I give an overview of what raid mode is and hopefully give you a better understand of the mode and along with some basic and tips.
Raid Mode Overview, FAQs, Basic , Tips
release and new raid mode maps are open. If you have any question, let me know in the comment section.
Common FAQs
1) What does rest bonus for some character in effect do?
A: Any character that you don’t use acquire bonus XP indicated by a blue bar beneath your character. They will gain increased XP upon using them until the blue bar completely depletes.
Similar to diablo 3 or WOW if you played those games.
2) When you are offered the chance to recharge consumables does this recharge ammo, bottles and herbs?
A: Yes, choosing the option to recharge supplies before a mission will recharge all your consumables. You can also pick and choose which consumables to recharge in the store menu if you choose.
3) The in game manual says weapons are less effective if their level is higher than the charatcers, how much less effective?
A: The weapon scales to your current level. Example, if you have a weapon level 50 and is playing a level 10 character using the same level 50 weapon. That weapon will be scaled to level 10. However, all the mods you have on that weapon will still retain its affects.
4) How do you Acquire a Different Character`s Skill? and Who is Cipher?
A: Cipher is the dafault digital character you start raid mode in. You obtain characters skill by leveling up that character. Specialize character’s skills can be used by other character once you have maxed out the level of that skill and choose the inherit option. Only then your other character can equip a skill from another character.
5) Could someone explain to me what is EXTREME HEALING??
A: Extreme healing skill is a skill that allow you to instantly heal at anytime. Even during the process of being grabbed by an enemy.
6) Is there only co-op raid mode?
A: Online coop raid mode will be implemented on March 31th, 2015. Local Coop is now available but currently in beta stage.
7) How do I unlock the toolbox? How do I unlock level 2 toolbox?
A: Continue to play raid mode and beat the first gauntlet entire 6 mission to unlock and purchase at the store. Toolbox level 2 will unlock in Episode 2 after completing Gauntlet 4 entire 6 mission.
8) What is the blue background sparkles behind some of my characters in character selection?
A: This means that character has a full bar of earned extra XP and will not accumulate further rest bonus xp
9) What is the max blue life crystal I can horde?
A: Currently the max is 30. You can earn them by doing daily missions.
All Current unlockable characters ( 15 total )
- JILL – obtain 10 completion medallions, unlocks in episode 1
LEON – obtain 20 completion medallions, unlocks in episode 2
CIPHER – obtain 90 completion medallions
Chris – Unlocks in Episode 3
Neil – Unlocks after completing episode 3
Alex Wesker – Finish the single player campaign and complete all raid mode maps on Normal or Higher difficulty
Old Russian Man – Complete Moira’s Extra mission, “The Struggles”.
Gauntlet III, Mission 6, Very Hard Gameplay + Tips
The hardest map in raid mode Episode 1: This map can be hard because its so tight and you tend to run out of ammo if you don’t manage it well. Here are some tips to conserve on ammo and you can use it in general with other raid maps.