Sonic Lost World Guide

Red Star Rings [Video Guide] for Sonic Lost World

Red Star Rings [Video Guide]


A guide which shows the location of the Red Star Rings in the game in order to get all Chaos Emeralds & unlock Super Sonic.


Before collecting the Red Star Rings, you should make sure that you are familiar with the gameplay, if not, you should do some training. Some of the Red Star Rings require more advanced parkour techniques. Make sure to head over to the gameplay basics guide from Gamer: [link]

If you have any questions or if there are any issues with the grammar (yep, I’m German and my English is not perfect. :P), please write a comment or contact me via Steam so I can fix / add things. I’d be happy about some general feedback, too!

Windy Hill

Act 1 at 0:00
If you’re trying to get the Red Star Ring in the bell, make sure not to waste too much time, because it disappears for a while and you have to restart the level.

Act 2 at 2:27
The indigo wisp jumps higher the more terrain you collect. If you collect all rings in the special area, it will take you directly to the boss fight, so make sure to let the time run out or just jump into the hole to exit the area. You can also hover by holding JUMP in mid-air.

Act 3 at 3.38
To destroy an ice block, just lock on to it multiple times or use the Spindash. Also this contains another bell (like WH 1 did), so the same advice: If you’re trying to get the Red Star Ring in the bell, make sure not to waste too much time, because it disappears for a while and you have to restart the level.

Act 4 at 5:52
Don’t worry if you miss the Red Star Ring at the waterfall. Wait a few seconds and it’s gonna appear again. There also is another special area for the indigo asteroid, collect as much terrain as possible, because it’s pretty hard to get.

Desert Ruins

Act 1 at 0:00
There are 3 Red Star Rings hidden in bells in this act, remember not to waste time or the bell will disappear and you’ll have to restart the level. And be careful at Red Star Ring #4, if you get eaten by one of those worms, you’ll die.
For the last Red Star Ring you have to use the hidden spring which is directly in front of the worm. Just use the speed booster, it’ll get you to it.

Act 2 at 4:02
Remember, in act 2 you’ll run automatically, the Red Star Rings are easy to miss. However, it is possible to glitch out of it by bouncing after a sky dive section (needs some training to trigger it), shown in this video:
This makes some Red Star Rings easier to get, but for some of them it is now almost impossible. I recommend staying with the Mach-Speed and collect them there instead of glitching out of it, I just wanted to mention that it’s possible and probably won’t be fixed.

Act 3 at 5:52
For the last Red Star Ring you have to go up with the help of those cannonballs – A little advice: hold JUMP to get higher.

Act 4 at 8:25
There is only one Red Star Ring in a yellow drill-section, it’s right before the end of the first one. Slow down a bit, so you don’t miss it.

Tropical Coast

Tropical Coast 1 at 0:00
Nothing special here that isn’t mentioned in the video. Just make sure that you’re fast at following the bell to get the Red Star Ring before time runs out and it disappears.

Tropical Coast 2 at 2:48
Be careful with Red Star Ring #3, don’t let the pillar be destroyed by the melon or you’re not able to get it without a restart anymore. Better get the ring before pulling the melon.

Tropical Coast 3 at 5:24
While this is a grinding level, you are not able to go back. From time to time this level can be pretty tough, important things are mentioned in the video when the Red Star Ring is nearby, make sure to read it.
General advice: Always use the upper route to get the Red Star Rings. And jumping makes you a bit faster, especially in 2D-sections.

Tropical Coast 4 at 8:14
The first one is the classic bell game again – Same advice as ever, just be fast. And be careful not to fall of while following the bell.
2D-section: In order to get through you have to stun the monkeys with those coconuts, just kick it back to them when they throw it. This is important for the 4th Red Star Ring.

Frozen Factory

Frozen Factory 1 at 0:00
Nothing special here, just the old “be fast while following the bell or it’ll disappear” thing with the 2nd Red Star Ring. In order to jump more precisely in the ice skating areas, just stop pressing the RUN-Button when you want to jump.

Frozen Factory 2 at 3:21
Pretty hard in certain parts. You have to knock ALL the billard balls into the holes to let 2 Red Star Rings appear, this maybe needs a few tries.
To get the second ring, carefully jump over the hole, but don’t be too slow or you won’t jump far enough.
You can get the rings #3 and #4 easier by coming from the back so the enemies can’t hit you and probably push you into death.

Frozen Factory 3 at 6:34
The 3rd Red Star Ring here probably is the most annoying one in the entire game. First of all, be careful not to destoy the stack of chips or you can’t access the pinball table anymore. Now you have to play the pinball game, the Red Star Ring is placed right above the exit. In the video I managed to get out of the area pretty fast, usually it can be a real problem, many players have problems not to hit the Game Over / Time Over here. Good luck.
For the 5th ring I made a little mistake in the video, it’s actually easier to run along the opposite wall and then just jump over to the wall where the Red Star Ring is located at.

Frozen Factory 4 at 9:14
Pretty annoying at some places, too, but more because of the over-use of ice skating. That being said, accessing the Red Star Rings is pretty easy, there are no more instructions needed, but I added some advices in the video anyways.

Silent Forest

Silent Forest 1 at 0:00
For the second Red Star Ring, you have to activate those flowers in the swamp – Jump / bounce in them to do so, but make sure to hit the middle or you’ll get hit probably. And – same es ever – be careful that the bell won’t disappear while you follow it (Red Star Ring #4)

Silent Forest 2 at 2:20
Not a big deal, you can see most of the rings by just running through the level, except for the 4th one, where you have to homing attack an enemy in order to get to a higher platform. But stil, all of the rings are pretty easy to get here.

Silent Forest 3 at 4:09
This is where Silent Forest becomes awful.
Stay on the upper route to get to the first RR. #2 and #3 are easy to miss. During a normal playthrough you barely can see the bell which contains Red Star Ring #2 and if you follow the lower path, you’ll probably miss both of them. Make sure to look up the bell’s location in the video and follow it quickly. After obtaining the Red Star Ring, follow the path to get into the main tunnel, then head backwards until you get to a point where you can bounce through the ice (it’s purple, you can’t miss it).
After collecting those rings, skate through the tunnel a while until you reach a part with lots of annoying slime and rocks. Look out for purple ice, go down there by bouncing and get the Red Star Ring.
The 5th ring is pretty hard to get. Follow the trail of rings at the wall after the checkpoint (where the trail of rings goes upwards you can let yourself fall down, there’s a spring, but just go up if you don’t want to take the risk). Bounce through the purble ice and from here, things will get difficult.
You can probably see the Red Star Ring in front of you at the wall. It’s accessable via wallrun, that’s not the problem, but you can’t die or you’ll lose the ring. You’ll need a bit practise for this, probably. I can’t give a real advice here, just keep trying. Good luck anyways.

Silent Forest 4 at 6:19
This act is just ridicoulusly long. But the good thing: There are no Red Star Rings in the drill sections, that’s at least something.
However, most of the Red Star Rings aren’t that hard to get, but they’re hidden. The first one is located right after the start of the 1st temple section on top of the first jumping rock head. The 2nd ring is located in the same section, probably the only one you can reach & find by just running through the stage.
The 2nd temple section gets dark very often, remember to turn the lights on as often as possible. If not, you’ll definitely miss at least the 3rd ring, whichs is located in a hidden area – But you can see it if you light the room.
The 4th ring is on top of one of the big spinning rocks, more precisely the hightest of them. You can reach it by running up the wall.
And finally, the 5th ring is right before the end of the same section. Go up by kicking the bombs towards the enemies, then go through the ‘labyrinth’ and et voilĂ , there’s the Red Star Ring. Hooray!

Sky Road

Sky Road 1 at 0:00
When you get to the 2nd section (with the roads falling apart so there are only platforms left), run until you reach the platform where the 2 is located at and move to the right, the Red Star Ring ist on the platform on the most right.
The 3rd Red Star Ring ist pretty tricky though. Try jumping towards the wall so you can get it and then, when Sonic starts to climb the wall, immediately jump to the right a few times so he’ll perform a wallrun. Be careful not to die there.
The 4th ring is located in a bell again, remember to be fast here.
And finally, the last one, is in the very last (mach-speed) section in the level. It’s located on the back of the road, shortly before the section ends.

Sky Road 2 at 4:35
No special tips for this level, except for the last Red Star Ring: Just move slowly here.

Sky Road 3 at 6:00
Again, no special tips I could give, watch the video to see the locations, but you’ll gonna see them anyways while this is a auto-scrolling level.

Sky Road 4 at 7:75
Wall run at the wall on the right to get the first Red Star Ring, pretty easy though. You probably won’t miss Red Star Ring #1 and #2, which is located at the end of the 2nd section.
Good thing: There is no Red Star Ring in the 3rd section, but in the 4th again. As soon as you have to climb to the right in order to continue the level, move to the most right right after you reach the sand. The Red Star Ring is likely to appear behind you.
To get the 4th Red Star Ring, you have to follow a bell once again. Be fast here again, it’s a bit tough.
5th ring is easy again, you probably won’t miss it.

Lava Mountain

Lava Mountain 1 at 0:00
Collect all Red Star Rings during the fight against Zazz. Some rings are gonna spawn in the lava if you already fight Zik / Zomom. They all have specific places to spawn on and they will appear after a certain amount of time, so you just have to wait and avoid getting hit. Apparently the waiting period is a bit longer after the 2nd Red Star Ring, so don’t worry if it won’t appear for a while (~ 30 seconds or sth.)

Lava Mountain 2 at 2:08
Another grinding level sent straight from hell… However, collecting the Red Star Rings isn’t that hard if you are familiar with this kind of stage. The biggest problem are the exploding minekarts, which will kill you instantly by touching it.
A little advice for the 3rd ring: Hold the control stick to the left / hold the button for moving left on the keyboard to slow down your jump.

Lava Mountain 3 at 5:53
Pretty long act, but most of the rings are easy to get if you know how. You’ll find #1 by taking the right way in the 1st section of the level. There are no Red Star Rings in the 2nd and the 3rd section, so just finish both sections as careful as possible so you won’t die. If you reach the section where Zor is in, you’ll find another Red Star Ring (#2) in the hidden path shown in the video.
Let’s move straight to the 5th section in the level. Getting Red Star Ring #3 and #4 only with the wallrun is annoyingly hard though, but you can use a little trick.
First of all: Collect both hover wisps, they are located in front of each wallrun-area. Both rings are located on the left wall, you don’t even need to jump over to the opposite wall to gain some speed, run as far as possible and use the spindash, it’s gonna be enough.
As soon as you get near to one ring, jump off the wall with a double jump (single jump won’t help, because you can’t use the wisp) and immediately use the Wisp. Now carefully collect the Red Star Ring and move upwards – You actually can land on top of the wall to be safe. On the second wall it’s also possible to fly to the trail of rings and dash through it, doesn’t make a difference.
And finally, the 5th Red Star Ring in this level is located on top of one of the cannons. It’s shown in the video how to access it.

Lava Mountain 4 at 10:04
Final level! And one of the easiest to collect all Red Star Rings in. Use the same tactic as in Act 1, do not attack Eggman until you have all of the Red Star Rings, just try to avoid his attacks. The second ring is a bit hard to get if you don’t see it in time. Stay on the left after collecting the first ring, when Eggman attacks, only do a single jump instead of a double jump. With this, it shouldn’t be a problem to collect it.