My Summer Car Guide

Rally Sprint Race guide for My Summer Car

Rally Sprint Race guide


gonna talk about the track, and your rally car. I use Logitech G920 w/ shifter in this game.Don’t see it as USELESS or something like that, i won the junior class rally 4 darn times and won amateur cup also 4 times, so, this is the right quide for you.NOTE: this guide is a little out of date, i’ve made up more skills, so i need to gather some info

Your car

Of course, you have to have Roll cage, racing seats, harness, any tires (except slicks) and exitnguisher.

Fun fact is that even a stock satsuma can win the rally

It is very recommended having a fiberglass hood for better air-flow, wich gives the engine more “air cooling”, GT Grille does the same but optional, if you want a GT-WRC car, go for the GT parts (exception to Twin carb and splitter).

Using the fender flare spoiler in rally is a bad habit. they will just increase the weight of the car and will waste you time re-installin them or looking for them. You can still use the front spoiler.

Tuning the car

Part 1: Racing carburetor

You don’t require an A/F Ratio gauge, exhaust fumes tell you the A/F ratio, the blacker the fumes are = the richer A/F ratio is, the whiter (with banging) = lean, almost invisible = optimal.

On the Racing carb, there are 4 screws. use your screw driver, no matter if from spanner set or ratchet set, to turn the screws. Scroll down = richer, Scroll up = leaner.
If you have the gauge, put the a/f ratio right behind the optimal line (when the engine is warmed up).

Part 2: Rally suspension
There are 2 screws on each shock absorber and strut. There are Bump and rebound (Bump is the blue one and rebound is the red one) screws. The tighter they are, the stiffer the suspension is.

If you are experiencing unexpected over steers or bouncy rides, get the suspension stiffer.
If the ride is too bumpy, get it softer.

I recommend having the front bump softer than rear, same for rebound. since the front wheels always impact the bumps as first.

Part 3: Final Drive

Warning: This option is only avaible at fleetari!

It is recommended to have 4.6 of Final Gear ratio for the best acceleration.

Handling of your car.

As you might know, you will need roll cage for rally and harness. But you will need to remove the bench seat to do that. It decreases weight in the back, wich results in low grip in the back and oversteer.

When you step on the gas pedal while cornering, you will encounter understeer, when you keep the pedal off, you will ofc encounter oversteer, due to weight transfer. The suspension is stiffer, the less weight is transfered


The Track.


I marked the track, starts, finishes and other things.

the blue cross is S1 Start and S2 finish, the red is the opposite (S1 finish / S2 Start)
the orange exclamation marks are cautions, going too fast to the corners with the marks will result in a crash.
The red lines on the track (yellow line) are spots where to drastically slow down (similiar to exclamation marks).

At the fleetari’s workshop, you have to be careful for the rails at the bridge, the bridge is very narrow, especially for gifu. Drive trough it around at 80 km/h, if oyu don’t have skills, go trough it at 60 km/h.

At the intersection, you have to slow down drastically to around 70 km/h, you can also drift trough but it isn’t easy.

When you see the rail road crossing, slow down to 80-90 km/h, you might “fly” out of the track

At the second corner from S2 start, you need to slow down to about 75 km/h, especially in stage 2 where it is really dangerous.
At the hill, you must slow down to 50 km/h but in stage 2 30 km/h, because there is a very high chance of crashign into the trees wall.

There are still some corners that i didn’t mark, i also need to mark the jumps, so i’m going to say that this guide is in WIP.

Things to avoid

1. The Grass:
-when a wheel slips into the grass, you will lose control, ruining the sprint.
2. Jumping while going above 140 km/h
-you will simply fail by landing on the front. or even land off track.
3. Cornering at high speeds
cornering above 120 km/h is not recommended, you might understeer and crash into a tree (or going right into the rail road track, slowing you down and potentialy getting killed by the train).
4. Speeding above 140 km/h
-simply makes you lose control since there are army’s of bumps.
5. Gommer tires
-they have worse grip on the dirt than road tires. May cause understeer.
6. Jumping from hill that is nearest to fleetari’s workshop.
-when you do this at high speed, there is chance that your engine can DIE from overrev. i have no idea how is this possible, but trust me, it happened to my satsuma A LOT of times.