Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville Guide

Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville - To Achieve 100% for Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville

Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville – To Achieve 100%


This is an achievement guide and a partial walkthrough. All these achievement where done in Story Mode and in Rebuild 3 version 1.5.2.If your seeking to get all the achievement , please read Origin and Evil Cannibals first as they are most of the time the most difficult to achieve.

Survivors Skills and Equipements Achievements

Get any survivor to level 10 in some skill
– This can be easily done by creating a character and choose Pro Gamer perk (require the Deluxe Edition).

Alternatively train a survivor at school and equip them with the best equipement that would give a level 10 to one of the five skills (Soldier, Scavenger, Engineer, Builder, and Leader).

Heroes Never Die
Get any survivor to defense level 20 (includes equipment)
– This reminds me of Spirit Never Die. Heroes Never Die is not that easy as you will need perks, perhaps a high end weapon, Policy, and finally a level 10 Soldier.

This is my recommendation there are other ways to get it but I will show you mine. Beware that I will use the word “Defence” this will add to the Soldier Skill. Make sure Survivor Management is research.

Your level 10 Soldier should have the perk :
Fighter = +3 Defence

if possible with one of the following perk :
Firearms Training = +1 Defence with firearms only
Stinky = +1 Defence, but more likely make enemies
Brave = +1 Defence, but may take the hit for another survivor
Superhero (rare) = +1 to all skills. +1 max level to all skills (require training)
Immune (rare, mostly from children growing up) = +1 Defence. Won’t die from zombie bite
Addict = Regular user of the drug Bath Salts, +1 Defense

if not :
2 other Survivor with Commander perk = +0.5 Defence for all survivor
Hero with Police Officer perk = +defence and +1 level bonus from all firearms

Finally :
Policy, Ammo Use set to Spray and pray = +1 Defence to firearms only
Equip your Soldier with an Assault Rifle with any other item that gives +1 Defence.

Alternatively, if the above is too complicated you can wait till you get :

Minigun/Rocket Launcher (+5 Defence) with a Level 10 Soldier & Engineer with the perk MacGyver.

Have a survivor with 10 in every skill
– Very straight foward, find somebody you like than use the school to train him/her till all the skills is at level 10.

Fuzzy Wuzzies
Equip 10 animals
– Scavenging 10 animals are very rare especially in a small map. The easy way to get some animals is Gustav special stock (see Gustav’s Special Stock achievement) and buy it from him.

What they meant by animal (animal have unique name) are the following : Cats, Pomeranians (dog), Retriever (dog), and Bulldogs. Children does not count to this achievement.

Rocket Scientist
Equip a Rocket Launcher
– Scavenging a Rocket Launcher is luck base but with a level 10 or higher Scavenger, and the policy Scavenging Risk set to Scavenge everything, you might be luckier.

Alternatively get Gustav special stock (see Gustav’s Special Stock achievement) and buy it from him. No worries if he does not have it at your first try, he will come back with more.

Equip every survivor with a gun
– Equiping everyone with guns sounds hard but luckily there is an easy way.

As long your hero (Story Mode) is not a Politician you should be fine. You will need 4 guns (pistol, shotgun, sub machinegun, hunting rifle, assault rifle or minigun), guns can be bought from Gustav or scavenge from material icon.

Once is all done, do all the main quest and leave the city with your four survivors equip with the guns.

In your new city, you should have only four survivors. Unequip your guns move time foward than re-equip your guns you get Pewpewpew.

Reclaim, Scavenging, Production and Stocking Achievements

Assembly Line
Produce 100 items in the workshop cumulatively
– You need to reclaim/build a workshop in order to produce 100 items (ammo, explosive, etc…).

The count will not go down if you load from a previous save.

Civic Erection
Build a City Hall
– This is easily done during your first city in Story Mode.

Cow Clicker
Generate a surplus of 50 food per day from farms
Cow Clicker is quite easy to get. Play on easy difficulty, built lots of farms, and/or have plenty of high level scavenger to farm.

Fully Completely
Reclaim the entire city
– The Tragically Hip anyone? Reference aside, reclaim every building including enemies/allies faction building. It is best done in the first city due to the small size of map.

Gong Hey Fat Choy
Light off Fireworks
– You will need to research and produce Fireworks. The earliest to get this achievement is in the 5th city (Trail).

I See the Medicine
Have 5 hospitals, 10 medkits, and 100 medicine at once
– Reclaim/build 5 hospitals, Produce 10 medkits, and Scavenge/Produce 100 medicine.

In Story Mode, the lastest way to produce medkits is in the 4th city (Spokane).

Like the Dead Sea
Use 50 bath salts in one game
– This achievement is very buggy you may want to start a city with high level survivors. What they meant in one game is in one city without loading from a previous save game.

You need to be in a city with the Pharmacist present (Quick Play) or play the twelfth city Abbotsford. At the start of the city find the Pharmacist as soon as possible, buy the bath salts and start killing zombies. Repeat the buying and killing process.

The counter for the quantity of bath salts is broken (it will always say 200) however it does not mean you can’t buy or use it. A way to see how many you got is by trading with other faction.

At the top right corner a zombie killed with a smiley face is how you identified it has been used but at some point it will stop showing. Another way to know if your survivor has used it is to look into his happiness, he/she will say : “Bath Salts man. I love Bath Salts.”.

The bath salts usage rate is 1 bath salt per 2 survivor in a zombie killing mission (must complete the mission to have effect). If you got a survivor with the Addict perk, that survivor will automatically use it in combat.

Need More Hands
Find 100 items while scavenging cumulatively
– What they meant 100 items is weapons and gears (also called item).

Sent out your scouts to locate and scavenge items (the apple and/or crate icon).

You may want to have a level 10 or higher Scavenger, and the policy Scavenging Risk set to Scavenge everything.

The count will not go down if you load from a previous save.

Complete every research project
– You need to play at least 7 cities before you can unlock all the tech. You need to research all the tech (except Anti-Venom), including the repeatable one one time.

The Many of Us
Have 100 survivors at once
– You may want to play it on Quick Play with the map set to Huge or bigger without any faction. It is possible to do it in Story Mode (Abbotsford Only) if your quick enough to expand your fort and recruit survivors before the other faction get to them.

You will need 49 Suburbs/Apartments along with 50 Farms to maintain 100 Survivors.

Here are ways to increase the chance to recruits survivors :

Repopulating the World = Policy
Help anyone who needs it = Policy
Signposts = Research
Searchlights = Research
Faction Defector = Event (most of the time you need a level 5 Leader)
Run Piggy = Event
Crash Site = Event
Missing Scout = Faction Mission (need level 7 Leader)
Children = Item (require to be 14 years old and it take 90 day per year old)

The Precious Juice
Fix a Power Plant
– Reclaim a Power Plant and most likely a Workshop.

The first stage of repairing the Power Plant will take 10 days with a level 0 Engineer. The more survivor working on it the less time it will take.

The second stage is to get a mc-gf1n part which there are only three option :

1. Scavenge the lands in hope to find a mc-gf1n.
2. Make your own mc-gf1n. This require a Workshop and 6 Materials but… a level 0 Engineer will take 29 days, at best 6 days max.
3. One of the local faction will sale it to you (event, not a trade request).

The final stage is to install the mc-gf1n this will take minimun 10 days, max 1 day. Beware that once the power is on you will use 1 fuel a week in till you can change the policy.

Up Up and Away
Repair an airplane and fly away
– Reclaim an Disused Farm and a Workshop. This can be done in Trail (4th city) and Penticton (8th city)

The first stage of getting the airplane running is to built a propeller which will take 10 material and minimun 16 days with a level 0 Engineer, maximun 2 days.

The final stage is get a pilot. This will give you two option :

1. Kidnap a pilot from a faction.
2. Do whatever quest the faction demands.

Once the pilot is in your group you can now fly away. The achievement pop up in the scoreboard.

Year’s Supply
Have 365 food at once
– This will require a little bit of luck as the map is randomly generated. At the beginning of the game, you may want save the game than sent out your scouts to locate Warehouses.

Here are the list that would boost your food storage :

Starter Storage = +50 food storage
Fertilizer (Research)= +50 food storage
Irrigation (Research)= +50 food storage
Pesticides (Research)= +50 food storage
Warehouse (Building)= +50 food storage

Basically you will need 4 Warehouse with all 3 research done. If you cannot research a specific tech simply add another Warehouse.

Faction Achievements

Become allies with any faction
– You must not be at war with the faction your trying to ally with and you need a City Hall. There are two ways to get allies (Gustav does not count in this achievement).

1. You must get 100% Respect from a faction and ally with them. This option take a lot of effort as you will only gain Respect by doing thing like trade, teaching tech, reclaim than give the land, zombie killing (mission from faction, not from personal mission), repair x building.

Once these are done, sent someone to meet up with them and you will gain the option to make an alliance. This will initiate a alliance mission at City Hall. It will take 19 days with a level 0 Leader, at best 4 days with higher level Leader.

2. The second option is in Story Mode in Wenatchee (second city). This require you to help Rufus with his food shortage, but to get that quest started you will need to start a previous quest from Owen Ludd about the Rufus’s dad being part of a goverment conspiracy. I won’t talk much about this quest but simply try to uncover it politely.

Rufus’s food shortage quest goes like this : boy need food and advice, help built farm, ask “King”
of vegan for help, save the school with soldiers.

El Pacifisto
Be allies with every faction in the city
– Similar to BFFs achievement but with every faction (excluded Gustav faction).

Destroy any faction
– Very simple, declare a war and start attacking there lands with soldiers. You don’t need to reclaim there lands but you do need them wipe out of the map.

The Eradicator
Destroy every faction on the map
– Same as Humankiller but with every faction (excluded Gustav faction). Require two local factions or more.

Gentlemanly Conduct
Declare peace with a faction
– You need to be at war with a faction than meet up with that faction to negotiate peace. They will always ask for a reparations so give them whatever they need this will give you Gentlemanly Conduct.

Gustav’s Special Stock
Become Gustav’s friend and get his special deals
– Ok this one is mostly luck base. My story with Gustav is this :

Took me 482 days using a level 10 Leader with the Negotiator perk. Gustav faction Respect is at 100%. I offen pay for his other service = Love Caravan, Man Caravan, Thugs for hire, Vera the Violinist, Gambling Ruin, etc. I did not save Kathleen yet but than the photo below show up.

From than on every time I trade with Gustav (only in this city) he will have the following : Flamethrower, Minigun, Rocket Launcher, Armored Car, and Bulldog.

Have 50% of survivors become cultists
– This can be done in the city 6 (Nelson) or with the presence of the Church of the Chosen One.

You must encounter the Church of the Chosen One to get some of your survivor with the perk Cultist. The survivors with the Cultist perk you want them to preach in a church in order to get more survivor with this perk or make them work with a non-cultist survivors.

Once you got over 50% of your survivors with the Cultist perk, you will have to wait till this event happen (see image below). That will grant you Clear.

Fully infect the Dahlias with your cultists
– Best done with Clear achievement.

You need the the Church of the Chosen One and Dahlias faction present. You also need the Halfway to Heaven event (see achievement above) in order to sent someone with the Cultist perk to preform convert. This should reduce Dahlias strengh by 10% and it will take 3 days to sent another one.

The achievement should pop up as soon as you see the image below.

Evil Cannibals
Eat enough people to be considered evil cannibals
– Ok this achievement I did not find out by my self so here are the various source :


Here is what I believe that would count toward Evil Cannibals :

You will need the Pig Farmer faction in the map. There will be 2 type of event that you will need to do multiple time :

This one here is done by meeting and your not allied with them. It will take a few try since this is random. Do sacrifice a survivor you will gain some food.

That too is random but make sure your not in bad terms with them (below 50% Respect). Also do accept the invitation and you will also gain some food. Evil Cannibals achievement pop up on me with this one.

Quest Achievements

Gangs of Deadsville
Complete the Gangs of Deadsville questline
– In the third city (Moses Lake), you will be caught with two warring factions : the Riffs and the Last Judgement Day.

One of the faction you will meet will start off with a 30% Respect giving you two problems : some occasional raids and no trade (require 50% Respect). The other faction will have a 50% respect.

You will need to get City Hall built than talk with one of the faction to initiate a quest in which you need to set up an arena in a Mega Mall.

Once it is done, talk to the faction you initated the quest than wait for a few days till you will be given the choice to attack either one of them, clear a path (alliance to the one you did not attack) or kill them one by one (will give perk to Hero), and finally finish them.

Never Trust a Pig Farmer
Complete the Pig Farmer questline
– In the sixth city (Nelson), you will meet four factions : the Luddies, the Pig Farmers, the Dahlias, and the Church of the Chosen One.

Like wise, build your City Hall and at one point you will automatically start the quest.

A few days later one of your survivor will disappear. You will now have to talk to (in order) :
the Luddies, the Pig Farmers, and the Church of the Chosen One.

Finally sent someone or two to sneak in the Pig Farmers base. Never Trust a Pig Farmer will pop up as soon as you will be given to be silent (give perk to Hero + alliance) or kill them (faction defeated).

Return to New York
Complete the Return to New York questline
– In the eleventh city (Chilliwack) four factions will be present : the Riffs, the Pig Farmers, the Luddies, and the Saint-Michael’s School for Boys.

The quest start off by meet up with the Riffs.
About 5 days later a New Yorker will arrive, talk to the Riffs again to receive 5 missions.

There is no wrong way to complete those 5 missions if your only going for the achievement but if you want a better reward from the Riffs here is the what you need :

Parking Lot mission = one level 7 Engineer or a few low level Engineer.
Worshop #1 mission = one level 4 Builder or a operational Powerplant
Worshop #2 mission = a few Scavenger that worth a level 6 Scavenger in total
Xxor Gas #1 mission = a few Soldier that worth a level 16 Soldier in total or a bait
Xxor Gas #2 mission = any answer will do

Once all the missions are done meet up with the Riffs. The achievement should pop up at the end of the conversation.

Discover the true origin of the disease
– The guide below completely covert it all. Read the Monkey Blood section, the achievement will pop up as soon you visit the school.


City End Game Achievements

These achievement are moslty done in Story Mode. You must chose the difficulty before starting the game, finish the main objective, and than leave the city to get to the scoreboard (see image below).

You’re the Wiener
Finish any city on any difficulty
– Easy, Normal, Challenging, Hard, and Impossible are the only difficulty to chose. Don’t expect to get That was Hard or Impossible! achievements in your first try.

That was Hard
Finish any city on Hard difficulty
– You must play on Hard difficulty. This achievement is not combinable with Impossible! if you set the difficulty to Impossible. It is difficult but with the save system you can manage to get it by doing lots of trials and errors.

Finish any city on Impossible difficulty
– Impossible can be frustraing if you decide going with some low level survivors. However, here is a nice guide to enlighten your thought.


Complete scenario city 1
– Simply start Story Mode and finish the first city. The scenario require you to reclaim 10 lands, build a City Hall, and than leave the city.

Finish any city by day 50
– You must finish at day 50 or lower. This can be easily done with the first city in Story Mode (I have done mine on Normal difficulty).

Simply have your Soldiers clear out a land than reclaim it with your Hero and a Builder. Make sure your Scavenger is scavenging mostly material as you may not have enough to build the City Hall. Once the City Hall is complete, leave the city.

Complete the final scenario city
– Basically play all the city till you reach Vancouver and finish it.

Kills Achievements

Probably the most useless section of this guide. Simply put, kill as many zombies as the achievements say so.

Also what they meant by “cumulatively” they mean the kill count will not go down even if you previously load another save game.

Explosive do not count as it does not count in the scoreboard.

The higher the difficulty, the faster the zombies are spawn.

A faster way to get these achievement is to play in turn base, leave some unclaimed lands, trained all your survivors to level 10 Soldiers. From there, save your game kill all the zombies, load the game if all the zombies are wipe out. If your wondering how much kills you have done by doing this process select the land there should be a zombie icon, hover over it.

Hell is Full
Kill 100 zombies cumulatively

Dead Again
Kill 1000 zombies cumulatively

Death Machine
Kill 10,000 zombies cumulatively

Death Forever Death Assured
Kill 100,000 zombies cumulatively