Redeem codes for unlocking mechs and pilots for multiplayer [Update 07/09/2019] for HARDCORE MECHA

Redeem codes for unlocking mechs and pilots for multiplayer [Update 07/09/2019]


These codes are provided by backers who made this game a possibility.I’ll update the guide if any more come up.

Getting Ready

Go into options in the main menu and press O on the keyboard.
Code Redeem menu will pop up. You can enter digits manually or use numpad.
Once done select Redeem button and press Enter.

Redeem Codes

5613 6933

Tristan Alexander Cruzan by backer @Tcruz121 on twitter

3524 9450

Typhoon Custom and Musarawo
In order to use it, press Q or E on your keyboard, or corresponding button on your gamepad.

4923 3176

Overlord 1000 Custom and Jiayi Chen
In order to use it, press Q or E on your keyboard, or corresponding button on your gamepad.

4745 9814

Thunderbolt (Paintball). In order to use it, select standard Thunderbolt and press Q or E on your keyboard, or corresponding button on your gamepad.

6628 4261

Thunderbolt E

2539 6475

Heavy Assault Engineer and Faye Shaw

8298 5615

Arash and Richard Xu (Hsu)

2513 0432

Buccaneer and Kohei Ohchi

8732 6818

Geier IDS and Rebis

1257 3172

Kurenai Edge and Tengwen Zhang

5245 1690

Golem Whirlwind and Karsing

6081 2548

Vindicator Custom and Daniel Quinn
In order to use it, press Q or E on your keyboard, or corresponding button on your gamepad.

1325 7098

Vindicator Custom AR and Joe Virtue
In order to use it, press Q or E on your keyboard, or corresponding button on your gamepad.

3616 1674

Geier Custom and Akira Kaneda

3429 2714

Knell Custom and Zhenyu He

6238 2629

Typhoon Custom and Lin’ge Li
In order to use it, press Q or E on your keyboard, or corresponding button on your gamepad.

4054 4251

Overlord 1000 Custom and Meteb Alsahli
In order to use it, press Q or E on your keyboard, or corresponding button on your gamepad.

2436 1486

Nvwang Yan

Special Unlock

In title screen menu press the following


on keyboard

L1, R1, L1, R1, Option, X,

on a controller
In order to unlock secret mech.
C.R.U.S.H. can only be used in custom mode or training mode.
It can not be used in Quick Match.
You may input the code every time game gets updated.

Credits and update history

All of the information for this guide I borrowed from the following sources

Special thanks for the following users for providing said information
[link] (remove the spaces, steam somehow filters this nickname)

And of course

huge thanks to all the backers that decided to share their unique codes for the rest of us to have fun with and making this game a reality

Check out official site, forums and kickstarter page for additional information

[Update 07/09/2019]

Added Tristan Alexander Cruzan, credit to Smurfin USA

[Update 07/07/2019]

Added Typhoon and Overlord 1k Custom variants and pilots, credit to Frizco


This is my first guide, so any constructive feedback is welcome.
If you think that any of the provided information is incorrect or credited wrong or not credited at all, should you find any typos or grammar mistakes, please leave a comment in the comment section or PM me directly.

If you’re a backer and want your name, nickname or social media account to be associated with corresponded redeem code, please contact me and you’ll be added to the guide.
If you’re a backer and do not want your code to be a part of this guide, contact me and I will remove it immediately.

Thank you for reading.
