Project Zomboid Guide

Raven Creek Map - Pinned Location for Project Zomboid

Raven Creek Map – Pinned Location


This is a downloadable edited map for Raven Creek with Legends to specify where things are on the map.This image would be useful for you to plan out routes for looting or to actually know where important areas are at a first glance.


Here is the map:

Zomboid Raven Creek Map – Location Pins v2

Currently the image quality render is set to High.

I was having hard time on Ravens Creek due to the immense size of it and cant find any guides for it to plan out my routes to where to go next so i made this one and happily share it.

I plan to update this as long as possible (since i have not explored the entire map) and with the community’s experience and input.

Next update would include:

  • Storage houses
  • Car shops
  • & any inputs from you guys

Please let me know what should we add next, thank you!

Special thanks to @RatMathers for the initial inputs to the map