Resident Evil 6 Guide

Resident Evil 6 Basic and Advanced Mechanics for Resident Evil 6

Resident Evil 6 Basic and Advanced Mechanics


After all the hours I’ve put into Resident Evil 6 and seeing many other players play the game, I’ve decided that it was finally time to make a Community Guide showing off all the mechanics in video demonstrations. Staying mobile and aware is essential to doing well in Resident Evil 6, especially when playing on No Hope.These two videos will explain and show almost everything you need to know for playing Resident Evil 6 to its potential in both Campaign and Mercenaries.

Input and Context References

To make the understanding of certain combos and actions easier, I’ve put togther a brief list of short-hand and what they correspond to in-game.

  • 1=Two-hit Melee Combo
  • 2=Charge Attack
  • 3=Slide
  • 4=Quick-shot
  • 5=Over Shoulder Attack

Melee Contexts

  • Standard Melee Context (A basic low damage attack that hits and launches targets in an AoE cone around the player. You have slight priority over enemy attacks during certain parts of the animation.)
  • Frontal Takedown (A basic instant kill that launches an enemy forward and generally kills them, possibly knocking over or flinching other enemies. You have complete invulnerability during the animation.)
  • Rear Takedown (A basic instant kill that can also knock over enemies depending on the character performing it. You have complete invulnerability during the animation.)
  • Coup De Grace (A devastating melee attack that will generally kill most enemies. You have complete invulnerability during the animation.)

  • First Stage Stun (Enemy flinches and can be hit with a Standard Melee Context )
  • Second Stage Stun (Enemy flinches for a longer time and can be hit with a Standard Melee context or Rear Takedown)
  • Heavy Stun (Enemy staggers and can be hit with a Coup De Grace or Rear Takedown)


  • Headshot Knockdown (Shooting an enemy in the head that’s running will knock them over, usually backwards.)

  • Knee Knockdown (Shooting an enemy in the knee that’s running will make them fall, usually fowards.)

  • Quick-Shot Knockdown (Quick-shotting an enemy that’s running can make them fall fowards or backwards.)

Basic Mechanics

Follow Up Attacks 1
  • 1>Standard Melee Context

  • 2>Standard Melee Context

  • 3>Standard Melee Context

  • 4>Standard Melee Context

Follow Up Attacks 2

  • 1>Standard Melee Context>Body Stomp

  • 1>Standard Melee Context>Head Stomp

  • 2>Standard Melee Context>Body Stomp

  • 2>Standard Melee Context>Head Stomp

  • 3>Standard Melee Context>Body Stomp

  • 3>Standard Melee Context>Head Stomp

  • 4>Standard Melee Context>Body Stomp

  • 4>Standard Melee Context>Head Stomp

Stuns and Follow Up Attacks

  • 1>3=Coup De Grace

  • 2>2=Coup De Grace

  • 2>3>Coup De Grace

  • 3>2>Coup De Grace

  • 3>3>Coup De Grace

  • 4>2>Coup De Grace

  • 4>3>Coup De Grace

  • 5>Coup De Grace

  • Heavy Stun>Rear Takedown

Intermediate Tactics

  • Fast Stamina Recovery (You can recover stamina faster while lying prone or taking cover. The targeting animation of Jake’s Hand-to-Hand will also have the same effect.)

  • Advanced Manual Herb Mixing (You can manually mix herbs during melee contexts and counters if you’re quick.)

  • Stagger Recovery (You can catch yourself while being knocked away by holding on the input for sprint. Keep in mind that sometimes it is better to allow yourself to just lie down rather than recover as you have longer invulnerability while going down.)

  • Rolling into Cover (You can go into cover while prone by simply facing an appropriate object and moving towards it.)

  • 180 Turn (You can quickly do a 180 by moving back and hitting the input for sprint.)

  • 180 Turn while Sliding (You can quickly do a 180 in the middle of a slide by moving back and continuing to hold down your aim input. The extra distance and damage reduction from both sliding and reversing direction can be useful for getting around enemy attacks.)

  • Sliding down Ledges (You can dismount a ledge while sliding by continuing to hold down your aim input as you slide towards the edge.)

  • Dodge Cancelling (Dodge cancel by simply dodging after firing, this is most useful for weapons that produce a lot of recoil such as magnums and rifles.)

  • Roll Cancelling (Roll cancel is the same as dodge cancelling, except while prone.)

  • Aim Cancelling (Aim cancel by holding the input for aiming after performing an action. This is useful for opening doors slightly faster as well.)

  • Rapid Fire (You can rapid fire weapons such as the Anti-Material Rifle by switching to another weapon after firing and then back to it to cancel the recoil animation. You can similarly rapid fire shotguns and magnums by holding on the input for shooting and switching your view orientation back-and-forth.)

  • Quick Aiming (Quick aim by rotating the camera in a direction and then hitting the input for aim. This is also very useful for making sure you’re facing the right way when doing a melee attack.)

  • Quick Knifing (You can do a repeated stabbing animation with the knife by quickly tapping back on the input for movement while firing.)

  • Knife Lunge (You can lunge forward while using a knife by quickly tapping forward on the input for movement while firing. This attack has a good chance of setting up for a Rear Takedown.)

Advanced Mechanics

  • 2>1>Heavy Stun (If you’re having trouble avoiding the Standard Melee Context after the charge, try moving slightly to the side of the target while also moving the camera somewhat away to the left or right until the context disappears. Your regular melee should then be auto-aimed and hit the target.)
  • 4>1>Heavy Stun
  • 4>Headshot (The quick-shot will leave you with a good view of the target’s head and allow you to quickly switch to a rifle or other power weapon of your choice to get a headshot or body shot. The quick-shot is best done with a weapon that has a fast animation, such as a pistol.)
  • 4>Dodge>Headshot (An excellent way of staying mobile and recovering stamina/getting a headshot. The quick-shot will cause the target to flinch in a predictable way that will allow you to line up their head with your aim.)
  • 5 – Auto (Simply melee while an enemy is close enough behind you and you’ll automatically do an Over the Shoulder attack. Just make sure there are no enemies close by in front of you, or you’ll target them with a regular melee.)
  • Slide Shot (Simply fire a shot while sliding. Firing while sliding will also allow you to immediately roll left or right.)
  • Knife Slide (You can also slide into an enemy and knife them as you approach. If you time your attack properly, you can even set them up for a Frontal Takedown.)
  • Reverse Slide Dodge (You can use the 180 turn while sliding to get damage reduction and extra distance to avoid enemy attacks.)
  • Reload Cancel (Simply slide right after your weapon reloads, or even before it to cancel the animation. This is also the only way you can slide when out of stamina or after being revived.)
  • Lockdown (You can kill two enemies with little trouble by putting one into a Heavy Stun and then dispatching another. After which you can finish off the first enemy that you stunned.)
  • Context Melee>Weapon Switch (You can cut down a bit on recovery frames between weapon swaps by queuing up a different weapon while doing a melee animation.)
  • Counter Aiming (You can use this technique to make sure you’re facing an enemy when they launch an attack, and thus be guaranteed a counter prompt. Aim the camera at the enemy and draw your weapon to face them, then put it away as quickly as you can when you see an attack coming.)
  • Parkour Avoidance (You can avoid the parkour sensitivity by making sure to keep your aim neutral and your movement inputs away from any object that has a parkour context.)
  • Stamina Management – J’avo (Go into a prone state and shoot a J’avo until they flinch and then take your time to line up a headshot. By the time this is over, you’ll have regained at least a bar of stamina.)
  • Stamina Management – Zombies (Circle around a zombie you think will attack soon without sprinting and wait to get a counter prompt. During the time you were waiting for the attack, you’ll have recovered a bit of stamina.)
  • Sliding Without Consuming Stamina (Slide and immediately reload cancel before you hit the ground. If timed right, you will slide without consuming a bar of stamina. The downside is that this method of sliding does not allow you to dodge or control direction in the middle of it, though you can still do a reverse 180.)

Character Guides

Jake Muller

Supplemental Materials

  • Allen Xiong’s ‘RE6 All Counter,Environment Interaction and Melee Against Certain Enemies’ video
  • Allen Xiong’s ‘RE6 Unique Melee Moves, Special Quick Shot and Taunts Exhibition’ video


I hope that you’ve found this guide helpful towards furthering and refining your skills when playing Resident Evil 6! If you want to see more of the mechanics in action on a regular basis you can find me on Twitch[]

Outro image drawn by Umbra Atramentum[]