Wolfenstein: The New Order Guide

Remove/Skip Intro Videos for Wolfenstein: The New Order

Remove/Skip Intro Videos


Removing/Skipping the Intro VideosThis will allow you to skip and remove the intro videos and get you right to the main menu.

The Easy Way

From Sc0mBuNNeRRR

Originally posted by Sc0mBuNNeRRR:

Right click Wolfenstein in your Steam library > Properties > Set launch options > type in

+set com_skipIntroVideo 1

That’s it!

Slightly More Difficult Way

Browse to your SteamsteamappscommonWolfenstein.The.New.Orderbasebink folder. An easy way to do this is to right click on Wolfenstein: The New Order in your steam library and hitting properties. From here hit the tab labeled “Local Files” and then hit the button “Browse Local Files…” Go into base, go into bink.

The video file (AKA bik) we are interested in is called loadvideo_pc_xboxone.bik.

Recommended: Make a backup of this file by copying and pasting in the same folder or perhaps creating a folder called “Backup” and putting it in there.

Now either delete, rename, or move loadvideo_pc_xboxone.bik.

And there you have it! When you load the game it should take you right to the main menu. Enjoy!
