Action Taimanin Guide

Recommended Characters for Action Taimanin

Recommended Characters


Recommendation on which characters to spend gems on.

About Action Taimanin Characters

Attaining characters is very feasible as a free-to-play player. The most expensive characters are 1200 gems, which players can farm within a few of months, depending on their level of activity.

It’s also much easier to farm gems at the start of a new account, because of all the unclaimed gems available via the main mission and achievements. This easy initial stream of gems can bootstrap you into getting a couple of new characters, besides your starting one, within your first month of gameplay.

Each character you buy adds +5 to your maximum AP.
But this doesn’t mean you should rush to buy every single character for more AP. It’s more advisable to focus on building up a handful of characters that you’ll run in Arena PVP, Arena Tower, and Daily/Event quests.

That said, not all characters are equally good right now. So here are some suggestions on which characters to get.

Purchase Priority

Great Characters:

Yukikaze (Starting character option or 800 gems) – Ranged character with high damage and decent HP sustain. She is excellent in all game modes; Arena PVP, Arena Tower, and PVE daily/event quests

Asagi (Starting character option or 800 gems) – Melee starting character. Strong in all game modes.
High damage on basic attacks. Has HP sustain, but can also opt for maximizing the Koujinka ability which slows down enemies on the map for a short duration.

Murasaki (1000 gems) – Melee character with huge cleaving attacks with decent damage and super armor. Her attacks are slow, but unlike other melee characters, this character is not easy to interrupt while attacking.
Okay in Arena PVP, top tier for Arena Tower.

Emily (1200 gems) – Long ranged character with good sustain. Top tier in Arena PVP, effective in most PVE content.
She is notable for having the Zero System ability, which acts like an auto-pilot. With enough gear, she can clear hard daily quests without input from the player.

Cool characters:

Kurenai (1200 gems) – Very aggressive melee character with limited HP sustain. Attacks fast and deals high damage. High tier in PVP, okay for PVE

Rinko (1000 gems) – Fast melee character. Combo is easy to interrupt, but deals a lot of damage if she gets it off. Her HP sustain ability shares the same command slot as Meteor, so you have to pick either. Meteor build is good for clearing daily missions and event missions fast. Going with the sustain ability is better for Arena Tower.

Shiranui (1000 gems) – Slow melee character, but doesn’t have super armor to make up for it like Murasaki. Her basic combo is very slow and easy to interrupt, but she has okay HP sustain and abilities. She also has the largest breasts in the game.

Low priority characters

Only get these if you have nothing better to spend gems on, or if any of these characters are your waifu. They could also be forced to work if you whale. I won’t elaborate too much on them.

Kirara (1200 gems)- Slow melee character with short range and a short combo. Lacks built-in HP sustain. She’s was available for free in a past event.

Ingrid (1200 gems)- Melee character. Lacks sustain and has little else to offer to make up for it.

Oboro (1200 gems)- Fast melee character that’s good at attacking single targets, such as bosses. She lacks sustain.

Asuka (1200)- Fast semi-ranged melee character that immediately stands up upon taking any hit that would otherwise knock a character down. She lacks sustain.

Sakura (Starting character option or 800 gems)- Melee character with short range. High cooldowns on abilities. Combos are easy to interrupt. She is easily the worst starting character option.

Su (1000 gems) – Mediocre melee character. In severe need of buffs.