically everything, along with the pet bonuses and summons this is definetly a strong choice.
–Sovereign Ruby of Domination– Another really good choice, on par with Will of Bysmiel if not better. The damage spike after using Sovereign is huge, it more than doubles your damage.
–Empowered Blightshard Amule – [link]
As the name says, it’s a better Blightshard amulet, nothing too fancy because we don’t have any other pets that improve from acid/poison damage but it’s always something.
–Blightshard Amulet [link]
The pet is pretty usefull, it’s damage isn’t anywhere high as hellhound’s but it deals AoE damage so it can kill a bunch of thrash mobes fastly.
–Rhowari Lifecaller (you can but it from rovers)
It gives you nice damage, crit damage and attack speed which will boost your pets a lot.
–Spiritstone Charm [link]
Nice pet damage and the bonus % health and +2 to Bonds of bysmiel will make your pets tankier.
–Bramblewood Amulet [link]
It gives you +1 to all skills in shaman and the +% damage to pets is always something but it’s not the best.
–Avarice of Androneus [link]
+1 to all skills which will boost up all your pets which is always something.
Rings: Any rings with Subjugator’s prefix and some resistances or/and +physique are fine.
Feet: Rifthound Leather Boots [link]
These are definetly the best in slot here. They boost your resistances and give your pets total damage and total speed which means that they gain both attack and movement speed. The +2 to Summon Hellhound is going to boost up our damage a lot too.
Head: Spiritweaver Circlet [link] because of +1 to all skills in Occultist or Crown of Command which gives you a nice boost to your pets [link]
Hands: There aren’t any especially good items in here, so you can just use any that are giving you some nice stats or Spellbinder’s Grip. They give +1 to Curse of Frailty which will boost you damage by a bit but i don’t think that it’s really that much worth it. [link]
Legs: Again there aren’t any especially good items so just use any that will boost up your survivability.
Medal: You can just put in here anything with something around 50% pet damage (I’m not sure if there are some higher stats but I think that there aren’t)
Waist: Acolyte’s Cord [link]
It’s the only belt that gives you +% pet damage so use this or any other that will give you some nice defensive stats.
Augments and components
For jewelry, use Mogdrogen’s Blessing I from Rovers or Binding Dust II from Order of death Vigil.
For weapon and offhand use Beastlord’s Calling from Homestad
Bindings of bysmiel is a must have on chest, preferably with crit damage. Another option is Chains of Oleron with +1 to Briarthorn and Primal spirit(When the level cap is increased)
The rest is up to you. Use components that give either a lot of defense or cunning/spirit if you lack it to wear some of your items and you don’t want to spend.
I’m also going to upload some videos of speed runing on this build and make other guides in the future.
Anyways I hope that this guide helped you and if it did and you liked it please leave a like 🙂
PS.This is my first guide and English isn’t my native language so if i made some mistakes please tell me in the comments 🙂