Call of Duty: Black Ops III Guide

Quick guide for Shi no Numa [2020 updated] for Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Quick guide for Shi no Numa [2020 updated]


Not much to say about the swamps, however i’ll try to regroup everything here !

Some things

Not much things to do, resulting in a short guide.

Make sure to check my other deeper guides about Zombies chronicles.

Side easter egg – Samantha’s dolls

This easter egg will give you a max ammo, aswell as playing a secret song.

Head to the Fishing Hut (See the map above)

You need to shoot on 4 plates scattered in the house, with the MR6 only:

  • On your right when entering

  • On the wall behind the perk machine

  • On the right of the door, on the left side of the hut

  • On your left when entering, on the left of the mystery box spot

Now head to the small room behind the fishing hut and interact with the samantha’s doll.

Go outside the hut on the bridge. A doll will be on the wooden fence, you’ll need to shoot it. A bunch of others samantha dolls will appear on the bridge, destroy them all.

Head back behind the fishing hut, and press action. Enjoy your reward !

Side easter egg – Secret song

In this map, the secret song is The One.

To activate it, you must interact with a phone, in the Comm Room area. It is lying on a table, under a light.


It’s a Trap!

Difficulty: Easy

Kinda easy achievement, just open a few door to gain access to traps. You’ve got the Flogger (in the middle of the map), and electrical traps in front of every hut’s entrance.

Only condition, you must do it in a single round.

The zipline does not work for this.

More usefull stuff

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