LYNE Guide

Restoring 100% Save for LYNE

Restoring 100% Save


Guide to restoring 100% save data for LYNE.

Getting Started

EDIT: I feel like I shouldn’t need to say this, but I’m going to anyway, just in case, LYNE should ALWAYS be closed while you’re modifying the game files.

OK so in LYNE your save data is stored in the registry under this key:

To get started, open the zip folder from here:
And click the download button up the top:

The zip file contains two files
– LYNE Save Data.reg
– Regnav.vbs

Feel free to take a look through them, but the short explanation of the Regnav script is if you copy a location in the registry eg. “HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareThomas BowkerLYNE” without the quotation marks, and then open the Regnav file it will open the Windows Registry Editor (Regedit) at that location. None of that searching through drop down menus. In short it saves a load of time.

Now before you actually modify any of the save data BACK UP ANYTHING YOU’RE GOING TO CHANGE. Right click on the key in the pane on the left and export it to somewhere you can find if you need it. To restore your data, all you need to do is open the file you exported and click “Yes” at the prompt when it asks you if you want to import.

– DO NOT try and modify the amount of trytes you have, it will trigger a reset of your save data.

As far as I can tell, there is no way to directly modify exactly how many Trytes you have, this is due to the fact that the “lyne_num_trytes” entry is tied to the “vecflo_clues_unlocked” & “vecflo_clues_unlocked_checksum_guys_srsly” entries. Seems like this was the Dev’s attempt at stopping people from cheating to get the secret message unlocked at 999 Trytes.

If you don’t have 999 trytes yet and you really can’t be bothered to grind out the 999 trytes by doing daily levels, you can modify the amount of trytes each daily level gives in the “vecflo_theme_list_xml_h1746073541” entry, by changing the line “<reward_count>0</reward_count>” That line appears once for each of the daily difficulty levels. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Credit to WEGFan [crawler link=996747 full_link=1] for that.

Restoring All Sets & 999 Trytes

I’m going to say it again, BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING, BACK UP WHATEVER YOU’RE CHANGING. I am not responsible for anything you manage to mess up.

Opening the LYNE Save Data.reg file will overwrite your LYNE save with my 100% complete version.

I DO NOT encourage cheating, if you’re using this for anything other than getting your save data back; although I can’t stop you, I would suggest going somewhere else.

1. Open the file “LYNE Save Data.reg”

That’s it. The next time you run the game you will have every level complete and all 999 trytes. I hope this is as useful for you guys as it would’ve been for me.

Restoring Only Specific Sets

In the registry, the sets start with 0 (A) and end with 25 (Z).
Each Set from A-Z has two entries that need to be removed: “lyne_stagecomplete_” & “lyne_levelcomplete_”.
So for example to restore set B to unplayed: delete “lyne_stagecomplete_1” & all entries that start with “lyne_levelcomplete_1_”.

Here’s a quick step-by-step guide on how to restore only the levels you want.

  1. Import the “LYNE Save Data.reg” file
  2. Select, then right click and copy this: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareThomas BowkerLYNE
  3. Open the “Regnav.vbs” file.
  4. Delete all “lyne_stagecomplete_” & “lyne_levelcomplete_” entries except for the ones you’ve already completed.

Be careful when deleting multiple entries; they aren’t in order. E.g. Set 10 comes straight after set 1 in the list.


I am not responsible if you somehow manage to mess up your registry/computer/hair/cat etc. I’ve tested the files multiple times but as we don’t have the same system configuration, you do so at your own risk.