Traits grant special bonuses or conditions to your colonists in addition to adding flavor and allowing more complex player-conceived stories based on those characters.
Humanoids have a Character tab that displays the pawn’s first name, nickname (display name), and last name, followed by their sex, race, character type, and age.
The player may change a colonist’s nickname by clicking the edit button, at the top right.
Some characters have spent decades or centuries in cryptosleep. They have their biological age followed by their chronological age in parenthesis. Their biological age indicates how much they’ve aged, not counting time spent in cryptosleep. Their chronological age is their age since their date of birth, including time spent in cryptosleep. Biologically older characters will tend to have higher skills, developed by experience. They may also have gray hair and age-related health difficulties such as cataracts, a bad back, dementia, or frailty.
General Traits
Traits grant special bonuses or conditions to your colonists in addition to adding flavor and allowing more complex player-conceived stories based on those characters.
‘Colonists Name’ always says exactly what’s on their mind, especially if it’s bugging them. That tends to rub people the wrong way.
Has a tendency to slight and insult people.
Annoying Voice
‘Colonists Name’s’ voice has a particularly grating, nasal quality to it, and tends to talk in barked, garbled phrases. This predisposes others to dislike them.
-25 opinion from other colonists.
‘Colonists Name’ prefers to live in asceticism. They will be put in a poor mood if they have a bedroom that’s too impressive. They also dislike fancy food and prefer to eat raw – and raw food won’t bother them a bit.
+5 mood bonus for having an awful bedroom.
-5 mood penalty for having a slightly impressive or better bedroom.
Mood not affected by food quality, prefers raw food.
‘Colonists Name’ gets a rush from hurting people, and never minds the sight of blood or death.
+3/+5/+7/+8 mood bonus for wearing clothing made out of human skin.
+8 mood bonus for witnessing a stranger’s death.
+13 mood modifier for killing strangers.
Twice as likely to start a social fight.
‘Colonists Name’ likes to fight up close and personal. Their accuracy is greatly increased in melee combat, but they’ll be very unhappy if asked to carry a ranged weapon.
Melee hit chance x130%.
Melee skill +4.
Shooting skill -4.
-20 mood penalty for wielding a ranged weapon.
Trigger Happy
Careful Shooter
‘Colonists Name’ was taught that eating human meat is wrong and horrible. But one time, long ago, they tried it… and they liked it.
+3/+5/+7/+8 mood bonus for wearing clothing made out of human skin.
+15 mood bonus after eating meal made with human flesh +20 mood bonus after eating raw human flesh.
Creepy Breathing
‘Colonists Name’ breathes heavily all the time, and sweats constantly. People find it creepy.
25 opinion from other colonists.
‘Colonists Name’ is romantically attracted to people of their own gender.
Will only have romantic relationships with people of same gender.
‘Colonists Name’ needs a really impressive bedroom. They get a mood loss if they don’t get what they want.
-8/-8/-8/-6/-4 mood penalty for not having an impressive bedroom.
Green Thumb
‘Colonists Name’ has a passion for gardening. They get a mood bonus for every plant they sow.
+1 mood bonus from sowing a plant. Stackable up to 20 times.
For ‘Colonists Name’, it’s degrading to have a less impressive bedroom than someone else. ‘Colonists Name’ gets a mood loss if any colonist has a more impressive bedroom.
-8 mood penalty for not having the best bedroom.
‘Colonists Name’ is a nice person. They have a tendency to brighten everyone else’s day and never insult others.
+5 mood bonus for anyone who has been told Kind Words by this colonist.
Will not Slight or Insult others.
For ‘Colonists Name’, there’s something exciting about getting hurt. They don’t know why, they’re just wired differently.
+5 mood bonus for being in a little pain.
+10 mood bonus for being in medium pain.
+15 mood bonus for being in severe pain.
+20 mood bonus for being in shock.
‘Colonists Name’ really dislikes and distrusts men.
-25 opinion of men.
‘Colonists Name’ really dislikes and distrusts woman.
-25 opinion of women.
Night Owl
‘Colonists Name’ likes to work at night. They get a mood bonus if awake at night and mood loss if awake during the day.
-10 mood penalty during day (starts: ~11:00, ends: ~18:00),
+16 mood bonus during night (starts: ~23:00, ends: ~06:00).
‘Colonists Name’ enjoys the feeling of freedom that comes from being nude. They can handle clothing, but will be happier without it.
+20 mood bonus when naked
-3 mood penalty for wearing any clothing (excluding headgear)
‘Colonists Name’ feels limited in their feeble human body. ‘Colonists Name’ often dreams of going bionic.
+14 mood bonus for having a bionic body part
-4 mood penalty for not having a bionic body part
‘Colonists Name’ believes the human body is limited for a reason. To them, bionic body parts are unethical.
-10 mood penalty for having a bionic body part.
‘Colonists Name’ has no empathy. The suffering of others doesn’t bother them at all. They don’t mind if others are butchered, left unburied, imprisoned, or sold to slavery – unless it affects them. ‘Colonists Name’ also feels no mood boost from socializing.
Mood not affected by sight of death, unburied colonists, prisoners sold into slavery, butchering of humans or friendly chats.
‘Colonists Name’ loves fire. They will occasionally start fires and will never extinguish them.
Incapable of firefighting.
Mental state can randomly change to a fire starting spree.
Too Smart
‘Colonists Name’ is too smart for their own good. They learn everything much faster than everyone, but can be quite eccentric.
Global learning speed (Experience gained) +80%
Mental break threshold +12%
‘Colonists Name’ is weak and cowardly. Even a little pain will immobilize him/her.
Pain shock threshold to 15%
Drug Desire Traits
These traits affect a colonist’s likelihood to consume drugs.
Note that they can only go on a drug binge when drugs are present in the map.
Chemical Fascination
‘Colonists Name’ has an intense fascination with chemical sources of enjoyment. He/she will consume much more of them, and is more likely to go on binges.
Will randomly go on hard drug binges, and ignores drug policies.
Chemical Interest
‘Colonists Name’ has an unusual interest in chemical sources of enjoyment. He/she will consume more of them, and is more likely to go on binges.
Will randomly go on social drug binges, and ignores drug policies.
‘Colonists Name’ abhors the idea of gaining pleasure from chemicals, and avoids alcohol and drugs.
Will not go on binges
Industriousness Traits
These traits affect the colonist’s global work speed.
Hard Worker
‘Colonists Name’ is a natural hard worker and will finish tasks faster than most.
Work speed +20%
‘Colonists Name’ has an easy time staying on-task and focused, and gets things done much faster than the average person.
Work speed +35%
‘Colonists Name’ is a little bit lazy.
Work speed -20%
‘Colonists Name’ loves idleness and hates anything productive. He/she moves slowly and rarely stays focused on a task.
Work speed -35%
Speed Traits
These traits affect a colonist’s walk speed.
‘Colonists Name’ always moves with a sense of urgency – so much so that others often fail to keep up.
Movement speed +0.4 c/s
Fast Walker
‘Colonists Name’ likes to be where He/she’s going. He/she walks quicker than most people.
Movement speed +0.2 c/s
‘Colonists Name’ is always falling behind the group whenever He/she goes anywhere.
Movement speed -0.2 c/s
Natural Mood Traits
These traits affect the colonist’s base mood.
‘Colonists Name’ is just naturally upbeat about his/her situation, pretty much all the time, no matter what it is.
Permanent +12 mood bonus
‘Colonists Name’ is naturally optimistic about life. It’s hard to get Him/her down.
Permanent +6 mood bonus
‘Colonists Name’ tends to look on the bad side of life.
Permanent -6 mood penalty
‘Colonists Name’ is perennially unhappy. He/she has trouble sustaining a good mood even when everything is fine.
Permanent -12 mood penalty
Nerves Traits
These traits affect the colonist’s mental break threshold.
‘Colonists Name’ will is an iron shield. He/she keeps going through thick and thin, when others broke down long before.
Mental break threshold -18%
‘Colonists Name’ is mentally tough and won’t break down under stresses that would crack most people.
Mental break threshold -9%
‘Colonists Name’ tends to crack under pressure.
Mental break threshold +8%
‘Colonists Name’ is on a hair-trigger all the time. He/she is the first to break in any tough situation.
Mental break threshold +15%
Neurotic Traits
These traits affect the colonist’s mental break threshold and their global work speed.
‘Colonists Name’ likes to have things squared away. He/she will work harder than most to attain this state of affairs, but his/her nerves can get the better of him/her.
Work speed +20%
Mental break threshold +8%
Very Neurotic
‘Colonists Name’ feels constantly nervous about everything that has to get done. He/she will work extremely hard to attain this state of affairs, but his/her nerves can easily get the better of him/her.
Work speed +40%
Mental break threshold +14%
Shooting Accuracy Traits
These traits affect the colonist’s accuracy in ranged combat, as well as aiming time. Mutually exclusive with brawler.
Careful Shooter
‘Colonists Name’ takes more time to aim when shooting. He/she shoots less often than others, but with more accuracy.
Aiming time +25%
Shooting accuracy +25%
Pew! Pew! Pew! ‘Colonists Name’ just likes pulling the trigger. He/she shoots faster than others, but less accurately.
Aiming time -50%
Shooting accuracy -25%
Beauty Traits
These traits influences a colonist’s appearance and how it affects other colonists’ opinions of them – as well as sexual attractiveness.
‘Colonists Name’ is exceptionally beautiful, with an exotic-yet-familiar facial structure and an arresting gaze. People are attracted to him/her before he/her even opens his/her mouth.
+40 opinion from other colonists
‘Colonists Name’ has a pretty face, which predisposes people to like him/her.
+20 opinion from other colonists
‘Colonists Name’ is somewhat ugly. This subtly repels others during social interactions.
-20 opinion from other colonists
Staggeringly Ugly
‘Colonists Name’ is staggeringly ugly. His/her face looks like a cross between a drawing by an untalented child, a malformed fetus in a jar of formaldehyde, and a piece of modern art. Others must exert conscious effort to look at him/her while conversing.
-40 opinion from other colonists
Psychic Sensitivity Traits
These traits influence how much a colonist is affected by psychic phenomena.
Psychically Hypersensitive
‘Colonists Name’‘s mind is like a psychic tuning fork. He/she is extremely sensitive to psychic phenomena.
Psychic sensitivity +80%
Psychically Sensitive
‘Colonists Name’‘s mind is unusually sensitive to psychic phenomena.
Psychic sensitivity +40%
Psychically Dull
‘Colonists Name’‘s mind is psychically out of tune with others. He/she isn’t as affected by psychic phenomena.
Psychic Sensitivity -50%
Psychically Deaf
‘Colonists Name’‘s mind works on a psychic frequency different from everyone else. He/she just isn’t affected by psychic phenomena.
Psychic sensitivity -100%

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